v«k ■■ . »-P V A l s^P » •» « » * «»»«♦« , n r« s « . 4 kW*"»* November 1 1 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 5 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT Victor Borge In Concert Special Screening Of “Malcolm X” To Benefit Urban League Of Portland Atwater’s To Feature Vocalist Shirley Nanette On Thursday Nights W arner Bros., A ct III Theatres and Spike Lee havechosen the Urban League of Portland to be the beneficiary of a special screening o f W arner B ros.’ highly anticipated film “ Malcolm X,” starrin g D enzel W ash in g to n . The screening will be at 7 pm Tuesday, November 17 at the Fox Theatre (833 SW Broadway). The Urban League will produce the event as a fundraiser. The film opens in theatres nationwide on November 18. A catered Patron reception will be held before the benefit screening in the lobby of the Fox Theatre from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm (tickets are $5 0 .0 0 -call the Urban League at 280-2600 for more information). G eneral Admission tick­ ets are $6.00 (Balcony) and $9.00 (Main Floor), and are available at all Fred M eyer Fastixx oudets (to charge by phone, call 224-TIXX) and One Stop Records (1615 NE Killings worth) .Tick­ ets are subject to a service charge. A free poster will be given away to each person attending the benefit. Corporations are being invited to sponsor high school students to attend the benefit screening. For a $750.00 donation, 50 high school students will be able to see this important film free of A tw ater’s Restaurant and Lounge will feature jazz voclist and recording artist Shirley Nanette on most Thurs­ day evenings in November and Decem­ ber. Located on the 30th floor o f the U.S. Bancorp Tow er, 111 S. W. Fifth Avenue, A tw ater’s features som e o f Portland’stopjazzactsevery weeekend. There is no cover charge or drink mini­ mum, and live music runs from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Victor Borge V ictor Borge, the piano prince o f com edy, performs his one-man show at Arlene SchnitzerC onccrt Hall at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12. If you haven’t seen Victor Borge for awhile, you’re in for a wonderful treat: H e’s funnier than ever-if that’s humanly possible. Borge always m an­ ages to please audiences and send them into the streets holding their sides while recounting his lovably outlandish sto­ ries. But Victor Borge is more than a keyboard comic. He is an acclaim ed musician with the rare ability to laugh at the music he worships, at life and easily above all, at himself. It’s his unique gift-making fun and music-that has made him an interna­ tional star with the same box office magnetism o f rock and pop artists. Borge has brought new audiences to the concert hall by making them feel comfortable with classical music. His strong following with the young has also won a new fans to the beauty o f the music. C om edy may w ell be V ictor B orge’s claim to fame, but he is an accom plished pianist, utilizing a key­ board talent that ably supports his an ­ tics. He has recorded an audio cassette called “T he T w o Sides o f V ictor Borge,” one side for com edy, the other for serious piano interpretations. Tickets are $18, $23 and $28.50, available at the PCPA box office, 1111 SW B roadw ay, and at G .l. J o e ’s Ticketm aster outlets. Prices include user fees and are subject to service charge. To charge tickets on VISA or M astercard, call (503) 248-4496. VH-1 Honors Epic Recording Artist Sade As January Artist Of The Month MUSIC M ILLENNIUM 32ND & E BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 charge. The tickets will be distributed to Portland Public School students by the Urban League. The film is rated PG- 13. To take part in this program , contact Mike Pullen o f the Urban League at 280-2615. The Urban League of Portland is a non-profit, community based agency which operates programs serving at- risk youth, students, job seekers and seniors. The League’s stated mission is to help African Americans and others achieve parity and economic self-suffi­ ciency through advocacy, community problem-solving, partnerships, and by cond u ctin g program s desig n ed to strengthen the growth and development o f individuals, families and com m uni­ ties. The Portland benefit screening o f “ Malcolm X ” is being presented by NIKE, Inc. and is sponsored by A ct III Theatres, KPTV Channel 12, The O r­ egonian, U.S. Bank and Casa U-Betcha Restaurants. W arner Bros, presents, in associa­ tion with Largo International N .V .,a4 0 Acres and a Mule production o f a Marvin W orth production of a Spike Lee Joint: Denzel W ashington in “M alcolm X ,” starring A ngela Bassett, Albert Hall, A1 Hall, A1 Freeman, Jr., Delroy Lindo and Spike Lee. The editor is Barry Alexander Brown: the production design is by W ynn Thom as; and the film is photo­ graphed by Ernest Dickerson, A.S.C. The original music score is by Terence B lanchard. The co-producers are Monty Ross, Jon Kilik and Preston Holmes. The screenplay is by Arnold Perl and Spike Lee, based on the book The A u­ tobiography o f M alcolm X as told to Alex Haley. The film is produced by Marvin W orth and Spike Lee. The di­ rector is Spike Lee. Distributed by W arner Bros., a Tim e W arner Enter­ tainm ent company. 'A STUNNING ACHIEVEMENT!' ‘A WILDLY ROMANTIC MASTERPIECE!' 23RD & N W JOHNSON 2 4 8-0 163 - S ic r Km rlko. < BS l i l i s M O R SISI. Pal (»H ins. » » O R O . S I » SORk Lou Rawls Gets Early Jump On Holiday Post Office Rush Videos From New Release, “Love Deluxe’’ To Be Aired in Heavy Rotation VH-1 announces Epic Records re c o rd in g a r tis t S a d e , B r ita in ’s “smoky, sultry soul queen”, as VH-1 January Artist of The Month. This tribute is in support o f her fourth re­ lease, “Love Deluxe”, her first collec­ tion o f new songs since “Stronger Than Pride”, released in 1988. The first single released from “Love D eluxe” is the ballad, “ No O r­ dinary Love”, which world premiered on VH-1 on Monday, O ctober 12. This simmering soul classic was shot in Los Angeles by award-winning director Sophie Muller. VH-1 plans to spotlight Sade in V H -1 Inside Music segments, and her second video release will run in heavy rotation on V H -1 throughout the month o f January. Sadc’s career took off i 1984 with the release of her first album, “D ia­ mond Life”, which spawned the U.K./ Europe top ten single “ Your Love Is King”. “ Diamond L ife” clinched a Grammy Award for Sade as best New Artist, and it remains the all-tim e best­ selling debut album by a British fe­ male singer. By December o f 1985, Sade’s second release, “Promise” , was at the top o f the U.S. charts and “Sweet­ est Taboo” was in the Top 5. “Stronger Than Pride”, which inc luded the dance h it“Paradise”, was the first album that was produced and arranged entirely by Sade and her band. It was in 1988 that Sade first embarked upon a full- scale arena tour o f North America. According to Nielsen data released for the November 1992 cable network universes, VH-1 now reaches 50.2% o f U.S. television households and can be seen in 46.7 million households. VH-1 is a registered trademark o f MTV Networks, a division of Viacom International Inc. MTV N etw orks owns and operates three cable net- w o rk s-M T V : M u sic T e le v is io n , V H -1, and N ickelodeon/N IC K at NITE, all of w hich are registered tra d e m a rk s o f M TV N e tw o rk s. S:''press\SADEAOM McMurphy's Appliance Center Washer fit D ry e r$ 199°° Refrigerators From *129' too BRAM S T O K E R ’S e ' A F U W 0 1 D COPPOL A FIDI COLlMBLlPICTllESnw'ft L\ ÂMER1CA\ ZOETROPE OSIRIS FINS hodkiw ' BUM DtMllA" GAtt OLDMAN » A RÌDER ANTHONY HOPKINS kEANl REMS ™ ¿JAMES A. HARE ',.ROMA\COPPOU " b UOICIECHMIAI S5KWI APTFD l ' d R O B E R T O C O N N O tH' RI " M FORD COPPOLA FRED FICUS w> CHARLES 'l l IA EHILL ... ' b ’FRAXCIS FORD COPPOLA^ -------- wh®.'. ' R »Kr « «oat IS- „ j --------- STA R TS FR ID A Y N O V E M B E R 13TH Grammy Award winner Lou Rawls, who hosts the annual “Lou Rawls Parade of Stars" telethon, beat this year’s holiday crowd by mailing his greeting cards early. Rawls said the message he's sending to 3,000 of his closest friends is to encourage them to “watch the telethon on December 26, make a pledge and share the dream of a college education with young people across America. " The telethon, now in its 13th year, benefits the United Negro College fund and its 41 member institutions. Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm NOVEMBER 29 THE POWER OF THE PEN A radical new Oregon program teaches sex offenders dating skills and sexual technique. Do we want public dollars spcnlto help rapists meet women? Or are better relationship skills exactly what sex offenders need to rehabilitate? 3RD LEVEL FOOD COURT E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris TOWN HALL airs Sundays at 6 pm on KATU Channel 2. Synthetic & H um an I la ir For B raiding & W eeving Call 231-4620 to attend one o f these programs. TOWN HALL is open to the public but reservations are required. M o n - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm Bad’s heating 00 Sente oils 4A1 1 M X- MIK AAI U 4011 N€ 288-3233 Soles • Service • Parts $ •sy'SjÇ'. ■ W . : . . . . . 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 « Near Lloyd Center 284-1664 1105 N.E. Broadway Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Best Cash Prices 282-5111 , t. , « 4 ,» « • • | a , ■ , , « * 4 > 4 «.,*■ ». • » » / 4 » • 4 » » * • * » 4 i. ■ & 4 ! • • * • »A s ' 4 A ' ' i * ' ■ - ■ 4 Í; i > ■ . «{? . > 1 X 'U llJ One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities Newspaper columnists alternately entertain and enrage us. Do these writers wield too much power? Meet writers you love (or love to hate) including hum orist Dave Barry and columnists M argie Boule, Jonathan Nicholas, and Steve Duin. NOVEMBER 22 BIG FOOT or HARRY HOAX? Sunday Clos«d \s':\ 248-6984 Wigland other believers take on the skeptics who say Big Foot is a big hoax. NOVEMBER 15 TEACHING RAPISTS TO DATE Saturday 10:00am ti . M A T IN E E S S A T U R D A Y 4 S U N D A Y JANTZEN BEACH Townhall For November They say they saw it- d o you be­ lieve them? W SU anthropologist Grover Krantz say s that A ugust’s reported sight­ ing o f Big Foot near Lapwai, Idaho has a “50-50 chance” o f being authentic. Krantz has spent more than 20 years studying the legendary beast. He and Ranges From $129°° I 4;