Page 8...The Portland Observer.. January 13, 1993 "Muslims In America Overcoming The Myths And El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) A Model Of Human Development.” “ By (the Token o f Time (through the Ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join Together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and o f Patience and Constancy.” sura 103, Holy Quran This was the attitude shared by all in attendance Sunday night at the ban­ quet sponsored by the Muslim Com m u­ nity Center of Portland and the Islamic Forum, Northwest entitled, “ Muslims In America Overcoming the M yths and El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) A Model of Human D evelopm ent," It was a night of trust and bridge building, and “blessed is he who is trusted,” stated Imam Mikal Shabazz, resident Imam o f the Muslim Community Center o f Port­ land. Imam Shabazz thanked the crowd o f about 250 Christians and muslims for coming to the deliciously prepared din­ ner and even more tasty dessert that was about to be served by the many eloquent speakers. The M asterof Ceremony was Omar Shabazz who kept the crowd stirred up in betw een speakers. T here w as a Quoranic reading in Arabic and English by Bro. Husain Houdrige and Sis. Marie Dawan. Sisters Rasheeda Shabazz and A m inah Shabazz ta lk e d ab o u t the w om an’s role in Islam and Dr. Betty S h ab azz, w idow ed w ife o f M alik Shabazz (Malcolm X), respectively. Dr. Safia Baggis of the islamic Society of G reater Portland, and representatives from Islamic Forum Northwest and the Islamic T rust of O regon talked about their organizations and unity among muslims. Ahmad Pulliam of the rap group 20/20 gave the crowd a sample o f one o f the songs off the newly released album, “The W orld According to 20/ 20.” The special guest speaker was Imam Faheem Shuaibe, director o f the Sister Clara M uhammad School and resident Imam at M osjidul W aritheen in O ak­ land, California and author o f many books, more recendy The Peculiar Needs O f African-American Muslims Volume II. Imam Shuaibe gave a detailed his­ tory o f the Nation o f Islam, while ex­ plaining their hypnotic like influence on the African-American. The false doc­ trine o f the Nation of Islam (NOI), S h u a ib e s ta te d , w as in a se n se “Christianity painted black,” it w as some­ thing familiar to the African-American and something he could call his own. Shuaibe explained that the African- American is a case that has never been duplicated in the annals o f mankind. No race o f people had”...ever Ibeen] so com pletely undone to their essence. Completely reduced to nothing but soul and blood, and that is what we call each other... .. .W hat’s up soul, w hat’s up blood.” With lively quips and antidotes Shuaibe explained that the African-American was a “riddle” that everybody had an answ er for. A frican-Americans have been try­ ing to put themselves together for the last 400 years through the efforts o f OLCC vs Gabi’s BY DEREK RASHEED On Thursday, January 7, at 9:00 am OLCC and G abi’s squared o ff for their last round of punches from a battle that has been going since May 1991 until October 1992. One hundred or more supporters ca/ne out to support Cordell and Etta Blockson G abi’s own­ ers. As the exam iner for OLCC called the hearing to order. The attorney’s for both sides gave their closing statement. Cordell Blockson and his attorney W il­ liam B. Crow looked very calm and Confident as M r Crow very Convinc­ ingly presented his defense against al­ leged allegation from OLCC against G abi's owner Cordell Blockson. O n eo f the many strong points that C ordell’s attorney M r Crow presented was video tapes o f inconsistent and incompetent testimony given by OLCC official Mr Reed, Ms Hanson and Portland Police detective Dick from a hearing given in late 1992. In closing from M r Crow he stressed that OLCC has no crim inal evidence that Cordell did any thing wrong Mr. Chow further went on to say that in a three year under cover investi­ gation by Portland Police Dept for alle­ gation of drug deals and a secret owner other than the Blockson’s found no evidence or made no arrest. Mr Crow concluded that the commission has acted in a arbitrary and deceitful m anner that prejudice has been used against G abi’s ow ner’s and their civil rights valuated. Mr. Crow says that G abi’s is owner of only two minority businesses in the state o f Oregon that have class A liquor licenses and that G abi’s license should be renew ed Armonica Gilford attorney for OLCC content in her closing state­ ment that the commission has been consistent and accurate in allegation and that the commission has done ev­ erything that it possibly could to assist G abi’s in complying with regulation of OLCC. OLCCattorney saidthat Cordell has not complied with the plan set forth at that continual problems have con­ tinually assisted and that G abi’s license should not be renewed The OLCC exam iner David L Slanskv has been tasked with taking all evidence and information and coming up with a deci­ sion on whether or not the Blockson’s will be allowed to keep their class A liquor license M r Slansky said it w ill take about two months before he will come up with a decision great leaders like Frederick Douglas, Martin Delaney, Nat Turner, W.E.B DuBois, David W alker, Martin King Jr. and others, but no other leader appealed to or stated so eloquendy the feelings o f die masses of African-Americans like Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X). Shuaibe outlined that in the sixties when the media was showing daily pic­ tures of churches being blown up, police beatings, women being washed down the gutter widi firehoses and Martin Luther K ing’s movement following the path o f nonviolent resistant, when “M al­ colm spoke up and said, "you’re singing and you should be sw inging’ that made sense to a lot o f people.” While Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X), with the ideas o f Elijah Muhammad, gave African-Ameri­ cans a sense o f self that they never had, “he didn 't ha ve the truth,” stated Sh uaibe. “ M a lc o lm ,” co m m en ted Im am Shuaibe, is a role model, but he “is not the exam ple for Muslims around the world, “ ...the Prophet Muhammad [Ibn Abdullah] (SAW ) is the example [for muslims].” Shuaibe also stated that there is a ‘deliberate effort' in the media, “not to allow the [public] to get a distinct view o f what is and what is not a muslim, and that it is necessary to confound and confuse the public in America to “ main­ tain the status Q uo.” “ Malcolm had a moral conscious and that is what many people tend to overlook, it brought him into the NOI and it drove him out.” Furthermore, says Shuaibe, “ the X [of NOI] represents, myth, mysticism, and the notconfuse Mr. Farrakhan and the people that follow that ideology with me, [Imam Shabazz] or any other muslim in the world. There are 1.2 billion muslims in the world and they reject all the myths, mystery and madness that is in those ideas.” Imam Shuaibe congratulated the Muslim Community o f Portland on their great work. Shuaibe also stated that the Muslim Community o f Portland was a model community for their cooperative work with other communities, both non- muslim and muslim. The banquet was put together in roughly 30 days in prepa­ ration to answer the many questions about Islam the Spike L ee’s movie M al­ colm X would cause. It showed what could be done with G od’s help and the support of the surrounding com m uni­ ties, Christian and muslim. “ ...W e don’t have to agree on everything as long as we agree not to be disagreeable on the things that we disagree on” echoed Imam Shabazz. Community Meetings To Focus On High Capacity Transit Eleven community meetings are scheduled between Jan. 13 and Feb. 10 throughout the m etropolitan Portland/ Vancouver region to discuss M etro’s North/South Transit Corridor Study. The study will determine which corridors(s) in the metropolitan area will be the next priority for the develop­ ment of high capacity transit improve­ ments following the Westside/Hillsboro projects. Examples o f high capacity transit include light rail and bus-only lanes. The hour-long meetings, which run from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., are sponsored by Metro and the local jurisdictions, and are intended to be informational. Each m eeting will include a slide show presentation outlining the study and the Federal Transit Administration plan­ ning process; and a study update and timeline. T he m eetings are intended to present information and provide citi­ zens w ithagreater understanding of the study process. It is also an opportunity to learn how to become part of the decision-making process. Questions are welcome. Alton Johnson Named Walnut Park Liquor Agent The Oregon Liquor Control C om ­ mission recently appointed Alton John­ son as the new operator o f the W alnut Park liquor store, located at 903 N. Killingsworth, Portland. Johnson will succeed Ron Taylor, who has resigned as liquor store opera­ tor. The appointment of Johnson, who currently works at the Parkrose liquor store, is effective Feb. 1,1993. PORTLAND OBSERVER *Pie Eyes and Ears ol ¡he Community' Office: (503)288-0033 Fax#: (503)288-0015 Civil Rights Activist Shirley Chisholm To Speak At Lewis & Clark Shirley C hisholm , form er New York congresswoman and fighter for racial equality , will speak on “unity Through Diversity” at 7:30 p.m., Thurs­ day, Jan. 21, in Agpes Fanagan Chapel, Lewis & Clark College, 0615 SW Pala­ tine Hill Road, The free public lecture honors Martin Luther King Jr. Chisholm became the first black woman to be elected to Congress in 1968. She earned praise for her efforts on behalf o f black colleges, com pensa­ tory education, American Indians, H ai­ tian refugees, migrant farm workers, the poor, and minimum wage for do­ mestics. Chisholm made history in 1972 by campaigning for the Democratic Party nomination for president - the first black woman to seek the nation’s highest office. Chisholm is the author of two books: Unbought and Unbossed, her autobiography, and The Good fight, the story o f her 1972 id for the presidency. She is the co-founder o f the N a­ tional Political C ongress o f B lack W omen and served as its chair from its founding in 1984 until June 1992. Chisholm graduated cum laude from Brooklyn College. She received her m aster’s degree and a professional diploma in education al supervision from Colum bia University. She has re­ ceived honorary degrees from 31 insti­ tutions. Chisholm visit is sponsored by Lewis & C lark’s O ffice o f Ethnic Stu­ dent Services and the Northwestern School of Law. This event is part o f a week-long celebration o f Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. MASTER OK ARTS TEACHING The 1 l-month Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree offered by George Fox College is a fifth-year program leading tc elementary or secondary teacher certification. The 1993-94 academic schedule for the M.A.T. program w ill be June 14.1993 - April 30. 1994. George Fox College, founded in 1891. is a Christian liberal arts college accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges and recognized as one of America's Best Colleges" by U.S. News and World Report magazine - (September 28. 1992). For an application for admission and an informational brochure concerning the program, please call: 1/800/765-4369 I'aith and Learning since HM I N e w b e rg . O re g o n 0 7 13 2 I DC PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CO M M ISSIO N MEETING Date: January 20,1993 Place: P ortland B uilding 1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11 th Floor P ortland, O regon Time: 9:30 a.m . C om m ission m eetings a re open to the public. A com plete ag en d a is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. C itizens with disabilities m ay call 823-3232 o r TDD 823-6868 for assistance at least 48 h o u rs in advance. PDC is the City of P o rtlan d 's urban renewed, h ousing a n d econom ic d evelopm ent agency. Free Health Screenings For Seniors (Age 55+) Offered At Neighborhood Sites February 5 , 1993 Fook Lok Loaves and Fishes, 4937 SE Woodstock, 9 a m. to noon. Please call 771 -7977 to sched­ ule appointment. February 12, 1993 Peninsula Se­ nior Center, 7508 N. Hereford, 9 a.m. to noon. Please 289-8208 to schedule ap­ pointment. February 19. 1993 Clay Tower, 1430 SW 12th, 9 am. to noon Please call 222-7467 to schedule appointment. February 26,1993 Mittleman Jew­ ish Community Center, 6651 SW Capi­ tol Hwy. 9 a.m. to noon. Please call 244- 0111 to schedule appointment. Among the service at the screen­ ings are blood chemistry tests which includecholestcrol, glucose, andam enia measurem ents, blood pressure, lung function and hearing testing Vision and glaucoma assessments, nutritional counseling and foot care evaluation are also usually offered, appointm ents are necessary and may be made by calling the screening site. There is no charge for the screenings which are funded by Legacy Health System hospitals and healthcare organizations. NAACP Presents ACT-SO Competition The Afro-Academic Cultural Tech­ nological Scientific O lym pics (i.e. ACT-SO) is a major project of the National A ssociation for the Advance­ ment o f Colored People (NAACP). P o rtla n d ’s local “ O lym pics o f the M ind”, which begins in January and ends in June of 1993, will be conducted by the Portland Branch of the NAACP, assum ing adequate funding, local w in­ ners will be represented at the N A A CP’s 1993 National Convention. During the convention the N ational A CT-SO , Olympics o f the Mind Com petitions will be conducted. Presentation of the 1992 Distinguished Alumnus Award Edward J. Perkins ’54. United States Ambassador to the United Nations Introduced by Professor Donald G? Balm er The Honorable Edward J. Perkins currently serves as this nation’s 20th ambassador to the United Nations. Ap­ pointed by President Bush in February, Ambassador Perkins is a career diplo­ mat who has served in the Foreign Service since the early 1970s. Throughout his distinguished ca­ reer with the Department o f State, he has served in m ultiple roles around the world and is widely regarded as an expert in personnel issues and African affairs. In 1985, former Secretary of State George Schultz sent him to head the embassy in Liberia and then tapped h im in 1986 to be the first black ambassador to South A frica.aposition he filled until 1989. W hile in Pretoria, he played a piv­ otal role in stim ulating discussions among political and racial factions, ini­ tiating trade expositions to bring to­ gether white and black business people, and opening an art exhibit o f works by black South Africans in Johannesburg. He also made his position clear on racial injustice by attending trials and funerals for political activists. Secretary o f State James Baker III appointed him Director General and Director o f Personnel for the Foreign Service in 1989, and Ambassador Perkins again fought discrimination, this time within the Foreign Service. He initiated changes to address testing and hiring procedures that were biased against women and minorities. He traveled fre­ quently to visit numerous embassies and the 25,000 employees who staff them. Ambassador Perkins seeks ways to improve world trade, education, and peace-keeping during a period o f great change and promise. His keynote ad­ dress is entitled “The United States As A Global Citizen.” Public Notice Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Sales and Promotional Items excluded. Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday