.» »■» r * 4 * » • J 'v #•» ✓ * • ■ » • ♦•/< r / * • « * • < * < < * < ► V r * • • ♦ ♦ * * > * # * * v ^ * » * * ’ January 13.1993...The Portland Observer...Page M LK -7 • * . ii- *« • ■ Kt *«*• ■ Oregon Public Broadcasting celebrates the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. t*. M a r t in luther k in g , jr . — THROUGH THE VOICES OF YOUTH Monday at noon on OPB Radio His words are still alive today. Hear how young people view the dreams of Martin Luther King. •/ TH E AM ERICAN EXPERIENCE £• S imple justice _ ‘A Monday at 9:00PM on OPB TV £ The dramatic story of a twenty-year struggle to end the segregation of public schools. SK l L-s 1 Wi If.'. 8 V K e e p in g T ik e D r e a m A liv e if* I riYCAP fre «. »’4 : fir? Salutes 'Q A 'l Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. »S- % »»♦I "As long as there is poverty I can never be rich . . . As long as diseases are rampant I can never be healthy . . . I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the way our world is made . . . We are interdependent" »? I& Martin Luther King, Jr. Minoritij Youth Concerns Action Program 4732 NE Garfield Portland, Oregon 97211 "Wc Know that we cannot save every hid, but every hid deserves a chance at being saved.” - Samuel Sponsored by Act III Theaters Pierce