r w .^ « ** Page 10...The Portland Observer...Noveniber 18, 1992 I Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Financial Planning Mgr. (A d m in is tra tive Manager) D epartm ent: Finance & M anagem ent Inform ation Departm ent Class no. 337-1192-FM S tatus: 1 Full-tim e P osition Salary: $40,946 - $59,675 The Metropolitan Service district is recruiting for one full-time Fi­ nancial Planning Manager to per­ form the following essential job duties: provides financial consult­ ing on department projects, per­ forms lead role in bond financing; provides assistance in develop­ ing department long-term finan­ cial plans; provides financial plan­ ning support on various projects; serves as the agency’s bond rat­ ing liaison; supervises the Finan­ cial Planning staff; oversees completion of the agency budget; reviews and approves investment management practices and pro­ cedures, and approves credit and collection practices and proce­ dures. This position closes on November 25,1992. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednes­ day, November 25, 1992. Appli­ cations and supplemental require­ ments can be picked up at: The Metropolitan Service District MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metropolitan Service Dlst. 2000 S‘W First Ave. Portland, OR . Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR -, Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer ’. - METRO • , a . « » « •' Associate Engineer Departm ent: Solid Waste Department class no. 307-1192-SW Status: 1 full-tim e P osition Salary: $32,072 - $45,143 The Metropolitan Service District is recruiting for one full-time As- sociate engineer to perform the following essential job duties: compile and analyze historical base information on various re- gional planning projects; develop automated manual date files for forecasting; develop methodolo- gies for development of models; coordinate and/or assists in man- agement of consultant contracts; develops, prepare, and present general and technical reports for regional use; develop and/or as- sist in writing RFPs and assist in the evaluation and selection ven- dors responding to RFPs; design plans and specifications and per- forms other related duties as as- signed. This position closes on November 255, 1992. Applica- tions and supplemental require- ments must be received, or post- marked no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, November25,1992. Applications and supplemental re- quirements can be picked up at: •. • « » V« % •» • ‘ *• \ • ‘• a ; » -i ■ r : ». 'V. *> * 4 ' V • / ; ,, *r x * • ' * The Metropolitan Service District MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S.W. First Ave Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr Portland, OR i F * lr »> v, € -» Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer METRO A Electrician Electronics Instrument Technician James River Corporation, a For­ tune 150 manufacturer of pulp and paper, food and consumer packaging and communication papers, now has an excellent opportunity at our Paper Mill in Camas, Wa. You will be responsible for the in­ stallation, maintenance and re­ pair of industrial process control in stru m e n ta tio n . We seek a graduate of an instrumentation Technical School, or equivalent, with extensive experience in the maintenance of distributed con­ trol systems. A knowledge of the pulp and paper manufacturing industry is preferred. James River offers an excellent wage and benefit package, in­ cluding; company matched stock purchase, retirement, medical/ dental insurance, profit sharing and tuition reimbursement. For consideration, please fill out an application by Nov. 30,1992 at: State of Washington Employ­ ment Security, 603 W. Evergreen Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98660 Job #WA0348357. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. James River (1993 Legislative Session) Positions provide support to Legis­ lative Committees. Experience performing clerical functions at a technical or Administrative Sup­ port Level, typing speed of 50-55 WPM, and experience using word processing equipment re­ quired. Salary range $1,598- $2,107 per month with limited fringe benefits. These positions will begin in January 1993 and end at the close of the 1993 Leg­ islative Session or soon after. A legislative Administration Com­ mittee Application is required. This recruitment'Open until suffi­ cient applications are received. It may close at any time without notice. Contact employee ser­ vices, Legislative Administration Committee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378- 8530. TDD: (503) 373-5009. Fax: (503) 378-3289. EOE City of Milwaukie O ffice Assistant (Public Works/ Community Development) - City of Milwaukie, Oregon. Salary: $1481 to $1889/mo, DOQ, plus excellent benefit package. We are seeking a responsible per­ son to act as the first contact for walk in and telephone traffic at the City's Johnson Creek facility. The person will be responsible for assisting the public with and maintaining the building and per­ mit tracking systems. Second­ ary responsibilities include word processing, data processing, fil­ ing and record keeping. Exami­ nation will consists of a supple­ mental questionnaire, telephone interview and interview/mini-as- sessment board. Applications can be obtained at the Personnel office, 10722 S.E. Main Street, Milwaukie, OR, 97222. Phone 659-5171, Fax #652-4433. Ap­ plication packets must be in our office by 4 p.m., Monday, No­ vember 30, 1992. Resumes will not be accepted. If you need ac­ commodation with the applica­ tion process please let us know. EEO. Volunteers of America Director: G irls’ Emergency Shel­ ter. $ 2 0 -2 3 ,OOO/yr.+benefits. MA+1 yr. exp. or BA+3 yrs. exp. req'd. Knowledge of child abuse, positive peer culture, family sys­ tems, crisis intervention, mental health. Call VOA, 235-8655, for application packet. Closes 12/4. EOE Corrections Electrician There’s one current vacancy at the Eastern Oregon Correctional in­ stitution in Pendleton, OR To qualify you must have exp as a general journey level electrician, and possess a valid Oregon gen­ eral supervising electrician li­ cense. Salary: $2280-$2908/mo. For more information and appli­ cation please call Molly Hansen, at 1 -278-3635. Dept of Correc­ tions is an affirmative action, Equal oppty employer. 5v.* ■ * t • '. V - X'M' > •vtf’V-. v ;> C**7.X” X V «» ' i V V ,V '..5 ■t ? #• : - ì:" •"Ï ,*'*-» •*' .&■ i y* 4 Headache Sufferers Wanted not a gimick, a natural cure provided by a li­ censed physician, limited to first 10 callers. phone# 284-8000 Advertisement For Bids Sub-Bids Requested S. Waterfront Project Portland, OR Bid Date: November 24,1992 * 4:00 pm Copenhagen Utilities & Construction, Inc. Contact Max Marcott at 654-3104 CCB #275-45 13600 Ambler Rd./P.O. Box 429, Clackamas, OR 97015 (503) 654-3104 Fax: (503) 654-3526 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged sub-cdntractors and women and minority business enterprises. Elevator Improvements Job No. MI-9906 Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority_of Portiand (HAP) 8910 N. W oolsey A venue, Portland, O regon 97203, until 2:00 p.m. P .(S ).T „ Tuesday, December 8.1932 for la b or and m aterials to provide elevator im provem ents in com pliance with the A m erican with D isabilities A ct at three (3) buildings. Shortly thereafter, bids w ill be opened and publicly read. Interested parties are w elcom e to attend. The basic w ork consists of elevator m odifications at Dahike Manor, 915 N.E. S chuyler; H olgate House, 4601 S.E. 39th and; G allagher Plaza, 2140 N.W. Kearney, Portland, O regon A h e firm of E levator C onsulting S e rvice s. Inc. has been retained as con­ Sub-Bids Requested sultant fo r this work. Interested bidders m ay obtain one set of bid documentsi at the for Highways/Licenses Building Renovation Slate Capitol Campus Olympia, Washington Bid Date: Tuesday, December 8,1992 @ 3 P.M. riMr ividii nciiaiivv ^invv, « HAP M aintenance O ffice, noted above, upon receipt of »O u l ily l . . . . r 4 « « . im n n + c fû r û tlim O D deposit, which is refundable when > docum ents O are returned IP in I good condition w ithin 10 days after bid opening. A dditional sets may be acquired for a $20 (tw enty) non-refundable fee. Andersen Construction Co. Inc. 6712 N. Cutter Circle Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 Fax: (503) 283-3607 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disad­ vantaged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises. Oregon Contractor's Board Registration # 63053 Washington Contractor’s License # ANDERHA 362NG Corporation Finding A Better Way. Assistant, Committee Services & Advertising & Employment zsBids/Sub-Bids Sub-Bids Requested for Multnomah County Juvenile Justice Complex Detention Housing and Central Plant Juvenile Court, Juvenile Justice Division and the Donald E. Long Home Bid Date: December 3,1992 2:00 PM Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon 1300 SW 6th Ave. P.O. Box 1300 Portland Oregon 97207 Oregon License #28417 All subcontractor and venders must be pre-qualified with the Multnomah county offices. Please call 248-5111 to obtain information regarding pre­ qualifications. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­ taged, minority, women, disabled veterans or emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested for Highways/Licenses Building Renovation State Capitol Campus Olympia, Washington Bid Date: Tuesday, December 8,1992 @ 3 P.M. Andersen Construction Co. Inc. 6712 N. Cutter Circle Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 Fax: (503) 283-3607 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disad­ vantaged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises. Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration # 63053 Washington Contractor’s License # ANDERHA 362NG m v i w r x A HAP representative will conduct a pre-bid tour of the project com m encing at G allagher Plaza, 2140 N. W. Kearney, at 10:00 a.m ., P .(S ).T „ Thursday, N o v e m b e r2 4 .1992, and the attendance of bidders is requested. An orientation will be given prior to m oving to other project sites. Q uestions posed d uring the tour, w hen not addressed in the specifications, will be answ ered by addendum and m ailed to all bidders. A ttention is called to the provisions in "S u p p le m e n ta l In s tru c ­ tions to Bidders” regarding MBE participation and "Special Conditions", Division “ H” , regarding Equal E m ploym ent O ppor­ tunity, EEO com pliance reports, certification of non-segregated facilities and a w a ive r from enforcing the paym ent of non-federal prevailing w ages w hen said wages, exclusive of any fringe b e n e fits ,'e x c e e d s the applicable w age rate determ ined by the S ecretary of HUD. M inim um salaries and w ages as set forth in the specifications shall be paid on this project. A bid se curity of 5% of the bid is required as prescribed in the "Instruction to Bidders” , Division “B”. No b idder may w ithdraw their bid after the hour set fo r opening thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) d ays from the bid opening. The H ousing A uthority of P ortland m ay reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and require­ m ents and may reject any or all bids and w aive all inform alities if, in the ju d ge m e nt of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding this p ro je ct should be directed to D ave W alter at 735-421Q- H ousing A u th o rity Of Portland, Loren Tarbell, Director o f Maintenance Administrator, Committee Services (1993 Legislative Session) Positions Administer Legislative Committees during Legislative Ses­ sion. They provide information regarding issues, arrange for testi­ mony, and organize and analyze information in the preparation of policy options. Experience involving management responsibility or experience in a Staff Technical or professional function related to management required. Salary range $2,965-$3,979 per month with limited fringe benefits. Positions will begin in January 1993 and end at the close of the 1993 Legislative Session or soon after. A Legislative Administration Committee Application is required this recruitment open until sufficient applications are received. It may close at any time without notice. Contact employee services, Legislative Administration Committee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-8530. TDD: (503) 378-5009. Fax: (503) 378- 3289. EOE Counsel, Committee Services (1993 Legislative Session) Notice To Contractors City of Camas Department of Public Works Camas, Washington Victoria Hills Pressure Sewer (L.I.D.#213) Sealed bids will be received by the City of C am as O ffice of the Finance D epartm ent, 616 N.E. 4th A venue, C am as, Washi- ington until 10:00 A M. on Tuesday. D ecem ber 8 1992, and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the im provem ents. All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check or surety bond in an am ount equal to five p ercen t (5% ) of am ount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory perform ance bond w ithin the tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of C am as. Maps, plans and specifications may be obtained from the O ffice of the Public W orks D epartm ent upon paym ent of the am ount of $25.00. which will be non-refundable. Inform ational copies of maps, P,ai^s an