Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 21, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Page 12...The Portland Observer...October 21, 1992
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Portland Observer
« Blds/Sub-Blds
MetroERC Administration
1 Full-time Position
Salary: $29,490/Yr.
Class No. 808886-OCC
The MetroERC Administration De­
partment is recruiting for one full­
time Purchasing Coordinator to
perform the following essential
duties: Develop and draft procure­
ment policies and administrative
procedures; prepares bid docu­
ments and RFPs; provide guid­
ance and assistance to vendors
ad staff in the procurement pro­
cess; examine all contracts and
purchase orders; develop and
maintain director and statistics of
participation of First Opportunity
area vendors; oversees procure­
ment outreach efforts Applica­
tions are available to residents of
the First Opportunity Target Area.
The boundaries of the Target Area
are: the Banfield Freeway on the
South, N.E. 42nd on the east,
Columbia Villa and N. Chautauqua
on the west, and N. Columbia
Blvd. on the North. This position
closes on October 27, 1992. Ap­
plications and supplemental re­
quirements must be received, or
postmarked no later than 5:00
p.m., Tuesday, October 27,1992.
Applications and supplemental re­
quirements can be picked up at:
The Metropolitan Service District
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
Ticket Center
Portland Center For The
Performing Arts
1 Part-time Position
Salary: $10.29/Hr.
Job Code No. 808874-PCPA
The MetroERC is recruiting for a
part-time Ticket Center Supervi­
sor to perform the following es­
sential job duties: open and close
ticket center box office; alarm and
un-alarm box office; unlock doors
and safe; run reports; balance
previous day sales; record daily
sales for all performances; run
audits/settlements for all events
to be held at the facility; monitor
sellers, providing assistance when
necessary, and other assigned
duties. Applications are available
to residents of the First Opportu­
nity Target Area. The boundaries
of the Target area are: the Banfield
Freeway on the south, N.E. 42nd.
ontheeast, Columbia Villa and N.
Chautauqua on the west, and N.
Columbia Blvd. on the North. This
position closes on October 27,
1992. Applications and supple­
mental requirements must be re­
ceived, or postmarked no later
than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Octo­
ber 27, 1992. Applications and
supplemental requirements can
be picked up at:
The Metropolitan Service District
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
The Urban League
The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S. W. First Ave.
Portland, OR
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S.W. First Ave.
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Portiand, OR
Resumes will not be accepted.
Resumes will not be accepted
AA EEO Employer
EEO/AA Employer
Officer 1
Metro Washington Park Zoo
1 Part-Time Position
Salary: $7.75-$10.92
Class No. 538-1092-ZO
The Metro Washington Park Zoo
is recruiting fo ri part-time Safety/
Security Officer to perform the
following essential job duties:
patrols on foot and makes ran­
dom inspections of assigned ar­
eas to enforce Metro's polices,
standards and regulations; per­
forms iock-up and unlock of build­
ings and exhibits; provides assis­
tance to the public; administers
first aid; provides general infor­
mation to the public on zoo poli­
cies; assists persons with com­
plaints; prepares a variety of
records and reports on all viola­
tions. Performs other duties as
assigned. This position closes on
November 4,1992. Applications
and supplemental requirements
must be received, or postmarked
no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednes­
day, November 4,1992. Applica­
tions and supplemental require­
ments can be picked up at:
Th« Metropolitan Service District
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
The Urban League
The N.E. Workforce Center
Metropolitan Service Dist.
2000 S.W. First Ave.
Portland, OR
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR
Resumes will not be accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
City of Portland, Or. has immedi­
ate opening. Need professional
level training and experience in
planning & problem-solving for
groundwater water quality pro­
tection & watershed/surface wa­
ter quality protection & mgt. Send
resume to Bruce Niss, Portland
Water Bureau 1120 SW 5th, 6th
FI, Portland OR 97204. For info
packet, call P. Murphy (503) 796-
7431. Minorities & females en­
couraged to apply. The City of
Portland is an Equal Opportunity
Engineering Opportunities
With Ada County Highway Dist.
(Boise, Idaho)
Civil Engineer
A da C o u n ty H ighw ay D istrict
(Boise, Idaho). Starting Annual
Salary: $33,272-$38,263 DOQ.
ACHD is seeking a Civil Engineer
to serve as a staff engineer to
provide a variety of specialized
professional and technical ser­
vices related to street, bridge,
and storm drain planning and
design; and to manage and coor­
dinate the District's NPDES re­
sponsibilities, A BSCE from an
accredited college or university
as a professional engineering
experience, registration as a Pro­
fessional Engineer in Idaho, or
the ability to obtain through co­
mity within six months; a dem on­
strated significant experience
and knowledge of drainage sys­
tems). and a valid Idaho Driver's
License is required.
Located in southwest Idaho, Ada
County has 220,000 residents,
including Boise, the State’s capi­
tal city. It is the business, finan­
cial, professional, transportation,
fine arts, and governmental cen­
ter of the “Gem State" Recre­
ational opportunities are only
minutes away. There are numer­
ous p a rks, the B oise R iver
Greenbelt, a zoo, museums, ex­
cellent hospitals, and Boise State
University. The area enjoys a
moderate climate and offers a
friendly and relaxed atmosphere
in which to live. The District
serves the entire County includ­
ing its cities.
Submit letter, resume and three
references to: Manager, Admin­
istrative Services, ACHD, 318
East 37th Street/Boise, Idaho
83714, by November 9, 1992.
The successful candidate will be
required to take and pass a
p re e m p lo y m e n t d ru g te s t,
Women and minorities are en­
couraged to apply.
60-words per min., good oral and
w ritten com m unication skills.
Able to deal with a diverse public
in a professional manner. Start­
ing salary $15,737. Contact
Christine Martin at 288-1515 for
application materials. Deadline
for application submission 5:00
p.m., 10/30/92 Portland Cable
Access is an EEO/Affirmative
Action em ployer.'
Graphics/Forms Design
Mental Health
Forms Designer
Center for Community
Mental Health
NIKE has an immediate opening
for a Forms Designer to design
forms and other printed materi­
als, both in print and electronic
medium; and determine meth­
ods, schedules, and related costs
for projects as well as other Form
Design functions.
Qualified candidates will have a
minimum of four years profes­
sional or technical experience in
complex business forms, design,
textual writing and graphic de­
sign or other related areas; com­
mercial printing operations, com ­
puter systems operations expe­
rience, and elementary forms
analysis experience highly de­
sirable. Candidate must be flex­
ible, detail oriented, able to pri­
oritized and handle a heavy work
load in an extremely fast paced
environment; team player; ex­
cellent in written, com m unica­
tion and listening skills.
Please forward your resume to:
NIKE, Inc. ORFOD, 3700 SW
M urray Blvd, Beaverton, OR
97005. Equal Opportunity Em­
6329 N. E. M L. King, Jr.
Portland, Or 97211
Transitional Housing program for
women and children is seeking
applicants with CD treatment
experience. Send resum e by 10
Case MGR/Outreach Counselor-
High school, 2+ yrs exper.
Case MGR/Counselor - 3 yrs
exper. plus BA preferred.
Fam ily S u p p o rt S u p e rvlso r-
FT/PT, 2 yrs exper., knowledge
of CD treatment issues.
Fam ily S u p p o rt Aide High
school, knowledge of CD, flex.
Secretary-P/T, accur. typing
50 wpm, clerical exper.
C hild Devel. Specialist-1 y r
exper. & BA in educ. or child
Cook-P/T, food handlers card,
plus exper.
P rogram C o o rdlna tor-B A plus
5 yrs exper. in CD, 1 yr in
* * * * *
Adolescent day treatment pro­
gram in north Portland seeking
applicants for:
G roup C ounselor-P /T, exper.
working w/ minorities & adol.
preferred; BA in related field
required. Send resum e by
10/30/92 to: The Nickerson
Center, 7025 N. Lombard,
Portland 97203, Attn: Shirley
Specialist 3
Quality Specialist
Business Analyst
The James River’ Corp, Wauna
Mill is seeking a highly motivated,
self-starter for the position of
Business analyst. Candidates
must have a degree in Finance,
Economics, or Accounting with 5
years manufacturing experience.
Qualified applicants will also have
strong team leadership abilities,
a d v a n c e d c a p a b ilitie s w ith
spreadsheets, graphics and au­
tomated systems, and have some
understanding of Total Quality
tools and concepts.
Duties include special projects,
active involvement in cross-func­
tional teams internal and exter­
nal to acctg. department, vaca­
tion coverage for controller and
Asst, controller. Send resume to
Shelley Prouty, Rt. 2 Box 2185,
C la tska nie , O R 9 7016. The
Wauna Mill is on OR Hwy 30
between Longview and Astoria.
Equal Opportunity Employer m/
James River
Job Announcement
The Private Industry Council is a
private nonprofit organization
dedicated to employment and
training for economically disad­
vantaged youth and adults in
W ashington and M ultnom ah
Performance Analyst
Regular, full-time position respon­
sible for supporting TPIC pro­
gram performance team, ana­
lyzing and researching program
performance reports, and mak­
ing recommendations about im­
provements needed.
Preferred requirements: Bachelors
degree in social science, busi­
ness, public administration or
closely related field, or equiva­
lent relevant experience; ability
to translate complex technical
concepts into clearer language;
demonstrated excellent analyti­
cal and communication skills;
experience with Lotus 123 and
word processing; knowledge of
JTPA and employment and train­
ing programs; experience in su­
Salary Range: $22,478 to $34,428
plus e xcellent em ployer-paid
benefit package.
Closing date 5 PM Wednesday,
November 4, 1992. Required
application packets available at
The Private Industry Council, 720
SW Washington, Suite 250, Port
land, OR 97205. 241-4600. Fax
241 -4622. An Affirmative Action/
Equal Employment Opportunity
th e
! 'S
Manages social service agency
network that serves homeless
youth in Multnomah Co.: conflict
resolution; system and program
planning; m eeting facilitation;
public education activities. At
least 5 years experience in hu­
man services, dem onstrated
meeting facilitation skills and
planning experience required.
Masters degree or B.A. plus
equivalent experience. 24hrs./
Family Mediation
Project Coordinator
Manages volunteers providing fam­
ily mediation at youth serving
agencies: Coordinates volun­
teer placements; support to vol­
unteers; maintains relationships
with referring agencies; limited
mediation responsibilities. Ex­
perience and formal training in
youth and family mediation re­
quired. 16hrs./week.
FTE salary: $23,000/yearplus 14%
flexible fringe. These two posi­
tions may be combined. Send
resum etoTri-County Youth Ser­
vices Consortiu m , 2000 S W First,
Suite 100, Portland 97201. State
positions(s) desired.
Youth Services
$2554-$3404 Monthly
The Oregon Department of envi­
ronmental Quality, Salem office,
is currently seeking a qualified
individual t identify, evaluate and
d o c u m e n t the p o te n tia l fo r
groundwater quality problems
related to point source activities.
The successful candidate will
have a working knowledge of
principles and applications of
geology or hydrogeology, skill in
interpreting and applying envi­
ronmental rules and regulations,
and skill in oral communication.
The State of Oregon offers a gen­
erous benefits package includ­
ing health, dental, vision, disabil­
ity paid vacation and sick leave,
and retirement benefits.
To receive a copy of an announce­
ment and application, please call
our job information recording at
(503) 229-5785 by Friday, O cto­
ber 23.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Health Care
The African-American Health Coa­
lition wants to locate African-
American health professionals
such as nurses, physicians,
medical technologists, occupa­
tional therapists, physical thera­
pists, social workers (MSW), clini­
cal psychologists, health adm in­
istrators, nurse practitioners and
physicians assistants who live in
the Portland area and are cur­
rently unemployed or underem­
ployed. If you fit this description,
please write to the Coalition at
Box 12677, Portland, OR 97212.
Please include your name, ad­
dress, educational background
and work experience.
Child Care
Site Director for school based Be-
fore/After school child care pro­
gram in NE Portland. F/T with
medical, dental, vacation, YMCA
m em bership. S tarting salary
approx. $6.25/hr. M ust have
clean driving record, 2+years
child care or teaching experience
or equivalent coursework in Early
Childhood Education. E xperi­
ence working with children ages
4-12. Strong supervisory skills
and ability to get along with oth­
ers a must. Experience working
with diverse communities a plus,
Interested persons may apply
(7am-6pm) at N/Inner NE YMCA
office, 3030 SW 2nd Ave.
The Oregon Department of Trans­
portation is seeking volunteers for a
Citizen's Advisory Committee.
These committee members will
represent the citizen's point of view
for the highway improvement
project fro Rex Hill to Dayton
Junction, the Newberg Bypass, on
Ore. 99W. Additional members wiil
be appointed by local governments
to represent business concerns and
The CAC will meet six to eight times
during the next two years and
should consist of nine to fifteen
Interested parties will need to
submit a brief statement of interest
Rick Sjolander, Manager
Region Program and
Environmental Unit
2960 State St. NE
Salem, OR 97310
Letters must be postmarked by Oct.
31. Volunteers are needed from the
McMinnville, Dundee and Newberg
area. Minorities and women are
encouraged to participate.
ODOT is an Equal Opportunity
Affirmative Action Employer
committed to diversity.
Corporate Tax
NIKE has an immediate opening
for a Corporate Tax Accountant
to prepare corporate multi-state
income tax returns, assist with
the preparation of consolidated
federal tax returns, as well as
other Tax Department functions.
Qualified applicants will have a
Bachelor's degree in Accounting
and three to five years tax expe­
rience without a degree; knowl­
edge of CLR Fast Tax computer
software is strongly preferred IBM
PC literate with knowledge of
Lotus 1-2-3; strong written and
communication skills; and the
ability to prioritize and handle a
heavy w ork load of d ive rse
Please forward your resume to:
NIKE, Inc. ORACT, 3700 SW
M urray Blvd, Beaverton, OR
97005. Equal Opportunity Em­
Advertisement For Bid
S ealed bids for the O rchard S treet S tructure R em oval project
w ill be received by the O regon State Board of H igher Education
until 2:00 PM, local tim e, N ovem ber 10, 1992. Bids w ill be
opened and p ub licly read aloud at tha t tim e. All b idders m ust be
registered w ith the construction co ntra cto r's Board.
A dditional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities
S ervices, A dam s Hall, C orvallis, O regon 97331-2001 or te le ­
phone 503-7 3 7-76 9 4.
Data Processing
Northwest Natural Gas Company
needs a skilled individual for an
anticipated 6 month + temporary
assignment operating the cen­
tral computer system. Required
background includes IBM/MVS
operating system and JES2 com ­
mands. This 4pm to midnight shift
position is located in the One
Pacific Square location, down­
town Portland and has an hourly
pay rate of $11.37.
Please respond with your resume
identifying the Req. No. 92TEMP
for this temporary assignment by
October 23,1992.
Natural Gas Company
Attn: Employment Section
(Req 92TEMP)
220 NW 2nd Avenue, Suite 251
Portland, OR 97209
F a x (503) 721-2506
Job Info Line (503) 220-2434
Equal Opportunity Employer
Program Assistant
Special needs Adoption Recruiter
needs assistance in recruiting
adoptive families, maintaining
information on waiting children,
and record keeping. Requires
clerical skills including word pro­
cessing and data collection. Re­
quires proven com m unication
skills. Familiarity with child w el­
fare issues and adoption prac­
tice a plus. Non profit agency
experience helpful. Starting sal­
ary range $6.29 to $7.87/hr.,
22.50 hrs. weekly. Apply at 018
S.W. Boundary Court, Portland,
Oregon, or call 222-9661 ext.
140 for application. Application
deadline 5:00 p.m. on 10/30/92.
Equal opportunity employer.
Administrative Aide II
$1,546.00 - $1,899.00/mo
The City of Eugene Department of
Public Safety Training Section is
recruiting for an Administrative
Aide II. Applicants should pos­
sess a high school diploma or
equivalent and at least one year
general office experience. Prior
reception experience is p re ­
ferred. computer experience is
required, contact Human Re­
source and Risk Services, 777
Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, Or
97401 to receive an applicant
packet. Closing Date: October
30, 1992. AA/EOE
Paragon Cable is offering a $10
reward for the return of all
Paragon Zenith Cable Converter
boxes on our “missing” list
with service numbers ending in
1,000. Call Paragon or turn
them in at your nearest Paragon
service office.
Converters from accounts active within the last
30 days do not qualify Other restrictions apply.
3075 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97232
Damascus Square
19950 S.E. Hwy. 212
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
720 N.E. 181st
Portland, Oregon 97230
Come Join The
Challenging Field Of
Correctional Health Services
Oregon Department of Corrections
is recruiting a Nurse manager for
the health services program at
the Oregon State Penitentiary;
and Registered Nurses for vari­
ous correctional facilities in the
Salem area. The State offers
excellent retirement and other
fringe benefits, including Tort li­
ability insurance, to inquire, con­
tact Cindy Linville at 503-378-
2581 from 8am-5pm Monday
thru Friday. The State of Oregon
is an Equal O pportunity Em­
• ’ *'*’ •*. *
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