Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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January 1 3 ,1993...The Portland Observer...Page 7
S tu d io 1 4 H a ir D e s ig n
Mr. Tuna Brown, President
for m en & women
Natural Flair
fo r Hair
T exas II
1710 N.E. Alberta
Portland, Oregon 97212
P o r t la n d . O R 9 7 2 1 1
5 0 3 /2 8 8 9 8 4 9
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7509 N.E. M.L. King Jr. Blvd.
Ask about our specials
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Valerie Currie
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Going to College?
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To Advertise Call
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D irector o f In School Scouting
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mon.-Sat. 11am - 10pm
County Chair
Gladys McCoy
Begins Radiation
Treatm ent
In tro d u c in g F re e C h e c k s
fo r L ife.
M ich ael sensibly
su g g ests th a t w e
do n ’t p u t a lim it o n
o u r generosity.
R ecently, w e ’ve b ee n d o in g a lot o f b ig th in g s to b u ild a b e tte r ban k . T h in g s like
e x te n d in g o u r h o u rs, so w e c a n b e o p e n o n S atu rd ay s. B ut so m e tim e s it’s the
little th in g s that coun t. M ich ael fro m S a le m in fo rm s u s th at h e ’s tired o t his o ld
b a n k nickel & d im in g h im w ith little fees a n d ch a rg e s e v e ry w h e re he looks.
S Z C T L J I < I 2 A V S
< > - 1
F o r M ich ael an d e v e ry o n e else w h o w a n ts o n e less th in g to w o rry ab o u t,
in tro d u cin g F ree C h e c k s fo r L ife. C o m e o n d o w n to a n y o t th e 85 B an k ot
A m e ric a b ra n c h e s in O re g o n th is S atu rd ay (Jan. 16) a n d sig n u p fo r a n e w
p erso n al c h e c k in g acco u n t. T h e n fo r as lo n g as y o u k e e p y o u r a c co u n t, y o u ’ll
get all y o u r c h e c k s fo r free. It’s as sim p le as that. S to p b y a n d see h o w w e re
T h e r e ’s a B o f A b ra n c h not to o ta r fro m w h e re v e r
y o u a re . C a ll 1 -8 0 0 - 7 5 6 -2 2 2 2 fo r d ire c tio n s .
B a n k i n g O n A m e r ic a
b u ild in g a b etter ban k .
G) Bank of America
e al P rovid en ce & R o se V illa branches. Bank o f A m erica O regon . M em b er F D IC .“ TJSÏ
O nFriday, January 8,1993,County
Chair Gladys McCoy began radiation
treatment or a reoccurrence o f a tumor
in her neck.
McCoy had undergone surgery in
early November o f 1992, in which doc­
tors removed a m alignant growth and
McCoy's thyroid. It was assumed at that
time, that no additional treatment for
cancer would be needed other than rou­
tine check-ups for the next two years.
Chair McCoy is expected to un­
dergo six weeks o f radiation treatment
and will be at work as she is able.
Please direct all inquires regarding
the County Chair’s health to her office.
For additional information contact Teri
Duffy. Public Information Officer at
•lude this im portant m essage: “ Saturday se r v ic e not availab l
♦ M ik e from L egal n e e d s us to inc
Philadelphia Style Cooking
Conies to Portland
No More Tootsie-Rolls
Continued from front page
help from the neighbors even though she
Beach as examples saying they needed to
, , , up. »
b ’ u I the Packs are Christian and think
that is a solution to gahg violence.
“The best idea is to teach the young
aboutG od Let them know they ar created
M a £ them Christian ”
hire more blacks.
“How many youth centers do we
have here? How many jobs are being
offered to teenagers here? Even the ham-
jerjoilllbuun u u iv u w i“ anyblacks.
As fat
far as
as neighborhood
neighborhood self-help
self-help wa
concerned. Smith believes, Neighbor­
hood watch might be good but can’t do
anything to gangs if they’re just walking
'T his time, Jesus protected us. We
didn’t lose anything.”
O n a shelf behind the counter is a
glass ja r of fruit whips which he urged
this reporter to try. W hen told about
A R’s
R's Tootsie-Rolls, Paek smiled and
nulled a bag of them off the shelf as well,
t o siree, from B S R ’s is a
Philly Cafe is a new and different
style o f restaurant to come to the NE
Portland area owned by Mr. Phil Chong
of the Korean American Grocery Asso­
ciation o f Oregon and ran by Ronny
Danby Executive Director of M. R. K.
Corporation. In visiting the Philly Cafe
you are presented with a very clean and
wholesome environment. The dinning
room area has been designed in an
environmentally safe manner in the
sense where there are sun screens on the
windows to help keep the sun out in
summertime and keep the heat inside in
winter. Also, to create some privacy
from outside traffic in your dining expe­
rience. M r Danby contends that him ­
self, the owner Mr. Chong and Mr.
C hong’s brother has taken time to re­
search from back east and the Seattle
area to bring their customers the very
best in Quality and Value for their
money Mr. Danby is the head chef and
personally oversees that the food is pre­
pared to mouth watering standards on
every item. The menu at Philly Cafe
consists of a variety of different fish
dinners, Philly Beef sandwiches, char­
coal Broiled Hamburgers, Cornbeef,
Roast Beef, Fries and sodas. The Philly
Cafe also features a Cappocino machine
and many other tasteful items such as
Bean, Blueberry and Lemon pies. Philly
Cafe also features a daily special. 1
spoke with several customers at the
Philly Cafe, Jean Lynch, Bea Smith and
Loretta Young, all from the NE Health
Center. I asked them what they liked
about the Philly Cafe. They all agreed
that the food was very good, the restau­
rant was very clean and the employees
were friendly and courteous. They will
continue tocome back for more. Maggie
Clay and Lcshia Parker were experienc­
ing their first visit. They said they were
told by a friend of the excellent food
Philly Cafe is located at 445 NE
Killingsworth. Phone (503) 288-9367.
Hours of operation are 11:00 am to 9:00
pm Monday through Saturday.
clothing store known as Farris Fashion.
Iron bars cover the window and an iron
gate covers the door when the store is
closed. The door is opened electrically
when a customer wants and in relocks
until the customer wants out again.
Manager Shirley Carr and assistant
manager Roger Smith seem to feel safe
w ith their security system but Carr makes
it clear that the gate has been v andalized
twice though she admits it may not be
gang related.
Smith agrees; “Everything that hap­
pens, they label gangs but a lot of people
that do stuff they label that way and they
aren ’t in gangs."
Carr adds that as long as “fences” are
there to sell, guns will be available. Hav­
ing managed the store for one year of the
two that it’s been open, C arr believes,
“Wc need to give the young gang mem­
bers jobs they can rely on.”
Both agreed that racism also caused
part of the problem.
Smith cited Lloyd Center and Jantzen
e n e v i l men shout
ugly words or hatred, good men
must commit themselves to the
glories of love. Where evil men
would seek to perpetuate an
C arr agreed, a d d in g , “There s a lot
ot people scared
scareu to
w take action because
they’re afraid it might fall back on them.
Boih suggesied t o , t o Northeas,
unjust status quo, good men
must seek to bring into being
needs more community centers, job pro­
grams, and places for kids to spend time
a real order of justice.”
after school.
Then they unlocked the door and let
me out and locked it again.
A phone call to Sergeant Derrick
Foxworth of Police Community Rela­
tions added an overview from the power
Martin Luther King, Jr.
G regory P. O liveros
A ttorney at L aw
2161 N E B roadway
He stated, “kids join gangs because
of a need not being met in their lives.
They lack a sense of family .”
W hat is needed, Foxworth contin­
ued, “Number One, more involvement on
everyone’s part.” He also suggested that
churches should and could become more
active in the problem which has existed
P ortland , O regon 97232
in Portland since 1988.
Foxworth concluded, “We must in­
still in our children at an early age,
appropriate beliefs and values, to respect
the rights and property of other people as
well as instilling a sense of value in hard
work, sacrifice and commitment to w hat­
"A ll progress is precarious,
and the solution of one problem
brings us face to face with another.'
— Martin Luther King Jr.
ever their pursuits are.
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