January 1 3 , 1993...The Portland Observer...Page 9 Loan Consolidation Can Make A Difference For Many Student Loan Borrowers Student loan borrowers who are entering repaym ent in January and are concerned about their student loan debts m ay fin d a belated h o lid a y g ift in the Federal loan C o n solidation Program. The Federal Loan C onsolidation Program is designed to help borrowers w ho have a num ber o f student loans b y a llo w in g them to com bine th e ir loans in to one. A n d , effe ctive Jan. 1,1993, the program o ffe rs borrowers more ben­ solidate their loans i f they meet the m in im u m debt am ount and both agree to be held lia b le fo r the com bined loan. • In c o m e -s e n s itiv e re p a y m e n t terms are available w h ic h tie m o n th ly paym ent am ounts to a borrower* s earn­ ings. • B orrow ers w h o have defaulted on th e ir student loans may consolidate i f they make satisfactory repaym ent arrangements w ith the holder o f the efits. “ F o r m any borrow ers, consolida­ tio n can mean the d ifference between fin a n cia l hard ship and a manageable debt,” explained Phoebe H ollenbeck, vice president o f the N orthw est Educa­ tio n Loan association (N E L A ), a guar­ anty agency that adm inisters the stu­ loans. “ W h ile Loan C o n solidation o ffe rs m any benefits, there also are certain draw backs w h ic h borrow ers need to consider,” H ollenbeck cautioned. F o r exam ple, interest costs are higher fo r co n so lid a tio n loans. The m in im u m interest rate is 9 percent w h ich m ay be h ig h er than the rate on the b o rro w e r’ s e xistin g student loans. dent loan program s in the N orthw est. Loan C onsolidation allow s b o rro w ­ ers w ith student loans to ta llin g $7,500 o r m ore to com bine these loans in to a single debt, m aking loan repaym ent more manageable. B y co m b in in g sev­ eral student loans, borrow ers then make o n ly one m o n th ly paym ent to on ly one lender. Loan C onsolidation can also reduce the am ount o f a b o rro w e r’ s m o n th ly payments by extending the repaym ent period fo r as long as 30 years, depending on the size o f the debt. E ffe c tiv e J a n .l, 1993, Loan C o n ­ so lid a tio n borrow ers also receive the fo llo w in g benefits: • Interest w ill be paid on consolida­ tion Loans b y the federal governm ent du rin g periods when borrow ers q u a lity to defer th e ir loan payments. • M a rrie d couples can jo in tly con- AAA Oregon Promotes Bicycle Safety The A u to m o b ile C lu b o f Oregon invites K -6 Oregon students to p a rtic i­ pate in the 2nd A n n u a l Safety Poster Contest. T h is year’ s contest prom otes b i­ cycle safety . I n i 990, there were 21,580 deaths and in ju rie s in the U.S. to b ic y ­ clists between the ages o f 1-14. The statewide contest includes three categories, K -2 , 3-4, and 5-6. A ll en­ trants w ill receive a A A A O regon W a tcrb o ttle . Each category w ill have its ow n 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes. First place finishers w ill receive a M o u n ­ tain B ike , second place prizes include R ollerblades, and th ird place finishers w ill receive a B ic y c le H elm et. Teachers o f the firs t place finishers w ill receive a $ 150 g ift c e rtifica te to an A A A O regon A pproved A ccom m oda­ tion. T he o ve ra ll size o f any poster m ust either be 18" x 2 4 ” o r 22" x 28". A ll posters must be illu stra te d on the h o ri­ zontal axis o n ly and m ust be packaged fla t fo r shipping, not ro lle d o r in tubes. E ntries m ust be postmarked no later than A p ril 2, 1993. A A A Oregon encourages Oregon schools to participate in o u r poster co n ­ te s t. I f y o u w o u ld lik e m o re inform ation,please ca ll Scott T h o m p ­ son at (503) 222-6747 o r 1-800-452- 1643 outside the P ortland m etropolitan a r e a . ____________ PORTLAND OBSERVER ’ I7ie Eyes an d Ears o l Ihe C o m m u n tY ' O ff ic e : (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax#: (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 In a d d itio n , an extended repaym ent period also means the b o rro w e r pays m ore in interest costs. F or m ore in fo rm a tio n about the Federal Loa n C o nsolidation Program , contact N E L A ’ s to ll-fre e loan repay­ ment hodine at 1-800-356-6924. N E L A s ta ff mem bers can e xp la in the Loan C onsolidation Program and advise b o r­ row ers on the pros and cons o f c o n s o li­ dating based on in d iv id u a l c irc u m ­ stances. N E L A is a p riv a te , n o n -p ro fit agency w h ic h guarantees student loans against d e fa u lt and provides in fo rm a ­ tio n to borrow ers on a ll aspects o f the CI m m s Just For Homeowners The Portland H ousing C enter is o ffe rin g a series o f free classes to help hom eowners m aintain, a ffo rd , and in ­ crease the liv a b ility o f th e ir home and neighborhood. T o d a y, January 13th, a class on home m aintenance scheduling w ill be held fro m 6 :30 to 8:30 pm at Portland C o m m u n ity C o lle g e ’ s Cascade C am ­ pus at 705 N . K illin g s w o rth , T e rre ll H a ll, R oom #218. Fred M erchant o f the P o rtla n d D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m issio n w ill in s tru c t hom eowners on m ainte­ nance issues, in clu d in g how to id e n tify and plan fo r repair problem s, and when to hire a professional. A C reative Landscaping class w ill begin today also, and w ill meet fo u r Wednesdays fro m 6:30 to 8:30 pm at G rant H ig h School, 2245 N E 36th, in R oom #137. T aught by Doe R isko, a Landscape D esign A rtis t, this class w ill explore alternatives to tra d itio n a l lawns and shrubbery w ith w ater conservation and lo w m aintenance in m ind. V a rio u s classes w ill be offered this W in te r. These classes can be found in the PCC W in te r catalog in the C o m m u ­ n ity Education section. R egistration w ill be taken at the door. C a ll Portland H ousing Center fo r ad d ition a l class in ­ fo rm a tio n , 282-7733. The Portland H ousing Center is a private, n o n -p ro fit program that p ro ­ vides inform ation,education , and coun­ s e lin g fo r hom e b u y e rs and hom eowners. A program o f E cum eni­ cal M in is trie s o f O regon, the Portland H ousing C enter is supported by a part­ nership o f private and p u b lic funds. Federal F a m ily E ducation Loan P ro ­ gram , fo rm e rly called the Guaranteed Blood Donor Does The Right Thing... And Finds Out He’s One In A Million C harles, “ C h u ck,” Green, C entral O ffice Technician at U.S. W est C om m u­ nications, doesn't th in k he’ s special. In fact, he describes h im se lf as a “ quiet kin d o f person.” A nd, even though he’ s given blood 38 tim es at A m erican Red Cross in Portland, he’ s never w orn one o f the “ Be nice to me. I gave blood today" stickers. He doesn' t w ant a pat on the back, he ju st feels good about doing the rig h t thing. The 46-year-old Portland resident began do in g the rig h t thing by donating blood when he was in the arm y. In 1986, Portland’s Red C e ll Reference Labora­ tory discovered through mass random screening that Green has U-negative blood, a rare blood type found in o n ly one in 5,000 A fric a n A m ericans. It is non­ existent in the w hite population. F o rtu ­ nately fo r a 13-year-old sickle ce ll ane­ m ia patient liv in g in the P acific N o rth ­ west, ten frozen pints o f G reen’ s blood helped her make it through m u ltip le sickle ce ll crises. T o understand w hy Green is so spe­ cial, it helps to know w hy certain blood types are rarer than others. B lood con­ tains red cells and on the surface o f those cells are protein substances called “ a n ti­ gens.” Red cells carry ipany d iffe re n t antigens. A n d , whether you have a cer­ tain blood type depends on whether or not your red cells have a p a rticular a n ti­ gen. T h is is in a d d ition to the A B O antigens and Rh factor. There are more than 600 antigens know n today and more are discovered each year. Less fa m ilia r antigens, o r antigens that m ost o f us carry on o u r red cells but that a few people’ s red cells lack, lik e G reen’ s U - negati ve, make him a rare donor. B lood is “ ra re " i f o n ly one person in 1,000 or m ore lacks the same antigen o r c o m b i­ nation o f antigens. The rarer a person ’ s blood type, the more d iffic u lt the c ir ­ cumstances i f that person suddenly needs m atching rare blood fo r a trans­ fusion. Green and other rare donors are listed on the Red Cross Rare D o n o r R egistry, a listin g o f thousands o f rare donors throughout the U.S., w ho can be contacted i f their blood is needed. It also contains a com puterized in ve n ­ tory o f all the frozen rare blood being stored at Red Cross regional blood centers. In 1993, Red Cross celebrates the R e g istry’ s 25th A nniversary. Green w ill celebrate his special status as a rare donor by g ivin g blood at the F ifth A nnual M a rtin L u th e r K in g Jr. M e m o ria l B lood D riv e , on F riday, January 15,1993, at Im m aculate Heart Catholic Church, M ulti-Purpose R oom , 2926 N W illia m s A ve ., Portland. The d rive is fro m 3 to 7 p.m. A cco rd in g to V o lu n te e r B lo o d D riv e C hairm an, Charles Stoudam ire, Green and other “ non-rare” A fric a n A m erican donors are in hot demand. “ The local Red Cross has a w hole blood donor file o f m ore than 290,000 people: Less than one percent is made up o f A fric a n Am ericans. It is our hope that by encouraging A fric a n A m e ri­ cans to give blood, more rare donors, like C huck, w ill be discovered. M ore A fric a n A m erican patients w ill benefit by these discoveries.” S toudam ire said A fric a n A m e ri­ cans m ake a special c o n trib u tio n to the black co m m u n ity because some have d iffe re n t com binations o f blood types than people o f oth e r races. “ T w e n ty percent o f a ll blacks ha > e Type B blood com pared to 11 percen, o f w hites. A lm o s t tw ice as many blacks need T ype B b lo o d i f they are trans­ fused. People w ith sickle c e ll anemia, lik e the p a tie n t re ly in g on C h u ck, are often treated w ith transfusions. They w ill need 20 percent o f th e ir blood fro m type B donors. Shortages o f A f r i­ can A m e rica n donors can result in shortages o f T ype B b lo o d .” Stoudamire hopes that through Red C ross’ e ffo rts, starting w ith the K in g B lo o d D riv e , A fric a n A m e rica n do­ nors w ill g ro w to m atch the percentage o f the p o p u la tio n in the lo ca l area. B lo o d donors m ust be at least 17 years o ld , w eigh at least 105 pounds and be in good health. A ll donors w ho give b lo o d a t the K in g M e m o ria l B lood D rive w ill be screened to see i f they are the same rare and special type as Chuck Green. D onors can c a ll 284-0011, ext. 292, to schedule a d o nation appoint­ ment. Green w ill keep d o ing the rig h t th in g ...in a d d itio n to g iv in g blo o d in K in g ’ s honor, he’ l l be re c ru itin g A f r i­ can A m ericans to do the same. “ I g ive blood because there is a need. I try to do m y little b it.” Student Loan Program . The Portland Observer encourages our readers to write letters to the editor in response to any articles we publish. At Risk Teenage Girls Need “Big Sisters” V olunteers o f A m e ric a ’ s K le tz e r H a ll is seeking w om en to sign up now as volunteers fo r th e ir B ig sister P ro ­ gram. The volunteers w ill spend ap­ p ro x im a te ly 10 hours per m onth be­ com ing role models and caring friends fo r a t-risk teenage g irls. K le tz e r H a ll w ill host a B ig Sister volunteer tra in in g January 1 9 ,2 2 , and 26 fro m 6 :00 p.m . - 8:30 p.m . Those interested in vo lunteering as a B ig S is­ ters need to attend a ll three meetings. T o register please ca ll 234-9211. K le tz e r H a ll provides short-term shelter fo r adolescent g irls w ho come fro m unstable hom e e n viro n m e n ts. V olunteers o f A m e rica is a nationw ide s o c ia l s e rv ic e o r g a n iz a tio n w it h branches in o ver 200 com m unities. As w e ll as K le tze r H a ll, V olunteers o f Martin Luther King, Jr Never pay rent again. A m e rica O regon, Inc. serves the c o m ­ m u n ity through c h ild care, fa m ily pres­ e rvation program s, a shelter fo r hom e­ less w om en w ith c h ild re n , a senior cen­ ter, senior health c lin ic , a d u lt day care program , residential substance abuse fa c ilitie s fo r ad u lt felons, and a C h ris t­ mas Assistance Program . FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY M ONTH * !o o o o o o o o o t ooo oooo«* aooa CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 TO ADVERTISE OR RESERVE YOUR SPACE 1RS Assistance Hours Announced The Internal Revenue Service has announced ad d ition a l hours o f taxpayer assistance fo r O regonians filin g federal incom e tax returns. Telephone tax as­ sistance w ill be a vailable state-wide M o nday fro m 7:00am u n til 5:30pm and Tuesday through F rid a y from 7:00am u n til 4:30pm , except fo r federal h o li­ days. In a d d ition telephone assistance w ill be available fo u r Saturdays du rin g the filin g season. The Saturday service w ill be provided January 30, February 6, A p ril 3, and A p ril 10 fro m 10:00am u n til 2:00pm . T o o b ta in telephone assistance, taxpayers c a llin g fro m the Portland m e tro p o litan area m ay c a ll 221-3960. Those c a llin g fro m other areas in O r­ egon can ca ll to ll-fre e l-8 0 0 -T A X (8 2 9 )- 1040. F ilin g season brings a high de­ mand fo r telephone assistance and c a ll­ ers m ay be met by a busy signal w hen they try to c a ll in. G enerally, demand is s lig h tly less in the early m orning hours and late in the week, so callers m ay w ish to try c a llin g at those times. A ll phone calls are subject to m o n i­ to rin g by supervisors and q u a lity re­ vie w personnel to ensure courteous and accurate assistance. In d iv id u a ls w ho are deaf o r hear­ ing im paired and w h o have access to a T D D m ay contact the P ortland o ffic e by g o ing through Oregon T elecom m unications R elay Ser­ vice (O T R S ) at 1 -800-735-2900 T D D / voice and using the IRS telephone n um ­ ber o f 503-326-3168. A cle rk w ill take the name and phone num ber o f the taxpayer and an IRS tax assistor w ill return the c a ll to the taxpayer via T D D . In a d d itio n to telephone service, w a lk -in service is available at fiv e lo ­ cations in Oregon, although during peak periods there may be long lines fo r assistance. The P< rtla n d o ffic e loca­ tio n is: Federal B ldg., 1220S.W . 3rd A ve., W h y rent when you can own? Imagine that. No more rent checks. No more putting hard earned cash in someone elses' pocket What's your alternative? Buy a HUD Home. Often for as little as your "first-and-last-month’s- rent,” you could have the down payment for a H U D Home. Just add normal closing costs and fees, and you're ready to move into your own home. Ask a real estate professional to tell you more about HUD Homes, and show you HUD listings. For a free brochure filled with helpful advice on ~__ choosing, buying, and enjoying a home, call 1-800-767-4HUD. . South L o b b y (B o th federal and state tax assistance is available at th is loca­ tio n ) The o ffic e is open M onday through Friday fro m 8:00am u n til 4:30pm . IRS employees are notexpected to prepare taxpayers’ returns, nor do they prepare com plex business schedules o r assist w ith bookkeeping and account­ ing functions. IRS n o rm a lly advises in d iv id u a ls needing that type o f help to seek assista n ce fro m preparers. p riv a te ta x HUD Homes. The Smart Move Hitt O