A « il»«i ■Mai* October 2 8 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 13 r Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Planners-- Growth Management A ccounting Sales Operation Positions for one A ssociate Plan­ Manager n e r and one A ssistant P lan n er Provide financial leadership & ac­ are open in Advance Planning countability for planning, analy­ for the C ity O f O ly m p ia and sis, adm inistration & system s in T h u rs to n C o u n ty , th e s e a re one region o f the Sales D ivision. project em ploy m ent positions for Prepare annual budget, subm it G ro w th M a n a g e m e n t w o rk p roject briefs; m onitor, analyze through D ecem ber 1993, depen­ & explain exception reports; co­ dent on 1993 budget decisions. ordinate com pensation for region; The A ssistant Planner requires a n a ly z e e x p e n d itu re s ; lia iso n experience in land use planning. w ith C orporate on all operational Urban design experience is de­ issues for the region; analyze & sirable. T he A ssistant Planner report on bookings & sales his­ requires a Bachelor's degree in tory. planning or a related field and T o qualify, candida tes w ill have a one year of relevant experience Bachelors d egree in Business, (or equivalent). S alary range: E conom ics, A ccounting or F i­ $2,161 -$2,986 m onthly. S tarting nance ; C PA p re fe rre d ; ¡minim u m salary depending on quals. (1993 o f 5 yrs operational exp, prefer­ C O L A a d ju s tm e n t e x p e c te d ). ably in a sales or retail en viro n ­ T he Associate Planner is a highly m ent; m anagem ent exp; strong responsible position w ith project PC skills, autom ated system s, m anagem ent responsibilities for m ainfram e & database m gm t, visib le and com plex projects. m ultiple softw are (Excel, W in ­ R equirem ents include excellent dow s). com m unication skills, extensive F o r im m e d ia te c o n s id e ra tio n , citizen involvem ent experience, please forw ard your resum e to dem onstrated project m anage­ N IK E Inc., H um an R esource - m ent skills, and know ledge o f O R S O , 3700 SW M urray Blvd, G M A. Experience in preparing Beaverton, O R 97005. Positions non-project EIS's and in urban m ay close at any tim e. NIKE, Inc. design is desirable. The A ssoci­ is a com m itted Equal O pportu­ ate Planner requires a M aster’s n ity E m p lo y e r. M in o ritie s & degree in planning or a related W om en E ncourage to Apply field and three years relevant experience (or equivalent). S al­ ary range: $ 2 ,625 -$ 3,631. S tart­ ing salary depending on quals. (1 9 9 3 C O LA a d ju s tm e n t e x ­ pected). P la n n e r- D ata Processing T ra n s p o rta tio n A n d D ata A s s is ­ Lan Specialist ta n t P la n n e r. Experience in data N IKE, Inc. has an im m ediate o p ­ analysis and personal com puter portunity in our IS D epartm ent a p p lic a tio n s . B a c k g ro u n d in for a LAN S pecialist to install, transportation analysis and p ro­ operate and m onitor our Local gram s desirable. This position A re a N etw ork ensuring m a xi­ requires a B achelor’s degree in m um availability. R esponsibili­ planning or a related field and ties w ill be to install and m aintain one year of relevant experience LAN equipm en t and softw are in­ (or equivalent), Salary R ange: cluding gatew ays, servers and $ 2 1 6 1 -$ 2 ,9 8 6 m o n th ly (1993 m odem s. Y o u ’ll also install and C O L A a d ju s tm e n t e x p e c te d ). trouble shoot both M acintosh PC S tarting S alary d e pen ding on DOS hardw are and softw are. quals. Q ualified applicants m ust have a A p p lic a tio n In fo rm a tio n . A A /E E or equivalent technical To apply for the above positions school w ith 5 years w ork related call Thurston R egional Planning experience. Previous LAN e xpe­ C ouncil (O lym pia, W A) at 206- rience including PCs and C us­ 786-5480 or TD D 206-754-2933 tom er S ervice w ith know ledge of and request application m ateri­ PC operating system s and and- als. A p p lic a tio n c lo s in g date: user PC applications along with N ovem ber 9, 1992. Equal O p­ hands-on know ledge o f support­ portunity Em ployer. ing groups o f PC users is re­ quired. M ust have good interper­ R adio P rogram D ire c to r sonal skills and be able to w ork AM R adio independently. Fam iliarity w ith Strong sports program m ing back­ Banyan V ines and Apple M acin­ ground, good people skills, posi­ tosh a definite plus. tive m otivational tactics. Min 3 P lease forw ard your resum e to yrsexp. Resume to Apogee C om ­ NIKE, INC., E m ploym ent C enter m u n ic a tio n s , 4614 SW O R LAN, 3700 S W M urray Blvd, Kelly, Portland. O r 97201. An Beaverton, O R 97005. This po­ Equal O pportunity E m ployer. sition m ay close at any tim e. N ike R adio S ales Representative is an equal opportunity em ployer. Strong organization. G ood people skills. R eliable tra n sp o rta tio n . Prev sales exp desirable. R e­ sum e to A pogee C om m unica­ tions, 4614 SW Kelly, Portland, O regon 97201. An Equal O ppor­ tunity Em ployer. C hild Care R adio P ro d u c tio n D ire c to r AM /FM Teacher’s Aide-Infant M in 3 yrs exp. AO R background a & Toddler, Pre-School plus. Exp w ith m ulti-track record­ N IK E is looking for quality individu­ ing. R esum e and tape to A pogee als w ith a dem onstrated interest C o m m u n ic a tio n s , 4 6 1 4 S W in children to assist teachers in Kelly, Portland, Or 97201. An im plem enting and planning the Equal O pportunity Em ployer. daily program at both our C hild A sst. R adio B ro a d c a s t E n g in e e r D evelopm ent and Drop-In C en­ M in 4 yrs recent exp w ith studio ters. All openings are part-tim e equip, FM /AM transm itters and and/or substitute positions and directional antenna arrays. G ood will require a flexible w ork sched­ people skills. M ust be efficient, ule. Q u a lifie d ca n d id a te s w ill e n e rg e tic and s e lf-m o tiv a te d . have one year experience caring R esum e to Larry Holtz, K G O N / for sam e age children in a group KFXX Radio, 4614 SW Kelly, setting and know ledge of Early P o rtla n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 0 1 . An C hildhood D evelopm ent and ap­ Equal O pportunity Em ployer. propriate w ays of interacting with P ro m o tio n s D ire c to r children. AM /FM seeks individual w ith m in 3 T o apply, please forw ard your re­ yrs exp in prom otions, public re­ sum e indicating the days and lations and event production . hours your are available to: R esum e to A pogee C om m uni­ NIKE, Inc. cations, 4614 SE Kelly, P ortland, ORCD3 Or 97201. An Equal O pportunity 3700 SW M urray Blvd Em ployer. Beaverton, O R 97005 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Oregon Convention Center (Operations Dept.) 1 Full-time Position Job Code: 808859-OCC Salary: $9.96/Hr. The MetroERC is recruiting for one full-time Utility Maintenance Worker to perform the following essential job duties: drive forklift to transport materials and tools to job site; do cleaning and general maintenance on tools; operate a variety of small motorized equip­ ment and tools; installs and re­ pairs signs and equipment, posts; makes repairs to building and equipment; paints; must be able to mix paint in proper consisten­ cies; completes forms and writes reports. Performs other related duties as assigned. Applications are available to First Opportunity Target Area residents only. To be eligible to apply you must reside within the following boundaries: Columbia Villa and N. Chautauqua on the west; Columbia blvd., on the north; Banfield Freeway on the south; and N.E. 42nd on the east. This position closes on No­ vem bers, 1992. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 3, 1992. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: Oregon Convention Center(Operations Dept.) Job Code: 818860-OCC 4 Part-time Positions Salary: $7.57 The MetroERC is recruitment for four part-time Event Custodians. Essential job duties will include: cleans and maintains restrooms; restocking restroom supplies; sweeping and m opping floors; cleaning bathroom fixtures;cleans and sweeps other public/non-pub- lic areas prior to events; cleans other assigned areas; begins change-over preparation for sub­ sequent events following event in progress. Applications are avail­ able to First Opportunity Target Area residents only. To be eli­ gible to apply you must reside within the following boundaries: Columbia Villa and N . Chautauqua on the west; Columbia Blvd., on the north; Banfield Freeway on the south; and N.E. 42nd on the east. This position closes on No­ vem bers, 1992. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p .m , Tuesday, November 3, 1992. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: The Metropolitan Service District MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Ottices The Urban League The Metropolitan service District MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S. W First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther king. Jr Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 First Ave Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted. AA/EEO Employer METRO Oregon Convention Center 777 N.E. Martin Luther King., Jr. Portland. OR METRO Administrative Assistant/ Secretaries Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer METRO Data Processing Operations Analyst C lass No: 635-1092-FM F inance & M anagem ent In fo rm a tio n 1 F u ll-tim e P o s itio n Salary: $29,086-$40,946 The Metropolitan Service District is recruiting for 1 full-time Data Processing Operations Analyst to perform the following essential job duties: develops, modifies, tests, and implements shells and applications on the systems; co­ ordinates with users, Network Ad­ ministrators and other inform a­ tion system division staff to as­ sure smooth operation of the UNIX systems and the operating sys­ tems; researches and reports on the hardware and software con­ figurations and makes recommen­ dations for improvements; par­ ticipates in long-term planning for future upgrades to the software; designs, plans, coordinates and implements changes to the oper­ ating systems as new releases are m ade available. Performs other duties as assigned. This position closes on November 10, 1992. Applications and supple­ mental requirements must be re­ ceived, or postm arked no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Novem ­ ber 10, 1992. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: Program Assistant 2 Public Affairs (RIC) Class No. 042-1092-PA 1-Part-time Position (20 hours/week) Salary: $10.40-$14.63/Hr. The Metropolitan Service District is recruiting for 1 part-time Pro­ gram Assistant 2 position. The individual in this position will be expected to perform the following essential job duties : answer phone calls from a wide range of people and make appropriate referrals to solid waste and recycling services; m aintain com puterized mailing lists and inventories of informa­ tion sent to the public; update computer database of solid waste and recycling facilities and ser­ vices; generate statistical reports of the RICs activities; update da­ tabase of library materials and check-out materials to the public; train new staff members or volun­ teers to answer phones and the com puter system. This position closes on November 4,1992. Ap­ plications and supplemental re­ quirem ents must be received, or postm arked no later than 5:00 p.m., W ednesday, November 4, 1992. Applications and supple­ mental requirements can be picked Pope & Talbot, Inc., a Portland based Pulp, Paper & W ood Prod­ ucts C om pany is seeking 2 full­ tim e secretaries. O ne position re q u ire s g e n e ra l a c c o u n tin g know ledge; the other requires recent background as a Sales Secretary. The qualified candi­ dates will also possess 3 to 5 years of recent secretarial expe­ rience. PC w ord p ro ce ssin g , H arvard G raphics, W ordPerfect, Lotus and W indow s know ledge, typing skills of 60 wpm , excellent gram m ar skills and the ability to com pose letters and reports. The candidates will need to dem on­ strate organizational and inter­ personal skills, initiative and pro­ fessionalism . Q ualified applicants should call the C o rp o ra te H um an R esources D epartm ent to request an appli­ cation packet. C om plete pack­ ets m ust be returned prior to the closing date or N ovem ber 13, 1992. Corporate Human Resources (503) 228-9161, Ext 490 Pope & Talbot offers a com petitive em ployee benefit program and salary com m ensurate w ith ex­ perience. Pope & Talbot, INC. Equal Opportunity Employer Education Assistant Professor/ Research Associate. up at; The Metropolitan Service District The Metropolitan Service District MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center The N.E. Workforce Center Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S W First Ave Portland, OR Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S. W First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King. Jr Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer METRO . J Advertisement For Bid e a le d b id s fo r the O rc h a rd S tre e t S tru c tu re R e m o va l p ro je c t ill be re c e iv e d by th e O re g o n S ta te B o a rd of H ig h e r E d u ca tio n ntil 2 :0 0 P M , local tim e , N o v e m b e r 10, 1992. B ids w ill be p e n e d a n d p u b lic ly re a d aloud at th a t tim e. All b id d e rs m u s t be jg is te re d w ith th e c o n s tru c tio n c o n tra c to r's B oard, A d v e r tise Metro W ashington Park Zoo 1-Full-time Position Class No. 538-1092-ZO Salary: $7.75 - $10.92/Hr. The Metro Washington Park Zoo is recruiting for 1 full-time Safety/ Security Officer to perform the follow ing essential job duties: Patrols on foot and makes ran­ dom inspections of assigned ar­ eas to enforce M etro’s polices, standards and regulations; per­ forms lock-up and unlock of build­ ings and exhibits; provides assis­ tance to the public, administers first aid; provides general infor­ mation to the public; on zoo poli­ cies; assists persons with com ­ plaints; prepares a variety of records and reports on all viola­ tions Performs other duties as assigned. This position closes on November 4, 1992 Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m , W ednes­ day, November 4,1992. Applica­ tions and supplemental require­ ments can be picked up at: MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices Metropolitan Service Dist. 2000 S. W First Ave Portland, OR METRO Safety/Security Officer 1 The Metropolitan Service District The N.E. Workforce Center Multnomah County Library page (Full and Part-Tim e; $7.28 per hour; apply by N ovem ­ ber 6. F acilities M aintenan ce w orker; $9.68 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 6. For 24 hour job inform ation, call 248-5035 or visit M ultnom ah C ounty E m ployee S ervices, 1120 S W 5th Ave., R oom 1430, P ortland, during business hours. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Utility Maintenance Event Custodian additional in fo rm a tio n m a y be o b ta in e d b y c o n ta c tin g F a c ilitie s ie rv ic e s , A d a m s H all, C o rv a llis , O re g o n 9 7 3 31 -2 001 o r te le ­ h o n e 5 0 3 -7 3 7 -7 6 9 4 . « A » * * AX««-*»*» J » • • • • $'fujiIMP./ a * * ' .* , u . *. ► a \ ’I »Advertising & Employment » Bids/Sub-Blds This 12-m onth position w ill w ork on federally-funded grants. R e­ s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e : T e a c h graduate-level courses: advise m aster’s and doctoral students; w rite grant proposals; w rite and publish professional articles; con­ duct research on the inclusion of individuals w ith severe d isa b ili­ ties. Q ualifications Ph.D. in Spe­ cial Education and rehabilitation; direct experience teaching and a d v is in g g ra d u a te S tu d e n ts ; d o cu m e n te d research e x p e ri­ ence; experience w riting grant proposals; experience m aking professional presentations; direct e x p e rie n c e in in s tru c tio n o f people with developm ental dis­ abilities. Send curriculum vita, copies of published w ritings, and 3 letters of recom m endation to; C a ro l F e rn lu n d , S p e c ia liz e d T raining Program , U niversity of Q regon, E ugene, O R 97403- 1235. Search closing date. N o­ vem ber 1 6 ,1 9 9 2 . Equal O ppor- tunity/A ffirm ative Action Institu­ tion com m itted to cultural d iv e r­ sity. ♦ ‘ • • ' ; I u • Education Portland C om m unity College Instructor ABE/GED Job #19-92/93P Steps To S uccess North, Full-tim e tem porary position A bachelor's degree in English, education, rem edial reading, spe­ cial education, m ath or develop­ m ental e d u ca tio n re q u ire d . A m aster’s d e g re e in develop m e n­ tal or adult education preferred. Tw o years experience teaching adults from disadvantaged back­ grounds in rem edial or de ve lo p ­ m ental education in the areas of reading, m ath, English, social science and science required. Instructor E nglish as a S econd Language-Job #20-92/93P (Full­ tim e tem porary for 2 term s Janu­ ary 1993-June 1993) A bachelor's degree in English or a related field w ith ESL.TESO L, EFL certification or substantial graduate w ork in these areas required. D egree m ust be from an accredited institution. T w o years of recent verifiable e xperi­ ence p roviding cla ssro o m in ­ struction in ESL to students from preliterate to advanced levels is preferred. An established w ork history of teaching students from diverse cultural and language backgrounds is highly desirable. For the required application packet, contact Staff Em ploym ent, PO Box 19000, Portland, O R 97280- 0990, (503) 273-2823. All appli­ cation m aterials m ust be su b m it­ ted by 11/19/92. As an A A /E E O institution, PCC encourag es ap p lica tio n s from qualified m inorities, w om en and the physically challenged. Insurance Director Fraud & Investigations W e are looking for a forw ard think­ ing, positive and results oriented individual to m anage our corpo­ rate Fraud and investigatio ns Division. T he director of this divi­ sion m anages the activities and resources of the division to m eet the c o rp o ra tio n ’s investigative needs. S uccessful candidates w ill have five years m anagem ent and/or supervisory experience; a four year college degree in a related field (or equivalent successful, related w ork experience); dem ­ onstrated claim s m anagem ent and investigative background, and a valid O regon drivers li­ ce n se . A d d itio n a lly , e x ce lle n t o rg a n iz a tio n a l, tim e m a n a g e ­ m ent and com m unications skills are essential. Prim ary duties include develop­ m ent and im plem entation of short and long range plans to achieve corporate, departm ent and divi­ sional goals and objectives; m an­ agem ent of large, com plex fraud investigations; directing develop­ m ent of em ployees; and devel­ oping and m anaging the division budget, including m onitoring e x­ penses and m aking appropriate resource allocation decisions. A detailed job description is avail­ able by calling 503-373-8047. Q ualified individuals are encour­ aged to subm it a resum e along w ith a cover letter to S A IF 's P er­ sonnel Division. The cover letter and resum e should be specific in describing how experience and education provides the qualities necessary for success in this position. A pplication m aterials will be accepted through 5:00 PM W ednesday, N ovem ber 4, 1992. SAIF Corporation Personnel D ivision Post O ffice Box 988 Salem, OR 97308-0988 Fax#(503) 373-8628 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Non-profit organization implementing an educational enhancement program at a NE Portland school needs full time: Project Coordinator Education Specialist W ill w ork w ith students, parents and schools. A bility to w ork w ith children and adults from various ethnic groups required. Educa­ tion S pecialist m ust have teach­ ing exper. S ubm it resum e in d i­ cating position desired w /cover letter by O ctober 3 0 ,1 9 9 2 to the “I Have a Dream " Foundation- Oregon, 1315S .W . Park Avenue, Portland, O regon 97201. '» r'-? .V* * • 4 ' " V." * ‘