* » s \ Page 4..The Portland ()bserver...October 21, 1992 Kersey Helps Out Saints Jefferson, Marshall Share PIL Lead O ^b scriicr Player Of The Week BY JOHN PHILLIPS Jefferson slipped by Benson 14-7 on Friday night at Ci vie S tad ium , wh ilc Marshall shutout Madison by the score ot 42-0 on Saturday at Marshall. Jefferson is a team that scores a lot o f points, but on this night, it was the defense, known as the “S upreme C ourt’ , that did die job for Coach Mark Pinder. The D em os had a 6-0 lead at halftime on an eight yard run by Jochannon Lowe. After Thom as Jacob’s one yard run and M ark Burke’s two point con­ version, the Demos were up 14-0. It w asn’t until four minutes to go in the game that Benson got on the board with a 22 yard pass from Desmond Faison to Touheed Jermany. The win put the Demos at 4-2, now tied with Marshall. Last w eek’s ratings revealed a six-way tie for the PIL lead. Marshall had a field day with M adi­ son, leading 28-0 at halftime and coast- ; Benson’s Milton BY JOHN PHILLIPS This w eek’s Observer “Player o f the W eek” is ju n io r outside h itter Mandesa Milton of the Benson Girls Volleyball learn. M andesa led the Techsters to first place in the PIL, with wins over W ilson 4-15, 15-7, 15-13; and over Roosevelt 15-13,15-4, in a double dual match last week at Roosevelt. M ilton had nine kills, six coming in the final game with W ilson. At one point in the first game against Roosevelt, she served 10 consecutive points. The Techsters are 21-5 overall, and 10-0 in the PIL. Ms. M andesa M ilton, we at the Portland Observer, take our hats o ff to you for being such an outstanding high school volleyball player, and this w eek’s “Player o f the W eek.” Dr. Holman North Portland Chiropractic Center 3605 N. Lombard 285-4137 ing to an easy 42-0 victory. Past O b­ server “P laycrof the W eek” , tom Stew ­ ard, had two scores on runs of three and nine yards to lead the Minutemen. In other PIL games, Franklin upset W ilson 19-6, as Derrick Brame ran for two touchdowns on runs o f two and 23 yards. Franklin and W ilson are both 3- 3. Also 3-3 is G rant, after a 20-7 win overC leveland behind Michael H im es’ two touchdowns. C leveland’s record is also 3-3. roose veil had its best offensive showing in years and clobbered L in­ coln 47-12. It was Roosevelt’s second win of the season. Isaac Lcgronc scored three times on runs o f 13, 14 and 66 yards. Roosevelt will get better and better with every week o f play. N ext w eek’s games are: Friday, Benson at Lincoln, and Madison at Jefferson.On Saturday, W ilsonatCleve- land; Franklin at Marshall; and G rant visits Roosevelt. BY JOHN PHILLIPS Jerome Kersey, the starling small forward for the Portland Trail Blazers, will sign autographs on Sunday, O cto­ ber 25, 1 9 9 2 ,a tlh e “ 122ndSportsC ard Trading Show ” at 3 p.m. at the Midway Shopping Center located at 2620 S.E. 122nd and Division. All proceeds from the autograph session will go to the Portland Saints W omen A.A.U. Basketball Team. So com e on out and meet Jerome Kersey and help support a worthy cause- -the Portland Saints. Hope to see you there! R ead in g R e a d in e ss I.w r y Suiwnlay s c |» i c »»»I m r in Hi - ». « ♦ - ' » AT LAST A Full Color Merchandise Catalog For Afrikan - American Families and Friends The Items in This Catalog were Es- pecially Selected with you in mind Ideal For Hobdays, Birthdays, Back To School (most items Under $20 00) Items Include: Greeting Cards Col- lectables. Toys, Childrens Books, Art. Clothing, Cookbooks, and more Regardless o f your Age. Religion Gender, or Lifestyle, there's Some- thing Here for E veryone Over 200 Items To Choose From SATISFACTION GUARANTEED III □ Enclosed is my check/money order in the amount ot $5 00, made peysble tc S B Johnson Son. for a tw o year subscnption to your full color catalog B. MAIL TO S JOHNSON • SON Importer* - Oistnbutors PO Box 91698 Washington, D C 20090-1698 i Ct City State Zip Man», S»C» I5MWMW For Chunk Light Tuna Chicken of the Sea Lean Ground Beef First tO in water 6.125-Oz..Ea. A p p ro n m a te S Pound roll. M bm fat content 22%.....- .............. Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a com plete list of specials on sale this w eek at Safeway! v r *!• : ( * ‘ I Î . Lb.$1.19 The Fastest Way To Send Money....Available In All Safeway stores in Oregon & S.W. Washington. It not eomHetolv ttt'thoO w ith * 3 0 doyt. rotum for full nfuod :\v 390 On/y Nobody does it better for less. a .1 ¡S i * * V *• a s N 3075 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97232 230-2000 GRESHAM Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm A , . » » j ». , A - A. .. " W k A '