W *T**' iV**4' Food Drive Starts Early Santa’s helpers are starling early this year on the St. V incent de Paul Society’s 53rd annual Christmas Food Program. O n the next two Saturdays, No­ vember 14 and 21, some 1,600 volun­ teers will fan out across the M etropoli­ tan Portland area. According to Janice Pelster, the Society’s executive direc­ tor, they will go door-to-door asking for canned goods and non-perishable dry foods. O n November 16, the Society’s Christmas Request Phone Bureau will be open to calls from families or indi­ viduals wanting to receive a food box. The num ber to call is 232-9797. Hours for the Bureau are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., M onday through Friday. The Christmas W arehouse, 2050 NW Front, is open and receiving bulk donations o f food. Volunteers wanting to help sort and package the food should call 234-1114. O ther activities in the Christmas Food Program include: ♦Food collection and delivery of baskets by students at the area’s four Catholic high schools-Central Catho­ lic, Jesuit High School, LaSalle High School and S l M ary’s Academ y. They“ will deliver to some 250 families start­ ing December 16. ♦-Some 1,600 volunteers will de­ liver food to an estimated 5,000 fam i­ lies throughout the Metropolitan area on Saturday, December 19. ♦ On Monday, December 21, vol­ unteers will pay a return visit to homes where food was requested but no one was home on the first visit. Anyone wanting to volunteer in these activities can call the special vol­ unteer number 234-1114. Persons wanting to donate money, should send checks to the Christmas Fund, St. Vincent de Paul Society,P.,O . Box 82849, Portland, O r., 97282. Adopt A Family Lines Open Those interested in helping out a needy family for the holidays may now sign up to be adopters for Volunteers o f A merica's Adopt A Family Program. The num ber to call is 23-ADOPT (232- 3678). Adopters will be matched with a family which is m ost appropriate in size and location. The adopters will make personal contact w ith the family to determ ine their particular needs, then provide food, clothing, and toys for the holidays. “This is a wonderful way to cel­ e b ra te th e C h ris tm a s s p ir it o f giving,”saidPattiePardue, program co­ ordinator. “W hen you adopt a family, you realize how much even the sm allest gifts can mean for someone else, espe­ cially the children.” Each year families, businesses, ser­ vice groups, em ployee groups, and groups of friends gather their resources to participate in this program. “ Since the families who apply for help have a wide range o f needs, there is room in the program for anyone who wants to help, said Pardue. Last year the pregram matched over 1000 families, totalling several thousand people reached through the program. The program directors expect the num ber o f requests for the program to increase this year and are urging more people to assist as adopters. Anyone interested in volunteering to work a three-hour shift for the Adopt A Family phone bank is encouraged to call 235-8655. Volunteers o f America is a nation­ wide social service organization with branches in over 200 com m unities. Volunteers o f A m erica Oregon, Inc. serves the community through child care, family preservation programs, a shelter for homeless women with chil­ dren, a seniorcenter, senior health clinic, adult day care program , residential al­ cohol and drug treatm ent facilities, a shelter for homeless adolescent girls, and a Christm as Assistance program. The United States Veterans will host its annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner, at G abie’s Lounge, 5700 N. E. M LK, Jr. Boulevard, N ovem ber 26,1992. 7am-9am Coffee and doughnuts, 12 noon Sandwiches and Soup, 3 pm - 5 pm Dinner Served, Mr Blockson 249-1893, James L. W ashington Sr. EME Region #1 Com m ander United States Veteran, Inc. 285-3145._________ T his •^1 ' •*'■ •* t I *•**»*• f r The Arkansas Club Of Oregon Wi// Be Serving Thanksgiving Dinner Free November 26, 1992 at ■n L-U-n kn i--! l--i i-t 1-1 t-iLgjg jg jgJgJ=M LOW INCOME ® I? ENERGY ASSISTANCE Pre-Screening £ For Seniors & H a n d ic a p p e d £ s’ , Persons Í1 M ulti-C ultural S en io r C e n te r S’ 5325 N E M artin L uther King £1 1? W h e n : N o v em b er 2 0 th »Sc 21st S’ 9:00-12:00 A n d 1:00-3:30 J? S i You must bring the following information with you: J? S’ S’ s Please bring all the needed information. £ 27 B> AMA 27 * Dahlke Manor 915 N. E. Schuyler Street from U:00am -3:00pm . For Senior Citizens & Needy Persons Please sign your name below and indicate the number o f family members attending Name: Address: Deliver Dinner: Phone: Need a Ride: November 1 8 ,1992...The Portland Observer ...Page 3 Verification of income for the past 12 months or 90 days. This can include: Notice or letter from AFS or Food Stamps; pay stubs or a letter from your employer; proof of unemploy­ ment compensation and amounts; bank books; and business records, if self-employed. Current fuel bill (Northwest Gas, PP&.L) and oil bill. Social Security cards for all household members. Your Pacific power electric bill. 1. O ne M an ’ s O pinion In Consideration Of A Boycott BY WILLIAM R. SCOTT It is my understanding that a boy­ cott is designed to impact economically on the targeted organization, business or corporate entity. In the current situ­ ation involving Act III Theatres, I fear that through an unfortunate set of cir­ cum stances a golden opportunity may be lost. Those of you who attended the Urban League meeting this past Satur­ day may recall a young man about seventeen years old who stood and pointed to the fact, that when rioting and pillaging, (the fear of which was the underlying concern behind the unfortu­ nate decision by Act III) occurs, any damage is usually suffered by retail establishments in close proximity to the point of ignition. He pointed out that based on this premise we can be certain that the Lloyd Center itself was an unannounced co-signatory of the deci­ sion. In view o f this consider the fol­ lowing: 1. Act III Theatres have to all in­ tents and purposes, a monopoly in the city of Portland.Thcrefore it would be very difficult for the Boycott to impact on them econom ically to any sign if i- cant degree without board support from the white community. This, we do not have at this time. 2. Blacks do have considerable economic power in Portland and in Northeast Portland in particular. 3. It has long been evident espe­ cially during the holiday season when Black people start to look around for Christmas cards that have particular meaning for them as a people, that the stores in the Lloyd Center in no signifi­ cant way reflect the broad support that they enjoy from the Black community. The shops that carry posters and art will probably capitalize on the image of Malcolm X during the run of the motion picture. But in it is doubtful if as a whole, the altitudes and practices o f those stores will change for the long term. In view o f these facts, I propose that we seize this opportunity and boy­ cott for something more substantial than the chance to see a movie close to home. Boycott The Entire Lloyd Center Long Enough For Them To Feel The W eight O f Black Economic Power By Its Absence. Energy A ssistance Program Service A rea: You M u s t Live W ith in These IT 5 S’ SI Volunteers Do you have a few hours a month to devote to reading to a lonely and homebound senior? Do you have an hour or two a week to spend play ing with the children o f a family who is hom eless and looking for work and shelter? If so, then the St. John’s YW CA wants you...to attend its first Annual Volunteer Faire. The Y W CA ’s Volunteer Faire is Saturday, November 21, 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at theSt. John’s YW CA, 8010 N. Charleston. Volunteers are encour- • Standard rear seat beat eS a ir ducts • Available autom atic temperature control system S elect Feature, • Choice ot warranties: 7/70powertrain or 5/56 bumper-to-bumper. See limited warranties eS restrictions at dealer. Excludes norm al maintenance, adjustments c ’ wear items. • For still more information, call / I ntrepid T he N ew D odge \ D l \ IS lt )N C)l-‘ I H I'-L H K \ S I.1 -K L O K I O R A I IO N • t » fcM ■ • . . V y - t. *>♦*••* . .-.A - ., ¿ ¿ 'Y - ' '.- '■ A C S ■.» • ■ . .. ■ t . v \ . V Freem ont To W illa m e tte • Available integrated child vent . » - • - W est: Interstate 5 To Freem ont • Available anti-lack brakes c traction control ' y û ; a . * south: Interstate 8 4 • Standard driver- eS passenger-side airbags . /• East: 8 2 nd A V E Its cab-forward design has made the new Intrepid a car like no other. Pushing the wheels out toward the comers enhanced stability and hand­ ling. And enabled us to make the doors wider and the rear seating roomier. Moving the leading edge ot the windshield six inches forward and three inches lower significantly improved aerodynamics and reduced wind noise. There s less room required for machineiy, there’s more room available for people. And now that we’ve seen what’s possible in a four-door sedan, we cant see building one any other way. 1-800-d-A-D O D G E f e t e Boundaries: N orth: C o lu m b ia River EVERYTHING. • Available ). 5 liter, 2 I d horsepower; 2 d -valve overhead cam V-6 •iL'-V1'’- Sponsored changes • Standard d-wheel independent suspension •5 S ; v-*-< .'••• •„ .'z •* 1 ’ *i-’ '»C •• ■ ».?•. . »kV i'I:«- ' 4 •*'. ' t* • ? 'i / ' > • '• » - ' t 1 z- aged to attend the Faire anytim e during the three-hour period and to stay as long T as they want. The Faire will provide potential vol­ ;? unteers with information on volunteer opportunities available throughout the YWCA. Program managers and the volunteer coordinator will be on hand to answ er question concerning the many volunteer possibilities in their depart­ > A y ments. / : - •> ... w- e- ‘T ■ • - K ■ ■