Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 21, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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Page 10...The Portland Observer...October 21,1992
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Portland Observer
Portland Public School
Community Resource
b io lo g is ts , g e o lo g is ts , c h e m is t,
physicists, engineers, m athem a­
ticians, architects, astronom ers,
com puter experts (M a c), w riters,
journalists, language specialists
- share your w ork, business, and
professional expertise w ith T a l­
e n ted and G ifte d e le m e n ta ry
and.or m iddle school students.
Part tim e, possible 2-16 hrs per
w eek, beginning m id-N ov. $15
per contact hour. Interested indi­
viduals m ust com plete an appli­
cation and subm it a current re­
sum e. A p p lic a tio n s a c c e p te d
through Oct. 21. For m ore infor­
m ation, call 280-6198. T o apply,
c o n ta c t P e rs o n n e l S e rv ic e s ,
Portland Public Schools, 501 N.
Dixon, Portland, O R 97201, or
call 249-2000, ext 534. Equal
O p p o rtunity/A ffirm a tive A ction,
drug-free w orkplace em ployer.
Vehicle Processors, In c , a Toyota subsidiary,
has these immediate opportunities in Portland:
1 8 0 Day
T -B ill
These positions require 1-2 years experience
in auto body preparation/sanding/buffing/
asscmbly/painling/body repair. All candidates
must be able to drive a manual transmission,
will have to dem onstrate their skill with a
buffer, and be subject to a physical exam and
F o r R e m a in in g 1 2 M o n th s
The W est O ne B ank
A n n iv e r s a r y C D
drug screening test.
Toyota offers a starting wage of $10.29 per
hour with com petitive benefits for regular
full time positions. Please apply in person
b etw een 7am a n d 3 :30pm a t: V ehicle
Processors, Inc., 10400 N. L om bard Ave.,
P o rtla n d , O R 97203. A pplications arc
available at our Security Office at the facil­
ity entrance around the corner on Roberts
Street. Principals only please. An Equal
Opportunity Employer.
P re sen tin g th e W est O ne Bank 12 5 th A nniversary certificate
of deposit. It’s an 18-m onth, a d ju sta b le -ra te CD. And h e r e s
how it w orks. Your m oney e a rn s th e high ra te ot 6 .5 % for the
first sLx m onths, th en ad ju sts to th e six-m onth T reasu ry Bill
discount rate . After six m ore m onths, it a d ju sts ag ain to the
Director Of Library,
Recreation And
Cultural Services
City of Eugene, Oregon
Salary Range: $62,388 - 77,496/
c u rre n t six-m onth T-Bill discount ra te . With an o u tstan d in g
ra te now. an d a n ad ju stab le ra te later, th is is definitely an
offer w o rth co nsidering. But k eep in m ind, like o u r an n i­
Sub Bids Requested
v ersary , it only la sts for a lim ited tim e. So com e in today, o r
Oregon Health Sciences University
University Hospital South
12A Nursing Unit Alterations
Bid Date: Oct. 21,1992 @ 3:00 p.m.
call 2 4 8 -6 6 8 8 .
Baugh Construction Oregon, INC.
Senin# The lies! For 125 Yeans
15500 SW Jay Street
Beaverton, OR 97006
(503) 641-2500 Fax (503) 643-0646
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids and material
quotes from minority, women-owned, disadvantaged and emerging small
W E ST ()N E
•A n n u a . s.m p.c u.u-n s, ra te UnUU-d U ,n e .
No oU„ T p n “
« x x x i n U ^ . No b r o k e r , . r o u t . . f - 8 t a U > m
o n e > X
business enterprises.
^ . , d ,,uanerl> SubsU.nUa.
r a , w as 2.W X». M en,ber K O K ,
To F ig h t
Something is wrong
when law-abiding citi­
zens are the ones who
feel like prisoners.
Crime is on the rise
C rim e In Y o u r
X X & S E -
almost e v e ^ h e r e . But
patrol program Nothing,
't s clearly a problei^
donating 40 Motorola portable phones,
to he made available to the neighbor-
hood organizations that need them most.
O f course, you don’t have to join a
patrol to make a difference. If you own or
use a cellular phone, use it to report 4 g |
suspicious activity or some­
possible through the
fences or bigger, more
cooperation of
ferocious watchdogs.
Cellular One, the
Now more than
Portland ft,lice
ever, citizens must
Bureau, the City of
work together with
Rutland’s Office
police and neighbors
of Neighborhood
to take the offensive
and concerned citi­
means getting out
'^ 2 0 %
getting involved. Like participating in a neigh­
borhood patrol program, for instance.
Neighborhixxl patrols are a strong, safe
B u ild in g B ridges,
contact with
9.1.1 Or
local law
Associations (ONA)
against crime. This
of our recliners and
zens like you.
It will do more for your neighborhood’s
peace of mind than any ten-foot tall, electri­
fied barbed-wire fence ever could.
deterrent to crime. Especially when linked
Find out more today. Call ONA at
to 9-1-1 and local law enforcement organi­
823-4519, or Cellular One at 274-6155.
zations via cellular telephone,
That’s why Cellular One® is supporting
community crime prevention efforts by
N o t Fences.
k ' V
Cellular One will donate 40 Motorola
cellular phones fo r use by trained patrols
Call O N A fo r details
Cellular Watch'.” Made
stronger locks, taller
W e Suggest
one who needs help.
that won’t be remedied by
N e ig h b o rh o o d ,
D epartm ent head position (1 o f 6
m em bers o f executive m anage­
m ent team ) reports to City M an­
ager. S upervises staff o f 180 in
the Library, R ecreation and C ul­
tural S ervices divisions o f this
recently m erged d e p a rtm e n t The
city is seeking a p ro g re s s iv e
team -oriented m anager with eight
ye a rs o f s e n io r m a n a g e m e n t
experience in local governm en t;
experience in library, recreation
or cultural services preferred,
along w ith a B.A./B.S. in related
field, M aster’s desirable. A pp li­
cation packets are available from
H um an R esource and Risk S e r­
vices, 777 Pearl S treet, Room
101, Eugene, O regon, 97401.
(503) 687-5061. C losing d e a d ­
line: N ovem ber 1 3 ,1 9 9 2 .
I C 11