November 1 8 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7 MALCOLM X w h e re do w e go fro m Forget Act III Act Black For the Record Some unfortunate communications mistakes were made which Act III deeply regrets. BY JIMI JOHNSON In the wake o f A ct I l l ’ s refusal to show Spike Lee’ s film M alcolm X at the L lo yd Cinemas and the L lo yd M a ll, many folks in the African Am eri­ can Com m unity have called for a boycott o f all A ct III theatres. A fter hearing threats o f a boycott, the man­ agers at A c t III decided to release the film at L lo yd Cinema during i t ’s na­ tional debut on November 18th. H ow ­ ever, the damage has already been • Steps have been taken w ith com m unity leaders, the press and Warner Bros, to make sure that it doesn't happen again. We regret not having brought the comm unity into the discussion w ith Warner Bros. Warner and There was nothing racial in o ffe ring The Fox 1 heatre; rather, a sincere desire to accommodate the greatest number o f people during the first week o f the run. A ct III got into a dispute and as a consequence sufficient consideration was not given to the m ovie going public. done. A c t III Cinemas has a history o f insulting A frican Americans and the Northeast Community in general when their managers pick and choose which movies they deem are appropriate to be shown in our community. As an A frican American citizen liv in g in Portland, I believe it ’ s time we stopped asking white owned the­ atres, shipping malls, grocery stores and educational facilities for equal and fa ir treatment. These institutions have failed to understand and respect the needs o f the African American Com m unity since the Emancipation Proclamation .As long as we depend on white run institutions to look out fo r our needs we’ lj be insulted time Act III will be happy to play "Malcolm X" at the Lloyd Theatre as early as the picture is released to us. At this time the film is scheduled to open on December 2, 1992. i Since being informed o f com m unity concerns in late 1 99 1, A c t III has shown 9 4% o f all black-oriented film s released in 1992 at our L lo yd theatres. As a base o f comparison only 57% o f all. film s released in 1992 have opened at our L lo yd theatres. The recent facts give no credence to such a perception, and we had no awareness o f such We have been made aware o f a lingering perception among the A frican-Am erican com m unity that black- oriented film s were not being played at our L lo yd mis-understanding. We regret that perceptions have created a divisive issne in our community and that a cloud was cast over the opening of "Malcolm X." We hope you agree with us and with Spike Lee's spokesman who stated that "the film maker (Spike Lee) is satisfied a controversy here in Portland over the showing of his new film has been resolved." - KXL Radio 11-12-92 I H f A I ■ » ish in this foreign land. The merchants o f this city/coun- try have shown us in many ways that they are not interested in what the African American C om m unity thinks as long as we buy their products. C om ­ mercials are constantly aired on tele­ vision that insults the A frican A m e ri­ can Com m unity. However, as long as the comm unity buys the products the insensitive marketing strategy is ig ­ nored by Madison Avenue. Conversely, A ct III Cinemas be­ lieves that there is no reason to be sensitive to the needs o f the A frican American Comm unity because we w ill spend our money in their theatres no matter how bad we are treated. And the sad fact is that history have shown them to be correct most o f the time. We must demand fair treatment from A ct III, A ct IV , A c t V and any other A ct (place) where we spend our d ol­ and time again. A ct I l l ’ s actions and insensitivity should come as no surprise to the African American Community. H ow ­ ever, until there are some drastic policy changes in the way A ct I I I does busi­ ness w ith the African American C om ­ m unity our dollars should be directed elsewhere. We also must create an alternative were there would be little need to go to A ct III theatres to watch a movie. We have the resources right here in this comm unity to own and operate Cinemas such as A ct III. By doing so, we’ ll give young African Americans opportunities for em ploy­ ment, entertainment and the k n o w l­ edge that they to can own and operate high profile businesses. These theatres can also be used as a training ground fo r a future genera­ tion o f talented Black writers, actors, producers and filmmakers. This w ill be a place where young Black energy a perception. The lack o f awareness on our part certainly contributed to the present Theatres. can flo w in a positive manner. In the sp irit o f M alcolm X and others before him , Black N ational­ ism, Black Enterprise, C ultural and Educational awareness and Spiritual awakening are the only solutions for African Americans to grow and flo u r­ t'. * ’Ì » f» ' k - ‘S i * I />’ V sc*. • >* 2 •„t/.Ci . • lars. I f M alcolm were alive today, I believe he’d say “ To H ell W ith A ct I I I . We Need T o Act- up And Get B usy Creating A Future For Our Young People. To H ell W ith Begging The Whiteman For Anything Because We Can And M ust Do For Ourselves’ “ The Best T hing Y oung A frica n Americans Could Do Is Go T o The Library And Read M y Autobiogra­ phy. Go To The Library And Read A n yth in g Because Know ledge Is Power And The Key To Your Suc­ cess” ! As we move into the 21st cen­ tury, we can no longer depend on a system o f inequality to give justice to the African American people. We must demand justice and respect by creat­ ing economic opportunities in busi­ ness, education and the political arena in order to control our own destiny. Instead o f A ct III, we must A ct Black! -.'"-5 v .. . ¿‘L c - : • ?. -» i’W'-z.? S (SJditór To The Editor: The African-Am erican leaders and people o f the Portland, Oregon Com m u­ nity are faced w ith another opportunity to bring about a change in our comm u­ nity. O ur com m unity has a serious gang problem in general. This problem has also attacked and grown in other com ­ munities and cities! It ’ s like a grapevine that has been allowed to germinate and develop into small vineyards. Just imag­ ine, a neighborhood vineyard! Whether the apprehension is greater than the re­ a lity does not matter. The fact is that tear exists in our comm unity. Yet, fear w ith ­ out know ledge can perpetuate ignorance, and ignorance can perpetuate racist pat­ terns o f thought. W e have all read, seen on te levi­ sion, or have been told by someone that we have a gang problem. The images that have so long depicted gang mem­ bers is one o f young African-Am erican men w ith little education, aspirations or social values. This dppiction is totally inaccurate: the assumption that the ma­ jo rity o f young African-Am erican men are a ffiliated w ith or members o f gangs is stereotypical and unfounded. Obser­ vations reveal that gangs are not exclu­ sive to African-Am ericans. In fact, sta­ tistics show that gang membership among Europeans, Asians and Hispan­ ics are just as com pelling as those that arc portrayed bv the media pertinent to Letter to the Editor: I am w riting this letter in response to cinema III not showing the film M a l­ colm X on opening day. There is a group o f African A m eri­ cans here in Portland that is tired o f the so-called African American leadership always begging, crying, and boycotting white businesses for their decisions. W hy not use this stage as an oppor­ tunity to buy, lease, or rent a building in our community to show Malcolm X or any African American movie that we time we start using our collective buy­ ing power to bring about a change in our comm unity. It is time that we the con­ sumers demand what we want, and not accept what our capitalistic society says that we should have as a product or service. We live , generate income and spend money here-thc U.S., and these businesses are located in our comm uni­ African-Am ericans. Do African-Am ericans manufac­ ture guns utilized to k ill fellow human beings? Do A frican-Am ericans own major airlines and other transportation instruments utilized to traffic illegal drugs? No, African-Am ericans in the United States (U.S.) don’ t manufacture these products or own these services; we increase the owners (I.E., stockholders) return on in vestment by purchasing them. Various communities have success­ fu lly and unsuccessfully attempted to w in the war o f equality. They have encouraged and supported small, me­ dium and large corporations gro w th an d operation w ithin their boundaries. Some­ times never seeing a return on their investment. I believe that it is tim e that we demand a return on our investment as a com m unity and as a people! To assume that screening “ M alcolm X ” a socially conscious m ovie depicting a strong, respected, dynamic and profound human being (who just happens to be an African-Am erican) w ill insight violence and hatred is a fallacy, and based on a racist pattern o f thought. It was this same pattern o f thought that allowed B allot Measure 9 to be voted upon. It is lim e that we put a stop to social and ties generating a p ro fit from our mar­ kets, yet not supporting the com m uni­ ties they operate w ith in via the appro- private commercial license. This is an insult to all people. I t ’ s lim e that we go back to boycotting businesses, products and services whose sole motivation is the deprivation o f the environment or the culture in w hich they operate w ithin in search o f the m axim ization o f the “ alm ighty d ollar.” We the people have the right. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy, in a special message to Con­ gress, outlined what he saw as the four rights o f consumers: “ 1. The rig h t to safety: 2. The rig h t to be informed: 3. The rig h t to choose: 4. The rig h t to be heard:” I t ’ s time to exercise our rights be­ fore i t ’ s to late. I am in support o f protest and boycotts targeted at the A ct III theater chain. Dennis Payne, II is a Youth M in is ­ ter, and Com m unity A ctivists. He re­ sides in the N. E. Portland Area. economic bigotry! A ct III Theatres “ tolerates” our money but not our movies, now i f that’ s not bigotry I don’ t know what is. It is To the Editor: A fter reading a recent article in the Oregonian, I, as a young black in d i­ vidual, am utterly sickened by the whole M A L C O L M X /A C T III Cinemas to in ­ sult our intelligence any longer w ith their poor exc uses for not showing black interest film s. I find it sadly disappoint­ ing that we as a comm unity and as a race have bowed down and accepted the hand outs o f a blatantly racist organiza­ tion. I truly believe w ith a little unity we could do far more to bring to our com- munity/neighborhood the movies that illustrate our daily struggle as a people. I am ashamed that we are not doing all that we can do to help ourselves. I am secure we all know by now that nothing is going to be given to us, and that we w ill have to keep pushing and making personal sacrifites until our needs, not to mention our wants, as a people are met. I surely hope there are not any o f us out there who s till believe in the A m eri­ can way (it doesn’ t exist), for we have been labeled Afro-Am ericans, in other words not quite white, only tolerated. I f we are not going to come together as a people and support one another in busi­ ness, fa m ily, comm unity and in love who is going to rescue us. I f we do not look out for each other no one else w ill sec us, because no matter how ligh t or dark our s k in is we are invisible,disposable. I do believe we need to come together and earn our m illionaires that could help us in this endeavor, even Spike Lee could help us. When are we going to do some­ thing for ourselves. Lets show the people in the State o f Oregon that the African American community arc truly the de­ scendants o f the pyramid builders in Africa, and i f you marvel over the pyra­ mids, what w ill your reaction be when we get this theater going in the commu­ desire to show. Asians, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups hi this city have theaters, restau­ rants, and other decent places to social­ ize. They have yet to cry and beg white people for good treatment. They have pooled their resources, gone out and purchased those wants and needs. Black man, stop crying and stop begging people for those things you arc able to provide for yourselves. It is a shame, that we have African American basketball players in this city who arc respect, demand it. I f that means renting a commercial bus or two to see to it that our youth get to the movies that cel­ ebrate the black culture then do it. It is terribly important fo r our youth to see themselves/their race in the lime light, to have role models, to have hope. What do you think M alcolm would have done, how about M artin. W ill we let it just remain a dream or w ill we begin to make it become reality. It is about time for another uproar, it is time to stand up for our rights. I am enraged that we as a people continue to coast on the graces our forefather begot us. The Rodney King thing was not enough we need peaceful, organized, demonstrations in order to bring about positive change and we need them now. I personally want to challenge our com ­ m unity and our community leaders to come together and demand change. I do not mean a boycott that lasts for a week, what I mean is a boycott that lasts until change follows. A C T III Cinemas would have us believe that i f we took away our support it w ould not hurt them bit, that simply is not true. I frequent the L lo yd Cinemas m yself and I see many black faces every time I am there. I f A C T III Cinemas does not want their establish­ ment to be a black com m unity theater, then take it out o f our community. Although the problem manifested in the bookings at L lo yd Cinemas, the problem began in the heart o f the man- We as Black Men are tired o f the African-Am erican Com m unity being insulted by A ct III and believe that we should not economically support any A ct III Theater. This issue goes back toa year ago when representatives from the Urban League and the Black United Front met w ith A ct III. A t this time A ct III agreed to end it ’ s practice o f not nity. Sincerely your Brother Ahmad . ¿Tí.-?, as a people. Respectfully, Brandi W illiam s Coalition Of Black Men / Act III Press Conference Statement: screening controversial film s w ith black themes. This practice has con­ tinued up to the present day w ith the failure to show the film M alcolm X at it ’ s L lo yd Cinemas or L loyd M all Cinemas. We therefore ask that members o f the Black Com m unity and our friends and supporters not attend film show­ ing at any A ct III Theaters until their ............. . . . . . . . . . - • - . . . . . . » «. . ; r . » t • * ■ . . ■ ». I . • policies are changed to include the showings o f Black film s in our N orth­ east community. Furthermore in reference to the showing o f M alcolm X. Wc encourage A ct III in their efforts to chance their policies and open up their doors at no charge to members o f our comm unity at their first L lo yd Center Theaters showing o f M alcolm X. 1 I > » , a , • ’ ' • • ’ z • agement o f all o f A C T III Cinemas and therefore we should boycott a ll A C T III Cinemas. I have noticed that A C T III Cinemas is even beginning to segregate the blacks and whites by playing pre­ dominantly black interest film s in the L lo yd M all Cinemas, and the predomi­ nantly white interest film s in the L lo yd Cinemas across the street. I have also noticed, and I am sure you have too, that L lo yd M a ll Cinemas are In fe rior to the L lo yd Cinemas across the street. I am afraid this second class citizen treatment cannot be tolerated any longer. I plan to boycott all A C T III Cinemas myself, even i f a film comes out that I really want to view and A C T II Cinemas are the only ones in town showing the film . I think the rest o f the black com m unity needs to begin sacrificing in the same manner until we get the respect our dollars earn us, after a ll our money is green too. I cannot, in good conscience, allow this issue to die, it sim ply must be ad­ dressed. 1 f we let th is one si ide we let our future slide, this isn’ t about a m ovie it is about respect. It is about human rights. It is about segregation. It is about racism, and I guarantee you it w ill not stop here. Our forefathers fought hard to get us where we arc today, le t’ s not allow the process to begin regressing. W E should continue forward until we arc respected ............. ,u. ■ *■ , ’ \ • « ■