' • * '*»**’•*»-> * . 1‘ ZVV Page 8...The Portland O bsener...December 23, 1992 RELIGION Ainsworth United Church Of Christ “A Beacon Of Hope" part one of a series BY BILL FO R SH A Y ? . thecommumt} involvement with a sec­ tion titled: Why are W e Here? The answers start with the fact that the church is part o f the community with deep roots in the neighborhood history. It points out that this com m u­ nity needs a church that reflects the character o f the area and is open to all people. The church facilities are suggested as a place for people to discuss prob­ lems and make plans for a better future. The fact that the location is accessible T ravelers to New England fre­ quently notice the white frame churches at the end o f the village green often in the center o f sm all towns. Informed that these are C ongregationalchurches, they usually nod w isely as though they know th e story o f C o n g reg atio n alism in A m erica. They seldom learn that the greens once belonged to the churches and w ere leased out for grazing to local farm ers. N or are they told how these churches supported their mem ­ bers in tim es of hardship and created a spirit o f oneness in their communities by having thechurch play an active role in all com m u­ nity affairs. T o d a y ’s C o n g re g a tio n a l churches united with Reform and E vangelical churches under the um brella nam e o f the United Church o f C hrist have returned the concept o f the church as an active force in the com m unity w ith concern for the well being of all people in society rather than a chosen few. In order to accom ­ plish this goal, they have adopted the prayer o f Jesus “that they may all be o n e” and made it their logo. One m ajor example o f this interactive and community in­ Rev. Paul Spurlock tensive faith is found at Ainsworth to the community is stressed as is the United Church of Christ located on the thought that the church is committed to com er o f 30th Avenue and Ainsworth serving the neighborhood in order to Street. enrich the moral fiber o f the com m u­ Well aware o f the early history of nity. Finally the brochure points out the C ongregational churches which that the mission of Christ is to people o f started in colonial times and were es­ all ages and races. tablished all over New England and Oldtim ers, proud o f the church’s Pennsylvania, this church is proud of its local history point out that the history o f heritage of involvement. “ Some o f the this church began when im m igrant early churches sent missionaries to the Swiss dairy farmers living on Columbia Indian tribes and the church was an B oulevardin 1904 gathered in akitchen active force in seeking the abolition of to talk about building a Reform ed slavery during the early 1800’s,” one Church in their neighborhood so their m em ber stated and another added that children could attend weekly services. the United Church o f Christ has grown W ith the help of a S 100.00 grant from to nearly two million members in this the Home Mission Board and volunteer century. labor, a one room church was erected Even the brochure handed out to on 37th and Columbia. A large circus visitors and potential members stresses ascending to heaven. Each of these pictures has appropriate symbols such as the anchor and the Torah and the dove. Over the altar is a larger separate dramatic portraiture of Jesus in the gar­ den o f G cthscm anc praying with the disciples sleeping in the distance. Although very formal, these w in­ dows add to the charm o f the church with their color, expressiveness and deep religious feeling. During the 1960’s, the mortgage was burned and the church became independent o f the Home M ission Board. By the 1970’s, with ethnic variety established in the congregation, an­ other ch urch, St. A ndrew s U nited Church o f Christ was organized and located in NE. Portland. After mutual sharing o f program s and facilities over several years, it was decided to join the two parishes and start a church together using the structure at 30th and A in­ sworth and renaming it the Ainsworth United Church of Christ. Thus for a time the present build­ ing housed two parishes who found a community o f spirit and an agreem ent of theological principles united under one roof but with separate pastorships. This occurred in 1981 and was seen at the time as a positive statem ent in the face of societal upheaval and racial dissension. Now, eleven years after that his­ toric effort to soothe the troubled w a­ ters o f ethnic strife, this church once again stands in the forefront o f those people who are unifying community forces in such a way that the ideals of Christian brotherhood are followed and practiced as a functioning rule o f hu­ man conduct. This has led to an ethnic diversity reflected in every endeavor the church is involved with from the United Negro College Fund to the supportof a refugee African family to active opposition to such socio-political issues such as the fight over proposition 9. The multi cultural diversity is also « The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonism s when it accords to every person, regardless o f race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. H ating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. i reflected in the eclectic music used in the services and coming from all sources and traditions. Under the skilled leadership o f Lessic W illiams, a w ide ranged and skilled soprano who is frequently seen in other venues as soloist/director/ teacher, the church boasts a choir o f about sixteen voices who attem pt ev­ erything from Bach to Rutter with re­ peated forays into gospel, jazz, folk, sacred and ethnic music (often done phonetically in the original language). Another exam ple of this musical universality is the fact that for the past several months, Janice Scroggins, a Portland musical legend and jazz vir­ tuoso, has been the accom panist for the church and choir. Her intricate and spiritual piano solos often used for the purpose o f “centering” the congrega­ tion and choir are religious w orks of art in sound. Ainsworth Church is under the cur­ rent leadership of Reverend Paul A. Spurlock. Bom in Denver, Colorado and raised and educated there, he spent time in the U.S. Navy and also per­ formed several years o f Social Service work before deciding to becom e a m in­ ister. He received a M aster o f Divinity degree from Iliff School o f Theology in Denver and com pleted his interim and field work in churches in A rriba, Flaler, Evergreen, and in two D enver churches. Formally installed as m inister o f Ainsworth UCC on Sunday, May 13, 1990, Rev. Spurlock had actually been working in the church from the previ­ ous March. Coming to the ministry later in life has g i ven Re v. S purlock a greater aware­ ness o f social needs and his participa­ tion in a wide range o f volunteer posts has kept him current on the real prob­ lems our society faces. He was a volun­ teer counselor for the Opportunities and Industrialization Center, a director o f the Colorado Advisory Symposium on Child Abuse and Neglect, personnel chairman for a mental health center and a delegate to a Chicago Conference on Racial Justice. zz, S P E C I A XÁ ' U: • < . : *i • «• » ’.». . Jesus Loves You! M allory Avenue Christian Church D is c ip le s . »4 L »* » of C h r is t Allen Temple CME Church 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm 126 N.€. Alberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 £>t $attl Msstonarp ■V 6 .> 1 8101 N Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203 Study Phone:289-1911 heating oils Bast Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 Theme A Mass In Commemoration O f D R . M A R T IN L U T H E R K IN G , JR . 10:45 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! of F re e ? W h at? Clothes and Food Only W h en ? Tuesday: Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3:(X)pm Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service T h e m e 1 W hatever you 're going to do for the Lord, do it n o w Has moved Sunday sevices to Stone T o w er C h u rch N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.tn. on KBMS Where? Pastor. Rev James C E Faulkner MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH C hrist A nnouncement Sunday School Celebrant Fr. John Cornelius S.J. Holy Redeemer Parish 25 N. Portland Blvd. Portland. Oregon ÏÜALLO K Y A V E V I E C hurch Sunday Service 7:00pm N 5:30 p.m. Saturday January 9, 1993 Ms QU Service 282-5111 9:30 ?*- I O (corner of 8th & Skidmore) '.♦A 5 * -i. •t.< I T Phillip S. Nelson Pastor Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Silble Study and Prayer Church Phone: 289-0147 D 4236 NE Eigth Avenue (503) 287-0261 Inter-racial Congregation C5Z •ÿ E Psalms 34:3 Portland, Oregon 97211 "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." L CGMMING JANUARY 13, 1993 Í? » •’ -, < Sally, Rev. Spurlock’s wife is a former Social Service worker and is also an active participant in the pro­ grams o f the church. A graduate o f the University o f Colorado where daugh­ ter Lisa and son Matt both attended. Mrs. Spurlock brings her energy and awareness to community problems and at the same time supports Rev. Spurlock in his work. Thanks to their understanding o f real need and concerns, both are often found speaking out against societal evils. In particular, Rev. Spurlocks ser­ mons often deal with the present day problems o f the community and the church. This is not a church where the minister or the congregation is afraid to speak out. Even thechildren of the church are not simply relegated to Sunday School but are encouraged to act as acolytes, sing in a youth choir under the superb direction o f Curtis King, hear special stories on Sundays and arc occasion­ ally used as liturgists in addition to their inclusion in the social programs. With a m embership of 137 which includes four other m inisters, A in­ sworth UCC is still reaching out to the community. As Rev. Spurlock says, “Although we draw people from all over the city, we still want to be a neighborhood church.” W hen asked about his dreams, hopes and expectations for the coming year, Spurlock comm ented that the church would like to increase m em ber­ ship but, more importantly, continue to reach out to the community in a posi­ tive way that affirms our diversity. Spurlock mentioned that in a re­ cent meeting with other m inisters o f ( the area, they told him that their view of Ainsworth church included the de­ sire that the m ulti/cultural, multi/eth- nic basis of the church would act as a “beacon of hope tnat this is what the community itself can becom e.” Services start at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. The church phone num ber is (503) 284-8767. Creed Of The Black Press « « à tent was needed to hold the crow d that celebrated the Silver anniversary of that founding in 1929. Reverend Zinn, the filth pastor to lead the church guided the congrega­ tion into relocation o f the church to 30th and Ainsworth. He also led the church into a merger with the E vangeli­ cal Church of America. Both the R e­ form and Evangelical churches had his­ torical roots back to the 16th Century tied in with the Protestant Reform ation with M artin Luther in Germany and Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland. T h is c o n g re g a tio n th en changed its name to the Second E v a n g e lic a l an d R e fo rm e d Church. D uring the 1 9 5 0 ’s, this church merged with the C ongre­ gational Christian denominations as a forerunner to the unity of C hristendom and adopted the name o f U nited Church of Christ. Following this, the congre­ gation at 30th and Ainsworth again changed its name. Thanks to the presence o f the F irst Congregatioal church on Park which had been renamed as First United Church of Christ in Port­ land, the choice was easy. Under the leadership o f R ev­ erend Goodling, the present sanc­ tuary o f brick was constructed with stained glass windows designed by the artist Gerber. These windows starting with the first on the right nearest the altar repre­ sent the life of Christ both symbolically and artistically. For exam ple, the first window has the Virgin and Child with symbols from his nativity such as three crowns and a shepherds crook. The second shows Christ as a boy preaching in the temple and “about his Father’s business”. The third shows Christ prior to starting his preaching and the fourth shows him as rabbi, leader o f disciples. In the fifth W indow Christ is on trial, crowned with thorns, in the sixth, crucified and in the seventh, risen and M allory A venue C h u rc h ol C h rist 3908 NE Mallory Ave. • Portland, OR 97211 for further information contact: Pal at 503-288-1092 I Peter iv 11 A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 2S4-1954 ■’• s . «4S* A « í- M * <;*.«•» • ■ » i • • • ¡- . i . - . •* » .1 /«