Page 16...The Portland Observer...October 28, 1992 OF * K eep your E yes on the George Bush And Iran-Contra: It’s Time To Come Clean P rize . R eal ciiam . f is in reach. Real yyonftlllK katisrshig- T hat means jobs and plenty of hard work. Strong 1 B W ÿ w » p rl « I »« • _ A___ I . . X’ A ___ . . 2 M » *V» ««« A. token hand O i l - The leader of the clean-up crew is here. S acrifice sharvd fallte. *«» Put thc A merican . . . D ream within the grasp of our C hildren . On November 3rd, al, you have to do is reach our and grab .s. . . ‘ ... " '■ : ■■■ ■ ■'■ The ballot . The broom . The backbone to stand up and be counted, instead of taken for granted, again . ■ . ' Volunteer Now. Vote November 3rd. âb- a .__ Jv ftlKhL. ■ '.Ss&xi-I' • : 1 C fohlB 1 ||| ? , *• , : ' '< | s, ' 'AsX * <. §|sse! • • •• < V Perot ■ M » R - ssi?' ■’ H ' * * 1 ¿X ■ ’? * ?< • > , Downtown 221-0036. Nationwide: 1-800-685-7777. CallPerol '92 Oregon Het tea Postcards and posters of the J ....... lf c ; ' in a storm bv artist Tad Foster are ava Paid for In Perot 92 ■^H b KS sss 8£S s ä ^><:‘< v S' v : v :X. : : M Measure 9 Legalizes Discrimination Vote No On Measure 9 years equality for Black people was declared “against nature” and “against G od’s law.” VOTE NO ON 9. 4) In the United States, RELIGION AND GOVERNM ENT ARE SEPA­ RATED TO HELP KEEP ANY ONE RELIG IO N OR D EN O M IN A TIO N FROM FORCING ITS W ILL ON EV ­ ERYBODY ELSE. Help keep it that way. VOTE NO ON 9. 5) M EASURE 9 IS A TRICK. It pretends to protect us. It is in fact a cruel and mean-spirited effort to impose suf­ fering on a group of people. PLEASE, VOTE NO ON 9. Authorized and Paid for by : A FRI­ CAN AMERICANS VOTING NO ON 9 P.O. BOX 11741, Portland, OR 97211 1) Measure 9 would AMEN D THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO LEGAL­ IZE DISCRIM INATION. It could be used as an excuse to fire people, deny people public accom m odations, deny housing, or refuse to hire someone. VOTE NO ON 9. 2) Measure 9 would REESTA B­ L IS H A P R E C E D E N T FO R JIM CROW TYPE LAWS with gays and lesbians as the first targets. W ho do you think would be nckt? VOTE NO ON 9. 3) A F R IC A N -A M E R IC A N S SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE THE DANGERS of changing the laws o f the state to single out a group o f people as “inferior” or “against G od’s law s.’’F o r400 years the Bible was misused to say Black people were put on earth to be slaves. For 400 Precincts & Polling Places Precinct and Polling Place State County MSD. Rep. Comm. Dial. U.S. Slate Cong. Sen. Diat. Dint. 2026 University Park Community Center 9009 N Foss Ave 2027 Peninsula School 8125 N Emerald Ave 2029 Queen of Peace Catholic School 7654 N Delaware Ave 2034 Presbyterian Church 2115 N Lombard St 2043 Clarendon School 9325 N Van Houten Ave 2049 Peninsula Senior Center 7508 N Hereford Ave 2051 L utheran Church 4227 N Lombard St 2061 Chief Joseph School 2409 N Saratoga St 2077 Astor School 5601 N Yale St 2083 Fire Station #8 7134 N Maryland Ave 2086 Peninsula Park Community Center 6400 N Albina Ave 1 2099 Humboldt School 4915 N Gantenbein Ave 2100 Presbyterian Church 2823 N Portland Blvd 2109 Lutheran Church 5658 N Denver Ave ’ 2114 Beach School 1710 N Humboldt St “ 2118 Applegate School 7650 N Commercial Ave ’ 2139 Boisc/Eliot School 620 N Fremont St 2142 Overlook Community Ctr. 3839 N Melrose Dr 2143 Hayden Island Mobile Park 1503 Hayden Island Dr 3000 Sumner School 8678 NE Sumner St ’ 3001 Lutheran Church 5520 NE Killingsworth St 3002 Presbyterian Church 6025 NE Prescott St 3004 Woodlawn School 7200 NE U th Ave • 3008 Concordia College Gymnasium NE 28th and Highland St 3021 Holy Redeemer School 127 N Portland Blvd • 3026 Bethel A M E. Church 5828 NE 8th Ave 3027 Fire Station #14 1905 NE Killingsworth St 3 17 2 12 3 8 17 2 12 3 8 17 2 12 3 8 17 2 12 3 8 17 2 12 3 8 17 2 12 8 17 2 12 12 3 3 8 17 9 3 8 17 2 12 3 8 18 2 12 3 8 18 2 12 3 8 18 12 3 8 17 12 3 8 17 12 3 8 17 12 3 8 18 12 3 8 18 12 3 8 17 12 3 8 17 9 11 9 16 3 10/11 3 10 19 2 11 3 10 19 2 11 3 8 18 2 12 3 8 18 2 11 3 8 18 2 12 3 3 8 18 2 12 3 8 18 2 12 Precinct and YWCA Opposing Ballot Measure 9 The YWCA of Salem joins the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Rab- b iso f Portland, Statesman Journal E di­ torial Board, Oregon Republican and Democratic Parties, Representative Les A u C o in , S e n a to rs H a tfie ld an d Packwood, Governor Roberts, and many other prominent organizations and in­ dividuals in opposing Ballot Measure 9. We strongly oppose any measure, Don't forget to VOTE! says now, "maybe I would have had a stronger view.” In fact, prosecutors have a memo proving that Bush was al a January 1986 meeting where W einberger ar­ gued strongly against arm sales. And according to notes dictated by Shultz about a conversation with W einberger. “Cap called me and said that’s terrible. [ B ush] was on the other side. It’s on the record. Why did he say that.” Bush said a key m eeting with a top Eraeli barely touched on the arm s-for-hostages plan. In fact, a still-classified Israeli re­ port obtained by U.S. News and W orld Report proves that Bush not only knew o f the deal, but played a critical role in ensuring that the arms shipm ents to Iran were continued. On July 29,1986, Bush was briefed specifically on the anticipated release of three U.S. hos­ tages in Iran one day before President Reagan agreed to ship parts for 240 Hawk missiles to Iran. These contradictions demand a full response and a complete explanation. W hy does bush continue to tell a story that is refuted by every new piece o f evidence? W hat is the President hiding from the amcrican people? Why w on’t he tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? W hat did George Bush know and when did he know it? It’s time for George Bush to com e clean on Iran Contra. Former Republican Oregon State Treasurer & Secretary Of State Clay Myers Endorses Bill Clinton For President Former Republican Oregon State Treasurer and Secretary o f State Clay Myers today endorsed Bill Clinton for President “After 12 years of voodoo eco­ nomics and the three trillion dollar in­ crease in the national debt has alm ost bankrupted A m erica,” stated Myers, “The future calls for Bill C linton.” “I am one who had adm ired George Bush. I served on B ush’s steering com ­ mittee in 1979-80 and in 1988. But in 1 9 9 2 ,1 must support Bill Clinton. “In Arkansas, Bill Clinton has ad­ dressed the same domestic issues that we face as a nation - jobs creation, education reform - we need to do na­ tionally what Bill Clinton has done in Arkansas. “The issue today is jobs. B ill Clinton is the candidate to best work with the new Congress In January o f 1993,” stated Myers. M yers, who has been elected four times to statew ide office in Oregon, has been a delegate to Republican National Convention four times, was the Oregon Public R elations C hairm an, Nixon- Lodge, and served as the National Vice Chairman o f Young Republicans. For more information. Clay Myers can be reached at 503/241 -1109 or call Rhys Scholes, Clinton/Gore, 503/224- 1992. R e-Elect MULTNOMAH COUNTY U.S. Stale Cong. Sen Dial. Dial. 8 3 3032 Ainsworth United Church of Christ 2941 NE Ainsworth St 8 3 * 3039 Portland Community College-Cascade Jackson Hall N Kerby Ave & Killingsworth St 8 3 * 3042 St Andrews Community Center (Enter a t Back of bldg) 4940 NE 8th Ave 8 3 * 3052 Meek School 4039 NE Alberta Ct 8 3 3058 Oregon Stamp Society 4828 NE 33rd Ave 8 3 3071 Methodist Church . 111NE Failing St 8 3 * 3073 M aranatha Church Fellowship Hall (Enter on 13th Ave) 4222 NE 12th Ave 10 3 3080 Lutheran Church 4330 NE 37th Ave 10 3 3086 Fire Station #40 5916 NE Going St 10 3 3090 Lutheran Church 4330 NE 37th Ave 8 3 * 3097 Sabin School 4013 NE 18th Ave 10 3 * 3109 Alameda School 2732 NE Fremont St 10 3 • 3113 Alameda School 2732 NE Fremont St 10 3 3122 Catholic Church-Old Hall NE 54th Ave and Alameda 10 3 • 3126 Hollywood Senior Center 1820 NE 40th Ave 10 3 3128 Beaumont School 40#3 NE Fremont St 10 3 3135 Hollyrood School 3560 NE Hollyrood Ct 10 3 3138 Baptist Church 2728 NE 34th Ave 10 3 * 3144 Lutheran Church (Enter on 15th Ave) NE 15th Ave and Knott St 8 3 * 3151 Lutheran Church (Enter on 15th Ave) NE 15th Ave and Knott St 8 3 3155 H arriet Tubman Middle School 2231N Flint Ave 10 3 3156 Harvey Scott School 6700 NE Prescott St 9 3 3160 L utheran Church 4800 NE 72nd Ave 9 3 3163 Presbyterian Church 8245 NE Fremont St 10 3 3174 Faith Lutheran Church 6140 NE Stanton St Access for Persons with Physical Disabilities Ò- Available such as Ballot M easure 9, that will limit or take away human and civil rights, contrary to statements by the OCA, our Gay and Lesbian citizens do not have, nor request, special rights. W e m ust not allow Oregon to go backwards in the gains w e’ve made in these areas! Anyone wishing to make contribu­ tions may send them to: No On 9, PO Box 3343, Portland, Ore. 97308 It is time for George Bush to come clean with the American people. He has refused to tell us the truth about his involvem ent in the sale o f arms to Iran in exchange fer the release o f hostages. Time after time, the Bush adm inis­ tration secretly deals with dictators and terrorists -- to the detrim ent o f U.S. interests. Then, when the policy blows up or is found out, Bush and his cronies deny their involvem ent and try to cover up. W hen it com es to the Iran-Contra scandal. B ush’s flat denials are refuted by the cold, hard facts. Bush said he was “out o f the loop” on arm s sales to Iran. He even said he didn’t know it w as an arms- for-hostages deal until he was told by a U.S Senator in Decem ber, 1986. In fact, a top NSC official, Howard Teischer, says that he twice briefed Bush on the details o f the scheme. And according to the W ashington Post, Bush attended “several dozen” daily Presi­ dential national security briefings where the arms for hostages deal was dis­ cussed. He was at the m eeting where Reagan authorized direct arms sales. He even attended a meeting that pros­ ecutors believed was a cover-up plan­ ning session. Bush said he was unaware of D e fe n se S e c r e ta r y C a sp a r W einberger and Secretary of State George Shultz’s objections to an arms for hostages swap. Had he known, he Stale Cnunly MSI). Rep. Comm. Dint Dial. Dial. 18 2 li 18 2 12 18 2 12 18 2 11 18 2 11 18 2 12 18 2 12 19 2 11 19 2 11 19 2 11 18 2 12 19 • 19 2 11 2 11 19 2 11 19 2 11 19 2 11 19 2 11 19 2 11 19 2 11 DEMOCRAT Senate District 8 “I want to continue working for the People in Senate District 8.” The most important supporter is your Vote for a “ Democrat” . Some McCoy Supporters Include Oregon Rainbow Coalition Nurse Political Action Committee Oregon Building Trades and Construction Trades Council United Food and Commercial Workers Oregon Stale Industrial Union Council Oregon Growth Management Political Action Don’t be fooled by my opponent. He and (George Bush) have much in common. 1. They are both oilmen and represent oil interests 2. They both run negative campaigns 3. They are both "Republican" When have people like this done anything for you? Talk is cheap Accomplishments are what count. 18 2 11 18 2 12 10 19 2 16 2 10/11 16 3 10 19 2 10 As chair of the Senate Human Resources Committee, Senator McCoy has had to deal with the hard issues. Issues such as education, health care, Senior needs and Welfare Senator McCoy has the experience and charactfilJo do what has to be done and not expect to win the praise of those who can't buy his vote. Don’t be fooled. Vote M cC O Y Committee Oregon Federation of Teachers, Education and Health Professionals Oregon Fair Share Oregon Education Association/People tor Improving Education Citizens Action by Public Employees Oregon Association ot Realtors Oregon Facilities Political Action Committee Registered Dental Hygienists Political Action Committee of Oregon Joint Council of Teamsters No. 37 Sierra Club Oregon Chapter Legislative Education Committee ot the United Steelworkers ot America Multnomah County Democratic Central Committee Citizens Alienee tor Responsible Education, Inc. Columbia Group Sierra Club United Transportation Union Carpenters Local 247 Shipwrights Local 611 Oregon AFL-CIO Socel Workers Political Action Committee Metal Trades Council Paid tor by Re-Elect Bill McCoy Committee, 2205 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97217, 286-8989