Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 1993, Page 14, Image 14

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Page 14...The Portland Ohserver....lanuary 13.1993
Informational Advertisement
Department Of Transportation
Call For Bids
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on January 28, 1993,
for the projects listed below:
Multnomah NEPortlandHW Y. at 112thA ve.(P ortland)(R oute
US30). Traffic Signals.
Susan Creek-USFS Boundary Sec., N. Umpqua
Hwy. (Route OR138) E. Of Roseburg. A.C. PVMT.
& Oiling.
Deschutes Horse Ridge Rock Production Project approx. 14
mi. E. of Bend, Central Oregon Hwy. (Route US20).
Shaniko-South Jet., Phase 2 Sec., Sherman Hwy.
(Route US97) approx. 10 mi. SW of Shaniko. A.C.
Pvmt. & Oiling.
Wash ngton Canyon Rd. -Pacific Hwy. West (North Unit) Sec.,
Beaverton-Tigard Hwy. (OR217). Traffic Signals.
U m atila
M a lh e jr
O’Xing SPRR-l-5 Sec., Coos Bay-Roseburg Hwy.
(OR42) approx. 2 mi. S. of Roseburg. Earthwork
and Drainage; or Aggregate Bases; or A.C. Pvmt.
& Oiling.
Milton-Freewater Paving Sec. on the Oregon-
Washington (M.P. 2 0 .4 5 to M.P. 26.90), Freewater
(M.P. 0 to M.P. 3.93), and the Sunnyside-Umapine
(M.P. 0 to M.P. 7.93) Highways, (Route OR11),
NW and SW of Milton-Freewater. A.C. Pvmt. &
Kingsbury Gulch-Black Canyon Sec., Central Or­
egon Hwy. (Route US20) through Juntura. A.C.
Pvmt. & Oiling; or Aggregate Crushing.
42nd St. -McKenzie Hwy. Sec., Eugene-Spring­
field Hwy. (Route 1-105), beg. approx. 3.98 mi. E.
of west city limits of Springfield. DBE Goal.
Plans specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in
Rm. 1G, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Plans may
be oraered by phone at 378-6293 Prime contractors must be
prequalified ten days priorto the bid opening day For additional
information, please contact Commission Services. 378-6526.
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, Women, and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503)
Call For Bids
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of
Eugene Oregon will receive sealed bids until 10:00 a.m.,
Tuesday January 2 6 ,1 9 9 3 at the office of the City Engineer,
858 Pear* Street,
for the following local improvement:
Tree Planting
Highway 99 from Beltline Road to Barger Drive (Plant­
ing of 110 trees and maintenance watering; trees
provided by the City of Eugene.)
Contractor shall commence the Work ten (10) days after
receipt 01 written Notice to Proceed and the Work Shall Be
Completed With In Fifteen (15) Work Days
This project is partially funded by a grant under the U.S. Small
Business Administration tree Planting Grant Program. Bidders
must qualify as a small business (100 employees or less), as
specified and published in the Federal register (13C F R 125.12).
The contract will only be awarded to a business that can
demonstrate that it qualifies as a small business.
Plans a u specifications may be obtained at the office of the
City Engineer, 858 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon 97401, for a
non-rwiuhdable fee of $15.00.
Bids shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s
bidde s bond payable to the City Of Eugene in an amount
equa! to ten percent of the amount bid. Filling of a qualification
question ai re before bidding will not be required, contingent or
conditional bids will not be considered for acceptance. No bid
will be eceived or considered unless the bid contains a
statement by the bidder that provisions of ORS 279.350
pertaining to prevailing wage rates shall be complied with. The
City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive
defect |r, Didding to the interest of the City, to postpone the
aw an of the contract for a penod not to exceed 60 days, or to
abandoi ‘he improvement.
Where ¿ooestos abatement is required, contractor or appropri­
ate snl cntractor must be licensed for asbestos abatement
according to the procedures established by the Environmental
Qualify ommission.
Each >.d must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is
a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029.
No bid will be accepted by the City unless it contains a
statem ent by the bidder as a part of the bid that the bidder in
carryi >g out the contract will comply with all applicable laws. No
bid wi ’ be received or considered unless the bidder is regis­
tered with the Construction contractors Board.
The City may reject any bid not in compliance with all pre­
scribes public bidding procedures and requirements, and may
reject o. good cause any or all bids or to waive any specifica­
tion or requirement upon a finding of the City it is in the public
intere t to do so.
Les Lyle, P.E.
City Engineer
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A dvertise in the O bserver
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Public Information Open House East Marquam
Interchange Water Avenue On-Ramp
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will be
holding an open house to provide information on the proposed
East Marquam Interchange W ater Avenue on-ramp freeway
construction project The open house will be held Tuesday,
January 19, 1993, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., in conference
Room C of the Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th, Portland,
The proposed East Marquam Interchange W ater Avenue on-
ramp project would construct a southbound on-ramp to I-5 from
the Central Eastside Industrial District. The proposed on-ramp is
to be located at W ater Avenue and S.E. Salmon Street.
Representatives of ODOT and the City of Portland will be
available to provide information and to answer questions on the
project. For further information, contact Donna Robinson, ODOT
Project Team Manager, 653-3121, or John Gillam, City of
Portland Transportation Planner, 796-7704.
Request For Proposal
The Traffic Safety Section, Oregon Department of Transporta­
tion, is seeking a contractor for “Child Safety Seat Specialist.
The specialist will work with medical and law enforcement
personnel and local child safety seat loan/rentai programs to
ensure child safety seats are used correctly; will serve as a
technical expert to the public and to educators and volunteers
involved in child safety seat promotion; will work with locally-
trained advocates to conduct child safety seat inspection clinics.
All qualified individuals and/orfirm s interested in receiving a copy
of the Request for Proposal should telephone or write to “Child
Safety Seat Specialist," Traffic Safety Section 400 State Library
Building, Salem, OR 97310. Telephone (503) 378-3669. Pro­
posals must be received by 5:00 pm, February 3, 1993.
Sub Bids Requested
Qiilmqham Construction N A ., inc. is requesting sub Dids and
quotes from qualified SBE/SDBE/SW BE/SMBE subcontractors
and material ano equipment suppliers in various areas and units
of work for the following project:
Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWvP)
Concrete Canister Building
Dept of Energy Richland, Washington
Request for Proposal No. C350 01 5013
Solicitation No. 9828-PR0002
Bidding on January 2 1 ,1 9 9 3 at 2pm PST
Dillingham Construction N.A , INC.
Industrial Division
P .0 Box 1089. Pleasanton, CA 94566
(510) 463-3300, Fax (510) 847-7828
Subcontractors should assume that 100 percent performance
and payment bonds will be required at Subcontractors ex­
pense. Any questions or further information regarding tne
project, requirements of the contract, its licensing , insurance
certification and/or bonding, please feel free to contact our
Pleasanton, CA office. We are an equal opportunity employer.
Document 020
Request For Technical Proposals
The Port Of Portland
Portland Ship Repair Yard
High Resistance Grounding Systems
Design And Installation
Technical Proposals tor the Portland Ship Repair Yard, High
Resistance Grounding systems, Design ana installation, will
be received by the Manager, Contracts and Procurement, of
The Port of Portland 70C N E. Multnomah Street 15th Floor,
Portland, Oregon /mailing address' Pos* Office Box 3529,
Portland, Oregon, 97208) until, but not after, 5 p.m. January
29,199 3.
Description of Work:
Upgrade 15 existing ungrounded wye secondary substa­
tions to resistance grounded wye systems. Upgrade to
include design, procurement of material, installation, test-
,ng, and system startup.
A pre-proposa! conference will be held on Thursday,
January 21, 1993. at 9 3 0 a m . In Building 50 of the
Portland Ship Repair Yard Administration Offices to dis­
cuss all phases of the work.
Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer,
Franko Martinec, (503) 731-7361.
All proposals must be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s
check or proposal bond payable to The Port of Portland in an
amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount
Proposers must demonstrate that they have been in the
business of engineering and installing high resistance ground
systems of the type under consideration continuously for the
last five years, and that they have organized engineering and
technical support for high resistance grounding systems of the
type under consideration.
Contract documents may be examined at the above Port
offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective Proposers at
no cost from Contracts and Procurement (address above).
No proposal will be received or considered unless it contains
a statement by the proposer as a part of the proposal that the
provisions of ORS 279.350 (regarding prevailing wage rates)
are to be complied with.
Proposals,may be rejected if not in compliance with specified
procedures and requirements, any or all proposals may be
rejected if in the public interest to do so.
The Port Of Portland
Ron Stempel
Contracts and Procurement
Notice Of Intent
The Oregon Department of Transportation, Bridge Section, Is
requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from consulting
engineering firms with experience in the following areas:
1. Structural engineering of small and moderate size
bridges and construction engineering assistance.
2. Hydraulic studies for bridges
3. Foundation studies for bridges
It is anticipated that four separate contracts of $300,000 each
will be established. The total value of all contracts will not
exceed $1,200,000. The contracts are anticipated to start in
April 1993 and will cover a one-year period. The Department
reserves the right to renegotiate two one-year extensions with
each of the selected consultants if additional services are
required. Extensions are contingent on available and approved
funding and satisfactory consultant performance.
If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Q uali­
fications can be obtained by calling or writing the Program
Section, 307 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; tele­
phone (503) 378-6563.
Statement of Qualifications are due February 12, 1993.
Notice Of Intent
The Oregon Department of Transportation, G eotechnical Ser­
vices Unit, is seeking proposals from geotechnical engineering
consultants qualified in the areas of subsurface investigation
and geotechnical design. The selected consultant will be
required to initiate and complete subsurface investigation and
testing for sections of two proposed alignment options.
The work area is located on the Oregon Coast Highway (U.S.
101) between Mile Points 86.59 and 88.43. The project in­
volves evaluating the subsurface conditions and the feasibility
of the proposed alignment options. The consultant will also
provide conceptual recommendations for geotechnical de­
A consultant orientation meeting will be neld on January 21,
1993, at 2:00 p.m. at the Oregon Department Of Transporta­
tion Materials Laboratory Conference Room, 800 Airport Road
S.E, Salem, Oregon. ODOT would like all consultant questions
to be raised at the meeting to enable all attending firms which
a-e responding to the RFP to hear the questions and receive
the same information.
If you are Interested in being considered, a Request for
Proposals can be obtained by calling or writing the Program/
Project M anagement Services, Oregon Department of Trans­
portation, 307 Transportation Building, 355 Capitol Street NE,
Salem, OR 97310: telephone (503) 378-6563.
Statement,of Proposals are due February 4, 1993.
Oregon Arena Project
Drake/Turner, Joint Venture
We are seeking active participation by Minority Business
Enterprises, W omen-Owned business enterprises and em erg­
ing small businesses in the construction of this project. We
request that such firms express their interest in writing, to bid
on portions of the work for the OREGON ARENA PROJECT.
Bid packages will be issued for subcontracting and supply
opportunities on this project over the next six (6) months.
Please address your letters of interest to:
Drake/Turner, Joint Venture
1740 Northwest Flanders Street
Portland, Oregon 97209
Attention David L. Brennem an
Sub-Bids Requested
Donald M. Drake Company
1740 Northwest Flanaers Street
Portland, Oregon 97209-2283
(503)226-3991 Fax (503)243-2775
Contractor License No. OR: 84045
Project Name: Federal Detention Center
Sheridan, Oregon
Bid Date: January 20,1993
Bid Time: 2:00 p.m.
Run Dates: January 13,1993
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises.
Sub-Bids Request
Oregon Health Sciences University
Dental School
Re-Model Rooms 822,837,838
Bids Date January 20,1993 Bid Time 3:00 p.m.
Mackay Construction
P.O .Box 219007
Portland, OR 97225
Phone (503) 292-2374 Fax (503) 292-2486
CCB #62800
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids and material
quotes from minority, women-owned, disadvantaged and emerging small
business enterprises.
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