Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 28, 1992, Page 18, Image 18

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Page 18...The Portland Observer...! h
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oughout the State
Urge NO on Measures 5 & 6
Measures 5 & 6 would each:
Cost consumers nearly $500 million in
higher electric bills.
Immediately shut down the Trojan
electric plant—increasing the risk of
power shortages.
Studies show that the im m ediate shutdow n o f Trojan
proposed b y M easures 5 and 6 w ou ld increase ou r
electric bills— costin g con sum ers nearly $500 m illion
dollars m ore than the existing plan to phase out Trojan
Electricity supplies are already tight. Yet, Measures
5 and 6 would each shut down Trojan immediately—
cutting off nearly 20* < of our state’s electricity supply,
with no time to develop replacement power.
in 4 years.
Cause nearly 1,000 workers at
Trojan to immediately lose their jobs—
and damage our economy.
Put more pressure on our hydroelectric
system—hurting Oregon farmers and
salmon protection efforts.
An inn
ould immediately force
nearly 1,(
1 rojan out of work.
The pow < ;r sh
i higher electric bills caused
by Measures 5 and 6 would hurt employers throughout
the st. ite— th
ling thousands of other Oregon jobs.
In the m idst o f ou r drought, an im m ediate shutdow n o f
Trojan w ou ld increase the pressure to use m ore hydro-
power, leavin g O regon farm ers w ith even less w ater for
crop irrigation and h u rtin g efforts to protect en dangered
salm on runs.
Partial list of over 25,000 members of the
NO on 5 & 6 Committee*
N eil G o ld sch m id t
Former ( Governor
of Oregon
Em ily C e d a rle a f
Executive Director
Multifamily Housing
Council of Oregon
Ir v F le tc h e r
Oregon AFL-CIO
J.W . “ B u d ” F o r r e s t e r
East Oregonian
Publishing Company
Stafford Hansell
Columbia River Gorge
Gail L. Achterman
Former Assistant to the
Governor for Natural
Teresa Schumann
Victor Atiyeh
E nvirotech International
V ictor A tiyeh C om pan y
Form er Governor o f Oregon
Richard Allen, M.D.
Past President, Oregon
Medical Association
C om m issioner
O regon E conom ic
Development Commission;
F orm er Trail Blazer;
F orm er U.S. O lym pic
Team M em ber
Allen & Louisa Bateman
Bernhard Binder, Ph.D.
Bob Thompson
D ean o f Sciences
Southern O regon
State C ollege
Oregon Cherry Growers, Inc.
Robert G. Harrison
Ken Carr
John R. Donaldson
Executive Director
Columbia Basin Fish &
Wildlife Authority
Elsie Stuhr
Senior Advocate
Doug Breese
Oregon Farm Bureau
C hairm an o f the B oard
T h e W illam ette Valley Co.,
D iam on d W ood Products,
Petersen-A rne, Inc.
Linda Sheik
Joan D. Austin
J a m e s M . W rig h t
( im m u n it y A ctivist
Oregon Economic
Alan H. Robinson, Ph.D.
Head, Department of
Nuclear Engineering
Senior V ice President
and Treasurer
A -dec, Inc. .
E nvironm ental A ctivists
John A. Henning
C onfederated Tribes
o f W arm Springs
Elizabeth B. Young, M.D.
Richard M. Butrick
Associated Oregon Industries
Jack F. Higginbotham, PhD,
Senior H ealth Physicist
C orvallis
♦Titles and affiliations for identification
purposes only.
Stop the Immediate Shutdown
Vote NO on 5 & 6
V (prized and paid for by the NO on 5 & 6 Committee. P.O. Box 969, Portland. Oregon 97207-9819
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