r > NP 4 4 • V » 'v » December 1 6 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9 RELIGION Temple Baptist Church (jfio o & e Whom Ye May Serve BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS This past year, 1991, we mourned the loss of so many of our young who died needlessly at the hands of one another. We are still remembering and we arc still feeling the impact of what happened. There is trouble at each door but if those who are opening the door are without the Holy spirit (or the Comforter)...trouble will consume you. You can handle nothing! -- all by yourself. Unless you have the love, the mercy of Jesus Christ, the abiding faith in Jesus Christ and you’ve put on the full armour of the Lord -- you cannot stand. Oh - things may seem to be going just fine. Then, one day you will see e vi 1 in the nude. You won’t make it unless you have God on your side. We’re now engaged in a spiritual warfare, some feel trapped and are test­ ing whether that power or the power given us by God Almighty can long endure. Whom do ye serve? If you’re tired of being taken upon pinnacles of supposedly success, only to find that its a heap of filth and rot and shame; then - turn now! Today! Make a commitment to serve the Almighty and the Everlasting God our Father. Choose whom ye shall serve. Turn away from your wicked ways. Get yourself in a position where you can see. Get yourself in a position where you can hear God’s instructions. Psalms the 46th chapter and the 10th verse slates, “Be still and KNOW that I am God”. Put your eyes, your mind and your heart on Jesus Christ and He will heal your sin sick soul. God has (through the years) spared many of our lives. He has given us second and even third chances; but, I ask you now -- what are you doing with the additional lime that God has given to you? Are you having a good time out in the world? Are you not committed to anything because of fear? Are you liv­ ing in the fast lane - going 200 miles per hour only io find that you have gone absolutely N-o-w-h-e-r-E? Arc you 20 or 30 years old looking like you’re 50 or 60 years old? Are you hooked on drugs or alcohol and you can’t get unhooked? Are you miserable because of what you think is for no apparent reason? This is, now, 1992. Its not getting sooner; but, its later than you thought it was. Try GOD! See what He can do! C ’mon! You’ve tried everything else. So, why not try something that you can sink your spiritual teeth into. In­ stead of having a diet of water and rice that makes you think that you are lull; then, why not try a hearty diet of meat and potatoes and become really full? If you really and truly understand what I’m hying to say to you, don’t let this year end with you being caught in 1 g>t. $ a u l ffltSSloiiarp JBaptiit Church die same stupor and the same dilemma that this year found you in. Because..., it does not have to be that way - for­ ever. There are many church buildings which stand with empty pews. There are loo many wandering souls for this to be a truth. Children of the Most High God, pray: Hear our prayer, Oh Lord! Hear our prayer dear Abba! Our hands are sore and scarred from our labor in the fields of life. Please give us clean hearts that we may serve Thee Our backs are laid open from the whips of persecution But, give us clean hearts...Lord! Help us to hold on — even when our strength seems to fail us. May your grips become tighter, Lord! Oh, Lord! The world allures me and it tells me that - I AM: But, I’in asking you to let me not forget the cross. We are the Light, the Salt and the Leaven of the world. May we (the Christian Believers) Let the Christ in us shine. May we extend our hands and hearts to touch others in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. l / l 'h , , i i , C , »TW r i ,»»»»•«<< .M « " £? Oehna TEaria S p ea rs SAnd C em ont C d w a rd SPenn toy eth er w ith th eirp a ren ts JEattie LA. C. S p ea rs a n d A id e r ! S h e p a r d And TEr. an JJ E rs. T rum an LPenn w ouidhe h a p p y a n d h o n o re d i f y o u co u ld sh a re th e jo y o f this union defore S o d as V elm a a n d E e m o n t exchange M allory A venue C hurch of C h rist 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 The combined choirs of Temple Baptist Church, accompanied by or­ chestra and pipe organ, will present “Everlasting Light-A Christmas Carol for a Dark World” by Claire Coninger and Mark Hayes at two special Christ­ mas concerts. The concerts are scheduled for Sat­ urday, December 19, at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 20, at 6:00 p.m. “This musical drama will thrill the listener with the realization and re­ newed certainly that in the dark streets of our world, th e' Everlasting Light” of Jesus Christ still shines. It is His Love that brings new light to everyone’s Christmas!’ says Music Director and Conductor, Frances Maynard. Admission is by a canned food donation, food collected will be distrib­ uted by the Temple Sunshine Fund to help meet the needs of the needy, a thank offering will also be taken fol­ lowing the concert. Temple Baptist Church is located near the Lloyd Center at Corner of Northeast Seventh Avenue and Clacka­ mas Street. Handicapped access is pro­ vided from the church parking lot. Founded by Swedish Baptists in 1884, the English speaking congrega­ tion of Temple Baptist Church has a long tradition of musical excellence and is affiliated with the Baptist Gen­ eral Conference of the United States. For further information, contact: Fran Maynard 233-5953. ’» ,»•» ' l ú ' h r , th e ir m a rria ye uows a n d d e y in a new fife on S a tu rd a y, th e n in eteen th o f i)ecem der A nnouncement TCtneteen h u n d red a n d n in ety -tw o Free? What? TEi. Oiiuet JS a p tist C h u r c h a t one o 'cioch in th e afternoon Clothes and Food Only Study Phone:289-1911 SPort[and, Oreyon When? Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm Tuesday: Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3:00pm W here? M allory A venue C hurch o f Christ 3908 NE Mallory Ave. • Portland, OR 97211 for further information contact: Pat at 503-288-1092 Pastor, Rev. James C E Faulkner Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now 760 0 N .E . G L IS A N P O R T L A N D , OR. 9 7 2 1 3 M s M Se L arry & Tiz Huch heating oils I Peter iv.11 B,?st Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 SENIOR PASTORS Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Mallory Avenue Christian Church C H R IS T IA N C E N T E R Pre&entö In CONCERT! CHRISTIAN CENTER D is c ip le s of It's Live! It's Hot! It's Rap! It's Fresh! It's Multicultural! It's Spirit-Filled! It's New Beginnings! And Jesus Has a New Beginning fo r YOU!! 3’ 4* Clav & l ami Drayton PASTOR / MUSIC C h r is t "Come to me oil you who ore weary and heavy laden ond I will give you rest. 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Silble Study and Prayer Scott & Lydia Sigman CHILDRENS PASTORS Pastor Huch and the entire staff of New Beginnings Christian Center invite you to come worship Jesus Urn,. Christ w ith us this week. Find out why New Beginnings has exploded to more than I ¿ 2000 members in s tjw o years. You will .sense w o meniocis m ju j---. mightv presence of the Lord through dynamic the se & worship and the anointed preaching o. God s praise W ord! Inter-rociol Congregation Kt-tfr. 126 N.G Alberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 Special Guest: 24/7 FOSSE v ________ ■ ■ Join us Sundays for worship at 10:30 A M & 6:00 PM , Cameron & D'nece Hunter and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. PASTOR / WORSHIP Ticket Info: 256-6050 $5 in advance $7 at the door special group rates TS y :C C JJTtrX 7600 N.E. GLISAN PORTLAND MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CH U R CH Has moved Sunday sevires to Stone T o w er C hurch N .E . S andy Blvd. & 30th _____________ ________________________ (5 0 3 ) 2 5 6 -6 0 5 0 Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple C M E Church Psalms 34:3 W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N .E . Schuyler 4236 NE Eigth Avenue 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. R easons (greetings _____________ (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS (503) 287-0261 A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry I)r. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Phillip S. Nelson Pastor Church Office 116 N .E . Schuyler St. • (5O.YU84-l