Page 6...The Portland Observer...January 13, 1993 r KHOME p G R A N D O P E N IN G In a t 9:am- 5 :3 0 pm Alteration Service Flower Shop NEW LOOK! NEW IMAGE JANUARY 25 THRU 30, 1993 8am to 6pm M IT C H E L L ’S W O O D L A W N C L E A N E R S & A L T E R A T IO N S LOAN/ or J ?¡¡V ?p9 P t, v c ^ iNG v5v C °s PEOPLE W HO 10% DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS *<. & 0^ & "FLOWERS" 1 & MORE tv° THINK TH£T CAN’T 5^ WE SPECIALIZE IN SILK CLEANING & LEATHER GOODS GET O N E FRESH, SILK & DRIED ARRANGEMENTS LAUNDRY balloons CAL & MARCA MITCHELL OWNERS 6800 NE Martin Luther King Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 289-6346 S e e w h a t y o u t h i n k a b o u t t h i s : w i t h a H o m e P a r t n e r s l o a n f r o m U .S . B a n k , t h e m o n e y y o u ’ll n e e d t o r d o w n p a y m e n t is a b o u t o n e - t h i r d le s s th a n e v e n th e u s u a l f e d e r a lly in s u r e d h o m e lo a n r e q u ir e s . A n d y o u c a n a v o id m a n y c lo s in g c o s ts u p f r o n t, s im p ly b y b o r r o w i n g t o r th e m w ith th e re s t o f th e m o n e y . S o u n d to o g o o d to b e tru e ? K e e p re a d in g , W HY PAY FULL RETAIL? i t g e t s e v e n b e t t e r . B e c a u s e w e ’v e m a d e i t e a s y t o q u a l i t y . A s t e a d y i n c o m e a n d a g o o d h i s t o r y o f p a y i n g y o u r b i l l s m i g h t b e a ll y o u n e e d . S o , b e f o r e y o u g iv e u p o n th e id e a o t o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , lo o k in to o u r H o m e P a r tn e r s lo a n . 0 « J EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ‘•I ‘ •i % ■-s • r V •».* < questions about the fundamentals of basketball and specific game situations. Three sessions are scheduled this year, with “day camp” and/or “over­ night accommodations” offered at each session. Two boys camp sessions are scheduled for July 12-16 (day) or July 11-16 (overnight). The fee is $200 per person for day camp and $310 per per­ son for overnight. Deposits of $100 for day campers, or $150 for overnight participants, is required with their ap­ plication. Final payment for all ses­ sions is due June 11,1993. Deposits are non-refundable after May 7, 1993. A11 campers p-imnnre will w receive a “Hoop All Heaven” sports bag, sports water bottle, a camp handbook, an official camp T- shirt, shorts and a camp photo. Prizes will be awarded for individual and team champions. Meals will be pro­ vided for all campers with overnight accommodations. Applications for“Rick Adelman’s Blazers Hoop Heaven Basketball Camp” are available at the Trail Blaz­ ers office, 700 NE Multnomah, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon, 97232. For more information, please call (503) 234-9291. 7 8 M o n z a /P U 7 8 Olds Cutlass 8 3 Ford T-Bird 85 Nissan Centra 81 Honda Accord 7 9 Chevy Cam aro 84 Olds Cutlass 8 0 Datsun 2 0 0 /S X 54 Chevy Belaire 7 5 Jeep Cherokee 7 8 Honda Accord 82 Honda Civic PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION » 6 5 0 0 N E M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , J r ., B lv d . 2 4 0 -0 4 4 8 P o r tla n d ® £ ■ 15! •* •> > ? ♦V *> B y D erek R asheed Marty Alameda, owner of River City Public Auto Auction said."Why pay full retail? River City Public Auto Action lot is a lot that offers to the public the opportunity to buy a good used car inexpensively for a lot less money than at a used car lot. River City Public Auction cuts out the middle man." When you buy a car at River City you are not charged with the extra expense of reconditioning a used car, salesman commission or rent for being on the lot. At River City the customer is number 1. You are treated with the same courtesy and respect as a car dealer. You have the same opportunity as a car dealer to make a bid and purchase a vehicle. The vehicles at River City come from a variety of sources throughout the city to be sold Sources include car dealer-ships, private owners, repossessions and a variety of non-profit organiza­ tions such as Volunteers of America. Most vehicles at River City have a reserve price assigned by the consignee, which in most cases is set at low or below blue book, making the vehicle very affordable. River City is very honest with the public informing them of the condition of all vehicles They arc open daily from 9 am to 5 pm for vehicle inspection Bidding or purchasing prior to every Satur­ day auction deadline time. River City is open to the general public for the purchasing or selling of vehicles. To sell a vehicle at River City you need the title in your name Present the vehicle to a River City representative to be checked and put on a contract with a reserved price at that time. You need a full desciption of the vehicle and place the vehicle on lot for daily viewing until auction day Vehicles are sold daily at River City. To buy a vehicle at River City you can make an offer or pay the full reserv e price forthe vehicle You will have two full banking days to pay the balance on any vehicle purchased. 10%deposit is required if not paid in full A partial non-refundable fee would be imposed, if the vehicle is not purchased within two banking days On auction day each Saturday at noon you must register name and address to receive a bid number, in order to participate in the auction. The same payment plan applies as mentioned River City Public Auction is located at 6500 NE Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland, Oregon, (503) 240-0448 "So why pay full retail?" Go to River City Public Auction Next auction day is January 16 at 12 noon. Pictured a t/e ft, a 1 9 5 4 four d oo r Green Chevy Belaire. 6 cyl. 3 spee d, am radio. 7 2 .9 5 2 m ile s original. P roceeds from th is vehicle w ill go to Volunteers o f Am erica • r-A ,-r •V * ; . • u'e V . ; $p F*'•*'*•♦ • t’ 1 T < > \* *- X at »< 4 T*‘t > è i 71 * V a V T1*« Mk • k /’ ** - • .’ h • ' » 1 »* - ‘ r ■ “ ‘ t t t • 1 f t ♦ • • • ' - - ............. ............................................ t • fff- . * * * * - • • * • / • t*i\*.* * *&£ k* A * . i - . ’ * " , 1 J