hwesusm ' i », • «f 1 • V f***Z ÿÿ ■ ♦ V ✓ ✓ ‘ y , i 1 t t V * V 1 November 1 8 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 11 Unsure If You Can Afford To Buy A Home? Then you will want to attend a series of free sem inars concerning home buying and home ownership. The sem i­ nars will provide an overview o f the home buying process, explain m ort­ gage financing in general terms and assist with a household budgeting plan. Specific mortgage programs, designed to assist low to moderate income house­ holds will also be discussed. Som e specific questions that will be addressed include the following: • How much house can I afford? Sales price? Mortgage amount? Loan eligibility? • W hat would my monthly pay­ ment be? How much down paym ent would 1 need to have? • W hat if I have bad credit or no credit at all? • W hat about inspections, apprais- als, building codes, home maintenance? The seminars will be conducted every month and attendance at the sem i- nars will be required in order to qualify for certain loan programs. Space is limited; reservations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. Please call the Portland Housing Center at 282- 7744 to reserve your space today. Home Buying Classes are a Series o f four classes and will be held on: Tues & Thurs Nights, December 1, 3 ,8 ,1 0 PCC Cascade Campus, Cascade H all Auditorium 705 N. Killingsworth 6:30-8:30 pm The classes are sponsored by Port­ land Housing Center, a private, non­ profit program o f Ecumenical M inis­ tries o f Oregon. It is supported by a partnership o f private and public funds. progressive ! REALTY INC. 317 NE Killingsworth • Portland, Or 97211 Bus: 283-4542 • Res: 284-3503 For Sale Trauma Nurses Talk Tough About Teenage Auto Safety; Free Emanuel Program Pulls No Punches One third o f teen traffic fatalities is related to either poor judgem ent, inex­ perience, fast driving, failure to use seat belts, or driving while under the influ­ ence o f alcohol. But because o f educa­ tion, seat belt laws and provisional li­ cense restrictions those numbers are diminishing: traffic fatalities for teens age 15-19 are down from 77 in 1990 to 54 in 1991. Conversely, traffic fatalities for adults age 30-45 have not changed in the past tw o years. According to Joanne Fairchild, Traum a O utreach Education Coordinator and form er Life Flight nurse, adult lack o f respect for traffic laws often contributes to teen attitudes toward traffic safety. Fairchild, who pulls no punches in driving home the message to all those who feel they’ve earned the right to drive, uses facts, figures, and disturbing visuals to teach, “Traum a Nurses Talk Tough To Parents and Teens,” held 7- 9p.m .,M onday,F ebruary lO .atE m an- uel Hospital & Health Center, Lorenzen Education and Conference Center. This class is free to the public. Those interested in attending should call 280-0402 to pre-register. ■X. 7 , - - 'k V f . v - IT.- '».-.'¿■'-Lt ' a -.'.-.' ». 5 • V Public Notice Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Sales and Promotional Items excluded. 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday President-Elect Clinton Naming Vernon Jordan To Head Transition Team • **•’*• • » - We’II Show You H ow Whether you're just dreaming of owning a home or you're ready to buy, First Interstate Bank would like to show you how. Because at First Interstate, we re committed to revitalizing our neighbor­ hoods through home ownership. And, through our Community Lending Center, we place a special emphasis on first-time home buyers. The Community Lending Center offers potential homeowners a step- by-step approach to buying a home. We’ll help you put together a plan to realize your dream of home owner­ ship. We’ll focus on Ending the loan that best meets your needs and then assist you throughout the home The Low Income Fam ilies Em er­ gency (L.I.F.E.) Center board elected new officers and new board members in October for a one year term. Jon Stroud was elected chairman, replacing Ruth Ann Jennings, who held the post for three years. The board elected Richard Rickel, vice-chairman; Lisa Kyle, treasurer; and Claudette Joy, secretary, effective October, 1992. New members voted to one-year term s are Mark H elm iniak, V erena Lwandowski, Fred M itchell and Judy Sailing. The L.I.F.E. Center, Portland’s only w ork-for-assistanceagency since 1966, provides food, clothing and household items for people in the metro area on an emergency basis. For m ore in fo rm atio n co n tact Charles Carter at 503-284-6878. loan process. And we’ll provide information and support after your home loan closes. We also sponsor community seminars on home ownership. And if you already own a home we can help, too. We 11 show you how to use the equity you've built up in your investment to make home improvements or repairs. So when it comes to any aspect of buying, owning or maintaining a home, call First Interstate. We re here to show vou how. • ”.i . Community Lending Center 5730 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland. Oregon 97211 Phone: 225-3751 o I tsr EOUAL HOUSING LENOCM 1 First Interstate Bank r r r r r r r r r r r adìs Oil Sendee Come One Come All To the 1st Holiday Neighborhood Celebration To find out,w hat assistance and services arc available to you during the Holidays and throughout the year W here: Peninsula Park Com. Center 700 N. Portland Blvd - j heating oils Phone # 823-3620 W hen: Friday D ecem ber4th 1992 T im e: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Cost: Free For more information contact: Roy Pittman Peninsula Park 823-3620 Bzst Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Nobody Does it Better» for less SAFEWAY President-elect Bill Clinton is to be heartily congratulated for making such an ex cellen t choice, nam ing Vernon Jordan to lead his transition team. Vernon Jordan is a man for all seasons. As president o f the National Urban League, he led that leading civil rights organization for years with dis­ tinction. He is presently a highly re­ spected partner with the prestigious D.C. law firm Akin, Gump, Hauer & Feld. A man o f a high degree of intelli­ gence, common sense and integrity, Jordan is also an cstute and knowledge­ able person who knows his way around both in W ashington, D.C. and the na­ tional political arena. He possesses extensive contacts in the legal and cor­ porate arenas and is very cognizant of the great issues facing this country, both foreign and domestic. "1 have known Vernon Jordan for many years and worked with him on many tough issues and programs, said Dr. Bcmjamin Hooks, executive direc- tor/CEO o f the NAACP. "He is a real champion o f human and civil rights. In my judgm ent. President-elect Clinton could have made no better selection to his critically important transition team, Hooks w ent on to say. "We o f the NAACP look forward to Prcsidcnt-clccl Clinton’s leading this nation, which has been sorely beset by problems, to a plateau of cooperation and greatness. In Vernon Jordan s selec­ tion, we think Clinton has made an important first move in that direction, Ad Prices Good Nov. 18 through Nov. 24,1992 At Safeway. Plump & Tender Grade ’’A” Turkeys Tender Gold or Northern Pride brand quality turkeys. 10 to 13 pound turkeys. A Thanksgiving tradition your entire family will enjoy. Both brands may not be available at some stores. FIRST ONE With $25 PURCHASE. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No sales to dealers. Nobody does it better for less Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! W E S TE R N U N IO N M A G A Z • • • The F astest Way To Send M oney....A vailable In All Safew ay stores in Oregon & S.W. W ashington. concluded Hooks. I us *.- * < * •••' . a •. j. .1' W h at Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply *='i • i L.I.F.E. Center Selects New Officers And Board Members • 3 B/R 1 Ba Fixer Great Freeway Access 53.500 • 3 B.R 1 Ba Full Bsmt 41.500 • 2 B/R, 1 Ba, Dbl Garage move in Condition 44.500 • 890 Sq Ft. Commercial Bldg. Good MLK Bv. Location. 15.500 Call Doc For Details I . J * 4* * * f * • i». • » * ,• * f s ♦ % * i *“A^M^b*** a a A * * C * * ■*',*• * x A