•; À • . . *. ' ♦ < ♦ v • » ♦ v’v'7 v «- » >4 •*** *“< * * v f /t r ip W & W • » < < • » » rt^ rT > T * < ► • 4 * • * • '• • • ♦* 1 iA'ii*F/W January 1 3 ,1993...The Portland Observer...Page M L K -1 1 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 25th Anniversary Memorial Period Declared For January 1 5,1993- April 4, 1993 Reverend James L. Bevel, noted civil rights leader, has declared January 15,1993 (birth date) thru April 4,1993 (assassination date) to be a Memorial Period for Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr. "During this eighty day period the his­ tory of Dr. K in g , and the principle and weapon he used "Nonviolence,” must be shared and understood by all citizens and children. Thereafter we must re­ kindle the spirit o f the nonviolent m ove­ ment to uproot violence from our hearts, lives,com m unities and nation," he said. During this eighty day period the beautifully written mini history,"Ode To M artin Luther King, Jr.," written by Reverend Bevel, will be available na­ tionwide. For a donation of $2.00 + $ 1.50 postage and handling a 16 x 20 B/ W print ready for framing is available. Proceeds will go to fund organizations engaged in nonviolent health, educa­ tion and institutional development work. Youth volunteers are needed to read and present the ode to people and may earn a stipend o f $10.00 or more per day. Adult coordinators are also needed, and may also earn a stipend. In order to set to music, "Ode To Martin Luther Kind, Jr.," a contest is being sponsored by the non-profit orga­ nization Students for Education and Economic Development(SEED). Prizes will be announced in the near future. For further information on how to get involved please write or call. S.E.E.D, P .O .B o x 11-1441,O m aha,N E 68111, (402) 453-LAMB(5262). Mini Series "King” Will Air On January 17 He was one man fighting for the rights o f all mankind. At an explosive moment in American History, Martin Luther King, Jr. seized the issue of social injustice and led his people in a nonviolent revolution. His powerful story is told in the biographical mini-series "King," which will air on The Family Channel Sunday, January 17, from noon to 6 p.m. East- em /Pacific. "King," which was written and directed by Academy Award-win­ ning screenwriter Abby Mann, power­ fully traces each decisive event of the civil rights movement. Newsweek magazine called this epic mini-series a "sprawling, spell­ binding biography o f Martin Luther King Jr." The m agazine com pared the biopic to Alex Hailey's "Roots." One o f the largest casts in the his­ tory o f television drama was assembled for the making of "King.” The film was hot throughout the key American cities Sharing the Legacy of Dr. King which dom inated that complex and tur­ bulent year. From Birmingham, Ala., to the triumphant marcn to the Lincoln Memorial, to the horroi of his assassi­ nation, the drama covers the span o f his adult life. The film takes a critical view of many historical figures of the time: The Kennedys were an obstruction, the F.B .1. was the enemy. From the violence o f the Selma riots to the glory of the Nobel Peace Prize, King fought the m adden­ ing bureaucracy of local governments and dealt forcefully with the highest levels of the U.S. government. Paul W infield stars as the black leader who was not afraid to die so that others would cease to kill. Cicely Tyson portrays Coretta Scott King, the gentle and courageous woman who patiently shared her husband with history. Ossie Davis plays the role of Martin Luther King Sr., a proud man whose convic­ tions conflict with those of his son. Congressman Ron Wyden and some of his younger constituents at the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School discuss public service and other topics at a recent "Kids Town Meeting". “Where Do We Go From H ere’ We hold in our hands the power to lift each other up to new heights of humanity — or to let go, plunging mankind into an abyss of destruction. Paid for by the Wyden for Congress Committee ? i • x ¿ v * > 5..- v, < k .* •* / r i r > » “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Philip Morris U.S.A 1 I • 5 * • * *» * * *- • *t o a • ’ •* * ¡- i a v. ■ ■ ■ »*■ >