J anuary 20, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age 6 IS IIIIA IS *1L S I cT ß ^ -langin' with Homegirls: Rap star Queen Latilah joins ner sesame Street Safari Sisters (I to r). Prairie Dawn and Merry Monster, as hey search high and low for the missing letter “O". Latifah's performance with the muppets airs on Sesame Street February 1 on ?BS (Check local TV listings.) 'Proriit- CTW/Michael Benabib 1993 Lilia Jewel Award For Oregon Women Artists Now Accepting Applications & “around the way,” R&B, hip-hop should sound o f Uptow n/M CA songstress M ary J. Blige explodes on her debut album , W hat s the 411 ’, a ten- track show case that Mary describes as “purely self expressive.” "W h at's the 411?” featuring rap artist G rand Puba. W hatever your pleasure, Mary delivers m usic to relax, party, groove or m ake lov e to. T he success o f her first single, “You Rem ind Me, has given M ary a strong foundation. T rack after track, her irrepressible, free-style should smoothly blends together m essages o f love and rom ance w ith a deeper hip-hop vibe. “W hen I sing, I sing from my heart and soul, an d w hen 1 perform , I w ant my audience to know that 1 really believe in w hat 1 m singing, and to leel the soul that I feel. "M ary ’s natural diversity and innovative style m ake her a tren d ­ setter in the m usic w orld H er ability to com bine soulful, classic R&B w ith the raw energy o f hip-hop m akes her a tim eless artist w ho will no doubt bridge m any o f the generation gaps in black music. ^ a r tinnir (Dlrseruer — PRESENTS — A R eel M usic * B lack H istory M o n t h C o ncert — pEATI'RIKt; — The M cKenzie River G athering Foundation (MRG) is now accepting application's for the 1993 L ilia Jewel Award for Oregon W omen A rtists, in the category of music and/or dance T he deadline for applications to be received in M R G ’s Portland office (only) is 5:00 p m. on M arch 15th T he $2,500 award will be m ade by June 1st 1993. M usicians, composers, dancers and choreographers are eligible to apply for the 1993 award. Selection of the aw ard recipient will be by a panel o f w omen artists, who will m ake their decision based on work com pleted by artists w ithin the past three years The annual Lilia Jewel Award is a special project o f the M cKenzie river G athering Foundation, a pro­ gressive community foundation serv­ ing the state o f Oregon MRG recog­ nizes that w om en artists have tradi- 6 HARLES BROWN or Bobby Brow n, the past five tude o f the music and production o f years have been one incredible new his new album called ‘Bobby’. Brown is busy tending to his jo u rn ey . 1 9 8 8 ’s D o n 't Be superstar status. T entative plans Cruel, only his second M CA LP, has sold m ore than 8 m illion copies call for an international tour to worldw ide to date. A nd now. w ith begin in late ’92 or early ’93, an d his nam e an d im age clearly etched Bobby can ’t wait. “I love it! T h ere’s on pop m u sic’s honor roll. Bobby som ething about being in front o f a Brow n prepares Tor w hat he calls crowd that ju st hypes m e up and m akes me w ant to be the center o f “T he N ext Phase.” Hav ing v ocally m atured in the attention.” “I ’m ready to show the years since D o n 't B e Cruel, he w orld w hat Bobby Brow n is m ade sounds better than ever. But star­ of...” Indeed. As Bobby h im self dom h asn ’t dulled Bobby ’s street- w ould say, "Looks like it’s gonna edge, w hich is reflected in the atti­ be another one of those funky ones,” Q tionally been underfunded, an d has established this aw ard to provide sup­ port and recognition to w om en artists o f O regon A rtists w ho have been further m arginalized due to race and/ or sexual orientation are particularly encouragedtoapply Applications may be received by sending a stam ped, self-addressed enveloped to M RG/ Lilia Jewel Award, 3558 S.E. Haw­ thorne, Suite 105, Portland. O R 9 7 2 14. T he Lilia Jewel A w ard is the only grant available to individuals through the M cKenzie River G athering Foun­ dation. and the only specific arts fund­ ing offered M RG ’s m ajor focus is to p ro v id e g r a n ts fo r p ro g re s s iv e , grassroots organizing in the areas of peace, hum an rights and the environ­ ment. For more inform ation about A n inform ational m eeting on vol­ M R G 'S regular g ran tm ak in g p ro ­ unteering to become a tour guide for gram s. contact the Eugene office at the Perform ing A rts C enter will be on 454 W illamette, Eugene. O R 97401. Saturday. January 30th at 10:00am in the N ew T heatre B uilding Lobby. T he tours last approxim ately one hour and are conducted every W ednes­ day at 11:00am and Saturdays every h alf hour betw een 11:00-l :00pm. For m ore inform ation call 274-6552 or 248-4335. Join The Cast And Crew Of The Performing Arts Center As a Tour Guide FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY M O N T H _______ C larence F o u n t a in & F ive B l in d B oys CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 TO ADVERTISE O R RESERVE YO U R SPACE Mayor’s Ball 1993 T he P ortland M usic A ssociation is proud to announce the 9th A nnual M ayor’s Ball, to be held on Friday, April 23rd, 1993 at the M em orial C oliseum . The event w ill feature the best o f P ortland’s live original m usic, and is still the largest collection o f talent under one roof, in one night, an y ­ w here in the w orld. T he 1993 them e and beneficiaries w ill b e announced shortly. P erform ers/groups interested in perform ing should send prom otional m aterials to: T alen t C om m ittee, c/o Portland M usic A ssociation , P.O. Box 6723. Portland, O R 97228. P ack­ ets should include a band bio, current tape, photo, contact person and any other current prom otional m aterials. V olunteer positions are available in all areas. C all the Portland M usic A ssociation at 223-9681 for m ore in ­ form ation. — IF /w — TH AT RHYTHM, THOSE BLUES GEORGE NIREN BERG'S FILM TRIBUTE TO CHARLES & RUTH BROWN Creed Of The Black Press F ebruary 6 th F ox T heater 7 pm The B lack Press believes that Am erica can best lead the w o rld away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless o f race, color or creed, fu ll human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm b e lie f that all are hurt TICKETS >15 50 ADVANCE A T FASTIXX OR FILM Ct.N I ER $17 PAY OF SHOW TICKETS SUR,FC I IO 5FRVICF CHARGF V I M I 5URIECI l’O CHANGE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALI. 221 I Kb — P romcf » Hr — as long as anyone is held back. PORTLAND ART MUSEUM NORTHWEST FILM CENTER PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EXTENDED STUDIES AND DEPARTMENTS OF BLACK STUDIES AND MUSIC pm i IFCC Willamette W efkzts INTERSTATE FIREHOUSE CULTURAL CENTER showman i«»' P O R T LA N D OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears ol the Community' O flic e : (50 3 )2 8 0-0 0 3 3 F a x # : (503)288-0015 1ft 1 9 8 2 -1 9 9 2 5340 N. Interstate Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Celebrating the cultural integrity ot our community through the arts! Featuring theatre, dance gallery & community events MUSIC MILLENNIUM 32ND & E BURNSIDE 231-8926 23RD & NW JOHNSON 248-0163 C a ll 8 2 3 -2 0 0 0 fo r event in fo rm a tio n + L IN D A H O R N B U C K L E W IT H N O doUAY JAN.24eROSELANDZo/« PROD U C E D B Y D O U B L E TEE n «ytofOCI «O A>l M W FASTIXXti U fA ÎL T E A T i " G Î'O »W F N C ÎW X T Ô M A A ’fV » TU LA Y T « IN tC llV W O O O V .E S ’ JC t'N S O N C A ii WAL«t r i ROAO W W 224-TIXX Fred Meyer _ ___ . . . L- .. OAK GROVE U Lt PLAIN Bf AVE ¡MON M- HATCfNt»« I »[•« AArSCTR »u?noAUM v -x I c o e n r M ___r«35A« TICKETS A LS O AT O N E STOP RECORDS