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Head o f Port­ land parks & Recreation and long lim e “ Center Friend” , Charles Jordan was the key note speaker. Last year's event also recognized and awarded several individuals, organizations and businesses that had been instrumen­ tal in helping the Center through one o f the most d iffic u lt periods in its history. A period which almost saw the doors locked up by CSD, M u lt­ nomah County Health Department and others because o f code and safety violations. The Board claims success last year and the event did bring in enough money to bring some back b ills and payroll current. On Saturday December 5, 1992 the Grace C ollins Center w ill hold its second annual fund raising banquet. Jessie Brazzel, this year's Banquet C hair has dec ided to keep the event at the Center and the board is looking to New Veterans Benefits Handbook Available One o f the Government’ s most w idely distributed publications entitled Federal Benefits For Veterans And De­ pendents has been updated for 1992. This best selling handbook describes the wide range o f benefits available to all Veterans and their Dependents, in ­ cluding recent DESERT STO RM V e t­ erans. E lig ib ility requirements fo r en- titlem entto benefits, the important tim e­ table fo r benefits, and where to apply 'are described in detail. Education and training benefits fo r Veterans including the G1 B ill, jo b train­ ing, vocational re h a b ilita tio n ’ , and employm ent assistance are covered extensively. Other major sections de­ scribe V A loans for home-buying Vets, life insurance, disability benefits, health care, what to do about Agent Orange exposure, death benefits, and benefits for survivors. A ll V A facilities where Veterans should go for assistance in ­ cluding V A hospitals, nursing homes, stage a week o f events at the Center just prior to the banquet. The events w ill be aimed at invitin g the public into the Cen­ ter not only to vis it but fo r people to see what they can do to help this Com m unity Treasure. W ith the number o f youth and fam ilies that have been touched by Miss C ollins, the board figures that even a modest donation form them would be a new source o f assistance. The Center is certified fo r 59 c h il­ dren based on CSD regulations. This is a far cry from the days when over a few hundred youth per day would come into the Center from 6 A M to 12 M idnight. In addition to day care, Miss C ollins, her mother, Grace, and staff provided before and after school programs, evening and week-end recreation and outreach a c tiv i­ ties in the comm unity. That staff, like many o f the current board members con­ sists o f youth who had been, in a sense, raised in the Center, taught and inspired by the loving woman w ith the stories, the Bible verse and the “ treats” . A t one time there were even Sunday Services at the Center. The Center has seldom operated to­ ta lly in the black and even today, meeting weekly payroll, taxes and other operating expenses remains a challenge. Parents served by the Center do not pay the fu ll cost o f day care. M iss C ollins s till insists the parent pay depending on income and the a bility to pay. U S D A food subsidies and the steady but dw indling stream o f Evelyn Collins Local Franchises To Serve Pizza To 1,400 Homeless In Oregon’s Two Largest Cities The annual “ D om ino’ s Pizza De­ livers Lunch to the Homeless” has be­ come a tw o -city event in i t ’s fourth year. M ic h a e l K a uth, P ortland area D om ino ’s Pizza franchisee, along w ith his dow ntow n Portland team members, is busy preparing to serve 1,000 home­ less men, women, andchildren at Union Gospel M ission M en ’ s Shelter, 15 NW 3rd Ave. “ We know that fo r some, this may be the o nly hot meal they’ ll receive in a week” , explained Kauth, “ We try to make it a happy occasion.” Union Gos­ pel M ission has arranged for a wide variety o f lunch entertainment from honky-tonk music to mime. Volunteers from Union Gospel M ission and local D om ino’ s Pizza team members along w ith local celebrity volunteers, including Commissioner Gretchen K a fo u ry .K O lN ’s Ed Whelan, and K A T U ’ s Julie Em ry and Paul Linnman w ill be serving the 2,400slices o f pizza donated by D om ino’s Pizza donations from individuals, churches and organizations have made it pos­ sible for the Center and Miss Collins to continue this work. Board members are w orking to secure the future o f the Center so that many future genera­ tions o f Pordand's youth and families w ill know the special something started by Miss C ollins when there were few resources available. There is s till so much work to be done. More inform ation on the Center and the banquet w ill come. Tickets, priced at $25.00, are now on sale at the Center. The Board is soliciting the support o f families, churches, organi­ zations and businesses to buy tables o f 10 seats for the event. For more in fo r­ mation and early ticket purchase call the Center at 281 -6930 and speak with Joyce Douglas, Adm inistrator or Miss C ollins. You may also speak with any o f the board members: Ralph & LaVeme Davis, Danny Bell, Jessie Brazzel, Mother & Stanley Peterson, W illie & Charles Stoudamire. A d v i­ sors include: Charles Jordan, Tim Sidel, Carl Parker, Margaret Carter and Ernest Reams. A ll “ Center Children” , the term used to identify Center alumni, are urged to call and come into the Center, vis it Miss C ollins and bring a special e ffo rt g ift or even repay money that Miss C ollins may have loaned them. This is our Center too. Team Portland, and over 100 gallons o f Coca-Cola product contributed by the local bottler. Meanwhile, down south, Daniel Kauth, D om ino’ s Pizza franchisee in Eugene, prepares to serve an expected 400 homeless at the Eugene Mission. “ W c thought it would be a great idea to jo in my brother in Pordand this year and help those folks who are in need right here in Eugene” , commented Daniel. The Eugene Mission is located at 1542 W 1st Ave. Union Gospel Mission and Eu­ gene Mission are both private non­ p ro fit agencies providing shelter and food for homeless men, women, and children. Both events w ill be held Novem­ ber 17th 1992. Portland’ s lunch w ill start at 10:30am and Eugene’ s at 11:00. Both events w ill end at 1:30pm. Portland’ s pizzas w ill be made at the 2280N W G lisan D om ino’s Pizza store location and Eugene’ sat 2260 W 18th. c, <*>«s?n „ Packwood Thanks Oregonians Oregon Senator Bob Packwood today thanked Oregonians fo r relum ing him to the U.S. Sehate and pledged his strong support for Oregon’ s interests. “ I want to thank Oregonians fo r their sup­ port in this victory, and I want them to know that I w ill continue to w ork hard for them on the issues that are so im p o r­ tant to our state,” said Packwood. “ M y top p rio rity is finding a per­ manent solution to the forest manage­ ment problem in Oregon. I am co m m it­ ted to w orking fo r a solution to our health care crisis that includes univer­ sal coverage and cost containment. I w ill work to see the North American free T rade Agreement (N A F T A ) im ple­ mented because it w ill be good fo r Oregon’ s economy and fo r the nation’ s. And fin a lly , I w ill redouble my efforts on d eficit reduction. We need a bal­ anced budget amendment and we need to begin the d iffic u lt task o f reducing the federal d e ficit which is strangling economic growth in this country,” said Packwood. “ A dditionally, I w ill prevail on President Bush, one more time, to grant Oregon a w aiver so that we can im ple­ ment our innovative health care pro­ gram. Failing that, I ’ll work w ith Presi­ dent-elect C linton to get our waiver granted,” he continued. Packwood spoke w ith reporters at a news conference during which he praised Congressman AuC oin for wag­ ing a tough campaign on the issues. Court Says Fair Housing Law Applies To Insurance The U.S. C o u rto f Appeals forthe Seventh C ircu it recently agreed on Tuesday, O ctober 2nd, w ith the N A A C P ’s position that redlining is a form o f racial discrimination which in the insuring o f homes violates the Fair Housing A ct o f 1968, and ordered a lower court to reconsider a case the Association had brought against an insurance company in Madison, W is­ consin. The low er court had said earlier that the property and insurance casu­ alty business was not covered by the Fair Housing Act. It must now rehear the case. “ This is an extremely important decision since it plainly states it is illegal for insurance firm s to deny African-Americans insurance on their homes, or to charge them higher pre­ miums, or to practice any type o f d iscrim in atio n,” Dr. Benjam in L . Hooks, Executive D irector/CEO ofthe N A A C P said. S p e cifica lly, the N A A C P had charged that by discouraging African- Americans from obtaining home in ­ surance from the American Fam ily M utual Insurance Co., the firm had in effect discriminated against them by making it more d iffic u lt to obtain m ort­ gages - which require the homeowner be insured. The suit further accused the firm o f engaging in unlaw ful practices in ­ cluding: instructing its agents not to sell policies to African-Am ericans; fa ilin g and refusing to market their insurance to African-Am erican prop­ erty owners; fa ilin g to locate agents and agencies in , and in close proxim ity to, predominantly African-American neighborhoods, and charging lower rates in predominantly white neigh­ borhoods than it charges in predomi­ nantly African-American neighbor­ hoods fo r properties o f comparable value and risk. In rejecting American F am ily’s challenge to the N A A C P ’s involve­ ment in the case the court said: “ Con­ gress amended the statute o f 1988 to authorize suit by anyone who ‘be­ lieves that he w ill be injured by a discriminatory housing practice that is about to occur* and unless this statue is unconstitutional several o f the plaintiffs, and the N AA C P itse lf as an organization whose members include many black persons in the housing market, have standing.” Cooperating attorneys in the case were W illiam H. Lynch and James Hall o f Milwaukee. Representing the N A A C P ’s Na­ tional O ffice were N A A C P General Counsel Dennis C. Hayes and W illie Abrams, Assistant General Counsel. Continued on page 7 Did The Election Mandate Change For Oregon/Portland? BY PROF. MCKINLEY BURT This is certain to be a cause for discussion her in the land o f big trees, logger, Spotted Owls, skinheads, the Religious Right and a relatively small number o f African Americans. The lat­ ter have been said to live in a “ Peculiar Paradise” , nothing has changed. Jim H ill has become State Trea­ surer, Elizabeth Furse has gone to Con­ gress, A vcl G ordly has joined Margaret Carter and B ill M cCoy in the state legislature, and Vera Katz is Mayor- elect o f Portland, Bob Packwood kept his seat in the senate, w hile we lost a senior position in the House when AuCoin resigned to contest that incum ­ bency. The “ party” alignment in the State House did not change that much, but the Republicans have got to gird against a determined e ffo rt by the R eli­ gious Right to “ take over” . A ll o f the special initiatives failed in terms o f the results sought by their sponsors-including the infamous“ Mca- surc 9” (correct me i f I ’m wrong). Presi­ dential candidate B ill C lin to n took Oregon’ s electoral votes, but the popu­ lar vote could hardy be termed a “ land­ slide” . A ll in all I would say that there was no evidence anywhere o f any groundswcll o f support for any particu­ lar social or cconom ic philosophy. There were no mandates! Given that profound observation, 1 return you now to our regular program­ ming. That, o f course, has to do w ith a com m un ity’ s growing concern w ith several areas o f A frican American lead­ ership. I have been articulating con­ cerns o f the comm unity-in-gcncral and my own particular fears and frustra­ tions. L ike others, I continue to encoun­ ter many unforgivable expressions o f contempt and disregard for the social and economic welfare o f the Northeast sector o f c ity -w h ile , like the congress, self-appointed leaders deny any respon­ sib ility and loudly blame the “ white folks dow ntow n” fo r failures usually occasioned by lack o f a bility and,often, just plain greed. I suggest that you read my article on page 2 o f this issue o f the Portland Observer; “ Perspectives: The T h rill Is Gone” . .This is the conclusion o f a series o f four articles that severely take to task some o f the directions and p ri­ orities o f Portland leadership. This piece was the fourth o f a series and it would be good i f you could secure the earlier articles. Before that, I wrote another.scries,“ Nonminority Business” which also provided useful and struc­ tured analysis as well as “ realistic” goals that could be immediately im ple­ mented. Speaking in reference to previous material in this newspaper, be sure to see that relevant and signicant “ Letter- To-The E ditor” on page o f last week’s edition (11/4/92). Ms. Harris o f North Portland, an African American woman with some serious reservations about our comm unity, vigorously and rig h t­ fu lly attacks some major and disheart­ ening trends in thiscom munity. Taking her cue from Mr. Posey, another w riter fo r this newspaper (“ courage to bring issues to the forefront” ), Ms. Harris proceeds to spell out a number o f the ugly and destructive activities that have kept this community operating at one- h alf o f its true potential; that sees our youth deprived o f much o f the guid­ ance and role-model structure that nor­ m ally would have been provided. Some excerpts follow . (The term“ oppressor” may offend you, but she is right, you know. I have suffered from some o f the same crap. They smile in your face!) “ Black oppressors are considered by the white-powers-that-bc’ as a good personal reference fo r bla ck jo b applicants (whether you list them or not)., state and local government w ill not hire you unless you have been okayed by the black oppressors... you are not a part o f their clique. They arc gate-keepers...they’ ve sold out in order to fu rthe r th eir own selfish needs...if you’ re bright you can’ t be used... Where is the m illions that have been earmarked for economic develop­ ment in this com m unity?” Lady, you arc so right about a number o f p itifu l but dangerous in d i­ viduals who not only hold “ us” back, but end up projecting the rest o f us to the city and state as equally inept and greedy .B u t don ’ t leave to w n -g i ve me a call. I, too, have had your problems, but had enough footwork and experi­ ence to gel around them. And I, too, have had grinning hypocrites in my home or o ffice on “ inform ation expe­ ditions” , people who after peeking at your papers, return to their “ cliques” as you say and proceed in their operations which are carefully designed to shoot you out o f the process. Be careful lady, for i f you haven’t noticed, these clowns never invite you to “ their homes” -a n d i f you are sucked into their organizations, you s till w ill not know what is going on because the “ real business” is always trans­ acted at the homes o f the lead people in the incestuous grouping. Fortunately, their white masters just love to inform and snitch on them, probably from a perverse desire to let “ a ll” the slaves kn o w w ho is re a lly ru n n in g the plantation. Rest assured that our de­ scriptions do not fit the m ajority o f the northeast population, but enough to keep the community depressed and “ oppressed” . D on’t leave, we gonna w in sister. They don’ t have brains enough to last much longer. I have more time and resources now. I get out and make m y own pre­ sentations to the establishm ent-indus­ try, educators, o fficials and grassroots p e o p le -w h ite and black. U n fo rtu ­ nately, sister, fo r a little w hile longer you are going to have to sell your skills and gifts on your o w n -e ve n pro­ tect your rear. I ’ve had to engage a sharp attorney to go after several in d i­ viduals who have typed in my name to charters and documents o f com m unity corporations and g ra nt proposals o f which I ’ve never heard. The only language these greedy lovers-of-the- community w ill understand is “ pay me fo r those checks cashed or go to Uncle Sam's housing pro gram -do n ’ tc a ll me, m ail my money, n ow !” I t ’ s going to get better lady, but a number o f us need to start reclaim ing our com m unity-as w ell as country.