■ ’* • » » * i , October 1 4 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page H Portland Observer a Advertising «E m ploym ent «B lds/Sub-B lds Deputy State Epidemiologist ^Oregon Health Division ¡The O regon health D ivision seek- : ing applicants for the position of ■ D eputy S tate E p id e m io lo g is t; ; w orking closely w ith the State ! E pidem iologist to m anage the • D ivision's program s in chronic diseases, occupational epidem i- . ology, com m unicable diseases, sexually transm itted diseased, • H IV & h e a lth s ta tis tic s . T h e D e p u ty also d e v e lo p s health policy, supervises difficult o r in­ volved epidem iologic investiga­ tions & provides epidem iologic & m edical c o n su lta tio n to o th e r • parts o f the Division, other state agencies, local health de p a rt­ m ents & private providers. T he C enter of D isease Prevention I & E p id e m io lo g y has a p p ro x i­ m ately 100 staff & is part of the O regon H ealth Division in Port- < land, Oregon. Salary is com m en- i surate w ith experience; fringe i benefits are excellent & include living in A m erica's m ost livable city and the unlim ited recreational opportunities o f the Pacific N orth­ west. Job requirem ents include an M.D. degree, licensure or licensure eligibility in O regon and training in epidem iology. Preference will be given for candidates w ho are b o a rd c e rtifie d in P re v e n tiv e M edicine or have a M aster o f Public Health. Persons interested in additional inform ation should contact: David Flem ing, M.C. O regon Health Division 800 N.E. O regon St., #21 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 731-4023 An Equal O pportunity Em ployer , M anagem ent REHAB Services Field Operations Manager (Principal Executive m anager D) Salary: $2965-$4176/month The State of Oregon Vocational R ehabilitation D ivision in Salem , OR is recruiting for a Field O p­ erations M anager. This m anager will d ire ct vocational rehabilita­ tio n s e rv ic e s p ro v id e d by 7 branch offices located from S a­ lem to M edford, m ust m eet O r­ egon m inim um q u a lific a tio n s , contact local Em ploym ent O ffice fo r a n n o u n c e m e n t X 7 0 0 6 , O C 920486 and application. Apps m ust be received by 10/28/92 at 5:00pm . VRD is an equal oppor­ tunity em ployer, m inorities, fe ­ m ales, and persons w ith disabili­ ties are encouraged to apply. Data Processing M arketing O perations S pecialist needed for local m anufacturer. M ust have strong background in personal com puter spreadsheet applications. Data Base experi­ ence a plus. R esponsibilities in­ clude m aintenance of sales fore­ cast; m anagem ent of sales and custom er inventory data, analy­ sis o f sales and m arketing data. Tw o years experience in c u s ­ tom er service, data processing, or m arketing inform ation s y s ­ tem s desirable; grocery or chain drug store experience a plus. Apply M-F betw een 1 and 5 P.M. at 3580 N.E. Broadway, Port­ land, O R 97232, and/or send re­ sum e to the attention of the Hu­ m an R e s o u rc e s D e p a rtm e n t. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Education Portland Public School Community Resource Professionals b io lo g is ts , g e o lo g is ts , ch e m is t, physicists, engineers, m athem a­ ticians, architects, astronom ers, com puter experts (M a c), w riters, journalists, language specialists - share your w ork, business, and professional expertise w ith T a l­ e n ted an d G ifte d ele m e n ta ry and.or m iddle school students. Part tim e, possible 2-16 hrs per w eek, beginning m id-Nov. $15 per contact hour. Interested indi­ viduals m ust com plete an appli­ cation and subm it a current re­ sum e. A p p lic a tio n s a cce p te d through O ct. 21. For m ore infor­ m ation, call 280-6198. To apply, c o n ta c t P e rs o n n e l S e rv ic e s , Portland Public Schools, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, O R 97201, or call 249-2000, ext 534. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm a tive Action, drug-free w orkplace em ployer. Marketing Coordinator Research Em erick C onstruction, a progres­ sive general building contractor, is seeking a professional m ar­ keting coordinator to assist in the com pany’s continued grow th. T h e id e a l c a n d id a te w ill h a ve proven skills and the follow ing qualifications: M inim um 5 years w orking experi­ ence Ability to uncover and track pro­ spective clients and projects O utstanding w riting skills Ability to organize self and others Strong telephone skills The w orking hours are flexible and w e w ould consider part tim e for the right candidate who w ill be a s e lf-m o tiv a te d , fa s t le a rn e r. K now ledge of the design/con- struction process is helpful but not essential. Please send your resum e and sal­ ary requirem ents in confidence to: Kevin J. Spellm an Emerick Construction Co. 8850 S.E. Otty Road P.O. Box 66100 Portland, O R 97266 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Education H um anities Dept. Chair. 1 /2-tim e position beginning 7/1/93. Re­ sponsible for researching, im ple­ m enting & directing program s in th e H u m a n itie s D e p t. a t M a ry lh u rs t C o llege. R equires successful college teaching & adm in experience. Ph.D. p re ­ ferred. Located 8 mi south of Ptld, M arylhurst is a private c o l­ lege w /a C atholic & Liberal A rts heritage, open to m en & w om en of any race or religion. Send let­ te r o f a p p lica tio n , cu rricu lu m vitay, transcripts & nam es of 3 references by N ov 13, 1992 to: A c a d e m ic A ffa ir s O ffic e , M arylhurst C ollege, PO Box 261, M arylhurst, OR 97036. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Director Of Research T h e P o rtla n d V e te ra n s A ffa irs M edical C enter (PVAM C) and the O regon H ealth S cie n ce s University (O H SU ) seek and a c­ com plished Biom edical Scientist w ith M.D. and/or PH.D degrees for the position of Associate Chief of S taff for R esearch (ACOS/R) at the PVAM C. Responsibilities in clu d e a d m in is tra tio n o f the PVAM C R esearch Program, c o ­ ordinating the relationship be­ tw een research at the PVAM C and OHSU, and representing the P V A M C s R esearch Program to the VA Central O ffice. This posi­ tion has significant program & faculty developm ent responsibili­ ties. The successful candidate is expected to continue to lead an Independent research program . T he individual should have the qualifications for appointm ent as an associate or full professor in the appropriate D epartm ent of the School of M edicine, O H SU . The search encouraged applica­ tions from inside as well as o u t­ side the Portland research c o m ­ m unity including OHSU and the VAM C . Send curriculum vitae and the nam es of at least three references to: David Hinrichs, PH.D, Chair S earch Com m ittee, Research Com m ittee (151P), VA M edical C enter, PO Box 1034, P ortland, O R 97207. C losing date for this search is N ovem ber 3 ,1 9 9 2 . The PVAM C is an Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Data Processing Willamette University Manager, Network & Technical Services Adm inister, m onitor and provide technical assistance for cam pus netw ork of UNIX m inicom puters and w orkstations and their co n ­ nection to national and interna­ tio n a l n e tw o rk s . R e q u ire s Bachelor's degree, preferably in acom puter-related field, and two yrs. experience in com puting in­ cluding one year in netw ork us­ ing UNIX, one year of program ­ m ing and one year in supervi­ sion. Candidates m ust be able to dem onstrate skills in PCNFS, application program m ing, d ocu­ m entation, and have w orking knowledge of m inicom puter func­ tions and data and voice com ­ m unications. S end a letter of application, resum e and nam es and telephone num bers of three professional references by Oct. 23 to: Donald M iller D irector of P erson­ nel Services, P.O. W illam ette University 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Director Of Library, Recreation And Cultural Services City of Eugene, Oregon Salary Range: $62,388 - 77,496/ annual D epartm ent head position (1 o f 6 m em bers o f executive m anage­ m ent team ) reports to City M an­ ager. S upervises staff of 180 in the Library, R ecreation and C u l­ tural S ervices divisions o f this recently m erged departm ent. The city is seeking a pro g re ssive team -oriented m anager with eight ye a rs o f se n io r m a n a g e m e n t experience in local g overnm ent; experience in library, recreation o r cultural services preferred, along w ith a B.A7B.S. in related field, M aster's desirable. A pp li­ cation packets are available from H um an R esource and Risk S er­ vices, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene, O regon, 97401. (503) 687-5061. C losing d e a d ­ line: N ovem ber 1 3 ,1 9 9 2 . Instructor/Clinical Supervisor Receptionist R e c e p tio n is t n e e d e d fo r lo c a l m anufacturer. M ust have a m ini­ m um of one year experience as receptionist or related position o p e ra tio n m u lti-lin e te lepho ne system s. S om e w ord process­ ing required. Apply M -F 1 to 5 pm at 3580 NE Broadw ay, Portland, OR, 97232. No phone calls. Equal opportunity Em ployer. Administrative Assistant - Sales The Portland Trail Blazers are seek­ ing an A dm inistrative A ssistant to support its B roadcast Sales D e p a rtm e n t. Q u a lifie d c a n d i­ dates w ill have a m inim um of 3 y e a rs s e c re ta ria l e x p e rie n c e w ithin an o rg a n iza tio n w hose prim ary focus is m edia sales; be able to m aintain confidentiality; have good telephone and inter­ personal com m unication skills; h a v e w o rk p r o c e s s in g a n d spread sheet experience (M i­ c ro s o ft W ord and Excell p re ­ ferred) ; and have typing speed of 60 w pm . Subm it your resum e by Oct. 16 to Personnel Dept. c/o Portland Trail Blazers, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, Suite 600, Portland, O R 9 7 2 3 2 . N o p h o n e c a lls please. . Equal O pportunity Em ployer 1.00 FTE, 9-16-92 thru 6-15-93 Responsibilities include: D evelop­ m e n t of o ff-c a m p u s p ra c tic a sites; placem ent and supervision of student clinicians on and off cam pus; site and student evalu­ ation; in-service for field clin i­ cia n s; and, o th e r appropria te U niversity assignm ents. MS or MA and ASHA CCC-SP required. C ontact Joan M cM ahon or M ary G ordon-Brannan, Speech and Hearing Sciences. Portland State University, P.O. Box 751, P ort­ land, OR 97207; (503) 725-3533. PSU is an Affirm ative Action/E E O em ployer. W om en and people of color are encouraged to apply. Security Burns Security If you’re the Best and want to work with the Best, whether you want a career or you are just looking around Im m ediate O penings for Full-Tim e or Part-tim e C areers in the Port­ land m etro area W e Provide: • Training U niform s • Good Pay Benefits • Vacations Advancem ent Apply in person at 10200 SW N im bus, #G5 Tigard, OR 97223 or Call us at 624-0357 or 1-800-228-7530 Burns Security “The Best Choice" Equal O pportunity Em ployer M /F/D A/ t ' > A. A A ✓ y • * * f 1 * * • * * V S p e e c h /L a n g u a g e A u d io lo g y A s s is ta n t - H igh S chool D i­ plom a. C ollege experience in Early C hild­ hood Education or Speech/Lan­ guage pathology desired; 1 yr. experience working with children; good oral and w ritten com m uni­ cation skills. Provide clinical ser­ vices to young children with d is­ abilities as directed by C ertified S peech/L anguage P athologist a n d /o r A u d io lo g is t; c o n d u c t s p e e c h /la n g u a g e /a u d io m e tric screenings; m aintain progress reports; assist in preparation of instructional activities and m ate­ rials. 30 hrs./w k.; 35 w ks./yr. Beginning salary: $7.19/hr. All positions require dependable a u to m o b ile , in s u ra n c e , v a lid d river’s license. O btain applica­ tion, position announcem ent and job description 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p .m ., M o n .-F ri., EOC O ffice, 10621 N.E. C oxley Drive, Suite 207, V a n co u ve r, W A 98662- 6 1 0 0 , (2 0 6 -8 9 6 -9 9 1 2 ). C o m ­ pleted application package m ust be received in EOC Office by 4 p.m ., O ctober 22, 1992. Inter­ view s scheduled for O ctober 23, 1992. EEOE/AA B o o k k e e p e r - F u ll- T im e , 3 7 .5 0 hours per w eek. R esponsibilities will include A/P, Payroll, cash receipts, vender file s , support for Accountant. Know ledge of fiscal com puter system s, Lotus 1 -2-3 helpful. 2 years bookkee ping e x p e rie n c e o r e q u iv a le n t re ­ quired. Salary range $11,400- 17,000, plus benefits, DOE. A p­ ply at Boys and Girls Aid Society, 18 SW Boundary Ct., Portland, O regon. A p p lica tio n d e a d lin e O ctober 21, 1992. No Phone Calls Please. Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Administrator Oregon W orkforce Q uality Council T he O regon W orkforce Q uality council is recruiting for a person with strong leadership skills and the ability to contribute to the effective developm ent and im ple­ m entation of strategies to im ­ prove the quality of O regon's w orkforce. This w ill require cre ­ ative thinking, problem solving- skills, and the ability to listen and com m unicate effectively. The Council is looking for som e­ one with a proven track record in m a n a g e m e n t and e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e of O re g o n ’s w orkforce education, job training and placem ent system s. The position is located in Salem ; how ever, it will require statew ide travel, including som e evenings and w eekends, the salary range is betw een $3,610 and $5,080 m onthly based on relevant expe­ rience. Applicants must subm it all m aterials requested in the job announcem ent by 5 p.m., O cto­ ber 28, 1992. If you have the interest and capac­ ity to m eet this challenge, call for a p p lica tio n m aterials: O regon O ffice of Educational Policy and Planning, (503) 378-3921. T he State of Oregon is an equal opportunity and affirm ative ac­ tion em ployer and invites appli­ cations from all qualified appli­ cants. M ental Health Section Electrical Line Construction Superintendent $38,576 to $57,864 (DOQ) Know ledge of construction: stan­ dards, practices, techniques & m aterials: safety rules, regula­ tions & utility operations; engi­ neering principles as they apply to line construction & m ainte­ nance. Ability to supervise; coor- dinate/schedule activities; use in­ dependent & discretionary judge­ m e n t m ust have a valid W A State D river’s License Benefits: Excellent com pensation & benefits plan and W A State R etirem ent program . W e A re An E qual O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer...C om m itted To Diver­ sity In O ur W ork Forcel To apply : Send resum e by O ctober 3 0 ,1 9 9 2 , to: Snohom ish County P.U.D. Attn: Em ployee R esources P.O. Box 1107 Everett, W A 98206 Or, call (206) 258-8655; (800) 562-9142 (W ithin WA) for application Snohomish County P.U.D. Custodian Huit Center The City of Eugene has a half-tim e, Custodial W orker position avail­ able for graveyard shift. M ust be available to w ork flexible nights of the w eek. Duties include gen­ eral custodial and m inor m ainte­ nance. requires 1 year experi­ ence in custodial/janitorial work. Large facility experience desir­ able. Salary range: $724.50 - $886.00 based on 20 hrs/wk. Closing Date: O ctober 16,1992. O btain application from City of Eugene, Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. A A / EOE Youth After-School Program Help plan and im plem ent activi­ ties, 3-5 pm M onday-Thursday at University Park Center. M ust have reliable transportation, experience w orking with inner- city youth, and be available im ­ m e d ia te ly. $6 per hour. C all N a n c y S n o d g ra s s , P o rtla n d C a m p Fire, 2 2 4-780 0. Equal O pportunity Em ployer S A A * * * » A ' - : ' ' " : ' Come Join The Challenging Field Of Correctional Health Services Oregon D epartm ent of C orrections is recruiting a N urse m anager for the health services program at the O regon State Penitentiary; and R egistered N urses for vari­ ous correctional facilities in the Salem area. The S tate offers excellent retirem ent and other fringe benefits, including T ort li­ ability insurance, to inquire, co n ­ tact C indy Linville at 503-378- 2581 from 8am -5pm M onday thru Friday. T he State of O regon is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ­ ployer. Executive Director Am erican Civil Liberties U nion O f O regon (A C LU ), a statew ide, nonprofit organization headquar­ tered in Portland, seeks Execu­ tive Director. P osition requires m anagem ent experience, ability to supervise program s in legisla­ tion, litigation, public education and developm ent, and dem on­ strated com m itm ent to civil liber­ ties and civil rights. Salary range $30,000 to $35,000, depending upon experience, plus benefits. S ubm it w ritten resum e and a statem ent show ing applicant's com m itm ent to civil liberties to E. W alter Van Valkenburg, 900 SW Fifth Ave., Sute 2300, Portland, O R 97204. T arget date for re­ ceipt of applications 10/15/92. W om en and m inorities are encour­ aged to apply. Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Mental Health Group C ounselor for day treatm ent center in north Portland. C on­ tract position, 8:30 - 1 :30 pm, M- F. BA required in related field. Exper. w orking with adolescents and m inorities a plus. Send re­ su m e by 1 0 /1 6 /9 2 to : T h e Nickerson C enter, 7025 N. Lom ­ bard, Portland, OR 97203, Attn: Shirley Roberts. Administrative Coordinator/Secretary Real Estate Management And Development Closing Date: October 16,1992 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­ cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480 © Port of Portland Environmental Specialist City of Portland, Or. has im m ediate opening. N eed professional level training and experience in planning & problem -solving for groundw ater w ater quality protection & w atershed/surface w ate'' auality protection & mgt. Send resum e to Bruce Niss, Portland W ater Bureau 1120 SW 5th, 6th FI, Portland OR 97204. For info packet, call P. M urphy (503) 796-7431. M inorities & fem ales encouraged to apply. The City of Portland is an Equal O pportunity EmDlover. © Treatment Manager Assistant Group Leader Nursing Port Of Portland Career Opportunities Port of Portland RESTAURANT T reatm ent M anager for psychiat­ ric residential and day treatm ent m ilieu for children 6-12 years old. M aster's Degree in the mental health field and 3 years related experience. Send resum es by October 15,1992 to: Hazel Barrett Edgefield C hildren’s Center 2408 S. W. Halsey Troutdale, OR 97060 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Z • . C onstruction C om e Join A Rapidly G row ing And Innovative Utility C om panyl 0 F P 0 R T JJLLL— 1 THE EXCITEMENT IS GROWING IN GRESHAM! Challenge Excitement. Fun Rewards It's all wailing for you at our brand new Olive Garden location We have more than 100 opportunities immediately available: ■ ■ j B ■ H osts * H ostesses ■ W aiters A W aitre«»e« ■ Buasers ■ B a rte n d e rs ■ C ashiers Paata M a k e r« P rep Cook» L in e C ooks D is h M a c h in e O p e ra to rs Take advantage of the rewards The Olive Garden has to offer you: paid vacation; profit sharing, server sales achievement awards, meal discounts and medical/ dental (with certain eligibility requirements). A p p licatio n s w ill be taken M onday-Saturday betw een 8 a m . and 7p.m . A pp ly for any o f the positions listed above by visiting with us at our newest kxatlo n : 2330 SE Burnside Road (West o f Powell A Burnside) Gresham An Equal Opportunity Employer