Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 14, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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October 1 4 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 9
Workshop To Discuss Metro
Central Enhancement Projects
The M e tro p o litan Service D is tric t
•w ill sponsor an in fo rm a lio n a l/g ra n t w rit­
in g w orkshop on M onday, O ct. 26, to
answ er questions, discuss guidelines and
¡offer assistance in grant w ritin g fo r sub­
k n ittin g proposals fo r projects to benefit
the M e tro C entral co m m u n ity enhance­
m e n t area.
The w orkshop begins at 7 p.m . in the
c o m m u n ity room at the N orthw est Ser­
v ic e C enter, 1819 N W Everett. Kay Sohl
fro m Technical Assistance fo r C o m m u ­
n ity Services is the w orkshop fa c ilita to r.
Funds fo r the enhancement projects
are p rovided by a 50-cents per ton sur­
charge collected on solid waste depos­
ite d at M e tro Central Station, 6161 N W
61st A ve ., P ortland. The fund is to be
used to create changes that may also
im prove neighborhood image w ith in the
M etro C entral enhancement com m unity.
The com m ittee budgeted $240,000 fo r
projects d u rin g the period fro m Jan. 1
through Dec. 30, 1993.
Proposals to be considered by the
com m ittee are those that w ill meet one o r
m ore o f the fo llo w in g goals. P rio rity w ill
to neighborhood associations o r c h a ri­
table organizations w ith 501 (c )(3 ) sta­
tus under the Internal Revenue Code,
may su b m it proposals.
Projects/programs must result in one
o r more o f the fo llo w in g :
R e h a bilita tio n , upgrading or d ire ct
increase in the real property ow ned o r
operated by a n o n p ro fit organization
having 501 (c) (3) status under the In te r­
nal Revenue Code.
Preservation o r enhancement o f
w ild life , riparian zones, w etlands, forest
lands and m arine areas, and im prove the
p u b lic awareness and the opportunities
to enjoy them .
Im provem ent to, o r increase in,
recreational areas and program s w ith in
the boundaries.
Im provem ent in the safety o f the
Im provem ent o f the appearance o r
cleanliness o r environm ental q u a lity o f
the area neighborhood w ith in the bound­
B e n e fit the youth and seniors w ith in
w ith in the boundary o f the enhancement
area. The boundary begins at the in te r­
section o f N ew berry Road w ith the shore
o f the west bank o f the W illa m e tte R iv e r
proceeds south along the west bank to
Interstate 405 at the Frem ont B ridge;
south on Interstate 405 to P ettygrove
Street; west on Pettygrove Street o nto
C o rnell Road; west on C ornell Road to
N orthw est Thom pson Road to S kyline
B oulevard; north on S kyline B oulevard
to N ew berry Road; east on N ew berry
Road to the shore o f the west bank o f the
W illa m e tte R iver, also included is the
St. Johns B ridge and an area bounded by
the shore o f the east bank o f the W il­
lamette R iv e r to B a ltim o re Street; cast
on B a ltim o re Street to Lom bard Street;
south on Lom bard Street to R ichm ond
Street; and west on R ichm ond Street to
the shore o f the east bank o f the W il­
The com m ittee consists o f M e tro
C o u n c ilo r Sandi Hansen, Leslie B laize,
Joan Chase, C hris F oster,M arvin Pohl,
be given to projects/program s that meet
the boundaries.
B e n e fit the lo w -in co m e persons
C huck M a rtin and Ted W hite.
A pplications forproposalsare a va il­
able by c a llin g K atie D o w d a ll, M etro
the greatest num ber o f goals and that
o ffe r benefits to the areas most d ire c tly
im pacted by the fa c ility . O n ly n o n -p ro fit
organizations, in clu d in g but not lim ite d
w ith in the boundaries.
Increase re cyclin g opportunities
w ith in the p ro je ct boundaries.
Projects/program s m ust be located
c o m m u n ity enhancement c o o rd in a to ra t
M etro 221-1646 ext. 348. Deadline fo r
su b m ittin g proposals is 5 p.m. T h u rs­
day, N ov. 19.
Evaluation Scheduled For
UO President M yles Brand
U n iv e rs ity o f O regon President
M yles B rand is due fo r his firs t three-
year performance evaluation thism onth.
The routine assessment o f B ra n d ’ s
w ill meet w ith selected in d ivid u a ls rep­
resenting a broad cross-section o f the
campus and surrounding com m unities.
They w ill include fa cu lty and staff,
academic leadership and management
is in accordance w ith p o licy adopted in
1982 by the O regon State Board o f
students, a lu m n i, and representatives
o f local governm ents.
H ig h e r Education.
Brand became the 14th president
o f the 117 year-old u n ive rsity in July
A nyo n e w a nting to participate in
the evaluation process personally w ill
have an o p p o rtu n ity to meet w ith the
consultant selected to conductthe evalu­
ation. The consultant, Peter M agrath,
president o f the N ational A ssociation
o f State universities and Land-G rant
Colleges (N A S U L G C ), w ill v is it the
U O campus on Tuesday and W ednes­
day, O ct. 20-21.
N A S U L G C , h e a d q u a rte re d in
W ashington, D C ., is the n a tio n ’ s o ld ­
est h ig h e r e d u c a tio n a s s o c ia tio n .
M agrath also is past president o f three
p ublic universities: the U n ive rsity o f
M isso u ri System , the U n iv e rs ity o f
M innesota, and State U niversity o f N ew
Y o rk at B ingham ton.
W h ile on the U O campus, Magrath
Oregon Nurses Association Supports Ballot Measure 7
The Oregon Nurses A ssociation
O u r Schools are supporting B a llo t M ea­
(O N A ) has jo in e d C itizens to Save O ur
Schools in support o f B a llo t Measure 7.
“ W e made a ca re fu l analysis o f the
issue before we reached our decision,”
said O N A E xecutive D ire c to r Susan
K in g . “ W e ’ re s k e p tic a l a b o u t the
L e g isla tu re ’ s a b ility to fix the o ve ra ll
sure 7 became:
Measure 7 sends a ll o f the local
revenue generated under this new lim it
to o u r schools - kindergarten through
12th grade and co m m u n ity colleges.
tax system .”
B a llo t Measure 7, the s p lit-ro ll in i­
tia tive , is on the N ovem ber 3 General
E le ctio n b a llo t. The C itizens to Save
"Tiie Eyes and Ears ol the Community"
Office: (503)288-0033
Fax#: (503)288-0015
Measure 7 also provides renters w i th
e quivalent property tax re lie f, some­
th in g Measure 5 fa ile d to do.
Measure 7 m aintains the $15 per
thousand valuation on ow ner-occupied
homes contained in 1990’ s Measure 5.
Measure 7 ’ s s p lit property tax ro ll
has precedence in 15 other stales w hich
attem pt to equalize the property tax
b u rd e n b e tw e e n o w n e r-o c c u p ie d
homes, w hich produce no incom e, and
w ill go dow n 12.3% from what was
paid p rio r to the lim e Measure 5 was
a ll other property.
B a llo t Measure 7 establishes a
$30 per thousand valuation property
tax lim it on income producing co m ­
m ercial and business property. On the
The O N A is a 5,500-m em ber o r­
g a n iz a tio n re p re se n tin g registered
nurses and nurse practitioners in pub­
lic and private health care settings.
For m ore in fo rm a tio n , please con­
tact Susan K in g o r Julia Gies at the
Oregon Nurses A ssociation, at 293-
average statewide, property lax rates
fo r business and com m ercial property
0011, or R ich Peppers, at C itizens to
Save O u r Schools, 249-1792.
Portland Observer encourages our readers to write letters
to the editor in response to any articles we publish.
A d d itio n a lly , Magrath w ill hold
open “ d ro p -in ” hours fo r anyone w ho
wants to speak w ith h im , on a first-
come, first-served basis.1 The open hours
w ill be between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on
W ednesday, O ct 21, in Room 240 o f
W illa m e tte H a ll (1371 E. 13th A ve .).
A lso , anyone may subm it w ritte n
co n fid e n tia l com m ents w ith in a speci­
fie d period o f tim e that also w ill be­
come part o f the evaluation record.
They m ust be received by the close o f
business on Tuesday, O ct. 27. Sealed
letters marked “ C o n fid en tia l Presiden­
tia l E v a lu a tio n ” m ust be m ailed to
M agrath at P.O. B ox 3175, Eugene, OR
“ W e ’ re fo llo w in g the same basic
procedures used to evaluate other in s ti­
tu tio n a l presidents throughout the State
System ( o f H igher E ducation),”
comm ented V ice C hancellor L a rry
Large, who is responsible fo r im p le ­
m enting the B o a rd ’ s and C hancellor
Thom as B a rtle tt's p o lic y o f regular
presidential evaluations, added, “ We
are fortunate to have the help o f Peter
M a g ra th in c o n d u c tin g P re s id e n t
B ra n d ’ s firs t re vie w .”
The process also calls fo r B rand to
prepare a self-evaluation “ statement o f
stew ardship” and to undergo a physical
exam ination.
F o llo w in g h is c a m p u s v i s it ,
M agrath w ill evaluate the in fo rm a tio n
he gathers and meet w ith Brand and
Oregon C hancellor o f H ig h e r Educa­
tio n Thomas B a rtle tt to discuss results
o f the review . M agrath then w ill pre­
pare a report to the chancellor.
B a rtle tt then w ill prepare a fin a l
re p o rt, w h ich becom es p a rt o f the
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president’ s personnel file and is not
available fo r p u b lic re vie w . The chan­
c e llo r and board members w ill have
access to the evaluation.
B a rtle tt w ill present a p u b lic sum ­
m ary o f the evaluation to the board at its
next regular m eeting, F riday, N o v. 20,
in Eugene.
John M oseley, U O vice president
fo r research, is serving as the on-cam ­
pus presidential evaluation liaison.
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T h e C itize n In v o lve m e n tC o m m it-
tee o f M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty, Oregon was
created by the voters in 1983 to advance
p u b lic in vo lve m e n t in local govern­
m ent d ecision-m aking. W h ile i t has
been and u p h ill battle fro m tim e to
tim e, no one can deny the pow er o f the
c itize n ry in m aking a difference. C it i­
zens make a d iffe re n ce on m ost m at­
ters, fro m neighborhood zoning and
crim e prevention to land use and e n v i­
ronm ental matters state w ide, o r na tio n ­
W e are now approaching E le ctio n
Day 1992. The news is fu ll o f citize n
volunteer effo rts on a w ide variety o f
issues and candidates. The basis o f a ll
dem ocratic citizen in vo lve m e n t is o u r
in d iv id u a l rig h t to vote. T h is is the tim e
to e xe rcise th a t in a lie n a b le rig h t.
There ’ s no exc use to do otherw ise i f we
are tru ly interested in in flu e n cin g the
.• ••
course o f our ow n lives.
I f one doesn’ t vote, can one hon­
estly com plain about people and laws
w hich negatively im pact our lives? Can
one cla im no re sp o n sib ility fo r thecon-
d itio n o f o u r governm ent because on e
never voted in the firs t place? is it
reasonable to leave those hard d e ci­
sions to others and groan w hen they
don’ t turn out as w e w o u ld have liked?
W o u ld you ask a stranger to h o ld yo u r
w a lle t w h ile you go on vacation?
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