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W hile each could easily have pursued a successful solo career, Tonya, Di and Joi all found greater musical fulfillment by banding together. “W hen I heard how well our voices m atched,” recalls Di, “that clinched it for m e.” All three take their turn in the spotlight, each singing solo on different tracks. “We do w h a t’s good for the so n g ,” notes Joi.Though based in L.A., Tonya, Joi and Di grew up far from the bright lights o f Hollywood. Di hails from Houston, while Joi and Tonya both come from Chicago. Tonya Kelly was the featured vocalist in the acclaimed Morris Ellis Orchestra, a 23-piece big band known throughout the Midwest. “W e did ev­ erything from jazz standards to Top 40. I got true hands-on training with them ,” she recalls. After a few years of local gigs and session work, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a major recording career. She later met Vassal Benford, who became the first link in the Jade chain. Joi Marshall also grew up in the W indy City. Her family was always serious about music, and Joi developed a love o f jazz at an early age.” “ My sister was my teacher,” she remembers. Joi sang in school choirs and worked many local sessions before heading west. She, too, joined forces with Vassal Benford, through whom she met Tonya, and the second link in the Jade chain had con­ nected. Houston-bom-and bred. Di Reed felt a passion for music and, at an early age, she began to sing in church, talent shows and any other forum she could find. But she soon realized musical suc- Book Takes M ystery Out Of Small Home Repairs 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 W HEN YOU W AN T TO cess would most likely be found in either New York or Los Angeles. “ It was a scary move, but I wanted to sing so badly I was ready to do anything, short o f selling out my morals.” So she packed up and moved to Los Angeles. She quickly landed a spot on the Houseparty 2 movie score, performing the song “Now You W ant M ore.” This summer, the band will be hard at work creating their debut album, working with Benford and oth­ ers. All three are confident that their talent and pure love o f singing will get them through. “We are spiritual people,” says Joi, “ At one with G od.” She pauses to reflect a moment, and adds, “W e’re not into gimmicks; w e’re real people into real m usic." A D V E R T IS E For more information about Small Repairs Made Easy or a free review copy (for m edia only) contact Robert L. Berko, consum er Education research Center 350 Scotland Road, Orange, N.J. 07050, 1-800-872-0121 (outside N.J.) TW O T H U M B S UP, WAY UP! W O N D E R FU L . A G R EA T FILM. A m o v ie f o r a ll p e o p le .” - i ' -, r.Ai 'A STUNNING ACHIEVEMENT!- ‘A WILDLY ROMANTIC MASTERPIECE'- All That Glitters’ Gala Affair - M o e k n irlk o ( M The public is invited to a holiday fa sh io n show fe a tu rin g som e o f Portland’s “hottest” celebrities, best­ loved m usicians, finest clothing and most unique production crew: hom e­ less teens. Scheduled for Sunday, December 6 ,1 9 9 2 ,“A llT hatG litters” will feature modeling and music by Rindy Ross o f Quarter R ash , M ichael Harrison, Dan Reed, Curtis Salgado, Mary Starred, and many others. Staging, lighting, publicity-and even some modeling-will be choreographed with help from home­ less teens currently involved with The Salvation Army ’sG reenhouse, the ben­ eficiary of the event. Everything for the show, including the Grand Ballroom at Portland’s G ov­ ernor Hotel, is being donated. The $25 a person show is expected to raise about $10,000 for Green house. Starting at 7:00 p.m., the affair will include a silent auction, and surprise celebrity guests. The event is organized by Group Efforts, a portland prom o­ tions firm. Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster outlets in G .I. Joe’s stores between now and the night of the event. r»i toiii»». » w o n s m » DENZEL WASHINGTON On Decem ber 10, 11 and 12, for three perform ances only, the Interstate Firehouse C ultural Center will be home to the hit show, M ythmaker. Written and directed by Judith Catterall, Mythmaker features a tour-de- force solo performance by internationally acclaimed actor/mime Jam es Griener. Drawing on sources ranging lrom Joseph C am pbell’s Power of My th to the O ld Farm er’s Almanac .from the T aoT e Ching to Jam es Gleick ’ s Chaos, Caterall weaves together contemporary issues and ancient spiritual traditions from around the globe to create a witty w eb of stories and com m entary. Y ou’ll meet Young woman M ish-M ash who Gets a memo and Learns to Sing, becoming W oman ÆLEE^ .«OUDHMB— » M U m w H O io ir . o r a u m i DELW ÏLW DO SUELEE l i m -s W U M D ^HOh’nSOSS JOMO — OB-SttELEE _____ JrrîXlLKHALEÏ ® * a ==â=£==s. ~SttELEE _____ ~ WW»'— Starts Today A t These Theatres 1 CINEMA J’ I showtlm«»: 11 30 3 30 730 ^^FASTGATE I iTRX V-TU1I toy? » — showtimes: showtimes: (ET 12 30 4 30) (ET 4 15) «30 8 30 WESTGATE 5 I S tarts F r id a y our hosts. Before the show, cinnamon and panda bears, Dickens characters and carolers, and a strolling snowman and Nutcracker will warm up the crowd. Then, get in the holiday spirit with som e g r e a t m u sic fro m L in d a Hornbucklc and the No Delay Band, Maureen Andrews, the Carolers o f the Portland Opera, and the Grace and Truth «Sr ■•v ............ m ÄIMIIN# L -' ' ■ t » ' ■ * •’ » ‘T * . * X * k * ’.f ,• '« w ta 'ie1 * e s ? “ Y • ¡.e .’ ’ ! BRAM ’ S T O K E R 'S .•-----V, L- < I AFlLNCISFOIDCOrPOlAHLM COLlMBLAPICTlIESnBfMS i\ AMERICAN ZOEIROPE OSIRIS FllMS wowtuox BUM M l OUCILV GABOLDMAN M l M E I I M H O P k W RtANlREDES « » S V HAJI » 1 COPPOLA ’ iWOKlECB kll.ll ffiS O lillP IE D FUNGBrORDCOFFOLl rtEDflCBB m CHIILB Ml lYEHILL " W f i FORD COPPOLA I'D “ » « > '] • imi JA N TZE N B E A C H 248-6984 , X. ' U J | J MATINEES SATURDAY « SUNDAY BROADWAY METROPLEX | S OUTHGATE jI DOUBT ) 248-6982 ROSE MOYER V j_EII 778-8065 C j!M tr> 1 248-6960 V A 111 MATINEES SATUROAV A SUNDAY M O’FR TH EATRES VANCOUVER MALL (206| 254 0000 ibÒUYJ MUSIC MILLENNIUM SREGON DANCE C O N S O R T PR ESEN TS PU LSE & IM P U L S E V I H A R M O N IA 32ND & E BURNSIDE 231-8926 A Holiday Showcase of Dana’, Theater and Storytelling with a Global Perspective 23RD & NW JOHNSON 248-0 163 featuring AM OR ESPA Ñ A SU SAN BANYAS R UBY B U R N S ED E D M O D IA N A H 1 N A T S U of Fujinami Kai MARY O S L U N D S T . C LA IR IN C O M P A N Y RAY T E R R IL L W ho Lives W ith Wonder. And if you’ve ever wondered what really caused the Big Bang, it’s all explained in the hu­ morous origin myth. W hat Happened When Mother Earth and Father Sun Awoke—where you’ 11 also m ectOld Man Money and O ld W om an Schedule. Called “ glowing gift,” Mythmaker of­ fers a delightful, one-world alternative to more traditional holiday fare. M ythmaker runs December 10, and 11 at 8:00 PM , with a 2:00 matinee on December 12. Tickets are $10 General Admission; $8.00 for Students and Se­ niors. The Saturday matinee is specially priced at $5.00 for all seats. Reserva­ tions are recommended and may be made by calling the IFCC at 823-2000. D e c e m b e r 4 -1 3 Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Tickets $10, $8, $5. Call 823-2000 for inform ation and reservations. F u n d ed In part by the O reg o n A rts C o m m issio n le tr o d o tio n CTOP RECORD SHOP 1615 NE KILLINGSWORTH 284-2435 AND WALT DISNEY PICTURES INVITE YOU TO SEE A SPECIAL ADVANCE SHOWING OF PICTURES presents Choir. This year, everyone will have an ample opportunity to sing along with the performers and carol in the com m u­ nity choir. Songbooks, provided by The Oregonian, will be distributed to all. It all leads up to the evening ’ s main event—the lighting of the tre e -a n d be prepared for some special elfects in addition to 6,000 lights. The tree is a gift to the City of Portland from the Mt. Hood National Forest and the City of Estacada. The honor of lighting the tree goes to Ruth McBride Powers, a long­ time Clackam as County resident and a leader in the restoration o f historical . . . L-MA VBT4 PICTURES [XSIRIBUTK1N INC W8LT DISNEY PICTURES Perm is 'ALADDIN IX n b u Ir d by BE ENA ~ g .w ju .w ÿ » ,. cd HSBT ------ - 7 --- PICK UP YOUR FREE TICKETS (LIMIT TWO PER PERSON) AT ONE STOP RECORD SHOP. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST *j4 T . A J :” V • - r .. • __ □ wu*«ff»mN : M t mitriti«* FICT1R& A ml " ‘. ■ NO W S H O W IN G AT T H E S E T H E A T R E S k A '» rk * y. _ homes and farms. The cost o f erecting and decorating the tree is underwritten by the A ssocia­ tion for Portland Progress to promote dow ntow n’s low-cost Portland Public Parking garages. The tree-lighting pro­ gram is sponsored by City Center park­ ing on behalf of the Oregon Hospice Association. A spartofthc annual “Light Up A Life” cam paign, a $10 donation to Hospice will memorialize a friend or loved one with a light on the tree. V ' a 10,000 Voice Community Choir To Highlight Christmas Tree-Lighting Ceremony How many cities have over 10,000 people gather, rain or shine, in the heart of a vibrant downtown to sing carols and watch the lighting of an 75-foot Christmas tree? The Pioneer Court­ house Square tree-lighting ceremony is a family tradition that celebrates the best o f our community. For the ninth year, the traditional start o f the holiday season begins at 7:00 p.m. on November 27. The day- after-Thanksgiving program brings to­ gether Mayor Bud Clark, Santa Claus and many of the city’s finest musicians. Two o f Portland’s favorite personali­ ties, Les Sam off and Lacy Turner from radio sponsor KINK FM 102, will be S : Er» , Jr A « * . ’ • *» - * .< ^•'*•■¿•0 #/’'l James Griener To Star As Mythmaker At IFCC SisLvl A I- hvtl £ I M S M O R M N t. •> •