• • * • 9 * < - »'• • • » • ♦ » 1 November 1 1 ,1992...The Portland Observer ...Page 9 • Portland Observer Scripture o f the ‘Wkefz RELIGION Matthew 13:3 '.I- J fo p p y BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS b ir th d a y As the season changed, different kinds o f birds began to chirp their songs in the crisp morning breeze. In the cool spring mornings, you can see and hear the robins as they call out to one another and flutter from tree to tree. Their bright red breast and proud strut give to you a feeling o f excitement. Their presence lets you know that it is spring. Another little bird, the sparrow, w hich has placed its nest in the rafters o f my front porch, makes its presence known by loud chirping and busily making its nest. Then, later on, you hear constant chirping signaling the arrival o f the babies. As the crisp fall air briskly blows through the fallen leaves, you can hear the very loud “ caw, caw, caw” o f the big, shiny black crows. And as w inter approaches, you look up to see the perfect flyin g formation o f the geese. You knew to look up because o f their “ honking” conversation. Tobe creative, youcan imagine them saying,“ C ’ mon! L e t’s stay together. Hey you back there...tighten-up the ranks!” The rob in ’ s bright coloring, the sparrow ’ s efficiency, the preciseness o f the geese and then-there is the crow: loud, crude, obnoxious and nothing but a big black hooligan. Just last w e e k -I saw a crow flying down to the sidewalk, across the street from my house, to eat some crumbs that ¿flshleigh Elizabeth Callier- Wells Novem ber 6, 1986 from your grandparents Edward & O livia Callier my neighbor had left out for the birds. A fte r the one crow came, soon there were three and then there were eight and then there were more than twenty, by m y count. I watched as (hey m ultiplied. I t ’ s not like I had never seen a crow before. It was something else that struck me as 1 watched these big birds. When the other crows had witnessed the first one as he had made a safe landing and seemed to be enjoying him self, then a couple others carefully swooped down. Sitting high and looking down were the other crows, in the tree. They, too, soon discovered that it was safe to jo in -in on the feast. Other birds were not allowed to jo in this gathering. I saw some smaller birds attempt to jo in the feast but were quickly put to flight. The crows were content bickering and eating; yelling and eating; biting one another and eating. Som etim es-all piled up on top o f one another, but still eating. The feeding frenzy continued. I saw one crow pick up a large piece o f crust and fly o ff w ith it in an attempt to go o ff somewhere and eat quietly; but, he lost his meal as he opened his big mouth to yell back at the birds on the ground. Form this observed behavior, this is what I saw. Instead o f seeing birds, I was seeing people. Many times we, as Christian Believers, have a way o f being “ crowish” in behavior. We have separated our­ HeavenBound Gospel Music Ministries is proud to announce the selves from one another supposedly to establish our own identities. But--we are still Christians. We have our own brand o f worship service because the other people on the other side o f town don’t know how to have church. B u t-w e are still Christians. B illy Graham came to Portland to spread the Gospel Message; to make a gigantic alter call. I heard Christians say, “ We don’ t need no high-falooting white man coming here to tell us about God. We already know about God. I f you would just come to our church on Sunday, you’ s see how you’re supposed to serve G od.” “ W ho’ s idea was that anyway? I know that our pastor did n ’t have any­ thing to do w ith him coming here.” “ I f it was left up to me, the Indians would be the ones to lead the people because they are constantly in touch w ith God.” Lord, have mercy on us. Please! Segregation and d iscrim in atio n among unbelievers is understandable; but, among Christians it is un-Biblical. Unbelievers don’ t understand the dispensation o f God’ s saving grace. God’ s grace is like a huge umbrella. Believers are sheltered beneath this umbrella w hile those outside this um­ brella are being thoroughly soaked by whatever is coming (evil). Some Christians, like those crows, are in the habit o f fighting among them­ selves and w ith everybody else. N o ve m b e r 17 -th ru - N o ve m b e r 20 • 6 p.m . each n ig h t g>t. JJaul íFlíSáionarp JBapttót (Cfjurrl) M T . O L I V E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203 (F irst 2 nights) 116 NE SC H U YLER • P O R T LA N D , OR C hurch Phone: 289-0147 & Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm 2N DANNUAL “ HOLD-ON HELP IS ON THE W AY” 1 9 9 2 WORKSHOP M AR AN ATH A CHURCH (Each remaining night including the concert) 4222 BE 12TH A V E N U E • PO R TLAN D , OR **** C O N C E R T **** S A T U R D A Y , November 21 at 7:00 pm please c a ll M in. Lonnie Hosley fo r additional inform ation at 283-1524 US Bank/KXL Newsradio 750 Radiothon To Benefit Ecumenical Ministries Of Oregon In Its 75th Anniversary Year Saturday, N ovem ber 21, 1992 marks a very important tim e for Ecu­ menical M inistries o f Oregon. Thanks to generous support from US Bank and K X L Newsradio 750, we w ill broadcast a “ liv e ” fundraising “ radiothon,: from 9:00 a.m. u ntil 12:20 p.m. Called “ A Time for Thanksgiv­ ing” , this fundraiser w ill support Ecu­ menical M in istrie so f Oregon programs in the critical areas o f health care, jo b ­ lessness, drug and alcohol recovery and emergency food, particularly to small children in need. The radiothon w ill feature on-air personalities o f K X L Newsradio 750, including B ill Gallagher and Steve Leader as hosts. It w ill also highlight on-air profiles o f Ecumenical M inis­ tries o f Oregon programs such as the Old Town Medical C lin ic, Hopewell House, Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees, (SO AR), the H IV Day Cen­ ter, Addictions Recovery Association, the Portland Housing Center, Job Op­ portunity Bank and others. K X L has generously donated ma­ jo r prizes that w ill be auctioned o ff during the week preceding the radiothon, to build listener interest in the event, and to establish funding prior to the radiothon. For its part, US Bank is contribut­ ing both a lead g ift o f $7,500.00 and providing promotional materials in 140 o f its branches. November 21, is also the day o f the K X L broadcast o f the Oregon-Oregon State Football “ C iv il W ar” game, and the radiothon w ill serve as the lead-in to this broadcast. “ We are thrilled that US Bank and K X L have taken a leadership role in this fundraising effort: said the Reverend Rodney I. Page, Executive D irector o f Ecumenical M inistries ofOregon. “ It is said that Ecumenical M inistries o f O r­ egon squeezes 25 cents out o f every dime contributed, to directly support our programs o f care and compassion, and donors can be assured the money raised w ill be put to good use!” M allory Avenue Christian Church D is c ip le s of 9:45am Sunday School 1 1:00am 7:30pm M orning W orship Tuesday Stlble Study and Prayer When All G od’s Children Get To Heaven! I want to say thanks for your support your tim e, presence and kind­ ness to our Prince hall Grand Chapter TeaandFashion Show,Oct. 18,1992. “ You made our day” God Bless each o f you. Rubie Franklin Prince Grand Chapter chairperson Frances Odom Prince Hall Grand Chapter Co-Chair­ person. Friday, November 13, 1992 7:00 p.m. First A.M .E . Zion Church 109 N. Skidmore St. Portland, Oregon Rev. W illie B. Smith, Pastor - •/* v j Y v. .. ... *• I- "• 4 . \ V** * •* ' «•-z *>• • » * •*.<<■ ■ . - - ■ ' v‘..’ Psalms 34:3 I Peter iv.11 4236 NE Elgth Avenue (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 Crusade for Christ Come! (503) 287-0261 ..."A - Phillip S. Nelson Pastor Everyone Welcome 14th Annual a?-*' ».v Thanksgiving Crusade ‘C ultivating A Spirit O f Thanksgiving’ Psalms 107:1,2 New Testament C.O.G.I.C. 1237 N.E. Failing St. (Comer of 13th) November 26-29 7:45 pm nightly/3;3O pm Sunday (conducted by Elder Leon Brewer Jr.) O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good... MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CH U R CH Has moved Sunday sevices to Stone T o w er C h u rch N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th '• W l, H oly R edeemer C hristmas B azaar & T urkey D inner Theme: Where: When: What: Nov. 15: 9:00 6:00 Charge: 1:00 6:00 tV . ; u Holy Redeemer School In Large Hall Sunday Nov. 15 1992 9 AM to 6 PM Breakfast Available Home Made Goodies Turkey Dinner (Home Made) Adult $4:50 Child: 3:00 Christmas Treasures ' f Church O ffice 116 N .E . Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 Plants, Ornaments, Floral Arrange­ ments, Stuffed Animals, Aprons, Raffles & Much, Much, More M allory A venue C hurch of C hrist a ; W r- A nnouncement yr Free? What? When? Tuesday: Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3:00pm i» ¡ Where? f c M a llo ry Avenue C hu rch o f C h ris t 3908 NE M allory Ave. • Portland, OR 97211 for further inform ation contact: Pal at 503-288-1092 i » « • « « • • • • * • • * * « m f J.--* ■■■ Clothes and Food Only A T each in g C hurch With A Reaching M inistry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor ‘«O M V 1 ■ v r:- 1 d o it n o w Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS • • * » • 5 • ' • • 'L w .'ir » *• Allen Temple CME Cfiurcfi 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m . 126 N.€. Alberta t Portland, OA 97211 t (503) 288-5173 * *' Prince Hall Grand Chapter O.E.S. Gospel C hoir Presents Pastor, Rev James C.E. Faulkner C h u rc h S chool 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. B ib le S tu d y , W e dnesdays, 116 N .E . S c h u y le r In te r-ra c ia l C o n g re g a tio n ’ > ' Jesus Loves You! W o rs h ip Sendees 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. w ill g iv e y o u re s t." .* 4 £??*•••• 4 L W Theme: Whatever you 're going to do for the Lord, C h r is t "Come to me o il y o u w h o o re w e a ry a n d h e a v y la d e n a n d I Study Phone:289-1911 you into hating when you had not thought o f hating. He can cause to do some very foul deed. He can tempt you into think­ ing about things that you know to be wrong.... B u t-d o n ’t let him. When you receivedChrist into your life, you received His power right along with H im . Utilize all attributes that Christ has given to you. Satan gives you all kinds o f excuses as to the “ whys” --when it comes to worshipping with other Christian breth­ ren, such as: “ They don’ t look right.” “ You don’t expect me to attend church with anybody who smells like that do you? Be serious.” “ Those people are just too loud and you can’ t enjoy the service. I could never...” “ Have you ever been to any o f their homes? You would be surprised what they eat.” (What does this have to do w ith anything?) D on’t let anything make you com­ promise your faith or God’s W ord or your salvation! Christ says, “ I f ye keep my com­ mandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s com­ mandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my jo y might remain in you, and that your jo y might be fu ll. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” [SL John 15:10-12 KJV] B u t-th e y are still Christians. Some Christians, like the crows, gang-up on other Christians and talk about them and just beat them to the ground w ith their piousness. B u t-th e y are s till Christians. When w ill Believers act like what their names signify? To say that you are a Christian, is to say that you are “ Christ- lik e ” . And being Christ-like to the Be­ lievers mentioned above, is not how The Lord God Alm ighty intended fo r us to behave.Christ would never treat any­ one like the crows did. This article is not to say that crows are bad birds and robins are good birds and so-forth. O r-th a t Catholics are bet­ ter than the Church o f God in Christ or Baptist are better than the Episcopa­ lians or Methodist are better than the Lutherans...and the list goes on and on. We have all sinned and have come short o f God’s G lo ry.....B u t-le t us not throw- up our hands and resolve to just conform to whatever sin has beset us. Prejudice and discrimination from one Christian toward another Christian is not o f God. We must pray fervently, one for the other, that God w ill use us in a m ighty way; that He w ill unite us into one strong band o f Christian love and fe l­ lowship; and, that he w ill empower us, w ith His S pirit from on high, that we may have the boldness and the strength to go forth into all nations, and into the world, to preachChristtoadying people. Satan is ever present. He can coerce ,* ........... .. V '» »• ‘ ........... ♦ ♦ * • • * V * • ' 'VSMuMM * i ■ • • • :• "■ . ■ ' s, ■ • ' ■ ¿X W' ’I- ■/,*»• -S'*'' À O i