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O th e r m em ­ bers listed on the S aint's 1992-93 roster The P o rtla n d Saints W o m e n ’ s A A U B asketball Team opens its fo u rth season on Saturday, O ctober 3 1 ,1 9 9 2 at C o lu m b ia C h ristia n C ollege, 9109 E. B urnside, in P ortland at 7:30 p.m . The Saints opponent w ill be the Seattle Legends o f Seattle, W ashington. The Legends, also an A A U m em ­ ber, w ill meet the Saints again on Sunday, N ovem ber 1 at 3 p.m . A d m is ­ sion is free. Seattle features Joyce W a lk e r, one o f the best wom en players o f a ll tim e . Joyce, a fo rm e r mem ber o f the Pan A m erican team and one o f the firs t w o m e n to p la y f o r th e H a rle m Globetrotters, has moves that most guys w o u ld love to have. She can shoot the lig h ts o u t w ith her deadly ju m p sh o t. In least year’ s m eeting w ith the Saints, W a lke r scored 36 b ig points in a losing e ffo rt. H er superb b a ll handling and no lo o k passes brought ooohs and aaahs fro m a ll the fans in the g ym . The Saints are Jocelyn M c In tire , V ic k i Channel, Jere E a to n , W e n d y B u tle r, B e c k y C onrad, A n g ie H arris, L o ri R obinett, Courtnae Jackson, and R obbyn Slade. I f you ha ve never seen wom en com - pete on the basketball court, do yo u rs e lf a fa vo r, jo in us (and b rin g yo u r fa m ily ) at C o lu m b ia C hristian C ollege on Satur­ day at 7:30 p.m ., and Sunday at 3:00 p.m . Last Saturday, Whitaker running back #22 Devon Saahir broke away from everyone to score a touchdown. Whitaker’s 5th & 6th grade team beat Madison 33-6. By John Phillips T h is w eek’ s P layer o f the W eek is Benson’ s E lto n Seal, a 5 ’ 11", 170 pound ju n io r quarterback. E lto n ran ten tim es fo r 42 yards in Benson’ s 2 1 -20 o vertim e v icto ry at L in c o ln on F riday n ig h t. He played a role in a ll three touchdow ns fo r Benson, as he had runs o f one and tw o yards, and passed a nine-yarder to A ubre D ickson fo r the w in n in g Blazers Set To Hit “The Trail” On Opening Night w a ii, then one-on-one w ith E arvin John­ son as they discuss M a g ic ’ s return to the The T ra il Blazers w ill begin de­ fense o f th e ir W estern Conference title on S unday, N ovem ber 8 as they host the D enver Nuggets in the opening game o f NBA. There are m any new faces on this year’ s Blazers roster, among them Rod the 1992-93 N a tio n al Basketball Asso­ cia tio n season. F o r the th ird consecu­ tive year, B lazer Broadcasting w ill tele­ S trickland. V ie w e rs w ill get an up- close and candid lo o k at S trickla n d as he pays a v is it to his old neighbcrh aod, the South B ronx in N ew Y o rk . Fails w ill vise P o rtla n d ’ s home opening game on K G W -T V . Please consult lo ca l listin g s fo r the exact Blazer Broadcasting sched­ ule in yo u area. A ll the action gets underw ay at 6 p.m . as B lazer Broadcasting presents “ B lazer T ra il... The Journey B egins.” The 6 0 -m inute program , hosted b y B ill S chonelty, w ill o ffe r a sneak p re vie w o f the P a cific D iv is io n C ljam pions as they begin the long trek back to the N B A Finals. Fans w ill also have the op p o rtu ­ n ity to see Steve “ Snapper” Jones in action on the h ig h seas as he goes deep sea fish in g w ith C lyd e D re x le r in H a­ also take a trip back to last year’ s fa b u ­ lous p la y o ff run, one o f the greatest in T ra il Blazers h isto ry. E v e ryth in g from P o rtla n d ’ s u n fo rg e tta b le 1 5 3 -1 5 1 double-overtim e triu m p h o ver Phoe­ n ix , to B uck W illia m s ’ kn o ckd o w n - dragout duel w ith “ The M a ilm a n ” K a rl M alone, to the classic superstar show ­ d o w n betw een C ly d e D re x le r and M ich a e l Jordan in the Finals. The Blazers w ill not be the o n ly ones m aking their season debut open­ ing n ig h t, so to is blazer B roadcasting’ s score. E lto n , a o n e-year le tte rm a n , new television open. In m aking the game a com plete vid e o presentation, a new open i created each season and is used fo r a ll o f the Blazers T V and cable broadcasts th roughout the year. T h is year’ s open theme honors the 150th anniversary o f the Oregon T ra il. Fans w ill get to see th e ir fa vo rite T ra il B la z­ ers lik e th e y’ ve never seen them before - decked out in western gear and rid in g plays both offense and defense fo r the Techmen. W e, at the Portland Observer, take out hats o f f to E lto n Seals o f Benson H ig h School fo r achieving “ Player o f the W eek.” the O regon T ra il west. V iew ers w ill also have a fro n t ro w seat as the team hangs its th ird W estern Conference C ham pionship banner in the rafters o f M e m o ria l C oliseum , w hich w ill be fo llo w e d by the in tro d u c tio n of the 1992-93 T ra il Blazers team. Then i t ’ s tim e to get to dow n business as the Blazers and N uggets tip - o ff the regular BENSON HIGH SCHOOL “Techmen ” Boys Basketball Boys Basketball DATE OPPONENT TIME PLACE DATE OPPONENT TIME PLACE Dec 1 Dec 4 Dec 8 Dec 11 Dec 16 Dec 18 Jan 6 Jan 8 Jan 13 Jan 15 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 28 Jan 29 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 17 Feb 19 Feb 24 Feb 26 Lakeridge Barlow West Linn Aloha Madison Wilson Cleveland Roosevelt Benson Grant Marshall Franklin Lincoln Madison Wilson Cleveland Roosevelt Benson Grant Marshall Franklin Lincoln 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Dec 1 Dec 4 Dec 8 Dec 11 Dec 16 Dec 18 Jan 6 Jan 8 Jan 13 Jan 15 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 28 Jan 29 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 17 Feb 19 Feb 24 Feb 26 Putnam Garfield Barlow Jesuit Cleveland Franklin Lincoln Madison Jefferson Roosevelt Wilson Grant Marshall Cleveland Franklin Lincoln Madison Jefferson Roosevelt Wilson Grant Marshall 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Dec 4 Dec 8 Dec 11 Dec 16 Dec 18 Jan 6 Jan 8 Jan 13 Jan 15 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 28 Jan 29 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 17 Feb 19 Feb 24 Feb 26 GRANT HIGH SCHOOL ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL “Generals ” “Rough Riders” Boys Basketball Boys Basketball PLACE TIME Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Home 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 Aloha Tourney David Douglas Putnam Wilson Marshall Roosevelt Franklin Lincoln Jefferson Cleveland Benson Madison Wilson Marshall Roosevelt Franklin Lincoln Jefferson Cleveland Benson Madison High School Football Don't forget to VOTE! season. “Democrats ” OPPONENT Former Blazer Robert Pack, traded to Denver last week, tries to score the basket over new Blazer Mario Elie. The Blazers beat Denver 105-104 Monday night at the Memorial Coliseum. r i horses and covered wagons - as they d epict the men and w om en w ho blazed JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL DATE Trail Blazers Roosevelt Quarterback Doug Ashley hangs on to the ball despite taking a hard hit. Roosevelt beat Grant 14-13. 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 W HEN Y O U W A N T T O A D V E R T IS E Blazers “Make It Happen” In New Video DATE OPPONENT TIME PLACE Dec 1 Dec 4 Dec 8 Dec 11 Dec 16 Dec 18 Jan 6 Jan 8 Jan 13 Jan 15 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 28 Jan 29 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 17 Feb 19 Feb 24 Feb 26 Hillsboro Forest Grove Sandy Parkrose Franklin Lincoln Grant Jefferson Cleveland Benson Madison Marshall Wilson Franklin Lincoln Grant Jefferson Cleveland Benson Madison Marshall Wilson 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Blazerm aniacs w ent w ild last sea­ son as the Portland T ra il Blazers battled th e ir w ay to a second straight P acific D iv is io n title and th ird v is it to the N B A Finals. There W ere m any m em orable m om ents made along the way. Fans can re live a ll the excitem ent o f the 1991-92 season through “ M ake It Happen” , a video produced by B lazer Broadcasting in cooperation w ith N B A E ntertainm ent. B ill S ch o n cly narrates the 45- m inute video that takes a look back at one o f the m ost successful seasons in team history as the Blazers captured th e ir th ird W estern Conference C ham ­ pionship. U p-close and personal in te r­ view s w ith players and coaches o ffe r a unique lo o k at last season’ s cam paign, and “ behind the scenes” footage puts fans a rig h t in the m id d le o f a B lazers’ practice session, team huddle and a R ick A delm an post-game lo cke rro o m talk. The 1992 P la yo ffs were a ride that Blazers fans w o n ’ t soon forget and Blazer Broadcasting captures a ll the em otion. E ve ryth in g from P o rtla n d ’ s unforgettable 153-151 double-overtim e triu m p h over Phoenix, to B uck W il­ liam s’ kn ockdow n-dragout duel w ith “ The M a ilm a n ” K a rl M alone, to the classic superstar show dow n between C lyde D re xle r and M ich a e l Jordan in the Finals. Blazer fans can order M ake It H ap­ pen b y c a llin g 1 -8 0 0 - 3 9 5 - 9 5 2 5 (V IS A ,M C ,A M X ,o r D IS C o n ly please). C ost is $17 plus $4 fo r handling and shipping. Please a llo w tw o to three weeks fo r d e live ry. M ake It Happen is also available at Blazers on B ro a d w ay in d o w n to w n P ortland and at selected video retailers. ( * '• ' Í ’ ■ * '• : r » ‘ ; ■ »• , > .. ► f ' ‘Ì .1. \ * *,* «,* ■ ; ■ * ' S '* ’" ' . : .