Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 14, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6...The Portland Observer...October 14,1992
School Board Elections
Challenged Hearing On 22nd
The Portland School Board has
fin a lly scheduled a hearing fo r 7 P M ,
T h u rs d a y , O c to b e r 2 2 n d a t the
B lanchard C enter, on a co ntroversial
new election process, advocated by
fifte e n com m unity groups and elected
o ffic ia ls , led by the Portland Rainbow
C o a litio n . Seeking m ore dem ocratic
elections to ensure greater d iv e rs ity on
the school board, the c o a litio n has been
pressing fo r board action since A p ril.
The current a ll-w h ite , very male,
la w y e r- b u s in e s s m a n - p ro fe s s io n a l
board is not very’ representaüve o f our
school d is tric t, says the R ainbow Coa­
litio n .
The proposed election process --
representation by “ zone” , instead o f
“ at-large” - w o u ld “ require m uch less
m oney, a llo w fo r more grassroots cam -
The O regon, Southwest W ashing­
ton C em ent Masons Joint A p prentice­
ship T ra in in g C om m ittee was started
b y L o c a l5 5 5 ,in 1962,to provide trained
p ro fe ssio n a ls to enter the m asonry
The industry based masonry p ro ­
gram is a career op p o rtu n ity fo r people
w ish in g to enter the tro w e l trades.
A pprenticeship tra in in g provides
the foundation fo r jo b opportunities,
s ta b ility and a higher incom e to provide
a better future fo r w o rk in g A m ericans.
The masonry program s o ffe r in d i­
viduals a chance to enter a high demand
trade w ith a broad range o f specialties
and w o rk environm ents.
The m asonry program s expose ap­
prentices to the latest developm ents in
the trades. O u r apprentices w ill have
the security o f k n o w in g that their skills
at-large v o tin g is a v io la tio n o f the
V o tin g R ights A c t o f 1965, because it |
in h ib its representation from the A f r i­
can am erican c o m m u n ity .” The memo
refers to the outcom e o f the 1991 e le c­
tion fo r position four, when and A f r i­
can A m erican candidate w on the most I
votes from w ith in zone four, b u t u lti- J
m ately lost the c ity -w id e election.
the high level o f sk ills and talents they
have developed as members o f the C e­
ment Masons A pprenticeship Program
Features w ill include:
Hands on displays
Step pouring
C urb and gutter w o rk
T o o l displays
A n d more
W e w ill also be featuring booths
and inform ation form the Portland C om ­
m u n ity college, B -W est program , as
w e ll as o u r other industry partners.
D oor Prizes W ill Be Handed O ut!
Great Refreshments W ill Be
A v a ila b le !
O ctober 17,1992
8:00 am -3:00 pm
20210 SW Teton
T ua la tin , OR 97062
D ay, as th e ir apprentices demonstrate
ing place!
Students from Jefferson, W ilso n
and G rant high schools have co-authored
a bo o k about the history o f the alberta
S tre e t c o m m u n ity e n title d , “ 1992
alberta Street C u ltu ra l Resource In ve n ­
to ry W ith Recom m endations.”
T h a t book w ill be released to the
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sponsoring the reception and Urban
fo re stry, In c., sponsor o f the project,
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w ill host the event.
Students were hired during the sum­
m er to co m p ile the report through the
P rivate In d u stry C o u n c il’ s Y o u th E m ­
p lo ym e n t Program . The book, a study
in cu ltu ra l a nthropology, botany, his­
to ry and co m m u n ity, documents oldest
trees, oldest people and histo ric b u ild ­
ings in the alberta Street N e ig h b o r­
hood. The 150 page p u b lica tio n fea­
tures histo ric maps and photographs
and m arks a sig n ific a n t achievem ent by
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The p ro je ct was developed in co­
operation w ith Oregon A ssociation o f
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M in o rity Entrepreneurs and the Alberta
Street C o rrid o r Project.
Department of General Services
• Provides contracting opportunities
• Buys $175 Million worth of goods and services
• Offers an electronic Bid Information System (Vendor
Information Program)
• Provides free communication software and consultation.
For information about this, call Outreach Unit at
For more information
concerning contracting
opportunities with
the State of Oregon, contact:
■ DBE/ESB Certification
• Publication of Directory
• Technical Assistance
• Educational Workshops
• Advocates on behalf of DBEs and ESBs
Information resourer center for VIP
(Vendor Information Program)
For information
concerning certification contact:
155 Cottage St. N.E.
Salem, Oregon 97310
Phone: 378-5651
First Public
Hearing on
Action Plan
Gang, Drug
1225 Ferry St. SE
Salem, Oregon 97310
Phone: 378-4642
or 373-1250
Threats To Crater
Lake Water
4,500 Volunteers
Sought For Food Drive
gang and drug houses that includes an
ordinance aim ed at gang members,
skinheads, and others whose disruptive
behavior becomes a chronic nuisance
at 7 p.m . in R oom 294 o f S m ith C enter,
located at 1825 S. W . Broadw ay. He
to th e ir neighbors.
The hearing beginsat7:(X )p.m ., on
effects o f p o llu tio n and untreated sew­
age. He also w ill discuss the N ational
Tuesday, O ctober 13, at Southeast U p ­
lif t, 3534 S.E. M a in , speakers include
Park S ervice’ s management o f Crater
Lake. H andouts w ill be available at the
C ity C om m issioner Earl Blum enauer
The lecture is sponsored by P S U ’ s
lio n s o f fo o d and money.
It needs volunteers. A b o u t 4,500
o f them , in fact.
Starting in m id-N ovem ber and con­
tin u in g through the end o f the year, the
S ociety w ill need help w ith everything
fro m c o lle ctin g and sorting donated
food, to packing boxes and d e live rin g
them to 5,000 needy fa m ilie s in the
w il 1 disc uss the deci ine o f C rater Lake s
water q u a lity and c la rity due to the
The d rive w ill reach a peak o f
a c tiv ity on Decem ber 19 w hen m ore
than 1,500 volunteers w ill d e liv e r the
food boxes to needy fa m ilie s in the T r i­
county area.
Fam ilies as w e ll as school, b u s i­
ness, church and c iv ic groups are en­
M e tro p o lita n Portland area.
“ W e are beginning our program
e a rlie r th is year,” says Janice Pelster,
the S o cie ty’ s executive d ire cto r, “ so
o u r volunteers search program w ill get
Friends o f B io lo g y . F or more in fo rm a ­
tio n , contact M a ry T a y lo r at 244-8137.
couraged to volunteer.
A nyone w a nting to volunteer, o r
any o rganization that w o u ld lik e to
place a fo o d c o lle ctio n barrel at its
u n d e rw a y O c to b e r 17 th ro u g h St.
♦ L im n o lo g y is the scie n tific study
o f physical, chem ical, m eteorological
and b io lo g ica l co n d ition s in fresh wa­
canned food du rin g o u r N eighborhoods
Food D riv e on N ovem ber 14 and 21.”
S tarting in m id -N o ve m b e r, v o lu n ­
teers w ill begin to sort and box the food
at the Christm as W arehouse, 2050 N W
T o m ake its 53rd annual Christm as
Food Program a success, the St. V in ce n t
de Paul S ociety needs m ore than dona
D ouglas Larson, lim n o lo g is t* and
adj unc t professor o f b io lo g y at Portland
State U n iv e rs ity , w ill present a free
slide lecture on C rater Lake s M u d ­
died W aters” on W ednesday, O ct. 28,
on O ctober 6 by Blum enauer and m em ­
bers o f the D rug House Enforcem ent
W o rk G roup, an inter-agency task force
o f area o ffic ia ls . T o m o rro w ’ s meeting
is the firs t o f several fo rm a l public
2nd Avenue.
E m anuel M e dical Foundation is
Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business
and C h ie f o f Police Tom Potter.
The n ine-point plan was announced
p u b lic Saturday (O ct. 10) at 1 p.m.
fo llo w in g a reception fo r parents at the
W illa m e tte B lo c k B u ild in g , 722 SW
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•Office of the Governor
Several c ity o ffic ia ls w ill speak at
a public hearing on an action plan against
Students Write
Book On History
Of Alberta Street
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w ide name re co g n itio n and substantial
funds are necessary to run fo r school
board under the present system.”
In a separate mem o to the board,
the R ainbow C o a litio n has warned that I
“ in our o p in io n , the current system o f |
C om e and jo in the Cement Masons
at their F irs t A nn u a l A pprenticeship
v ' - .
to the school board. " I t is com m on
know ledge,” says the letter, "th a t c ity -
See map on back cover
N either rain, n o r snow, nor sleet,
nor dark o f n ig h t shall deep the Cement
M asons’ A pprenticeship Day from ta k­
w ill be in demand w e ll in to the next
paigns, and provide neighborhood and
local school activists a chance to w in a
board seat", says the c o a litio n ’ s letter j
V in ce n t de Paul conferences located at
C a th o lic churches in the area.
“ A t firs t,” she added, “ we w ill be
needing about 1,600 d rive rs and their
helper to c o lle c t 100,000 pounds o f
location, is asked to ca ll the St. V in c e n t
de Paul S ociety at (503) 234-1114.
T o make a fin a n cia l c o n trib u tio n ,
send checks to C hristm as Fund, St.
V in ce n t de Paul S ociety, P.O . B ox
82849, P ortland, Oregon 97282
Nobody Does it B etter for Less
z-------------- —— —V
Fancy Ripe
Ad Prices Good October 14 through Oct. 2 0 ,19 92 At Safeway.
G olden ripe plum p bananas, a natural sna ck for yo u r entire family.
Enjoy in salads, topping on pies, bread s o r a dd ed to fruit gelatin.
Loaded w ith potassium and other nutrients.
Needed For Eye
Research Study
In d iv id u a ls w ith a visual co n d ition
c a lle d in te rm itte n t e x o tro p ia (c o m ­
m o n ly kn o w n as w andering eye or w a ll
eye) are needed fo r a research study
now underw ay at the P a cific U n iv e rs ity
F a m ily V is io n Centers.
Those q u a lify in g fo r the study w ill
receive specialized vision evaluation
and m ay e ve n tu a lly be provided w ith a
treatm ent program o f vision therapy
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w ith o u t cost.
In te rm itte n t exo tro p ia is a c o n d i­
tio n w here one eye tends to d rift o u t­
w ard at d iffe re n t tim es o r when lo o kin g
at d iffe re n t distances. People suffering
• 1. W .
fro m in te rm itte n t exotropia may occa­
s io n a lly experience double visio n , have
recurrent headaches o r eyeaches, and
be sensitive to b rig h t lig h t. E xo tro p ia is
treatable through a program o f vision
therapy o r by perform ing surgery on the
s, •*•/••/■? -
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eye muscles.
F o r scheduling a free evaluation
and fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n , please call
the P a cific u n ive rsity F a m ily V isio n
C enter near you; d o w n to w n Portland,
224-2323 o r Forest G rove, 357-5800.
; ’ «■* ' • > *.
Chicken Noodle Soup c a m p b e irs 10 .7 5 -o z............. 3tor$i
Fryer Thighs or Drumsticks
Lb. 69C
First 3
Family peck Country Pride pen«..
Nobody does it better for less...
Look In The This Week
Magazine for your Safeway
Shopping Guide for a complete
list of specials on sale this
week at Safeway!
T h e F a s te s t W ay To S e n d
M o n e y ....A v a ila b le In All
S a fe w a y s t o r e s in O r e g o n &
S.W . W a sh in g to n .
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