• » ,» » » » k » » ♦ » t » i * * » » % w % * % % % v v v v * v «• 4 W r v » * » * 4* * • > > • V * V V Page 8...The Portland Observer ...November 18,1992 C V v X « * < * » » * « * * < * < * * V « V « ime is D eloria A nnette W arrren June 18,1960 • November 9,1992 W arren, W illie Love, Jr., A zel Love and L.D. Love, and Godmother o f Curtis Tillery, Jr. But more then this, she was a light in the lives o f those who knew her. A graduate o f John Adams High School, Deloria received a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration from Portland State University and, in 1990, a Juris D octorate degree from Northwestern School o f Law at Lewis & Clark College. She was em ployed as an attorney with the M etropolitan Pub­ lic Defenders Office. At the time o f her passing, she was professionally repre­ senting children in juvenile court. The family suggests that contribu­ tions be made to: The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation G reater Port­ land Chapter, c/o First Interstate Bank, any branch. The family deeply appreci­ ates the sincere, genuine and loving tributes, cards, flowers, prayers, phone calls, visits and many other expressions of kindness and concern. W e wish G od’s Blessings upon each o f you. 5 0 tA •Too slow for those who wait. Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve. Too short for those who rejoice; But for those who love, Time is not. Islamic Forum N.W. and Tbc M uslim C om m unity Center o f Portland Presents tion into th e Army. In 1967 they c eleb rated th eir 25th A nniversary by repeating their vows at N ew H ope B aptist C hurch, w ith th e late Rev. H enry A lexander Sim m ons R alph retired from Ash G rove C e m e n t Co. in 1976, following 30 years o f em ploym ent. Mr. & Mrs Ralph Brown have one son D uane W ashington.they also have 7 grand children, C huck, Ronnie, T o n y , Gary, M ark, Peaches and Cory, and have 26 greatgrand children Rocco, Sarina, C haka, O m ar, Chris, R onnie, L atonya, M arcus, T e rre l, M arcus, D eandre.A shly, Santina, A nthony, D urel, M aurice, A ndre, T alau n ik a, A nthony, Chris, Q uayanuna, M arco, Shantell, ¿ h i ¿ho vine/ > Hema i tf W ilbert P erry D in n e r B u ffe t 1915-1992 ’ A:- :7 • • ■ ">■ ’ ’ • ? • ' ’• ’ AAA--Â couple looks like today. The luncheon was held at the Red Lion Colum bia River in the View Ball­ room. The theme was “Showers o f Bless- and "A l I la j j M a lik S h a b a z z ( M a l c o lm X ) A M o d e l o f H u m a n D e v e lo p m e n t" Mr. Perry passed Monday No­ vem ber 9, 1992, after a long illness o f Lung & Heart disease. He is sur­ vived by his wife Frieda and four (4) step children Joyce W ashington, Iva C o llin s, M abie K yles & L arry Hickman, all o f Portland, Oregon. Services were held at Im m acu­ late Heart Parish. Cost - $25.00 Adults $10.00 Students over 12 years Special discounts for groups (10 o r more) Tickets available for sale at the M uslim Com m unity Center Fridays at Jum m ah (1:30) Sundays at Tallin (1:00) For Information contact : l l i c Muslim Community Center 3801 NE Martin Luther King Jr. lllvd. Phone 281-7691 Tcacc be unto you' 'À-*' ings.’ The water affect started at the guest book table and extended to a huge fountain in the center of the room. The room was beautifully deco­ rated with greenery, and, elevated on risers, were the pianist Jerome Patten and Elder Clifton W ells. Music filled the room as friends and family gath­ ered. The buffet table reminded every­ one of the occasion with a huge iced 25th carving. In one com er of the room was a video of the 1967 wedding, with music M allory Avenue Christian Church Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple CME Church Psalms 34:3 D is c ip le s 4236 NE Eiglh Avenue of C h r is t (comer of 8th & Skidmore) (503) 287-0261 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm a rra n g e d by R o sem ary s b ro th e r, M ichael Jackson of Portland. Judy and Charles Trotter, cousins o f the couple and the ow ners of Solu­ tions G raphics, arranged the video. Ev­ eryone was amazed to see the bride and groom m oved from the top of the W ed­ ding cake to the fam ily photograph, an d then how the bride tossed her bouquet to Bobbie Greer. It floated across the screen. The cake table was beautifully decorated with two fountains and a three-tier cake. Guests were delighted with the cake, a combination half-choco­ late and w hite cake. The couple topped off the cake with individual pictures cakes, one o f Alfred and one with Rosem ary’s picture. Al Jr., (nineteen years old) was the host for his parents' anniversary. The head table was at the entrance of the ballroom with the women in white and the men wearing black. They were Eliza­ b e th Ja c k so n , Ja m e s and E v ely n Torrence, Bill and Ellen Duggcns, R ob­ ert and Geneva Bedford, Mary Coleman, 7 / Stone Tower Church N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th t ”? : W o rs h ip S e rv ic e s 8:00 a.m . & 11:00 a.m . C h u r c h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 to 10:30 a.m . B ib le S tu d y , W e d n e s d a y s , 116 N .E . S c h u y le r '•:. & A .s ? • .■•/■>! A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R e a c h in g M in istry 5 ’• «> ; >. '•< i? s ? «■•».i i'Z1 A: »? V-?«/ O w T i-' ¿e * ' •”rr • D r. J a m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a sto r Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 For Best Results Advertise in the Observer Alfred and Rosemary. Deborah Kimbrough sang “You Bring O ut the Best In M e.” Vernon Brazzle sang “Flesh o f My Flesh.” The couple closed by thanking everyone for attending, but most o f all, to God for His showers of blessing these past 25 years. Thanksgiving Crusade 1237 N .E . F ailin g St. (C o m er o f 13th) N ovem ber 26-29 7:45 pm nightly/3;3O pm Sunday (conducted by Elder Leon Brewer Jr.) O give thanks unto the L ord, N .C A lb erta t P o rtlan d , O ñ 9 7 2 1 1 t ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -5 1 7 3 for he is good... C h u r c h P h o n e : 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 R a d io M in is try e a c h S u n d a y , 8:00 a.m . on K B M S 1967 wedding. B e v e rly J o h n so n an d P a u l Mitchelle (Seattle) read the History o f Everyone Welcome 14th Annual Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday ßilble Study and Prayer 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203 10:30 a .m . a n d 7:00 p .m . ; i. r*’* couple in 1992. Three huge posters o f the wedding party of 1967 were on display around the room . M ichael (brother) said he has certainly changed. He was 5 years old and was the ring bearer in 1967. Lanetta Lockhart was only 5 years old and the flower girl. M ichael and Lanetta are now 30 and remember the fun o f the P salm s 107:1,2 N ew T estam en t C .O .G .I.C . (Jau l JMtóátonarp JBajittót O « « I ) Has moved Sunday sevices to I 1 , 1 2 6 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm S tu d y P h o n e :2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 H eavenB ound G ospel M usic M inistries is proud to announce the 2N D ANNUAL “ HOLD-ON HELP IS ON THE WAY” 1 9 9 2 WORKSHOP N o v e m b e r 17 -thru- N o v e m b e r 2 0 • 6 p.m . ea c h n ig h t M T . O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H (First 2 nights) 116 NE SCHUYLER • PORTLAND, OR & M ARANATHA CH U RCH (Each remaining night including the concert) 4222 BE 12TH AVENUE • PORTLAND, OR C O N C E R T **** SATURDAY, November 21 al 7:00 pm Pastor, R ev Jam es C E Faulkner Theme: Whatever you 're going to do for the Lord, do it now I Peter iv. 11 please call Min. Lonnie Hosley fo r additional information at 283-1524 S ' J • « \v •». ’»%n ** *j» „ 5 » • • • • • -• A • >. • u- 4e ■■■ -?*• .--.-if * A 1:? ,? / » • • • Mitchell of Seattle, W ashington. All the tables w ere beautifully decorated with white linen, silver can- delabras, bow s and m in o r tops, and accented with an oval picture o f the Crusade for Christ Come! I n te r-ra d a l C o n g re g a tio n MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH v Veronica r ____ — Jackson, L n on nnrl A iirirAV and Audrey J» 44 C ultivating A Spirit O f Thanksgiving >» will g iv e y o u re s t." Phillip S. Nelson Pastor - Theme: "C om e to m e oil y o u tuho o re w e a r y a n d h e a v y lo d e n a n d I Portland, Oregon 97211 'vL Rev. Jointer is the former pastor o f the North Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in New H ebron, M ississippi. Rev. Jointer has a Bachelors o f Theology degree from Harpers Baptist Seminary in Magnolia, M ississippi, an English Bible degree from M ississippi Baptist Seminary, and a M asters o f Theology degree from Harpers Baptist Seminary. The New Hope Baptist Church is extending an open invitation to the city as they welcome Rev. Jointer and fam ­ ily to the church and the city o f Port­ land. The New Hope Missionary Baptist Church installed their new pastor, Rev. Robert C. Jointer on Sunday, Novem­ ber 15th at 3:00pm Installation services began Thursday and closed out on Sun­ day. Num erous churches, choirs, solo­ ists were invited to participate in the celebration. Rev. Jointer was bom in W esson, M ississippi. He and his wife, Claudette, are the parents of four children: Robin, LaKeesha, Matthew and Jacy. They also have two grandchildren, Deanna and DerriAnn. . A lfred and R osem ary D aniels greeted family and friends for their 25 th W edding Anniversary. The couple stood under a large white arch with silver bows and a pic­ ture of the couple in 1967 and what the topics include " M u s l i m s i n A m e r i c a - O v e r c o m i n g t h e M y th s " .< - > ’■-•'7 i '., , *4 i j 25th Anniversary “Showers Of Blessings KXl o f O akland California ' : .‘ A’ y, officiating. Im am F a h ccm S h uaib e ; m Installation For Rev. Robert C. Jointer, Pastor, New Hope Baptist Church R alph Brown and Virginia W ashington w ere u n ited in m arriage O ct. 20, 1942 in Bakersfield, Kern C ounty, California C ourthouse after his induc­ K eynote Speaker , • '-. 1 «Tv O M a tth e w 1 3 :3 M alcolm C om m unity C en ter, Saturday, Oct. 17,1992. A n E d u c a tio n a n d R e s to ra tio n AA Scripture o f the ‘Weeti Mr. Mrs Ralph Brown celeb rated their 50th W edding A nniversary at N . Im am M ikal H. Shabazz j ; < w»wwW^ O c to b e r 20, 1942 - O c to b e r 20, 1992 Special G uest Sp eaker •' 7 * - *„¿4 »W» i » Ralph H. & Virginia F Brown S u n d a y N o v e m b e r 2 9 d i 1992 R a m a d a I n n A ir p o r t 3 :0 0 p .m . u ‘> V ♦ V IS Ù e d c A n g f d n n w e r s a r y Brian, W hitney and D anika. r- -* ’fr S* V • Portland Observer RELIGION D eloria Annette W arren was born in Portland, Oregon. She was the daugh­ ter o f Sylvain and Arizona W arren, the sister o f V ernell W arren, the aunt o f B rittany and Vernell W arren Jr., the sister-in-law o f Jan W arren, the G od­ daughter o f Faralene G aither and the niece o f Mae Fern G reen, W illiam * ■ • ••••» /» ♦ ’ ............ , , - , 'fi--“ ' ■ f W ' ? * « * V • • ft* ' * W * » A./ * ?-t * .• t t » :