January 1 3 ,1993...The Portland Observer...Page M LK -3 A POWERFUL SOURCE H ow do you tell a 4-year-old she m ay never be 5? Martin Luther King, Jr. Today we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. for his powerful words and actions. To his strength, pride and leadership, we salute Dr. King and his ability to energize thought. Even enlighten the future. Blood. Give a little so someone can live. As your energy services company, we're also committed to powering the future. With ideas to help local communities and businesses grow, w e’re the People at Pacific Power. American Red Cross King Memorial Blood Drive Friday, January 15,1993 PACIFIC POW ER ENERGY 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Heart Church, 2926 N. Williams Avenue Call 280-1459 to schedule an appointment Saluting MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. WASHER & DRYER X o M THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS With option to buy Thia Coupon Good rot $10 OFF DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION FEE rental ç o# washer 231*7413 fc — I — naa — aann aa — — — — Martin Luther King saw a better future for all races through equal opportunities. Multnomah ESD, which provides programs and services to schools in the county, is dedicated to the principle of nondiscrimination in employment policies and hiring practices. Job opportunities are listed in The Portland Observer or call MESD at 257-1510. For The First Time Everl Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Daughter Rev. Bernice King Is Featured On The January Cover Of A National Publica­ tion In An In-Depth Interview. In recogni tier. o f D r. M artin Luther K in g ’ s birthday, Rev. Bernice K in g, his youngest daughter, appears on the cover o f Being Single Magazine and tells what it ’ s like being the daughter o f an A m e ri­ can legend. Rev. King, an ordained m inister, holds a law degree from Emory U niver­ sity and just recently passed the bar exam. In this issue, she gives a revealing interview that details what is was like growing up in the K ing household and her candid, unique view o f race rela­ tions today. Call 312-955-110 and order your complimentary copy today. "A ll progress is precarious and the solution of one problem brings us face to face w ith another problem .” The D iversifie d ' A ctio n C irc u it (D .A .C .) o f Legacy Health System is sponsoring a public celebration in re­ membrance o f Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr., January 15, 11:00 a m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Lorenzen Conference Center, Emanuel Hospital & Health Center, 2801 N orth Gantenbein, Portland. This free program w ill feature speakers, vocalists, choirs, musicians and ministers from the Portland M etro­ politan area. Speakers w ill include Am ina Anderson, executive director, Black United Fund, and Johnny W. Gage, outreach coordinator for House o f Umoja. Those interested in attending should RSVP to 778-5767. The D .A.C. is a group o f Legacy Health System employees w hich strives for awareness o f and strength in a d i­ verse employee population and provides a framework to identify and serve the special needs o f a ll employees, patients and visitors. Legacy Health System includes Emanuel Hospital & Health Center, Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Holladay Park M edical Center, M eridian Park Hospital, M ount Hood Medical Center, V is itin g Nurse Asso­ c ia tio n and C a re m a rk /M a n a g e d Healthcare Northwest PPO. Multnomah Education Service District - "The dream is one o f equal­ ity of opportunity, o f privi­ lege and property widely dis­ tributed; a dream of land where man will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men do not agree that the color of a man’s skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a place where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of all human personality, and men will dare to live together as brothers..." Martin Luther King, Jr. I960 Diversified Action Circuit Sponsors Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration of equal opportunity for all. 1657 S.E. TACOMA ST. — Expect More From Us. A dream . . . RENT YOUR NEXT S E R V IC E S S t) 7 CLOTHIER 319 N E W yganl Portland, O R 97211 (503) 282-3533 Sewing for Organization» • Alteration« • Wedding« • Tailoring Costumes • Sewing for Any Occasion« Fa«t • Efficient • Quality Sewing 30 year« experience PRICES V A R Y £ A R E S T Y L IN G A V A IL A B L E ★ HE1 S E R V IC E A S O M E S A M E D A Y A LT E R A T IO N S Jackets Sklrts/Dr esses Coati — Any Style Pants ShlrtsZBIouscs Vest« — Ties A M is c e lla n e o « * Rip» • Hole« • Psiche« • Button« • Binding« • Hem« a / / ajorktG-/naAe/u& dreasn/ a rea/tty Martin Luther King. Jr. Man must evolve for all liiituaii conflict a m ethod wliieh rejects revenge, aggression and re ta lia tio n . T he foundation of such a method is love. Button liO le« • Emblem« • Hook & Eye • Zipper» and much morel I M o n.-FrL 9 am • 5 pm “ Nonviolence in the answer to crucial p o iitieal and m oral questions o f our tim e; the need tor man to overcome oppression and violence w ith o u t resorting to oppression and violence. S a t 9 am -3 pm M a r tin L u th e r K in g , J r. Speech accep tin g Nobel Peace P riz e D ecem ber 1 1 , 1964 “ The emergency we now face is economic, and it is a desparate and wosening situation...” American State Bank 2737 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, Oregon 97212 282-2216 Martin Luther King. Jr. M a t tin Luther King, Jr. i