- •» s •v* Page 12...The Portland Observer...January 13,1993 Senior Management Analyst Solid Waste Oept. 1 full-time Position Salary: $33,679 - $49,089 Metro is recruiting for one full­ time Senior Management Analyst to perform the following essential job duties: research, collect and analyze data on solid waste is­ sues: provide organizational sup­ port, research, and materials for committees: develop and orga­ nize work programs for policy evaluation: coordinate with staff to assure timely completion: pre­ pare oral and written reports on complex issues for staff, elected officials, and solid waste com m it­ tees; prepare and m onitor pro­ gram area budgets to comply with Metro policy and goals; monitor and evaluate existing solid waste programs and policies; assist in the development of new plans and policies: coordinate internal and external review of proposed plans and policies. This position closes on January 29, 1993. Applications and supplemental re­ quirements can be picked up at: Metro MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metro 2000 S. W. First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR Secretary Metro W ashington Park Zoo 1 Part-Time position $8.55 - $12.04/Hr. (This is a regular part-time posi­ tion. Hours will usually be from 8 :0 0 - a m . to 2:15 p.m., Monday through Friday.) The Metro W ashington Park Zoo is recruiting for one part-time per­ son to perform the following es­ sential job duties: type general correspondence, reports, tables, forms using handwritten or printed copy, and or utilizing a word pro­ cessor or electric typewriter: com ­ pose simple correspondence: pro­ cess purchase orders and in­ voices: receive and direct incom­ ing calls: take messages, answer general questions and furnish in­ formation regarding established division or departm ent proce­ dures, policies and services; at­ tend meetings to record proceed­ ings, type minutes in draft; main­ tain inventory of supplies and related inventory records including pur­ chasing, receiving and distribu­ tion of supplies. Does other du­ ties as assigned. This position closes on January 25,199 3. Ap­ plications and supplemental re­ quirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 25,1993. Applications and supplemental re­ quirements can be picked up at: Metro MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices Resumes will not be accepted. The Urban League METRO The N.E. Workforce Center i Administrative Secretary Metro W ashington Park Zoo 1 Full-tim e Position Class No: 02J-0193-ZO Salary: $9.90 - $14.43/Hr. The Metro W ashington Park Zoo is recruiting for one full-tim e per­ son to perform the following es­ sential job duties: represent the Zoo Director by conducting initial screening of phone calls, mail, personal visits and other requests; organize and update records; cre­ ate and update com puter files using Paradox and W ordPerfect software on IBM compatible com ­ puters; d ra ft correspondence; transcribe and polish draft mate­ rial; establish follow-up systems for projects; schedule appoint­ ments for Director, meetings of committees, numerous speaking engagements; make travel ar­ rangem ents; perform booking tasks such as time sheet/payroll work, maintain unit fiscal records, maintain donation report. Does other duties as assigned. This position closes on January 26, 1993. Applications and supple­ mental requirements must be re­ ceived, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Janu­ ary 26, 1993. Application and supplem ental requirements can be picked up at: Metro MetroEHC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metro 2000 S. W. First Ave. Portland, OR Metro 2000 S. W. First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted. METRO Senior Transportation Plnnr Planning Dept. 1 Full-Tim e Position Class No: 350-0193-PL Salary: $33,679 - $47,398 Metro is recruiting for one full­ time person to perform the fol­ lowing essential job duties: de­ velopm ent and m onitoring of work plans and budget studies; writing, including the preparation of the updated RTP and appro­ priate technical and issue related support documents and memo­ randa; preparation and coordi­ nation of In te rg o ve rn m e n ta l Agreements; direction and over­ sight of consultant contracts, staffing, and coordinating a tech­ nical advisory committee; coor­ dination of public involvement activities associated with a re­ gional transportation study, in­ cluding public information, edu­ cation, and a citizens advisory committee; coordinate Metro and other agency staff; provide over­ all study coordination. This posi­ tion closes on January 26,1993. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m ., T uesday, January 26, 1993. Applications and supple­ m ental requirem ents can be picked up at: Metro Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices Resumes will not be accepted. The Urban League METRO The N.E. Workforce Center Manikin Maintenance Assistant Half-time position to work 20 Hrs. a wk., in our Health & Safety Ser­ vices Dept. Maintain cleanliness and inventory of manikins by dis­ infecting them, according toCDC (C enter for Disease Control) guidelines. Must be able to read and follow instructions, able to lift 50 lbs., bend, and stand for long periods of time. Hiring range $5.60 - $6.30/Hr. Apply 8am -1 pm, Mon. - Thurs. Am erican Red Cross 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon 97227 Drug test Administered An Equal Opportunity Employer Metro 2000 S. W. First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted. METRO National Sales Manager N. W. Fox affil seeks experienced detail oriented NSM. Rep and/or Sales Management experience valuable. Travel, organization, follow-up. Must be able to create a tight follow-up system that fits our reporting structure. Letter & resume to W alt Adler, General Sales Manager. P.O. Box 49, Portland, OR 97207 No phone calls, please. Managers, Operations Section Human Resources Personnel Representative Trainee SAFECO Insurance Company, a FORTUNE 300 company with our Oregon branch located in Lake Oswego, is looking for someone to assist with the Per­ sonnel functions. We presently have 290 employees and expect this to grow at a rapid pace in the years to come. We are a full service, “generalist” type of Personnel department that is responsible for everything from recruiting to benefits ad­ ministration to retirement coun­ selling. R equirem ents: • Four year college degree with respectable GPA • Two plus years of professional level work experience, with some degree of supervisory experience a must. • F u tu re , n ot im m e d ia te , relocatability out of Oregon re­ quired. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: • Recruiting and interviewing to fill job openings. • Management and employee training. • Salary and benefits adminis­ tration. • Being responsible for em ­ ployee welfare and being an “advocate” for them. To top off this outstanding job op­ portunity, we also offer a benefits package that is second to none. Included are; profit sharing cash bonus and retirement plans, a guaranteed retirement plan, a sa vin gs pla n w ith com pany money contributed, major medi­ cal and dental and more. If this sounds like something you have been waiting for, please send your resume with salary requirements to: Attn: Personnel SAFECO Insurance Company 4101 SW Kruse Way Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Attn: Mark Zeiger Equal Opportunity Employer A udio/V isual We’ve Got Some Mighty Big Shoes To Fill Audio/VIsual Specialist Nike, Inc. has an im m ediate o p e n ­ ing for an audio/V isu al S pe cia l­ ist to provide operation al and equipm en t expertise. T o qualify, you m ust have vo ca ­ tional colle g e tra in in g or e xte n ­ sive experience in the technical areas o f A/V system s, and at least 3 ye a rs experience in the o p e ration and m aintenance of the latest In A/M equipm ent. Also you m ust be able to w ork e ffe c­ tively in a fast-paced e n viro n ­ m ent, and have excellent co m ­ m unication skills. C am era ex­ p e rience a plus. T his position m ay re quire occasional evening and w ee ke n d work. F o r im m e d ia te c o n s id e ra tio n , ple a se forw ard your resum e to: Nike, Inc. Em ploym ent Center, ORVAS, O ne B ow erm an Drive, B eaverton, OR 97005. W e are an equal opportun ity em ployer. Development Officer O regon Food Bank seeks a dy­ nam ic p o ssib ility thinker to m an­ age a cre a tive 5 person food & fund de ve lo p m e n t team & play a key role in im plem enting 5 year stra te g ic plan. R equires excel­ lent com m unication , plannin g & m a n a g e m e n t skill; successful e xperience in develop ing m ajor grants; ability to develop & im ple­ m ent m ajor gifts program ; e x­ p e rience w ith direct m ail & m ar­ keting; & fam iliarity with co m ­ p uter w ord processing & donor tracking principles. K now ledge of planne d giving & experience w orking w ith boards preferred. Salary depending on experience w ith e x ce lle n t be n e fits. Send resum e & cover letter to: O r­ egon Food Bank, 2540 NE R iv­ erside W ay, Portland, Or 97211 by 2/5/93. Equal O p portunity Em ployer. Data Processing Data Processing Professionals Principal Executive Manager C Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently seeking System ($2,692-$3,790) Development Professionals. Experience should include new system development using COBOL, VSAM, OS/JCL, and TSO/ISPF. Experience with Easytrieve Plus CICS, Adabas/Natural, Expert System s or PC’s is desirable. The Oregon W orkers’ Compensa­ tion Division of the Department of Insurance and Finance is re­ cruiting for Manager of Its Op­ erations Section located In Sa­ lem, Oregon. This executive ser­ vice position supervises and manages four units that provide technical and clerical coordina­ tion and support to the other four sections of the Division. The State of Oregon offers many cultural and natural attractions, Includ­ ing: opera, ballet, symphony and theater; hunting fishing and ski­ ing; arid plains, snow-covered m ountains, scenic rivers and spectacular ocean beaches; the best wind surfing In the world; Tony-aw ard winning S hakes­ pearean festival; and metropoli­ tan shopping. To qualify you must have five years of experience In supervision or staff-technical or professional level work related to the workers’ compensation program and at least one year of supervision and management of a program, section, or unit which Involved such areas as develop­ ment of program rules and poli­ cies, long-and-short range goals and plans, program evaluation, or budget preparation. A Bach­ elors’ degree or courses in afield related to management such as Business or Public Administra­ tion or a field related to a pro­ gram o f the W okers’ Compensa­ tion Division may be submitted for up to three years of the re­ quired experience. Contact Em­ ployee Services, Oregon Depart­ ment of Insurance and Finance, Labor and Industries Building, Room 100, Salem, Oregon 97310 (503-378-3200) fo( application ln- fo rm a tlo n . T h is re c ru itm e n t closes on January 20,1993. Equal opportunity employer Sr. Programmer Analysts Requires a minimum of 5 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and Implementation assign­ ments. Must have dem onstrated project leadership experience. Programmer Analysts Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems analysis and design coding, testing and implementation assignments. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours and com petitive salary. Pre­ employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #197 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S. W . Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD# 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Sub-Bids Requested Oregon State University Forestry Research Lab-Locker Room Remodel Morris P. Kielty General Contractor, Inc., requests sub bids from all qualified MBE/DBE/WBE.ESB subcontractors and suppliers for the OSU Forestry Research Lab-Locker Room Remodel which bids are due by January 26,1993, at 2:30 pm. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids and material quotes from minority, women-owned, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. Collection Retention Rep Tired of Geriatrics CNAS work with young Quadriple­ gics 6.25 Per hour Good Benefits Flexible Hours Apply at 2600 N. Williams Phone 249-1765 JTPA Grants Management Analyst (Program Representative 2) $31,271-$41,666 A nnual Salary Range This position is with the State of Oregon Economic Development Department, Job Training part­ nership Act Administration pro­ gram. It is located in Salem. Four years of technical or profes­ sional level experience analyz­ ing, advising, or Instructing the public concerning specific pro­ grams or processes, monitoring a program or performing partici­ pant reviews are required to qualify. To apply it is necessary to obtain a recruiting announcem ent, re­ spond to examination questions on the announcement, and com ­ plete a state application form. The application materials must be received by the agency by January 22,1993. Call or write to receive announcement and ap­ plication: Oregon Economic Development Dept. Human Resources Office 775 Summer St. NE Salem, Or 97310 (503) 378-6324 (503) 581 -5115 FAX (503) 373-1200 TTD OEDD is an EEO/AA employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Paragon Cable Is currently recruit­ ing for aCollection Retention Rep who will go door to door In order to collect on overdue accounts. Works with customers to recon­ cile service and/or billing con­ cerns. Performs physical discon­ nect If customer does not pay. Accurately complete necessary paper work. The qualified appli­ cant must have a valid driver’s license and provide reliable, self- transportation. M ustbe bondable and capable of working on lad­ ders or poles of heights up to 40' and able to lift 50 lbs. Be self- motivated, project a positive Im­ age and extremely well orga­ nized. Must be able to success­ fully Interface with Irate custom­ ers, while at all time maintain a calm, professional demeanor. Ability to work weekends and up to 9:00 p.m. Previous collection or related cable experience re­ quired. This position Is 100% commission (estimated $27,000- $31,500 plus). Please apply at: 3075 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer/ADA Apparel Women’s Correctional Center Superintendent Department of Corrections This position manages all phases of operation of Oregon’s full ser­ vice, medium custody, 210-bed female prison located In Salem. Four years’ management expe­ rience In the field of corrections which demonstrates the ability to manage the full range of activi­ ties required to operate a me­ dium security facility housing fe­ male corrections Inmates re­ quired as well as experience in budget preparation and person­ nel and labor relations matters. Salary range $3,610 - $5,080 per month. Liberal Insurance, retire­ ment, vacation and sick leave b e n e fits. A d eta ile d job a n ­ nouncement and Stateof Oregon employment application can be obtained from any local employ­ ment division office or by calling the Oregon Department of Cor­ rections personnel office, 2575 Center St. N E, Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-2497. Application ma­ terials must be received by 5:00 P.M. January 15, 1993. EEO/ ADA Employer T each in g Position, full time En­ If you th in k you can m ake the best sportsand fitness com pany in the w orld even better, w e 'd lik e to hear fro m you. W e 're c urren tly loo king for an A p p a re l Lab S upervisor. As Apparel Lab Supervisor you w ill su­ pervise four lab technicians, as well as glish for Fall 1993. Requirements: 3-5 years experience. Masters degree in Literature or equiva­ lent e xp e rie n ce . A p p lic a tio n deadline January 15,1993. Send resumes to: John Keyes, The Catlin Gabel School, 8825 SW Barnes Rd., Portland OR 97225. oversee testing of fabrics, interpreting and Graphic Design Manager providing test results. Candidates should Work-Live-Study have a BS in Textile Science, Textile Re­ Growing manufacturing company is looking for a consumer pack­ aging graphic design manager. The ideal candidate will have 3- 5 years graphic production ex­ perience. Must be proficient in the use of electronic design pro­ cesses using Q uark Xpress, A do b e Illu s tra to r, Adobe Photoshop, and Aldus Freehand. In addition, candidate must be familiar with electronic pre-press procedures. Bachelor's degree or equivalent required. Please send cover letter and resume with salary requirements to P.O. Box 13480, Portland, OR 97213. Equal Opportunity Employer. and a minim um 2 years' tcxtile/appard Placement by 4 star international firm many fields to choose from • Medical.Dental • Pollce/Securlty • Constructlon/Support • Executlve/Supervlsory • Teachlng/Social Sciences/Art Only the serious need use our ser­ vice $249 refundable security deposit. Deposit will be refunded upon signature of employment contract.* “Mostly overseas work" search, Apparel Production or related field lab test experience, or 4 years' like experi­ ence without a degree; strong knowledge of textiles and textile testing necessary, as well as ability to work under pressure, solve problems and demonstrate strong organizational/tim e management skills. N IK E offers competitive salaries and ex­ cellent benefits. Please send your resume for consideration to: N IK E Employment, Portland Observer Ad, Nolan Ryan Build­ ing, O ne Bowerman D rive, Beaverton, O R 97005. These positions are subject to For Info Call 1-800-964-JOBS 8 am-6 pm Monday-Friday dose at any time. Wanted: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMM0VER 100 people to lose weight holiday pounds, Nowl No Exercise or diet. More Energy. Natural, guar­ anteed. 303-698-3003. I 4 v v / * • » ».