Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 28, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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October 28, 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 11
--------------------------------------------------------- — ”
Principal Executive
(Legislative and Budget
The Senior and Disabled Services
Division, State of Oregon, is re­
cruiting for a position that will
analyze state and federal legis­
lation. Perform initial fiscal im­
pact calculations on policy, per­
form legislative bill analysis, as­
sure state and federal regulatory
compliance and coordinate the
formulation of the budget.
Requires experience in analysis of
federal/.state laws and regula­
tions, statistical knowledge in
economics or advanced math
calculations, analytical skills and
knowledge of computers. Pref­
erence may be given to individu­
als familiar with Social Security
Act. particularly Medicaid.
Closing Date: November 16
Call (503) 378-8354 for informa­
tion. Affirmative Action/ Equal
Opportunity Employer.
City of Portland, Or. has immedi­
ate opening. Need professional
level training and experience in
planning & problem-solving for
groundwater water quality pro­
tection & watershed/surface w a­
ter quality protection & mgt. Send
resume to Bruce Niss, Portland
Water Bureau 1120 SW 5th, 6th
FI, Portland OR 97204. For info
packet, call P. Murphy (503) 796-
7431. Minorities & females en­
couraged to apply. The City of
Portland is an Equal Opportunity
Registered Nurse
School Health Services
Jefferson High School
Assignment 1992-93
(4 hrs day/5 days week) (190 .5
FTE position)
Application Deadline: 5;00 pm,
MESD applications available M-F,
8-5 or send s e lf-a d d re s s e d
stamped legal envelope, Indicat­
ing position of interest to Mult­
nomah ESD, Attn. Recruitment
O ffice, 11611 NE A insw orth
Circle, Portland, OR 97220-9017.
An Equal Opportunity employer &
Drug free Work Place
The National Association for Blacks in the
Criminal Justice System-Portland Chapter
Searching For Solutions:
First Steps
4th Annual Regional conference
A one day conference held at:
Holiday Inn
1021 NE Grand Ave.
Portland, OR
Saturday, October 31, 1992
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Registration is $50.00. Includes all workshops;
continental breakfast and luncheon.
Opening speaker: Dr. Darryl Tukufu
Luncheon Keynote: Hon. Judge Roosevelt Robinson
Workshop Titles: Stakeholdering and Marketing:
Project Starting and Grant Writing
® £p e J î n r t l a n h ( © b s e t u e r
Region Engineer
$52,632-$74,112 Annually
The Oregon Department of Trans-
portatlon is recruiting for Region
1 Engineer. This high level man­
aging engineer position is based
in the City of Roses, Portland,
the heart of urban Oregon. The
Region 1 Engineer Is respon­
sible for 624 position and an op­
erating budget exceeding $91
million. This exciting and chal­
lenging position is responsible
for the administration, construc­
tion, and maintenance of regional
highways, facilities, and services.
The Department Is seeking cre­
ative individuals who are regis­
tered professional engineers with
an excellent demonstrated per­
form ance record leading an
equivalent organization. Appli­
cants need to have eight years of
m anagement experience in a
public or private organization. To
obtain the application informa­
tion, call (503) 378-6281, or write
to ODOT Personnel, 120 Trans­
p o rta tio n B ldg., S alem , OR
97310. A pplication m aterials
must be received by 5:00 p.m.,
November 17, 1992. All appli­
cants must obtain application in­
formation before applying. The
Department Is an EEO/AA Em­
ployer. ADA accommodations
will be provided for interview upon
‘ The Eyes and Ears ol the Community"
Office: (503)288-0033
Fax#: (503)288-0015
General Ledger
Responsibilities include m ainte­
nance of general ledger, account
analysis/reconclliations, prepa­
ration of journal entries, monthly
c o n s o lid a tio n
Intercompany billings, annual
audit/tax package. Requires BS
in accounting, Lotus 1 -2-3, mini­
mum 1-2 years general ledger
experience, ability to work with­
out close supervision.
We offer an excellent benefits pack­
age and competitive salary com­
m e n surate w ith e xpe rie n ce.
Please send resume with salary
requirements to:
HR Specialist
Port Of Portland
Career Opportunities
Administrative Coordinator/Reception 1st
Portland Ship Repair Yard
Closing Date: October 30,1992
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m. on the closing date.
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by
calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480.
Port of Portland
Schnitzer Steel
Products co.
PO Box 10047
Portland, OR 97210
No phone calls please. Those se­
lected for interview will be con­
Equal Opportunity Employer
Clinical Associate
1 /2-time position, Mon. through Fri.
Social service students encour­
aged to apply. Good opportunity
to work with at-risk youth. Cur­
rent OR driver’s license and good
driving record required. Must be
able to work in multi-cultural set­
ting. Salary based on education
and experience. Call the Boys
and Girls Aid society of Oregon,
503-222-9661, ext. 247. EOE.
Port Of Portland
Career Opportunities
Associate Planner II
Policy And Planning Department
Closing Date: October 30,1992
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m. on the closing date.
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by
calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480.
Port of Portland
NABCJ’s “Men In Motion” No
Tricks, But Treats
For More Info. Sgt. Ralph Davis 503-248-5031
Volunteers Urgently Needed
For Adopt A Family Program
(Volunteers of A merica O regon’s
Adopt A Family program urgently needs
volunteers to sign up now to assist with
this vital holiday program. The Adopt
A Family Program m atches families in
need of food, clothing toys and other
holiday items, with fam ilies and busi­
nesses who want to give their assis­
A large corps o f volunteers are
needed from N ovem ber 9 to December
24 to accept applications for assistance,
applications from adopters, and to com ­
plete the matching process. Volunteers
are needed on w eekdays in three hour
shifts: 9:00 a.m .-1 2 :0 0 p.m .-3:00 p.m.
and 3:00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m. Parking and
meals are provided.
Two training will be held T uesday,
O ctober 20 at 1:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. and
6:30 p.m. at Volunteers o f A merica 537
SE Alder St. Portland, OR 97214. A ny­
one interested should call 235-8655.
Volunteers o f am erica is a nation­
wide social service organization with
branches in over 200 com m unities.
Volunteers o f A merica Oregon, Inc.
serves the community through tw ochild
care centers, a before and after school
child care program , a shelter for hom e­
less women with children, a senior cen­
ter, senior health clinic, adult day care
program , residential facilities for adult
felons, a shelter for homeless adoles­
cent girls, and a Christmas Assistance
Appliance Center
Washer fit Dryer s199°°
Refrigerators From 5129°°
Ranges From $1®9°°
O pen Mon. - Fri. 9:00om to 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm
Sunday Closed
4011 N€ MLK
Sales • Service • Parts
Final preparations are being made
for the Portland Chapter of National
A ssociation o f Blacks in C rim inal
Justice’s 4th annual Regional C onfer­
ence. This event will take place on
Saturday October 31,1992 at the H oli­
day Inn at 1021 N.E. Grand. The doors
will open at 7:30 A.M. and sessions will
start at 8:00 A.M. Dr. Darryl Tukufu,
President and CEO o f the Portland
Urban League will be the opening key
note speaker with the Honorable Judge
Roosevelt Robinson as luncheon key­
note speaker.
The conference, scheduled to end
at 4:30 P.M. on Saturday will co n ­
clude the evening with the NABCJ
C hapter’s annual dance, All male fash­
ion show and the popular auction, this
year, coordinator LaV erne D avis,
“ Miss D ” along with a host of local
gentlemen from the hood will model
fine fashions. With fast steppin action
this show will be full of treats for all
who attend.
Tickets for the workshop and the
evening events are now on sale from
any NABCJ member. For questions on
the event or to join the organizations
please contact Chapter President, Sgt.
Ralph Davis at 248-5031. The chapter
looks forward to a large turnout for this
popular annual event.
It’s time once again for the Catlin Gabel
Rummage Sale. And your chance to
pinch pennies on over 60,000 square
feet of outstanding merchandise.
Including clothing for men, women
and children. Books. Housewares.
Sports equipment. Tbys. Furniture. Treasures. And more. All to benefit
financial aid at The Catlin Gabel School.
You’U find it all at the Multnomah County Expo Center between October
on «„J W/vromkor-1 a n d f h p r p k a free shuttle from the Tri-Met stop at
Jantzen Beach.
r r i CATUN
So come to the 49th Annual Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale.
LAI gagci
But be forewarned. Your thumb and forefinger are going to get |J |
quite a workout.
Thursday, October29, 5 p .m .- 9p.m.
(Opening Day: 25% markup)
Friday, October3 0 ,10a.m. -9 p .m .
Saturday, October3 1 ,10a.m .- 6 p.m.
Sunday, November 1 ,10a.m .- 3 p.m.
Funds For
M ultnomah County this week an­
nounced receipt o f a $250,000 grant
from the U.S. Department o f Health
and Human Services to begin develop­
ment of a network of services for hom e­
less families at risk o f becoming hom e­
less. The grant will fund the “Family
and Community Partnership Project”
and is the first in a three-year funding
This is the first grant received by
M ultnomah County ‘dedicated to the
prevention of homelessness for fam i­
lies. The project will provide case m an­
agement, crisis intervention, and evic­
tion prevention services for about 600
families a year in the urban core and
throughout the county. A unique fea­
ture of this project will involve estab­
lishing an early warning system within
public housing projects to identify fam i­
lies at risk of becoming homeless. If a
family is wsxperiencing a crisis that
could lead to lack o f housing, special­
ized support services will be made avail­
There are currently an estimated
2,100 homeless families in M ultnomah
County and their number has increased
15% a year since 1989. In addition to
the M ultnomah County Housing and
C om m unity Services D ivision, the
Housing Authority of Portland, the A l­
bina M inisterial Alliance, Human So­
lutions, Inc., and the St. Johns YWCA
will all participate in this project. In­
cluding this award Multnomah County
has received $2.2 million in grand fund­
ing for homeless families in the last two