«A* fr •* • k * I » fr * « f ♦ 4 A • '• * » * » '• 4 im F T H n K > t fr fr fr ♦•* <►*♦•<« ’* *< * •# * > December 23, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7 6¿t¿ f Í b/Zc/f/tc/ vA/i/itoe/wa/v/- Brisco and Charlie Bell Morgan On Wednesday, Dee. 23rd, 1922, Brisco and Charlie Bell Morgan, 3604 N. Commercial, will celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary. They were married on Dec. 23rd, 1928, in Lamar Country, Texas. He was 20 and she was 18. They moved to Portland, OR in 1956. To this blessed union were bom 10 children. The family will celebrate this glorious occasion with a dinner with family and friends. Obituary: Louis Mattioli, Publicist, Writer, Performer Louis Mattioli, 38, Publicist for the Afts& Entertainment Network whoalso worked as a writer, director and per­ former, died December 1 in Manhattan following a sudden illness. The Wisconsin native began his career as teenager in Milwaukee, back­ ing such names as Diana Ross, Carol Channing and Sonny & Cher at the Wisconsin State Fair before moving on to play leading roles in numerous plays and musicals, including Leave It To Jane, A Servant of Two Master, The Apple Tree and Fiddler on the Roof while also appearing in various revues and at local nighteries. Mattioli attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwau­ kee; area directing and choreography assignments followed. In 1977 he moved to New York, immediately landing a role in Tom O ’Horgan’s Broadway re­ vival of Hair, in which he later toured. Subsequent New York appearances in­ cluded Sweet William and On The Town; cabaret engagements as half of the pop duo Buckwheat & Lazoo and with the jazz trio Vocal Ease; and as a member of Sowing & Reaping Revealed Through C nrist Jesus Free January/February Programs Offered By Portland Adventist CBGB’s improvisation uoupe. As director-choreographer, re­ gional credits include the Dorset The­ atre Festival productions of Nunsense and 1940’s Radio Hour with New York credits including a revised version of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Allegro, Cole and Sugar,. As a librettist he most recently co-authored the stage adapta­ tion of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s mo­ tion picture musical State Fair, which premiered this past summer at The Stevens Center in North Carolina and at Long Beach Civic Light Opera in Cali­ fornia. As publicist, Mattioli was respon­ sible for promoting performing arts and drama programming atA&E. He joined the network in 1987, serving as Viewer Relation coordinator before his promo­ tion to Publicist in 1990. Funeral services were held Friday, Dec. 4 in his home town of Kenosha, WI. He is survived by his father and sister, both of Kenosha. A memorial service is planned for early January in New York, details to be announced The following free programs dur­ ing January and February are open to the Community. They will be presented at Portland Adventist Medical Center, 10123 SE Market Street unless another location is listed. No preregistration is required, unless otherwise indicated, for more information call 256-4000 (toll free from most areas in Portland/ Vancouver). Free Health Screenings Depression Lecture and Screening Tuesday, January 26 Amphitheater C Major studies show that as many as 12 million people in the United States are currently suffering form depres­ sion. Early diagnosis and treatment can lessen its severity, shorten its duration and lower the probability of relapse. W antto learn more about dealing effec­ tively with your depression? Then this free seminar is for you! 5:30-6 p.m. Worksheets will be distributed to measure your level of depression (Becks Depression Inventory). 6-7:30 p.m. “When Life Has You Down” David E. Blakeslee, Psy.D. Warner B. Swarner, M.D. BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS am a murderer. If I am jumping in the sack with every Tom, Dick and Harry, I am a whore. We, as Christians, must learn to call sin by its name and stop trying to cover it up and paint it a different color. Just wait a few minutes and the real thing will “bleed” through. Sowing means scattering seed and reaping means gathering. In the Spring, if I should plant daf­ fodils, I expect to gel daffodils. NOT roses. When a person sees someone in church worshipping and praising God, they are inclined to believe that they are “Believers” in the God they are worship­ ping. When a person sees that same per­ son outside the church-cussing, lying, cheating, stealing, using drugs, sleeping with everybody and saying that it’s all right, it seems like we got turnips instead of daffodils. When the seed of redemption is planted and it falls on well-nourished soil, the soul is truly redeemed. But--the soil, each individual, must be ready to receive the seed. Earlier-I mentioned a situation con­ cerning over payment. If I were a Chris­ tian only in word (by mouth) and not indeed, I would have been something other than what I professed to b e -a Christian. As Christian believers, we should be tireless in doing good There should be no qua'rrs about tne act of doing the right th in g -if you’re really who y ou say you are. The behavior of a Christian and the behavior of a worldly person should be totally different. When Christ is accepted into your Sometime ago I went into a super­ market here in town. I made a purchase and was about to leave when I realized that the cashier had given me too much money. I turned around and went back to the cashier and asked her to re-count her change. She quickly discovered that she had given me a twenty dollar bill instead of a ten dollar bill. Another instant that I recalled w as-the time when I went into a gas station. The attendant was very kind. He pumped my gas and I paid him for the gas, which was ten dollars. He proceeded to give me twenty dollars change. I quickly called him back say­ ing, “Sir! I think that you have given me too much change. I paid you ten dollars for ten dollars worth of gas and you gave me twenty dollars change. I know that sounds like a good depl-but, I-don’t - think-so.” I smiled. He smiled and said “Thank you! They would have taken that out of my salary.” Many times people will come up to me and ask if I am crazy for giving up money like that. My response i s - ’Tt wasn’t mine from the beginning; so why should I get all happy over something that was never mine?” It’s just not worth putting your soul in jeopardy over a few dollars. Satan is a great baseball player. He can throw a great curve. This is all part of that reaping and sowing process that is spoken of in the scripture. [Galatians 6:5-10 KJV & Hosea 8:7] People who “say” that they are Christians should “act” the part. How can you be convincing T your life is crooked? If I steal, I am a thief. If I tell untruths, I am a liar If I kill someone I ¿¿¿/a /e/¿ ¿a (jfisw¿/na&, ¿¿aa ketten 'tr /J t/t ¿dt S P E A C L E D I T I O N COMING JANUARY 13 Call 288-0033 or Fax 288-0015 to Advertise Deadline is January 8,1993 T his C hristmas W ill B e D ifferent CHRISTIAN CENTER HE WAS A N ANGRY MAN, CARING EOR NO ONE. BITTER A T LIFE, HIS ONLY INTERESTS BEING MONEY AND HIMSELF life, the presence of the Holy Spirit and all that other old stuff can’t make it together. You have to keep one and dash out the other. Don’tyou know that ever ' man is the temple of God and the dw ell ing place of His Spirit and he must keep himself undefiled. [I Corinthians 3:16 21a] Even though...some of us put up a pretty good smoke screen, God can > and he can hear all that we say and all tl> " we do. “ ...And the quality of each person work will be seen when the Day of Christ exposes it. For on that Day, fire will reveal everyone’s work; the fire will test it and show its real quality.” [I Corin 3:13 GNB] A “dyed-in-the-wool” Chri stian can not be a worker of iniquity, serve Christ and expect to receive warm fuzzies and pats on the back for a job well done. III were you, I’d look out for a big hand t< come and slap me backwards. The Holy Scripture says that darkness and light cannot co-habitat, you must love one and hate the other. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us. But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right; he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing. If w c say we have not sinned, we make a liar out of God, and his word is not in us.” [ I John 1:8-10 GNB] During this Christmas ¡w > n , if each Christian sisier and brother ! ppears as themselves-what a zonieC d Season Greeting thai will be “ ...And they’1; kne ' e Chris tians by our lcve, by o ; o e...Yes! They’ll know we arc Chris • ■> is by out love.” By Clay &Tami Drayton 7600 N.E. GLISAN PORTLAND, OR. 97213 /Jl/im y fife /Ju e celebrated GAristmas ZJte indeer, elves a n d S a n ta ’ j presence ANOTHER YEAR W'ASENDING AND / t NEW ONE TO BEGIN, AND NOTHING WOULD CHANGE..,. OR SO HE THOUGHT- Larry & Tiz llu cli Senior Pastors Cause 37never Anew the GArist zZ a