V-^ , z ♦ • * H w * < • ♦ ♦•« < < • .'» « -<<<'; October 1 4 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Portland Observer S c rip tu re o f tfte ‘W eeii RELIGION Let Us G e a r Up For T h e F o llow ing P lan ning M eeting E njoying C hrist BY MATTIE ANN COLLIER-SPEARS Sometimes, as we sit and ponder, our m ind will focus on one particular thing. I can remember things from my childhood as though it was happening right now. The colors are so vivid. The voices are clear and the laughter is spontaneous. Giggling. Tickling som e­ one was my big brother’s specialty. I can even remember sm ells from limes when we would travel to the country, as it was called and is still referred to today down-home. Just the air itself was different. I could smell my grandm other’s cooking and my great aunt’s tea cakes and light bread as they were baking in the o v e n . I can re m e m b e r my grandm other's smell, in my nose, o f her hair and clothes as I hugged and kissed her. How I loved to snuggle-up in my grandm other’s lap. That made me so very happy. I felt so safe and secure. Little children need this kind o f love. Then, I can remember the smell of death, in my nose, when I was little. It seemed like the flowers at a funeral had a different smell. These same flowers, which I loved to smell on other occa­ sions, seemed so pungent and different. I can remember the smell o f sick­ ness when I was in the hospital, at the tender age o f three years old. I was burned badly and there were other chil­ dren in the hospital ward who were burned and/or injured in some way or another. I can remember how my Mommie and Daddy and my great aunt and uncle would come to the hospital to see me, to keep me company, to bring me toys, to read stories to me, to sing little songs and rock me to sleep. I can rem em ber all these things, all these people and all these places - even now. Even though some experiences were considered to be negative, I can recall all the enjoyable segments be­ cause I knew that I was loved and I knew that these individuals really, re­ ally cared. Last year, as my pastor (Dr. James M artin) explored the pages in the book of ephesians, he made a com m ent that has stuck in my m ind..."Y ou will never enjoy Christ until you know what you have.” Jesus Christ is real. He is alive! And - he really and truly loves us. Everyone should try Jesus because he satisfies. If every man would just let him into their minds and hearts... You- know? It's ju st like the scripture says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good”. [Psalms 34:8] Once you get to know Jesus Christ, cry together, shout together, struggle together and establish a good working relationship with him -- you, too, can enjoy C hrist Jesus. You will find yourself taking Christ everywhere you go. He will be your best friend. You can never be alone as long as Jesus is nigh. It is not i who says this but Christ him self (as Paul records it in the book o f Hebrews 13:5). Even when you are sad or sick or depressed, C hrist is near by. Just call on his name. Feel his presence as he quickly dispels those negative feelings. But first, you must know who he is. “Powell Park Is Ours!” Dedication Ceremony Jesus will give you joy and happi­ ness. He will give you a peace that the world couldn ’ t give to you and the world can’te v e r take away from you. Because - you will have a smile on your face and joy in your heart when every thing around you seems cloudy and hopeless. And -- unless you know Christ for yourself, you will never know or fully understand the meaning behind any o f this. Just imagine this....First, you see a big empty bowl. Then, in comes a one big scoop of butter pecan ice cream and one scoop o f cafe’ mocca and a scoop of chocolate fudge; then, drizzle some d e­ licious coffee syrup over the top, sprinkle on some nuts and top with whipped cream and cherries. Um — um - urn good! D oesn’t this just excite your taste buds? Our souls should be equally as ex­ cited for the opportunity to enjoy quality - time with Jesus Christ. Drooling! W het­ ted appetites! Eager! As you go through your day’s ac­ tivities, just remember the words to this song: “The only hope we have is in Christ Jesus. Confusion is great in this world today. Persecution may come with such heavy weights - But....we have this hope And it’s in Jesus.” Come! Taste and see that the Lord is good! Stop wasting time! Enjoy Christ while the blood is still running warm in your veins. NAACP - is having their 78th An­ niversary Banquet on Oct 30, at &:15 P.M ., cost $30.00 each. All persons interested, please contact the NAACP office at 284-7722. Prince Hall Grand Chapter Tea & Fashion Show Date -- October 18, 1992 Place - Brooks Building 3620 North W illiams Avenue Time - 1 PM To 4:30 PM Rubie Franklin - Chairperson Frances Odom, Co-Chairperson Be Responsible PO R TLA N D O B S E R V E R 'The Eyes and Ears ol the CommunitY’ O ffice: (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 F a x # : (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 Friday, October 30th, 1992 • 11:00 am - noon An unique project is underway in southeast Portland to dedicate Powell Park as a safe environment (drug, alco­ hol and violence-free), for our students, our neighborhood and for all members of the Portland community. This project began as an idea of a Cleveland High School student, who was assaulted in Powell Park during the school lunch period, and has grown into a school - and community - wide event involving and unprecedented number o f organizations working in cooperation with each other. The key groups participating in this school-com m unity p artnersh ip are: Southeast Portland Oregon Together, Oregon Student Safety on the Move, the Portland Parks Bureau, Cleveland High School’s Alcohol & Drug Program, and Southeast Uplift. The focus of this event is to em ­ power our youth to make a difference by initiating projects and to assure them o f our broad-based support of their efforts to better our community. Cleveland High School students will be involved with all aspects of this event. The Dedication Ceremony will be­ gin with a parade from Cleveland High School to Powell Park, featuring the CHS Band, Dance Team, & Rally Squad and about 300 other CHS students. The event in the park will include short speeches by students and invited quests, the presentation o f a permanent plaque for Powell Park, and a tree planting. This ceremony will take place rain or shine. In addition to Cleveland students, special guests and speakers will include: Governor Barbara Roberts, Congress­ man Ron W yden, com m issioner Mike Lindberg, Park Bureau Director Charles Jordan, A ssistant C hief o f Police Dave W illiams, M etropolitan Human Rights C o m m issio n e r C la u d ia M cD u ffie, School Board M em ber S tephen Griffith. All southeast Portland business repre­ sentatives, associations, neighbors, and Cleveland cluster schools are also in­ vited. For further inform ation, contact Claudia McDuffie, at the Cleveland High School Alcohol & Drug Program, 280- 5127. C reed O f T h e B lack P ress The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless o f race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all arc hurt as long as anyone is held back. 71 n 7 n sia ffa iio n G e fe b ra tio n P a s to r’s A p p re c ia tio n Announcem ent In Memory of Willie L. Jenkins 1914 -1992 Services were held, Saturday, O c­ tober 10,1992 at 0:00 AM Bethel A.M.E. Church, Portland, Oregon Rev. Dorsey McCullough, officiat­ ing. On a beautiful fall day on S ep tem b er 10, 1914 in Belzoni, M ississippi a son was bom to Pauline M ills Je n k in s and Ciscero Jenkins. He was named W illie Leroy. W illie was her only child. Cherished and n u rtu re d by his family. He grew to school age and en­ tered the M agnolia A v en u e E le m e n ta ry School. He later finished his education at St. Marys C atholic school in V icksbury, Mississippi. W illie m oved to Portland, Oregon in 1942andbegan working forthe South­ ern Pacific Railroad Company in 1943. He also worked as a waiter at the Aladin restaurant for several years. W illie was The G reater St Stephen M ission­ ary B aptist Church are prayerfully pleased to announce to the city o f Roses, the installation of our new Pastor, Rev. G.L. Black, I rev. Black a native of Seaside California grew up in the Vic­ tory Temple Church o f God In Christ, where his mother, Mrs. Ora E. Brown and his mentor the late Bishop S. R. Martin trained him up in the nurtured and admiration of the Lord, (Prov. 22.6 & Eph 6:4). Rev. Black m oved to Portland in 1983. Rev. Black becam e acquainted with and married M iss Kimberly D. Kimmons and to this union three chil­ dren were bom . For the past five year , Rev. Black and family have lived out­ side of Oregon. On July 28,1992 Rev. Black was called to the Pastorate of the G reater S t Stephen Missionary Baptist Church. Paster Black used the theme, accepted the will of the Holy G host and now serves as fulltime Pastor o f the G reater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church. He brings with him conviction and excitement about God and the min­ istry - “Serve The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2. The G reater St. Stephen Church family cordially invites all their friends to com e join them as they install their new pastor and celebrate G od’s Goodness. The installation celebration will be Sunday, October 18.1992 at the O.B. W illiams Convention Center 220 N. E. Beech, beginning at 3:00 PM. See you there for a hallelujah good time! r A ' S' ’ >,x, •’“A. ’.lift. •< . '• -d - * it» • ' ? • -■' 9 CL r * 7.- ’ Ti ' ’ ’ ■■ ,'U1' ' - • ■ y - # -•/ • • • r ■ . , • • c M allory Avenue Christian Church D i s c i p l e s o f C h r i s t G od's Presence prom ises Pouter through Jesus Christ in G ood Times and Sad Times 7 / ' A/'cttfieuJ / 7:&3 "Come to me oil you who ore w ean/ and heavy laden and I will give you rest" 9 :4 5 a m 11 :C 0am 7 :3 0 p m ■ f. & S u n d a y School M o rn in g W o rs h ip T u e sd a y B ib le S tu d y a n d Prayer Inter-racial C o n g re g a tio n a charter member o f the Royal Esquire Club. Willie retired from Amtrack Rail­ road Company in 1976 after 32 years of employment. In 1959 he united with Bethel A.M.E. Church under the pastorate of Rev. Harley Akers where he served faithfully until ill health. He sang in the Inspirational Choir for many years. W illie saw his last sunset October 8, 1992. He leaves to cel­ ebrate his life, his w ife o f 33 years, C assie L. Jenkins; three childrcn, Roland H a rris J e n k in s o f Hoffman E states, Illi­ nois; Blondena Bahanan of Chicago, Illinois, and Connie Jenkins of Portland, Oregon. Seven grandchildren; Three great grandchil­ dren; one sister-in-law, Mrs. Martha King of Kansas City, Missouri; one brother-in-law, Meloy Davis of Port­ land, Oregon: A host of nieces, neph­ ews, cousins and friends. 9 i ï ' . *?, Matthew 13:3 The Fifth District Planning for the W om en’s Missionary Society Oct. 24, 1992. at St John A.M.E. Church, St. L o u is, w ith our su p erv iso r, M rs. Vivienne Anderson, Presiding. The address is: 1908 N. Kmgshigh way Blvd. St. Louis Mo. Jip 63113 Tel. (314) 361- 8236. C. Dennis W illiams, 4965 cote Brilliante, St. Louis Mo. 63113 Tel. (314) 361-6487. Sunday Oct. 18, 1992, 4pm, the Bethel A.M.E. Family and Friends are celebrating the leadership o f Rev. Dorsy M cCullough. All are urged to come out and make this a celebration o f love/ appreciation. The Appreciation Committee. • V D e n is e F). B ell, P o s to r 126 N.C Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 First Thessalonian Church Woman’s Department Special Service Women of the 90"s Guest Speaker Barbara Feil One o f the foremost Conference Speakers in our area: Sunday, October 18, 1992 3:00 pm First Baptist Church 909 SW 11th Portland, Oregon For more information call Pat Easter at 288-1718 ........... .......................... Jesus Loves You! For Best Results Advertise in the Observer A lle n Temp le C M E C I urch fta /m 34:3 4236 NE Eighth Avenue (corner of 8tfi f Skidmore) M t O livet B aptist C hurch Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 H as m o ved S u n d a y services to Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:(X) a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. P/ii/fo S. Nelson Pastor M a l l o r y A v e n u e C Im r o ll O f C h r is t A n n o u n c e m e n t F re e 7 llh a t? , C lo th e s a n d F o o d O n ly When? Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS Tuesday : Clothes • Friday: Food A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor 1:00 to 3:00 PM Where? Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. (503) 284-1954 ■ ' -'.V » k ’ . ■ .Ç M allory A venue C h u rc h o f C h rist 3 9 0 8 N E M allory Ave. • P o rtla n d , OH 9 7 2 1 1 For further inform ation contact: Pat G am ble n t 503-288-10^2 « >•< ÿ a u l jB ttis s m n a r ç IT tp H s i C íju r d j yK • - a : v f . * » ¿ r . ’. a *' i» , ». 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Pho.te: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 * 7 Study P hon«: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Sunday Service 1 0 :4 5 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6 :0 0 Evening Service 7 :0 0 P.M. * • tv • ,s :■ - S Ä s y y ,* ' Pasta: Rev James C E Faulkner Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now I Pater lw.11