I r » « » • » ' ' V V ♦ f » f Page 6,..The Portland Observer ...November 18, 1992 NIKE Matches $100,000 Gift To UNCF For ‘ Malcolm X” Premiere NIKE, Inc. the w orld’s leading ath­ letic shoe and apparel com pany will mark the prem iere o f fdm director Spike L ee’s m uch-anticipated new m ovie, “Malcolm X ,” with a g if to f $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). N IK E’s contribution m atches L ee’s gift o f $100,000 to establish the United Negro College Fund M alcolm X Foun­ dation, a scholarship fund for African- A m erican students adm inistered by UNCF. N IK E ’s check will be presented by Georgetown University Head Basket­ ball Coach John Thom pson, a member of NIKE’s Board of Directors, to UNCF’s President and C hief Executive Officer, W illiam H. G ray, III, at a gala premiere o f the movie at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York on November 16. A ccording to V irg in ia H ensen, N IK E ’s D irector o f Public Affairs, the Tandon Returns company has matched L ee’s charitable gifts at each o f the film director’s past two movie prem ieres. Hensen said Lee and NIKE each contributed $25,000 to a special UNCF fund for Bedford- Stuyvesant students in 1989 in connec­ tion with "Do the Right Thing.” In 1991, when L e e ’s m ovie “Jungle F ev er” opened, Lee and NIKE each donated $25,000 to the Mother Hale House in New York City, a home for drug-af­ fected infants. In addition to the UNCF gift, NIKE is underwriting a special premiere o f "Malcolm X” in Portland, Oregon where NIKE’s world headquarters is based, as a benefit for the Urban League of Port­ land. The long-awaited biography of Malcolm X, starring Denzel W ashing­ ton, opens in theaters nationally on N o­ vember 18. By J o h n you follow sports in the Port­ land O bserver, you have seen the very best sports photos in the state of Oregon. The young lady behind all of this is Ms. Veronica Green. In over twenty years in this business, I have yet to see the quality o f sports photos that equal what readers o f The Port- landO bserver have become accustom to. Ms. Green, born and raised in Portland, attended James Monroe High School. She played softball and bas­ ketball while attending Monroe. Green continued in softball while studying at the University o f Oregon and was a member o f the D ucks’ softball team. But most important, G reen received her degree in telecom m unications. After years o f hard work and the learn­ ing the ropes, she landed a job with KATU-TV Channel 2, and has been there for the past seven years. Ms. Green is the weekend new scast direc­ tor, graphics operator, and floor direc­ tor, which is something for an attrac­ tive, young lady from Jam es Monroe. V e r o n ic a ’s s p e c ia l lo v e is freelance sports photography. She is one of the very best in the United States. You will see her at courtside at most Trail Blazers gam es, and on the Boys and Girls Club Accompany Blazers sidelines o f many sporting events. One o f the best sports photos I’ve ever seen, came from V eronica’s cam ­ era during the NBA finals between the Portland Trail Blazers and the Chicago Bulls. She captured Michael “A ir” Jor­ dan high off the floor on a jum p shot. Accompanying him in the “ meeting in the air” was Blazer Jerome Kersey with both of his hands, that’s right, both k__ Photo by Veronica Green Last Friday, former Grant High School student Terrell Brandon returned to Portland with the Cleveland Cavaliers to battle the Blazers. Brandon scored 10 points and Cleveland fought hard, but the Blazers won 115-109. Player Of The Week Linda White From the m idst o f negativity, asto n ish in g ly , a bit o f p ositive emerges. A flower in a field of weeds, a ray o f hope in a world o f despair. A line from an Edgar Allen Poe poem? No, but certainly an accurate description o f a successful youth program in north Portland, the C o­ lumbia Boys and G irls Club. Linda White a soft spoken, black lady, describes how she, at the insis­ tence o f a friend, moved from A ri­ zona to Portland and accepted em ­ ployment as the Director o f the You th Club. H er love for kids, fueled by innovative and aggressive ideas, pro­ vides the kids in the program with some great and m emorable experi­ ences. One idea in particular, resulted in a wonderful program that poten­ tially could be a catalyst for a na­ tional model. The program is sup­ ported by the Portland Trailblazers, and in particular, two Trailblazer stars, Terry Porter, and Jerom e Kersey. Six lucky young people will be selected to go to Phoenix Arizona, attend a Trailblazer, Phoe­ nix game, have lunch with Jerome, and Terry, and visit the Trailblazers lockerroom in Phoenix. T oqualify for this wonderful experience, school grades must be m aintained at a 2.5 level, attitudes m ust be acceptable and other positive criteria m ust be adhered to. VVO or This w eek’s O bserver Player o f the W eek is Lam arcus Kelly of Roosevelt High School. Kelly, a 5-foot-7 inch, 170-pound senior running back scored two touchdowns in a season-ending win over Madison 19-6. Lamarcus had touchdown runs of 10 and 29 yards. He ran for 87 yards on 11 carries. This past week, Kelly was picked as the most outstanding back on the team, as well as being named Team Captain for the season. Coach Jim M acDickens says that Lamarcus was a very good leader and he wish he had him back for another year. Mr. Larmacus Kelly, we at the Observer take our hats off to you for being a highly com m ended football player and leader! , " " ' ry 6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Btvd. Professional and Quality Dry Cleaning & Laundry Is Assured By Our Courteous New Manager Marva Mitchell •'“< & ¡ - - • •. i Open From 8 - 6 Mon. - Fri. and 9 - 4 on Satirday y A J / * > s .' l ' i ì ' v AT LAST A Full Color Merchandise Catalog For Afrikan - American Families and Friends : ■■ . i '. < V ' •A • ••-*’» v if ' «•• -.. ! i ! • ! ! ’ Ÿ > ’ •. 10% Discounts For Senior Citizens -. JF *v <<¿ « t ¿ “/ - L io » The Items in This Catalog were Es- pecially Selected with you in mind Ideal For Holidays. Birthdays, Back To School (most items Under $20 00) Items Include: Greeting Cards. Col- lectables, Toys, Childrens Books, Art, Clothing. Cookbooks, and more Regardless of your Age Religion Gender, or Lifestyle, there s Some- thing Here for Everyone Over 200 Items To Choose From SA TISFAC TION GUARANTEED III □ Enclosed is my check money order in the amount of $5 00, made payable to S B Johnson & Son. for a two year subscription to your full color catalog ! ! ! > ! ; MAIL TO S B JOHNSON « SON Importers - Distributors PO Box 91698 Washington, D C 2 0 0 9 0 -’ 698 Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j Address________________________ j ! State M U 5 IC M IL L E N tV IU M 32N D & E BURNSIDE 23T8926 Zip Money Beef Guarantee If not completely aetiafied ! . ’. • -V *»< ; 1 %n 4 < * • , ■ • s -ist- ... 1 ■ * < f 4. afa*. Terry Porter was on fire, leading the Blazer squad with seven for seven shooting from the three point strike. H itting on all seven o f three point attempts, gave Por­ ter a new NBA record for con­ secutive three pointers. It seemed like old tim es, as the Blazer back-court duo, com ­ bined for 71 points in the 130- 116 high scoring victory over the Golden State W arriors. Drexler looked to show im proved m obil­ ity, with 31 points and 10 re­ bounds, while Porter matched his career high with 40 points and great fourth quarter leader­ ship. M ario Elie had even more reason to be happy with the win. “ I’ve got a lot friends down there, and now a lot o f bragging rights with the victory ” Elie said. The new look New York Knicks were in town M onday night looking to start their west coast road trip with a win. But it w asn’t so, as the Trailblazers kept those 82-0 hopeful going strong with a victory to maintain their undefeated iecord. although the Blazers won in convincing fashion, it d id n ’t start real well. Patrick Ewing scored 8 o f the first 13 Knick points as they took a quick 13-7 lead. At first it looked to be another long night for D uckw orth, but Robinson Photo by Veronica Green gave the big guy a break, com ing in for Buck W illiams with 6:49 remaining in the first quarter. Robinson’s stellar defense and all out hustle ignited the Blazers to a 23-19 first quarter lead. Led by R obinson’s 21 points and a 43-28 rebound advantage, the Blazers rolled to victory over a probable NBA Finals foe. Although four of the five victories were at home and some players such as Kevin Johnson, and Brad Daugherty were out with injuries, the Blazers have had five worthy opponents and come out with five victories. W hat does Terry Porter think of their team so far? “ I think w e’re playing pretty well; the bench has really come in and has been a big lift.” “Hopefully we can go 82 and 0, no I ’ll take 80 and 2.” Youth Basketball Tournament Slated To Begin I within 3 0 ftaya return for full refund I ............................................................ J •tV M s VV -' ’M£ = BY ERIC NOON The P ortland T railb lazers pushed their league leading record to 5-0 Monday night. The 109-94 victory left the B lazers the one and only undefeated team in the NBA. The Blazers have played with great enthusiasm so far this season. Their defensive intensity has been up and down, while they’ve had many different players step up offen­ sively each game. The Blazers have spread out the wealth o f their scoring early this season. Five different Blazers have led the team in scoring in all five Blazer wins. The bench has contributed significantly, with Cliff Robinson, Mario Elie, and Rod Stickland getting most o f the playing time off the bench. “I like the way the scoring has been spread out so far this season. The bench has really been coming in and getting the job done,” said Blazer guard Clyde Drexler. L ast Friday night Riddick Bowe w asn’t the only happy big man in professional sports. W hile Bowe was punching it out with form er heavyw eight cham pion Evandcr Holyfield, Portland’s big m an in the m id d le , K ev in Duckworth was throwing a few Duck hooks himself. Duckworth led the Blazers to a 115-109 vic­ tory over the Brad Daugherty less Cleveland Cavaliers. Duckworth led all scorers with 26 points while grabbing 11 rebounds in an emotional win for the big man. How will this game effect D uckw orth’s confidence? “ I think K evin’s confidence is more on an even keel this year,” said Assistant Coach Jack Schalow. “ He seems to not let things bother him as much so far this season.” “ I was glad to be able to help out when it counts” Duckworth said. And boy did it count. Duckworth hit two clutch buckets in the last two m inutes to put the late Cavalier rally to rest. T.P. Heats Up In O-Town With the Blazer three-point guns only hitting 26 percent, you knew something was bound to heat up. And heat up it did. _____________________________ ! City hands on the ball. It’s one thing to block someone’s shot with one hand, but two! W hat a picture! So look for outstanding things to come from Miss V eronica Green, which could land in publications like Sports Illustrated, W ashington Post, USA Today or the Los Angeles Times. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The One And Only ; ! ; ! j ! ! i P h illip s / Í / # The 10th annual fred Meycr/blaz- ers Youth Basketball Tournam ent is slated to begin January 17,1993. Boys and girls in the sixth, seventh and eight grades that are involved in a registered basketball league in Oregon or south­ west W ashington arc eligible to partici­ pate in the competition. Entries for the tournam ent must be postmarked by Decem ber 11, and can be found at all 45 Fred Meyer Customer Service Desks in Oregon and southwest W ashington, and the Trail Blazers of­ fice (700 NE M ultnomah, Portland, OR 97232). The entry fee for the tourna­ ment is $25 per team , and team s cannot exceed 15 players. A team roster must be submitted with the application and entry fee. The tournam ent, a single-elim ina­ tion event, will hold its prelim inary rounds January 17 and 24,1993 at local schools in the grater Portland area. Tw o teams from each grade level will ad ­ vance to the c hampionsh ip round .which will be played prior to a Blazers home game at Memorial Coliseum on Febru­ ary 2, 5 and 14, 1993. All participants will receive a free gift, com plim ents of Fred M eyer and the Trail Blazers.