Page MLK-8...The Portland Observer...January 13,1993 1 He Had The Courage To Break With Tradition. M et ro p o I i ta n H uman Rights Commission "The M etropolitan Human Rights Commission believes in the dignity and worth o f all human beings. M H R C 's mission is to foster mutual understanding and respect, and to protect the human rights o f all persons in the C ity o f Portland and Multnomah County regardless o f socioeconomic status, religion, ethnicity, race, national origin, disability, age, gender, and sexual orientation. . , The M etropolitan Human Rights Commission is organized to help citizens and government in the C ity o f Portland and M ultnomah County to achieve the goal o f embracing and celebrating diversity, elim inating bigotry, and enhancing a sense o f com m unity." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15, 1929 - April 5, 1968 The Metropolitan Human Rights Commission has produced a commemorative poster o f Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. s speech "I Have a Dream * Your free copy may be picked up at the M HRC office. Multnomah County 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue R 4 Walter C. Reynolds M.D. & Staff 2800 N. Vancouver Suite 231 287-4532 r