• • * • * Y »>* ♦ V*r «• T*r r* 1 . V • * < * •» * •* * * ✓ « < < 4. < < ♦ < *. * * ■ « H / • * * • » V, ' November 4 , 1992...The Portland Observer ...Page 9 Keisling Ends Campaign At Brooklyn School McMurphy's Appliance Center GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES V, I Ranges From sl° ? ° ° »1 69 l l . S t o 13 JAR ♦ sK®1 V S ta rt y yo o u r s a la d s w itn le ttu c e . POUND » w . 4011 N6 MIK e Ic e b e rg V a r ie t y J t\ 0 Sunday Closed e í re d rip e slicers POUND EACH : Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm > TOM ATOES 98 í 49 HEAD LETTUCE Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm í: c 4.0. $-l 00 MARIE'S DRESSING A ll V a r ie tie s la r g e size G ro w n in O r e g o n 3” 89 R efrigerators From *129°° I ** i DANISH SQUASH G REEN PEPPER S W ash er & D r y e r $ 199°° ; 4 0 lb b o x ■ — POUND la r g e s ize . .. 49 /IUV UFUW ii n i in c n w u u n i V t u TM Lut i 288-3233 Sales • Service • Parts < O . -» Creed Of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. M allory A venue C hurch of C h r ist A nnouncement Free? What? Clothes and Food Only When? Tuesday: Clothes • Friday: Food 1:00 to 3:00pm Where? M allory A venue C hurch o f C hrist 3908 NE Mallory Ave. • Portland, OR 97211 for further information contact: Pat at 503-288-1092 The Brooklyn Community gave Phil Keisling, Secretary of State, a warm welcome as he closed his campaign. Many students, parents, senior citi­ zens and Brooklyn Community mem­ bers devoted several hours of words of SEVEN UP-R.C. COLA CRUSH-DIET RITE A&W (R oot B e e r o r C re m e S o d a ) SQUIRT advice for the future. Through out the afternoon words ofVictory” were shared. Phil Keisling his wife Pam Wiley and son Benjamin and principal Rose­ mary Daniels (older man-neighbor) ( r e g u la r o r s u g a r fre e ) BSJ Bffl NT» W H NM • r .. . -N • r •- • Nicaraguans Meet A rtists Of Color At 500 Years Of Resistance Mural Project Five community leaders from Corinto, Nicaragua met with local art­ ists that created “We Speak”, a 13 panel 500 years of Resistance mural, on Thursday, October 29,1992 at 3:30 p.m. at the Interstate Firehouse Cul­ tural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Av­ enue. The Nicaraguans are part of a contingent nam ed D iriangen--in memory of a Nicaraguan leader that fought against the Spanish Conquista­ dors, organized by the Ben Linder Construction Brigade. The members include Nancy Gonzalez, a nurse and Head of the Federation of Heal th work­ ers; Pedro Darce; Jose Luis Espinoza, former coordinator of Sandisista Youth; Maria Elena Argenal, Vice president of the Solidarity Council of Corinto and Miguel Medina, a law student. “We Speak” is the product of the Communities of Resistance Art Project, a project of ALAN A. In introducing the mural project Kyle Kajihiro, artist and ALANA spokesperson, stated, “We painted this mural as artists of color to educate people about the historical fraudulence of the Columbus myth, to reclaim a history of resistance to op­ pression, to tell the untold stories of our people and to project a positive vision for social change’. Asian Latino African & Native Americans for Justice and Peace, is a multi-racial interfaith organization dedi­ cated to promoting peace and justice in tern atio n ally , w hile ed u catio n , orgainizing and mobilizing people of color in Portland to counter the effects of racism and militarism in our commu­ nities. To F ig h t we reserve THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES C r im e In Y o u r i; • J & i donating 40 Motorola portable phones. when law-abiding citi- to be m ade available to the neighbor- zens are the ones who hood organizations that need them most. , 1 u . almost everywhere. But J . , « > i t S C l e a r l y a p r o b l C 111 fences or bigger, more ferocious watchdogs. Now more than patrol to make a difference. If you own or use a cellular phone, use it to report suspicious activity or som e­ one who needs help. Cellular Watch." Made possible through the cooperation of Cellular One, the work together with Bureau, the City of police and neighbors R jrtland’s Office to take the offensive of Neighborhood against crime. This Associations (ONA) means getting out < 'A h. 12LLLL R utland Riliee ^3 of o u r recliners and Neighborhood patrols are a strong, sate B u ild in g B ridges, : '...a la r Watch puts your group in instant contact with 9-1-1 or local law enforce­ ■ V-.v:’’ zens like you. It will do more for your neighborhood’s peace of m ind than any ten-foot tall, electri­ fied barbed-wire fence ever could. d eterren t to crime. Especially when linked Find out m ore today. Call ONA at to 9-1-1 and local law enforcem ent organi­ 823-4519, or Cellular One at 274-6155. T hais win Cellular One* is supporting eom nm nitv crime prevention efforts by h ti 1» (» K I. teRRDli ^ ’dular u donate 40 Motorola cellular plumes for use hy trained patrols ( all ON.\ for details t t\ > • ment and concerned citi­ zations via cellular telephone. « * * « , • • » » * A. * * • • * * • ♦ ♦ * N /L i i-*. í f o c i’ borhood patrol program, for instance. * * • A-* * • ♦ ‘. s ' O f course, you don’t have to join a ever, citizens must getting involved. Like participating in a neigh­ N o t Fences. -4 1 jt Som ething is wrong . , ¿ y '; - «, N - V ’ stronger locks, taller W e Suggest M EM B ER O F U N ITED G R O C E R S . f V.'- that won't he rem edied by N e ig h b o rh o o d , SP EC IA LS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY th ro u g h S U N D A Y N O V E M B E R 3 th ro u g h 8, 1992 1 C rim e is on the rise Nothing helps deter crime ... . „ like a highly-visihle, well- organized neighborhood patrol program. Nothing. THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 * feel like prisoners. « a « a • « • • « • « • • • • * • • A • • • ’ C • * • 4. •At« L L U I A R * * »