Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 20, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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P age 5
T he N ortheast W orkforce C enter
w ould like to invite you to an o rien ta­
tion about vocational training op p o r­
tunities offered at the PCC Skills C en­
ter. B eginning January 2 0 ,1 9 9 3 , o ri­
entations w ill be held every W ednes­
day from 10:30 a.m . - 1 2 N oon at the
w orkforce Center/S kills center offices
located at 739 N. K illingsw orth, across
from the Bee C om pany.
At the orientations you w ill learn
about training opportunities in the
B usiness C lerical and C onstruction
Trades industries, taught by p ro fes­
sional P C C staff. In C lerical, learn
W ordperfect 5.1; 10-key; filing; b u si­
ness math; typing; and m uch m ore. In
C onstruction T rades, leant hand and
pow er tool use; wall and floor fram ­
ing; blue p rin t reading; rem odeling
experience; C P R /First A id; and much
m ore. Y ou can also get inform ation at
the orientations on the G E D program
as p art o f your vocational training
photo by Veronica Green
#21 Kenoris Blackmon for the Jefferson Democrats fights fora
rebound during a pre-season game. With the season ending with
injury to Erica Mashia. Blackmon a strong low post player will have
to score a lot of points to help her team win this season.
All classes are free. Y ou m ust be
at least 18 years o f age or older.
Space at the orientations is lim ­
ited so you m ust preregister to attend.
T o p re re g is te r co m e to th e N E
W orkforce C enter offices located at
739 N. K illingsw orth or for more
inform ation, contact the W orkforce
C enter at 240-5342.
Benson Boys Still
Unbeaten In PIL
Offers Health
Classes In North
T he G rant G enerals m oved into
T he Benson Techm en are 5-0 second place by m arching over L in ­
liter defeating Jefferson 76-67, and coln 63-43, behind the 12 points o f
rom ping the Roosevelt R oughriders K. J. D aw kins and Brandon D avidson.
$8-66. Earl C lark led four Benson Jessie C oulter put in 17 points in the
ulayers in double figures w ith 23 in G enerals” 85-80 w in over the D emos.
h e T echm cn’s win over the D em os, A gain D enm ark R eid had a very big
while the hum an scoring m achine, night, lighting it up for 35 big points.
T he C leveland W arriors are one
Denmark Reid led the D em os with 29
joints. In their victory over Roosevelt, half gam e out o f second place after
Clark again led the way with 17 points, handing second place R oosevelt a 98-
is Jason Franklin and Jam es U dake 53 loss. L eif S pencer scored 34 points
in that m eeting, and then cam e back to
idded 16 points each.
N ate W illiam s led the Franklin score 27 points in a close 55-54 m atch
Quakers to tw o w ins last week. The w ith the Lincoln C ardinals.
T he M adison Senators had one o f
Quakers handed the M arshall M in­
utemen a 77-51 loss, and upset W ilson the biggest w ins in a long tim e. They
in a 58-51 contest. W illiam s had 24 upset W ilson w ith a 61-58 victory.
points in the Q u akers’ win over the T he Senators were led by Joel G reene’s
M inutem en, and scored 25 against the 19 points. W ilson got 21 points from
Leland Mayes.
PDX Sportsline On Paragon Cable
Hosted by John Phillips
Everything In The World Of Sports On PDX Sportsllnel
the class starts.
M onday
W ednesday
T hursday
8:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
9:30 a m.
11:30 a m
7:30 p.m.
9:30 a m.
4:00 p.m.
30 & 38 (live)
38 (replay)
38 (replay)
30 (replay)
38 (replay)
38 (replay)
38 (replay)
After 28 years of pleasure in serving the good people of
Oregon and Washington, we are no longer able to com­
pete against the forces of big business. We are eternally
grateful to those of you who supported us to the end and
hope you are able to visit us during these final days.
All your friends at B&R
SHOES: Walking, Aerobics, Basketball, Tennis, Dress,
Casual, Cross Training, Basketball, Kids Soccer, Kids
Casual, Running and more
CLOTHING: Warmups by Diadora, Ellesse, Vengo, Fila,
Socks, T-Shirts, Shorts, Etc.
BRANDS: Nike, Avia, Converse, Diadora, Ellesse,
Foot-Joy, Ewing, Etonic, L.A. Gear, Starter, Saucony,
Patrick, Prince, Stacy Adams, Etc.
As part o f pregam e cerem onies
last Thursday night, the Portland Trail
Blazers, retired num ber 77 in honor o f
former Blazer coach Dr. Jack Ram say.
After Ram say ’s thank you speech
and a standing ovation, his nam e and
number suspended from the coliseum
rafters, not only in representation o f
the Hall o f Fam e coach, b ut also o f the
organization at the tim e.
“The num ber 77 represents m ore
than the year we w on the cham pion­
ship,” said R am say. “ It represents the
w hole organization at the tim e.”
Now the color analyst for the
Miami Heat, Jack was clearly em o ­
tional over the honor and co u ld n ’t say
enough about his form er players.
“They were a great bunch o f guy s,”
said Ramsay. “T hey w ere a very easy
team to coach.”
The cerem onies m ight have been
the highlight o f the night if the Heat
hadn’t com eback to put the gam e into
over-tim e.Inthe 104-93 overtim e win,
the Heat ju st hung around until the
Blazers gave them a chance to close
the gap. T erry Porter, w ith five three
pointers and a team high 32 points,
carried the B lazers through another
sub-par shooting night at 37 percent.
Brian Shaw h it a clutch 10-footer
jum per to tie the gam e as the Blazers,
in a poor perform ance, closed out
regulation play w ith 87 points, a sea­
son low. T he good new s w as there was
still five m inutes m ore to play and
N.E. 30th & ALBERTA
photo by Veronica Green
tim e to win a gam e they co u ld n ’t give
T he Blazers cam e alive in over­
tim e hitting six o f eight shots and
scoring 17 points, tw o m ore than the
w hole second quarter, to ice the H eat
for the victory. A lthough the Blazers
outside shooting w as cold, the critical
foul line was hot. As a team the B laz­
ers sank 27-28 (96% ), a season high
percentage, from the foul line.
The Blazers are an N BA best (40-
1) against the four expansion team s,
w ith their sole loss com ing at hom e
against the M innesota Tim berw olves
in 1990.
W ith their starting five back in
place, the Blazers should be able to
beat team s they’re supposed to, like
M iam i and M innesota, and fair well
against the elite team s such as P h o e­
nix and Utah.
T o capture the C ham pionship, as
Coach Ram say and Blazers did back
in 1 9 7 7 ,th ecu rrcn tco ach in g staffh as
to have the present team playing at the
top o f their gam e at the right tim e, the
Benson Girls Head for
Showdown With Wilson
T he Benson Lady T echsters im ­
proved their lot this week w ith easy
w ins over Jefferson 55-30, and 61-32
over Roosevelt. M onica W atts scored
14 points in both gam es to lead the
K aiser P erm anente’s “M anaging
Stress an d A nxiety” p rogram can help
w om en m anage stress w hich accom ­
panies the pressures o f life. T he eight
sessions,for w om en only, w ill be held
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays,
Feb.2 through M arch 23, at K aiser
P erm anente’s N orth Interstate Ser-
viceB uidling, 7 2 0 1 N. Interstate Ave.,
P o rtlan d . C ost is $80 for K aiser
Perm anente members, $140 for the
general public (fee includes textbook).
Please register at least 10 days before
W E Q U IT !
Dr. Jack Honored
Lady Techsters.
Benson, who is 6-0, w ill m eet the
7-0 W ilson T rojans on W ednesday on
T ech s’ hom e court. W ilson also had
easy w ins over M adison 67-30, in a
contest in w hich C lair Cox scored 23
points, and 65-45 over the Franklin
Q uakers, as Cox this tim e contributed
18 to capture the T ro jan s’ scoring
Joe Robertson o f Jefferson High
School has m ade a verbal com m it­
m ent to sign a N ational Letter o f In­
tent for football with A rizona State
U niversity. Robertson is the leading
receiver in the P.I.L. for the last two
years - 77 catches, 1432 yards, 18.6
yds average per catch and 17 touch­
Mayor Katz
To Address
As w e m ove through the 90s,
P ortland’s city governm ent continues
to face critical challenges including
the needed expansion o f the city ’s
econom ic base, budget reductions re­
sulting from passage o f B allot M ea­
sure 5 and increasing public safety
needs in a tim e o f lim ited dollars and
increasing crim e. How the m ayor and
city officials deal with these chal­
lenges w ill effect Portland and the
region for years to come.
Katz delivered her “ State o f the
C ity ” address in her first m ajor pre­
sentation as m ayor to the business
com m unity since her election in N o­
vem ber 1992. A question and answ er
period follow ed her presentation.
January Is
Native American
Month At WOSC
W estern O regon State College is
celebrating N ative A m erican History
M onth d u rin g January w ith various
exhibits, lectures, movies an d perfor­
m ance about N ative A m erican heri­
O scar G alindo, director o f M i­
nority Student Affairs, sa y sth isy c a r’s
celebration has special significance.
“ It is especially im portant to celebrant
native A m erican heritage this year as
O regon also celebrates the 150th an ­
niversary o f the O regon T ra il,” he
said. “Long before there was a thing
called the O regon T rail, the Native
A m erican people w ere here.”
G rant also won two gam es last
week. In the first gam e, the G enerals
PIL Basketball
AS Of 1-18-93
G rant
F ranklin
W ilson
M adison
M arshall
W ilson
G rant
M arshall
M adison
' 4
Diversity In King
Student reflections on the lives o f
H arriet T ubm an, S o journer T ruth,
M alcolm X, Rosa Parks and others
was the highlight o f a com m cm ora
live assem bly honoring Dr. M artin
L uther K ing, Jr. F rid ay , January 15th
in the g y m n asiu m at P o rtsm o u th
M iddle School, 5103 N. W illis Blvd.
S haron M itchell o f K G W -TV
(C hannel 8) served as m istress o f c e r­
em onies at the event, w hich also fea­
tured a keynote address by H erm an
W ashington, Portland School D istrict
cu rricu lu m a d m in istra to r. P e rfo r­
m ances by P o rtsm outh’s show band,
stage band, chorus and Portland sin g ­
ers Shirley N anette and T racy C lay-
H arris w ere enjoyed.
• •
barely beat Lincoln 45-43; and in
another gam e that w ent into overtime,
G rant handed the Jefferson D em o­
crats a 55-51 loss. K aren Standley
scored 12 points in the G enerals’ win
over the Lincoln Cardinals, and Ashley
H a rt h a d 15 a g a in s t Je ffe rso n .
Stephanie Lincoln led the Demos w ith
18 points.
In the F ranklin w in over M arshall
48-31, the Q uakers’ Jenny K needler
scored 14, w hile Judy W agner led the
Roosevelt Roughriders over the Cleve -
land W arriors 38-30, w ith 13 points.
M arsh all’s M inutem en won its first
PIL this season w ith a 31 -30 w in over
the M adison Senators. G ina Laroque
had 10 points for M arshall
Results From 1-13-93
Benson 76, Jefferson 67
G rant 63, Lincoln 43
F ranklin 77, M arshall 51
Cleveland 98, Roosevelt 53
M adison 61, W ilson 58
Results From 1-13-93 (Girls)
Benson 55, Jefferson 30
G rant 45, Lincoln 43
F ranklin 48. M arshall 31
Roosevelt 38, Cleveland 30
W ilson 67, M adison 30
Results From 1-15-93
Benson 88, Roosevelt 66
G rant 85, Jefferson 80
Cleveland 55, Lincoln 54
F ranklin 58, W ilson 51
M adison 75, M arshall 56
Results From 1-15-93 (Girls)
Benson 61. Roosevelt 32
G rant 55, Jefferson 51 O T
Cleveland 56, Lincoln 35
W ilson 65, Franklin 45
M arshall 31, M adison 30
Games 1-20-93
(Boys & Girls)
W ilson At Benson
Lincoln At Franklin
Cleveland A t G rant
M arshall At Jefferson
M adison At Roosevelt
All Girls Games Start AT
5:45 P.M. And Boys Games
At 7:30 P.M.
Games 1-22-93
(Boys & Girls)
W ilson At C leveland
Benson AT G rant
Franklin At Jefferson
M adison AT Lincoln
M arshall AT Roosevelt
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