Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 07, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8...The Portland Observer...October 7, 1992
Foreign Press Suggests A Fatal Connection
Between Measure 9, Skinheads And OCA
AWARD WINNER _ R etired Air
Force Lt. G eneral B enjam in O.
Davis, Jr., was one of six winners of
the Congressional Black Caucus
Foundation’s highest awards dur­
ing recen t Awards D inner in
W ashington. G eneral Davis was
presented the CBCF’s “Lifetim e
Achievement Award” and also an ACCEPTS AWARD — George L.
art work, “Evolution of a People,” Knox III, Vice President, Public
.Affairs, Philip Morris Companies
by the noted sculptor Ed Dwight.
Inc., righ t, con fers at Awards
Dinner with Missouri Congress­
man Alan Wheat, Chairm an,
C on gression al Black C aucus
Retired Air Force General Benjamin 0.
Foundation. Knox, whose father
¡served under G eneral D avis,
Davis Presented Congressional Black
accepted the award for the ailing
retired general.
Caucus' Lifetime Achievement Award
WASHINGTON, DC. — Retired Air
Force Lt. Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.,
commander of the legendary Tuskegee
Airmen of World War 11, was honored
recently with the Congressional Black
Caucus Foundation's (CBCF) Lifetime
Achievement Award.
He was one of six Americans to receive
the CBCF's highest honors during the
Foundation's 22nd Annual Legislative
W'eekend Awards Dinner at the
Washington, D C., Convention Center.
George L. Knox 111. Vice President,
Public Affairs, Philip Morris Companies
Inc., whose father served under General
Davis, accepted the award for the retired
general, who was ill.
"General Davis is an extraordinary
m an,” Knox told the dinner guests.
"H is m ission was to fight fascism
abroad and racial intolerance back
home. He has honored me greatly in
asking that I accept the award for him.”
An infantry officer following his
graduation from West Point in 1936,
Davis becam e the first "Tuskegee
Airman" to earn wings at Tuskegee
Army Air Field in 1941. He subse­
quently commmanded Black fighter
and bomber units that distinguished
themselves in battles against German
forces in North Africa and in Europe.
General Davis became the first
African American Air Force General and
was commander of the 13th Air Force,
headquartered at Clark Field in the
Philippines, before he retired in 1970.
The award to General Davis was a
part of the Foundation's commemora­
tion, sponsored by Philip M orris
Companies Inc., honoring all living
Tuskegee Airmen.
Other persons receiving Foundation
aw ards were: Benjamin L. Hooks,
DINNER GUESTS included, from left, Phil Davis, Vice President, Kraft
General Foods, John Jacob, President, National Urban League, Virgis
Colbert, Vice President, Miller Brewing Company, and Benjamin Hooks,
Executive Director, NAACP, at the CBCF’s commemoration honoring “all
living Tuskegee Airmen.”
Executive Director of the NAACP;
Lane Kirkland, President, American
Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial O rganizations; Mary
Hatwood Futrell, President, World
Confederation of Organizations of the
Teaching Profession; Jackie Joyner
Kersee, 1992 Olympic Heptathalon
Gold Medalist and "the world's great­
est fem ale a th le te ,” and Earvin
"Magic” Johnson, basketball superstar
with the Los Angeles Lakers and 1992
Olympic Gold Medalist.
Philip Morris, for the second straight
year, underwrote the cost of works of
art by renowned sculptor Ed Dwight,
which were presented as awards to the
honorees. The works — "Evolution of
a People" — depict the move by
African Americans from “slave ships
and cotton fields to court rooms, class­
rooms and the halls of Congress.”
“The Caucus Foundation has been
most effective in helping people learn
how to make government work for the
good of all its people," Knox has said.
"We are pleased to be counted among
its strongest supporters.”
The Awards Dinner ended a four-day
series of events whose theme was
“Evolution of a People: To Dream, To
Fight, To Win" and that attracted more
than 20,000 persons. The events includ­
ed more than 50 brain trusts and issues
forum s m oderated by m em bers of
Congress, focusing on critical issues
confronting A frican A m ericans.
Several concerts were organized to
entertain the participants, and two well-
attended fashion shows were sponsored
by the Congressional Black Caucus
Spouses. Representatives of business,
government and social organizations
took more than 300 booths to showcase
their products and services.
•' i
Asking question like, “ Do you think
that Tom Metzger (W hite Aryan Resis­
tance leader) has managed to strike
again?” Scores o f reporters and televi­
sion crews from all over the w orld have
joined Am erican media in an unprec­
edented journey to Portland, Oregon.
Not since the passage o f Oregon’ s famed
“ Bottle Return B ill” have so many eyes
been turned upon the state.
International journalists, already be­
wildered and puzzled by the emergence
o f “ hate legislation such as Measure 9 in
a state w ith Oregon’ s liberal reputa­
tio n ” , suddenly found themselves fu r­
ther shocked when their investigative
rendezvous was intirm pted by news from
Salem that skinheads were being ac­
cused o f tw o grisly murders o f homo­
sexuals. A ll seemed to remember the
brutal execution o f Ethiopian student,
M ulugela Seraw by Portland Skinheads.
Since Seraw was black and not a homo­
sexual, it is obvious that the skinhead
agenda includes racial genocide.
Even the most tim id and hesitant o f
public o fficials and other leaders have
joined the student outcry and condem­
nation against one o f the most dangerous
and decisive pieces o f legislation ever
introduced in the United States. O b vi­
ously, the “ band wagon” trend has been
spurred by a realization that audiences
in Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Ger­
many, Sweden, Ita ly, Australia, Israel,
PCC Joins With
Cement Masons For
First Annual
Apprenticeship Day
The Portland C om m unity college
B-West (B u ild in g Workers Entering
skilled Trades) training program w ill
jo in Oregon/Soulhwest Washington
Cement Masons Local 555 to present
the first annual Cement mason’ s A p ­
prenticeship Day, Saturday, Oct. 17,
from 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. at 20210 S. W . Teton in
The event is free and open to the
Features w ill include hands-on dis­
plays, step pouring, paneling, curb and
gutter w ork, and tool displays.
Door prizes and refreshments are
For more inform ation, please con­
tact Marie Benedetli at B-West, 731-
C o m m is s io n M e e tin g
Date. October 14,1992
Place Portland Building
1120SW Fifth Ave., 11th FI.
Portland, OR
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda is
available at PDC. Call 823-3200.
r. >•»
r- ?*\
PDC is the City of Portland's urban
renewal, housing and economic
development agency.
(center), national president of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, joins Thelma V. Cook executive assistant to the vice president
of corporate affairs at Anheuser Busch Companies, and Barbara Reynolds, editm and columnist for USA Today newspaper,
following the awards ceremony at the organization's national convention m Baltimore. Cook received the Female Business
Executive citation, and Reynolds received the Ethel L Payne Award for Excellence in Journalism. There are 850 Delta
chapters in the U S and other countries
For more information contact Martha M Mitchell. Fleishman Hillard, Inc , 314/982 1700.
RSVP’s Holiday Volunteer
Shopping List
I t ’s time to think about holiday
shopping! For citizens 60 years and
better, the Retired Senior Volunteer
Program o f M ultnom ah County sug­
gests that you “ shop” around for a v o l­
unteer project that w ill help someone in
need w hile adding a special glow to
your holiday season. Some ways you
can help are:
Help organize a holiday/client sup­
port comm ittee for Mental Health Ser­
vices West. Research and contact orga­
nizations and individuals to sponsor
clients for holiday gifts and celebra­
r .*
Individuals and organizations can
help a homeless or low-income fam ily
fo r the holiday season through Portland
Im p a ct’ s A d o p t-A -F a m ily Program.
Volunteers receive a needs list on the
fa m ily and provide gifts such as per­
sonal hygiene items, clothes, toys and
assistance w ith u tility bills.
Provide and serve Thanksgiving
dinner (Nov. 25 or Christmas dinner
(Dec.23) to 25-30 members o f Folk-
Time, sponsored by Ecumenical M in ­
istries for the chronically mentally ill.
Take orders by phone or fill orders
or deliver orders fo r Store To Door, a
non-profit grocery delivery service fo r
elderly and/or disabled persons. Sta­
dium or Walker Road Fred Meyer stores.
Mend or patch, either by hand or
machine, some donated clothing in good
co n d itio n , fo r holiday d is trib u tio n
through RSVP.
Call Helen Wahl at 229-7787 for
further information. RSVP is a part o f
Action, the national volunteer agency
and is sponsored locally by legacy
Health System at Good Samaritan Hos­
pital and Medical Center. RSVP offers
free supplemental insurance coverage
and lim ited transportation reimburse­
-X -
Don't forget to
Register to VOTE!
PCC Office Of Development
And Foundation Reports
Successful Year
The O ffice o f Development and
the Portland Comm unity College Foun­
dation recently released end-of-year
figures for the 1991-92academic year.
“ We wish to thank all the donors
from this past year for their support,”
said Stephen N. G u n tili, the d irectorof
development and executive secretary
o f the PCC Foundation.
The PCC Foundation awarded 180
scholarships totaling $100,970 for the
1991-92 school year. In addition, the
Foundation, through its donors, con­
tributed $184,613 for equipment, in ­
structional materials and staff devel­
opment to PCC programs. And, 555
donors contributed $336,701 to the
Foundation during the past year.
Success w ith public competitive
grants reached and all-tim e high; state
and federal grants totaling 52,667,912
were approved fo r the 1991 -92 school
The fall issue o f C om m uni-TIES,
PCC’ snew sletterhighlighting itscom-
munity partnerships, w ill feature a four-
page annual report from the Founda­
tion and development o ffice, recog­
nizing donors, memorial gifts, schol­
arships and other foundation a c tiv i­
In August, Stephen N. G untli was
named director o f development and
executive secretary o f the PCC Foun­
dation. According to G untli, future
activities include developing a long-
range plan w ith Foundation trustees to
expand the level o f private funding for
PCC programs and scholarships. In
addition. G u ntli said he hopes the de­
velopment office w ill help the college
w ith capital and equipment needs.
“ An expanded private funding
base is essential in helping the college
meet the future needs o f our students
and the com m unity,” he said.
Etc. are going to be viewing and judging
Oregon and its leaders through the eyes
o f their own media people.
One “ leader” who seems to feel no
pain or fear o f defeat is Lon Mahon,
author o f Measure 9 and chairman o f the
Oregon Citizens Alliance. Attacking his
opponents, (B arbara R oberts, N e il
Goldschm idt), Mabon accuses them o f
p o liticizin g the issue,” they try to create
a boycott ...opponents may be helping to
create a backlash...If some thing does
happen, it w ill be because “ they” created
it, not because it would happen nor­
m ally.”
Scott L iv e ly , O C A spokesman, has
declared that homosexuality is a mental
disorder, linking it w ith pedophilia, bes­
tia lity (sex w ith animals) and sadomas­
ochism. M y own doctor made the com ­
ment that “ even the Supermarket Tab­
loids know better than that.” He says
L iv e ly is clearly and adamantly refuted
by the Oregon Medical Association, the
Oregon Psychiatric Association and the
American Psychiatric Association; all
have condemned Measure 9 - L iv e ly , in
a recent appearance before the Portland
C ity C lub reminded some o f that old
racist ploy, “ Some o f my best friends are
black.” He became m isty eyed, telling
his listeners, “ m y friend Sunny ju s t died
o f Aids, but he became a Christian be­
fore he died.”
Portland attorney, Charles H inkle,
is a leading spokesman fo r a large group
o f Oregonians who believe that pa:,sa8e
o f measure 9 w ould be a serious bio w 10
Oregon’ s economy. Opponents o f t.he
anti gay amendment to the state cons tittC
tion point to other states where fig h ts
over social issues have seriously harmed
business-especially efforts to attract new
industry and/or tourist trade. A n o ffic ia l
o f a Colorada Convention and V is ito r’s
Bureau said that a major social contro­
versy in his state caused a loss o f over
150 conventions and a quarter b illio n
dollars (The Rev. M artin Luther King
Holiday issue).
I f attorney H inkle has his way O r­
egonians w ill vote their pocketbooks as
w ell as a respectable moral persuasion in
support o f a long tradition o f tolerance
fo r diversity. In opposition to Measure 9
he cites. The Associated Oregon Indus­
tries, Portland Chamber o f Commerce,
American Electronics Associations and
many other business leaders and organi­
zations. “ CX? A has embarked on a cam­
paign o f distortion and falsehood to mask
a vague and broadly w ritten measure
that could have widespread effect.
The education establishment is also
firm ly against Measure 9 w ith “ a ll its
opportunities fo r vicious m ischief from
w itch hunts fo r alleged homosexuals to
the purging o f libraries and a Nazi type
control o f curriculum ” . The Portland
Observer joins the ranks o f a ll thinking
and liberty-loving people who urge that
this e vil measure be defeated.
Former Key Perot Volunteers In
Oregon Endorse Bill Clinton
Over a dozen key Ross Perot sup­
porters, including the C h ie f Oregon
Strategy Chairman, Clyde Feyrer and
currentC linton/G orefieldorganizerB ill
Jemison, endorsed B ill C linton today at
a noontime press conference in Port­
land, Oregon.
“ It was a very d iffic u lt decision fo r
me not to support Ross Perot,” stated
Clyde Feyrer. “ But, I feel we must put
our country first. Governor B ill C linton
w ill make the best President fo r the
United States because o f his integ rity,”
concluded Feyrer.
“ Today, I stand here w ith many
form er Perot supporters who are now on
the C linton/G ore team,” said Oregon
C lin to n /G o re State D ire c to r A m y
Chapman. “ Ross Perot entering the race
does not change our strategy o f talking
w ith the american voters about and w ill
continue discussing,” said Chapman.
Those who have joined “ Perot V o l­
unteers fo r C lin to n ” include:
Parris Chargois, Perot Tri-C ounty
JcffC hcck, Perot County Coordina­
tor, Klamath Falls
Paul Converse, Perot Coordinator,
Benton & L in n Counties
mittee Member, Washington County
now C linton/G ore volunteer
Jim Curran, Perot Central Trainer,
Gresham *C lydee Feyrer, Perot
Strategy Chairman for Oregon
• W right Hanson, Perot Regional C o­
ordinator, S. Columbia C ity
Shirley Hervig, Perot supporter, cur­
rently C linton/Gore volunteer *Jan
H illm an, Perot Neighborhood C o­
ordinator, Sherwood
• Richard Hopkins, Perot Coordina­
tor, Grant C ity
B ill Jemison, Perot Coordinator,
currently Clinton/G ore Field Orga­
Susan Macomson, Perot Co-coor­
dinator, Lake Oswego
M ike Rushing, Perot Volunteer co­
ordinator, S.E. Portland
B illS u lliva n .P e ro tD istrictC o o rd i-
nator, Hubbard
B illie W illiam s.P e ro tC o ordin ato r,
Y a m h ill County
“ Ross Perot got me into politics;
B ill C linton is keeping me in p olitics,”
said Shirley Hervig, a form er Perot
supporter. “ I t ’ s the drive in m yself and
all o f us here to see that B ill C linton is
elected because it is my firm b elief that
B ill C linton w ill shift this nation from
neutral into high-gear,” Hervig con­
President Bush Addresses
1000 Black Business And
Civic Leaders
President George Bush addressed
nearly 1000 black business and civic
leaders today during a “ National Salute
to the President and his Black A ppoin­
The Breakfast gathering in Wash­
ington, D.C. was organized by Joshua I.
Smith, President and C h ie f Executive
O fficer o f the Lanham, Maryland-based
M axim a Corporation, and other black
business and civic leaders to commemo­
rate the appointments o f numerous A f ­
rican-Americans to high-level positions
in the Bush Adm inistration. The Bush
Adm inistration has the largest number
A fric a n -A m e ric a n a p p o in te e s in
american history.
President Bush said, “ I believe that
a prospering small business o f large
business environment is going to do
more to help people than government
programs can. W hat makes an economy
grow? It is not investing the taxpayers’
money, it is not the people who take the
taxes and spend them, it is you who
make the economy grow .”
According to Smith, “ this is not a
partisan event, but rather an opportu­
nity for President Bush ’o meet black
business and civic leaders from 2 7 states
across the nation to discuss black busi­
ness issues, opportunities, and racial
Secretary o f Health and Human
Services Dr. Louis Sullivan said,“ Presi­
dent Bush’ s commitment to im proving
the lives o f all Americans is reflected in
this room today, by the highest percent­
age o f m inorities ever appointed by an
Adm inistration. The President’ s com ­
m itm ent is reflected not in his rhetoric,
but action.”
The program focused on the out­
standing services and contributions
these men and women have provided to
the Am erican people under the Bush
Adm inistration.
Portland Community
Design: To Move Into
Important NE Building
Portland Com m unity Design an­
nounced today that it has signed a long­
term lease on a 2800sf, one-story office
building at 2000 NE M artin Luther King
Boulevard in Northeast Portland. PCD’s
storefront o f f ees are located in a highly-
visiblc 1920’ s stucco commercial build­
ing which help form a “ gateway” to NE
M artin Luther King Boulevard, as one
approaches from Broadway ju s t to the
south. The PCD building is located within
the E lio t neighborhood.
PA D plans to begin occupying its
new space on October 5. Their new
phone number w ill be 281-8011.
Portland Com m unity Design’ s mis­
sion is to find ways to improve , the
p h y s ic a l
e n v iro n m e n t
com m unity’ s members whose financial
resources are inadequate.
‘ (M m