RELIGION N o w ADA i s - e very where you go, there is a radio, television, pulpit tent, on street coiner preacher-all you hear is “Prayer changes things!” “ Don’t worry! Just pray!” “Prayer is the key!” Well, I’v e come to the conclusion that it must bi of some great importance for so many people all across the globe to be prom Ring the same thing at the same tin c In the nation’s office, the Presiden of the Untied States holds a Prayer Breakfast. with the Almighty. You cannot serve two masters. You must love one and hate the other. No one can serve God and man at the same time. ISt. Matt. 6:24] Can you legitimately call God your Father? When you embrace God’s love and you submit willingly to His will, you can go to Him and say, ' My Fa­ ther... My Lord... My God...” But, as long as your heart continues to be hard­ ened by the world, you will never feel pass her hand across my brow, whisper soft words of assurance, pick me up in her arms and I’d feel her strength radi­ ating through me. The power of God, through prayer, is liken unto a child calling out to their mother. You can always depend on God. You should have the assurance that he will answer your plea. You should be so confident that your actions should demonstrate your confidence. Just recently, as I was reading some gospel literature, the writer PRA YER T H E PO W ER SOURCE B y M attie A nn C ollier -S pears Yes prayer is the key; but, faith unlocks he door. A nd-just when you think you have prayer explained-here comes faith. Although we cannot see, with physical eyes, what faith really means, it is through our spiritual eyes that we ire made aware. P rayer and faith go hand in hand. It’s a funny thing... this prayer. According to scripture, everyone is not qualified to pray. A nd-how do you qualify? When God comes knocking at the door to your heart, just say, “Yes!,” to God. When God knocks, let Him in. It’s better for God to occupy the re­ cesses o f your heart, and your mind, than all that junk you have been harbor­ ing in there. Get rid of the junk! Why? So you can establish a positive rapport the warmth of God’s love, feel the presence of His joy and peace and you will never legitimately have the right to address God as “your” lather. I challenge every reader to just try God. See what He can do! Establish a “kinship” with God. You will find that His grace is sufficient. And He has an exceeding abundance of grace. Estab­ lish a dialogue with the Master. It’s called prayer. There is pow'er in prayer. Yes! Power! When a person enters into this world, their mother nurtures them, loves them and makes the child feel secure. You can depend on mom. When I was sick, as a child, I’d call out in the night and my mother would come to my bedside and comfort me. She would Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple C M E Church (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson Pastor M allory Avenue Christian Church D is c ip le s of S u n d a y School 1 1 :0 0 o m M o rn in g W o rs h ip 7 :3 0 p m T uesday Bi I d ie P li A Y E R North Portland Bible College Winter Term, 1993 Classes begin January 4; finals week ends March 18. To register, call 288-2919, or 288-0885 Monday PM Old Testament Survey II, Pastor James Coleman Overview of I Kings through Song of Soloman I Corinthians Beth Nance A careful study of the various theological and issues raised in this epistle Tuesday AM Studies in the Book of Acts, Bishop Grace Osborne Careful study of the history of the early Lord, Jesus! To thee I come on bended knee. Father! If there be any obstacles between me and thee, move them Lord. In the Holy name of Jesus. Just give me a clean heart so I may serve thee every day. Let me... Oh Lord, be prepared to face whatever the New Year has to offer. For I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. May my life be an example of your love. In the Blessed Name of Jesus. Ainen church, in Acts 1 -1 2 Tuesday PM World Christian Outreach II, Michael Lindsey and Edith Thrower A searching study of the cultural perspective on the World Christian Movement. Prereq: WCOI or permission. Music Reading for the Church Choir, Joyce Smith (Pt. 1) Basic study of Musical notation and basic theory to prepare students to sight-read choral selections. Equipping the Saints I, Greg Hicks (continues through Feb. 2) Part II begins February 9. Part I repeats. Wednesday PM New Testament Survey II, Beth’ Nance Overview of Acts and the epistles of Paul. Romans through Philemon. Thursday PM Bible Interpretation, Michael Lindsey A practical study of accurate methods to understand the meaning of Bible passages, and their application lor today. Especially helpful to preachers and teachers, but open to all. PM: Evening classes meet 6:30 to 9:30 AM: The morning class meets 9:00 to 12:00 Registration and tuition remains $10.00 per term, plus $30.00 per course. A $5.00 credit is given tor each new student recruited to class. HE WAS A N A N G R Y MAN, CARING FOR NO ONE. BETTER A T LIFE, HIS ONLY INTERESTS BEING M O N EY AND HIMSELF ANOTHER YEAR WAS ENDING AND A NEW ONE TO BEGIN, BUT SOMEONE ELSE HAD A DIFFERENT PLAN, WHERE TIME ENDS AND REALITY BEGINS!! THE ENCOUNTER.... C h r is t YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME, ONCE YOU'VE EXPERIENCED . . . E ncounter 7600 N.E. GLISAN PORTLAND, OR. 97213 Experience This Dynamic Life-Changing Drama Larry & Tiz Iludi Senior Pastors "Come to me all you who ore weor j and heavy laden and I ujill give you rest.” 9 :4 5 o m friend. When in times of distress call on the Lord. If your faith and stamina seem insufficient to enable you to face a challenge begin to embrace the reality: God is the source of my strength. I can find peace in speaking his name. God’s abundance is mine today. Look up and let God. There is power in an unhindered prayer. F ree? W hat? Clothes and Food Only W hen? Tuesday: Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3:00pm W here? Mallory' Avenue C hurch o f Christ 3908 NE Mallory Ave. • Portland, OR 97211 for further information contact: Pat at 503-288-1092 4236 NE Eigth Avenue i M allory A v e n u : C hurch of C h rist AlW¡OUNCEMENT P s a lm s 3 4 : 3 ¡ i said, “When you pray for rain, start carrying an umbrella.” Thai’s having confidence in the person you have openly grown to love and depend on. This person is God Almighty. When you are an established child of the King, you accept the abundant supply that God is faithfully providing. You have no problem going to God. He has already stated that he would supply our every need. We have accepted the supply and demands of the world. Why can ’ t we accept the abundance that God has in store for us? All we have to do is ask. Power can be your’s. Il’s only a prayer away. The power of assurance. The power of positive awareness. The power of healing. The power of loving someone you wouldn’t ordinarily take the time toevenspiton. Through prayer, God can give you compassion, He can heal a sin sick soul. Through prayer, He can cool the fevered brow of a sick relative. Through prayer, someone you love dearly, far, far, away can be touched by the merciful hand ol God. Through prayer.... Yes! There is power in prayer. As Christians, we must stop allow­ ing the enemy to get the upper hand in our lives. Pray! Pray without ceasing. You can defeat the enemy through prayer. You must be relentless. Satan is. He never gives up. Sir Beelzebub stays on his job morning, noon and night. The effective, fervent prayers of a righteous man [or woman] availeth much. [James 5:16] You can get much more accomplished through prayer than by getting on the phone and calling around gossiping. If things don’tseem tobegoing the way that you think they should, accord­ ing to the word, pray. When there is confusion in your family and your loved ones are bickering, don’t carelessly enter into an argument with the words of the world, address them with a prayer in your heart. Let God fight your battles. It could just be a whisper. God knows the desires, the fears, the pleading, the needs of our lives and of our souls. God is intensely concerned with the condi­ tion of our souls. Don’t wait until you are pressed between a rock and a hard place before you go to God in prayer. I think it is so foolish for man to just continue doubt­ ing God’s ability and His power. Man will inevitably wait until he is flat on his back-then, he callp out, “God! Help me!” Why wait until you are in a pro­ verbial squalor before you realize the power and dependability of God Al­ mighty? Seek his face now! Enter into your secret place and talk to your Father which is in heaven. Discover an untapped source of power. Establish a right relationship with God. When you’re alone, let God be your S tud y a n d Prayer Inter-racial Congregation 126 N.C Alberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 Clay & Taml Drayton Pastors It's contemporary! It's Multi-cultural! It's Spirit Filled! A church fo r the 90’s! Live On Stage Two Nights Only! Thursday... December 31... 8:00 pm Sunday.... January 3.... 6:00 pm 7600 NE Glisan Ave, Portland No Admission Charge i £>t $ au l ffliSSiotiarp ^Baptist Cljurd) i Are you tired of the same old thing? Then you are ready for New Begin­ nings! Come join the excitement as we take Portland for Jesus! 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm Study Phone:289-1911 - • • Dynamic Children & Youth Ministries • Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries Pastor, Rev James C E Faulkner I Peter iv 11 • :J . -'Ï A ' • Anointed Preaching & Teaching • Powerful Praise & Worship Theme- Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now «5 Scott & Lydia Sigman Pastors Cameron & D'Ncce Hunter Pastors MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Has moved Sunday seviees to S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h N .E . S a n d y B lvd. & 30 th Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. .Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. • Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS 7600 NE Glisan Street 256-6050 A T each in g C hurch W ith A Reaching M inistry Dr. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954