Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 11, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Page 12...The Portland Observer...November 11,1992
Many Oregonians will need help
staying warm this winter.
Won’t you lend a hand?
W ith o u t the caring o f people like you, th ou san d s o f O reg on ian s
will face a w inter w ithout heat in their h om es. M any o f these p eople are
trying to deal with sickn ess, u n em p loy m en t and o th er u nusually difficult
circu m stan ces. Trying to keep the heat on will be ju s t one m ore strik e against them .
W ith your h elp, how ever, O regon H EA T* can keep them w rapped in the w arm th o f you r generosity.
$ 5 , $ 2 5 , $ 1 0 0 — any am o u n t w ill help.
O regon HEAT provides those in need
You can co n trib u te you r
w ith em ergency assistance
tax -d ed u ctib le d o n atio n
w ith fuel bills and offers
throu gh you r P ortland
energy co u n selin g to
G eneral E lectric or
help them m anage
Pacific Pow er
their energy use
m o n th ly energy
m ore efficiently.
b ill, at any local
Your su pp ort is
Bank o f A m erica
essential to help
b ra n ch , or by
those w ith the
m ailin g a ch e c k
greatest need
to: O reg o n H eat,
get through
PO . B o x 5 0 8 0 ,
the winter.
Portland, O reg o n
Please send a
9 7 2 0 8 -5 0 8 0 .
ch eck m ade out
Your h elp in g hand w ill
to O regon HEAT for
be very m u ch app reciated.
w hatever you can spare—
H o m o E n o rg y A a a ia t a n c o T e a m
•Oregon HEAT (Home Energy Assistance TeunH is a non-profit coalition of energy providers und community agencies including Portland General Electric and Pacific Power
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