Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 28, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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October 28, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 5
Nobody Does it Fresher, for Less
«Y-- i - . ;
1(R Safeway
Produce Sale
6800 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Kvd.
donate th e ir p ro d u ctio n services.
O ve r 4 0 n o n -p ro fit organizations
applied fo r the service. N eighborhood
H ealth C lin ic s , an o rganization o f v o l­
unteers o ffe rin g free m edical services
to the u n -o r under-insured, was selected
because o f th e ir s ig n ifica n t c o n trib u ­
ity to preserve.”
A ll h igh school seniors, ju n io rs
and sophomores are e lig ib le to p a rtic i­
pate according to John Mears, clu b
ch a ir person fo r the event. The local
c lu b w ill select a firs t, second, and th ird
Open From 8 - 6 Mon. - Fri
and 9 - 4 on Saturday
We O ffe r
P ro fe ssio n a l A lte ra tio n s
D rapery C leaning
All W e a th e r Proofing Of
SkLW ear & Rainwear
4 8 H our Shoe Repair
And Specialize In S ilk
C leaning & Leather Goods
10% D iscounts For
S e nio r Citizens
tions to the c o m m u n ity and th e ir m is­
The c lin ic s hope to increase their
base o f volunteers from the m edical
c o m m u n ity as w e ll as bolster th e ir
name re co g n itio n and image in P o rt­
z. -
Fabric Depot
A Brand N ew Store With Over IV2 Acres o f Fabrics! (73,000 SQUARE FEET)
Most C om plete Fabric Store In The West
Portland A d 2 has w on national
awards fro m the A m erican A d v e rtis ­
ing Federation fo r several past p u b lic
service cam paigns, in c lu d in g one ju s t
com pleted fo r the Boys and G irls C lubs
o f P ortland. R ecent clients have also
included the E n viro n m e n ta l Federa­
tio n o f Oregon and the B urnside C o m ­
j i g
.y V
m u n ity C o u n cil.
Portland A d 2 is a ffilia te d w ith the
P ortland A d v e rtis in g Federation and
the A m erican A d v e rtis in g Federation.
90"FÎ a n  , « So'i* î r
place w in n e r in its contest, and the tirs t
place en try w ill be sent to the d is tric t
c o m p e titio n where it w ill be judged
3rd place=$20(). F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a ­
tio n contact: John Mears, G rant H ig h
against other c lu b w in n in g entries from
O r., 97212.
Room 237, 2245 N .E . 36th, P ortland,
P a tt e r n s
S Ä W i* i » f /1(d
F IO S S ? f o r i ”’
N.E. Broadway
■ÿA.' <». . . .. .
* ? /*» •
95 V
All Mayfair Upholstery
d Av
N $/
* * • <1 * <* ‘ r
: i, V
• “Authentic Square Dance” • “ Kwik Sew”
• “Stretch n Sew” • “Sunrise Patterns” • “ Great Fit”
M-F 9:00ani-9:00pni
SI N l() ()().ini-9 :00pm
7 0 0 S.E. 122nd Ave.
P o rtla n d . OR
Plenty of
2 5 2 -9 5 3 0
A A «i * A i • • •
ve y
5 0 ” OFF
These Patterns Also Available:
5 fc-r
2 8 4 -1 6 6 4
• Vogue • Butterick • Simplicity • McCall
N e a r E lo y d C e n te r
100% Wool
and Wool
Prices good Oct. 28th th ru Nov. 10th
Mon - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p m .
Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm
‘ o - . /A
& -'ri, .' '
One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays
Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities
Synthetic & Human Hair
For Braiding & Weeving
z’ , -
W igland
E va G abor
N aomi S ims
R enee of P aris
flannelette - pr ° O i Cotton
the P a cific N orthw est. The F irs t place
d is tric t w in n e r w ill receive an expense
paid fo u r day trip to the freedays fo u n ­
dation at V a lle y Forge fo ra conference
on the subject o f freedom.
Entries m ust be o rig in a l, com pleted
by the contestants w ith o u t assistance,
and subm itted by D ecem ber 1.
place=S5000, 2nd place=$3000, and
• 4
* o o / H an ( ^ r i a n n e /
f , ? n n e / * C h r i " (7 . * D« P e r
' s'm a s F /a n n e |
F'a n n e / - p,¡„?n!?el • C ra n <j
O p tim is t C lu b t o
C o n d u ct E ssa y C o n te st
The O P T IM IS T C L U B o f L lo y d
C enter w ill h old an essay contest on the
subject o f “ Freedom ; O ur re sponsibil­
The Fastest Way To Send
M oney....Available In All
Safew ay stores in O regon &
S.W. W ashington.
Portland Ad 2 Chooses
Neighborhood Health
Clinics As Client
a d ve rtisin g professionals under the age
o f 31), selects a c lie n t fo r w h ic h a
com plete a d ve rtisin g and p u b lic rela­
tions cam paign is produced. A d 2 m em ­
bers volu n te e r the expertise to create
the cam paign, and local vendors often
» *
Professional and Quality
Dry Cleaning & Laundry
Is Assured By Our
C ourteous New M anager
M arva M itchell
N o b o d y d o e s it b e t t e r fo r le s s .
Look In The This Week
M agazine for your Safeway
Shopping Guide for a com plete
list of specials on sale this
w eek at Safeway!
g ''*
2 8 9 -6 3 4 6
A pple Cider or J u ice B el-air, re frig e ra te d g a llo n ..............E a .$ 1 .98
Young Tender Turkey B rea sts 4 IO 7-lb. •!» -------- Lb. 950
Service com m ittee.
Each year, A d 2 (an association o f
° ® J ?
Ad Prices Good October 28 through Nov. 3 ,1 9 9 2 At Safeway.
It's back by popular demand! Just look what a dime can buy, at your
nearby Safeway store. Take advantage of this great price today.
Oregon Large Baking Potatoes...................................... Ea. 1(R
Seedless Navel Oranges...................................................EA. 10c
Red Delicious Apples....................................................... Ea. 10C
Oregon Jumbo Yellow Onions...•••.••.••••....•.•.•.••••Ea. 10c
Anjou or Bose Pears......................................................... Ea. 10c
Oregon Crisp Cabbage.............................................. Pound 10C
Fresh Limes......................................................................... ^a- 10C
Medium Tangerines...........................................................Ea. 10C
California Kiwi Fruit..........................................................Ea. 10c
Fresh Garlic......................................................................... E3 - 10c
P ortland A d 2 announced today
that N eighborhood Health C lin ic s have
been selected to receive a year o f free
a d ve rtisin g services fro m its P ublic