î '« *** s ♦ * * i ’*‘V « Tr ♦*%**•» < V / Page MLK-4..The Portland Observer...January 13,1993 Distinguished Jefferson Alumnus Honored Guest In “Keep Living The Dream" Celebration Oregon Senior Theatre Presents Mary Lockridge in concert Portland Civic Theatre 1530 S. W. Yamhill Sunday, January 17, 1993 Three O ’clock Tickets $10.00 $8.00 seniors $5.00 children BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS M onday, January 18th, the official holiday for M artin L uther K ing, J r .’s birthday celebration to be held at the Jefferson H igh School ’ s Perform ing Arts C enter, the H onorable U nited States A m bassador to th e U n ite d N ations, E dw ard J. Perkins, w ill in tro ­ duce a new aw ard w hich w ill be an incentive to the scholastic achievers o f Jefferson H igh School, Portland, O r­ egon. A m bassador P erkins is an alum nus o f Jefferson H igh School and Lew is S. C lark College. T he P ortlan d com m unity is deeply honored to have A m bassador P erkins grace our presence an d to initiate such a prestigious aw ard. T his aw ard will serve as a focal-point for many Jefferson high School students, year-after-year A m b a s s a d o r P e r k in s n e v e r forgetten his roots and he seeks to m ake a difference in the present clim ate felt in the P ortland Public School sy stem by sharing his blessings w ith those young m en and w om en com ing-up behind him. .A m bassador P erkins is seeking ways to im prove w orld trade, educa­ tion, and peace-keeping d u rin g a period Open Invitation A program commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr In honor o f Martin Luther King & the contributions made to the Arts by minority artists Date: January 15, 1993 Time: 11:00am - 4:30pm Place Lorenzen Conference Center at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center 2801 N. Gantenbein Portland, Oregon Refreshments Served This free program will feature speakers, vocalists, choirs, musicians and ministers from the Portland Metropolitan area. Tickets may be purchased prior to the performance date by calling: 281-6141 (also available at the door) o f great ch an g e and prom ise. All those unable to atten d the pro­ gram at Jefferson H igh School can view the program on C able C h an n els 30 & 38 o r by listening to K BO O R adio 90.7 FM from 12 noon to 4 pm. K ee p L iv in g T h e D r e a m ” is O reg o n ’s largest K ing Holiday celebra­ tion T u n e-in an d becom e a p art o f the festivities. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Legacy to Remember The Oregon Senior Theatre is a not-for-profit organization dedi­ cated to showcasing senior performing artists, and to bridging the generation gap by sharing, with children and young adults, the wealth of talent and knowledge that seniors possess. FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY M ONTH CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 T O S P E C I A L E D I T I O ADVERTISE O R RESERVE Y O U R SPACE N JANUARY 1 3 , 1 9 9 3 ’ . ' + v* S ooner O r L ater , A ll T he P eople O f T he W orld W ill H ave T o D iscover A WAY TO L ive T ogether I n P eace . I '.? k * i » • rX Ac C .' ' M ..’ Y*’< ■ « DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR. • V ' * H . 'Ï t . ■ •- ‘« •- . * * K raft G eneral foods :.fA ¿•f.*' '• i * '• i. ‘ f k“>.X ' sy< ;; ■ •■> A ■ •é £ ■¿g „ r«A •« f <• A < ; r -. H TK » 4 M ! n W P •* ‘ »J .... ■ '• 4 J • * .j ; / * 1 4 Ve $ * * • * 4 '♦ ' “V *. •