Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 28, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8...The Portland Observer....October 28,
»Portland Observer
Scripture o f the W^eek?
Building Strong Families
Theme Of Revival
After viewing a movie on the Disney
Channel (“The Goose that Laid the
Golden Egg”), I was compelled to im­
part these words of wisdom to you.
In this film, the writer has created a
very comical scenario in which a young,
talented scientist, who is also a husband
and the father to a little son of nine years,
has developed a formula to make gold-
-which he had discovered purely by
accident. His son had a big, white duck
which ate the formula and began to lay
eggs with golden egg yolks.
The young scientist quickly discov­
ers that he can command the duck to lay
an egg, upon request, by barking like a
d o g -b u t, at a certain pitch. Silly, huh?
The scientist was excited. His wife
was excited. His lawyer-friend was ex­
cited. B ut-this duck was a friend and
companion to this little boy.
The father’s excitement and greed
became more and more relentless.
The scientist got so wrapped-up in
the value of the golden egg yolks, that
the duck was producing, until he had
forgotten about the most important trea­
sure— his family. The scientists wanted
all conditions to be perfect for this duck
but he began to continually overlook the
needs of his family.
It wasn’t until he was taken to court,
by the U.S. Government because he was
producing and selling unreported gold
illegally, that he began to take a good,
hard look at himself and how he had
deprived his family of his love and
watchfulness because of this duck which
laid golden eggs.
We have all, at some point in time,
chosen to cling onto something that
shone, we thought, more brightly and
more radiantly than what we already
had. Like—’’the grass is greener on the
other side” concept.
Let us examine what has taken
Put yourself in the sc ientist’s place.
Things are going along fine-just
according to G od’s plan. But—Satan is
not happy with your cooperativeness.
So—he dangles something in front of
your face. He continues to lure you. He
gives you something all shiny and at­
tractive. He continues to present it to
you; continues to dangle it until you
grab the bait. Why did I say bait? Be-
cause-that is exactly what it is.
Satan stays on the fish-bank. He
has a tackle-box filled with an assort­
ment of shiny lures. A nd-one of them
has your name on it.
The choice to bite or pass up this
bait is totally up to you.
Everyday—we are faced with deci­
sions in our Christian walk. B ut-w e
ca n n o t
understanding...our own eyes.. .our own
judgement. We must depend on and
look to Jesus; for he promised that he
would supply our every need, and—then
he would give to us—the crown of life.
However, the prerequisite is that we
should seek his face...seek his Holy and
perfect will. And then, we must stand
steadfastly on God’s Word. [James 1:12]
We cannot be weak or wavering for
S \
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It’s tough to watch your life and
values be voted on. So, people of Faith
AgainstBigotry,Cascade AIDS Project,
Phoenix Rising, Parents and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays, the Oregon Psycho­
logical Association, Twist, and Metro­
politan Community Church of Portland
are cooperating to create safe, alcohol
and drug free places of community to
watch the election returns on November
Sites will be open from 7:00 pm to
as late as 11:00 pm, except for MCC
which will be open all night. P/FLAG
will have parents at each location to
provide support and help with hospital­
ity. Phoenix Rising andOPA are arrang­
ing for counselors to be present. If you
want to be in a supportive community
for all or part of the night, just drop in at
one of the following: Cascade AIDS
Project (620 SW 5th); Peace Lutheran
Church (2201 N Portland Blvd.); First
Congregational Church (1126 S W Park);
Metropolitan Community Church (1644
NE 24th); Milwaukie Presbyterian
Church (2416 SE Lake Rd., Milwaukie);
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
(Tualatin area, call 648-8112 or 233-
5415 for exact location.
At midnight a rally is being held at
MCC (1644 NE 24th). Speakers and
music by Mary Rose and Yvonne
Simmons will beginourprocessof heal­
ing from this divisive, slinging cam­
paign. All arc welcome, whether they
were at the earlier gathering places or
not. The rally will be interpreted by
singers and there will be reserved seat­
ing areas for those with HIV related or
signing needs. The building is wheel­
chair accessible, the restrooms are not.
MCC will remain open throughout the
night for anyone needing to justdrop in.
classes, talk with students, meet teachers a n d capture
the spirit o f the O E S U pper School during
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..................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................
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I Peter lv .1 1
l e
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
M allory A venue C h u rch of C hrist
3908 N E M allory Ave. ■Portland, OR 97211
Themes Whatever you're going to do
for the Lord, do it now
i s c i p
{corner of 8th Í Skidmore)
1:00 to 3:00 PM
Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
^ 5
Jesus Loves You!
C lo th e s a n d F o o d O n ly
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
ing Family Values.” The theme was
selected in keeping with the National
Black Catholic congress’ emphasis on
the Black Family in America. Black
Catholics from throughout the country
met this summer in New Orleans to
discuss various aspects of renewing
ties with their African culture.
Rev. Blackwell is pastor of St.
Edwards’s Roman Catholic Church.
The baltimore native was ordained as
^Baptist CCijurd)
Has moved Sunday services to
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Don’t be like the foolish scientist,
in the story, by letting shiny things and
by letting the pull of the flesh to over­
power you or distract you.
Remember to keep your eye on the
real gold, which is the ultimate prize,
and continue to press toward the mark of
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
[Philippians 3:14]
A three-parish revival will feature
the Rev. Maurice Jabari Yohance
Blackwell of Baltimore, Md. St. An­
drew, Holy Redeemer and Immaculate
Heart churches are sponsoring the re­
vival under the auspices of the Port­
land Black Catholic Caucus. It runs
from Nov. 9 through 12. All services
will take place at St. andrew, N.E. 9th
and Alberta, 7:30-9 p.m.
This year’s theme is “Strengthen-
Psalm 34:3
Sunday Service
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0 P.M.
Accept the Lord into your life
and give him full reign
Pray for those who despite-
fully use you and say all man­
ner of evil against you.
Love your enemies.
Do Not dishonor the poor and
think of yourself as being
greater than they are.
Forgive others so that you can
be forgiven.
Never doubt God’s promises.
Be cheerful, humble and stable
while you are traveling that
narrow road.
Never allow loneliness to over­
shadow your day. For-Jesus
promised that he’d never leave
us alone.
Free? W hat?
* /
8-Steps To The
one of B altim ore’s first African-
american priests in 1974. In 1979 he
was appointed the first diocesan Afri­
can-American pastor for the archdio­
cese of Baltimore.
A national figure in leadership
training, vocational and retreat work,
Blackwell’s emphasis is on develop­
ment of leadership in the church and
community: parish commitment to
community; youth and self and the
family, among others.
An alumnus of Towson Catholic
High School, Portsmouth Abbey, Sa­
cred Heart College and St. mary’s Semi-
nary/University, Blackwell serves on a
number of organizations: the One
Church-One Child board, Maryland
chapter; Prince Hall Masons, Mt.
Labonon Lodge #22; Archdiocesan Of­
fice of African-American Ministries,
director; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
Inc., Zeta Sigma chapter, social action
chair; Knights of Peter Claver, St.
Benedict the Moor Council; National
Black Catholic Congress Office, con­
sultant; national Black Catholic Clergy
Caucus, board member and Holy Name
Society, St. Edward’s chapter.
The revival concludes with youth
night on Thursday, Nov. 12, followed
by a reception hosted by the Ladies of
St. Peter Claver Court #225. The pub­
lic is invited to attend.
All en Temple C M E Church
A .
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it is then that evil will creep upon you
and consume you. If you let it!
Don’tgive up! Don'tgive-in! Keep
holding on!
There is a brighter day ahead. But-
-those who worketh iniquity, they shall
never get to enjoy God’s glory.
M a llo r y A v e n u e C h u rc h O f
C h ris t A n n o u n c e m e n t
Church Pho.w : 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
Matthew 13:3
6300 Southwest Nicol Road, Portland, Oregon 97223
Phone: 503-246-7771
M < M B r N
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