. V ' k- ¿ • T» Leaders Within Christ’s Kingdom Continued from page 9 Back To School Discount Carpet Sale someone who is possessed by a stronger person. It is a dem eaning position according to wordly standards. I f you think this summer was HOT... In Christ, the word still m eans to be possessed by the stronger, however, the strong in this instance is the Lord. Through Christ, the servant becomes “the greatest”. Old Testam ent - Isaiah 44:1-2 It is magnificent to be nam ed a “servant” by God. G od’s servants are always special to Him. G od’s committment to His servants is never shaken, even though they sometimes fail. Isaiah 42:1-2 - These verses give a beautiful picture of a serv ant. It highlights his relationship to God a n 4 his attitude as he goes about his ministry. Jesus: 1 le is special delight to God the Father. He is gifted with the Spirit, adopts a gentle, quiet lifestyle, and works for the birth of justice. Allhough I le is opposed, He remains faithful to a certain image and He succeeds as God’s sevant, according to Flis calling. God gives a promise to Christ the Servant anti to ¡ill servants of the Lord: Issaiah 42:6. v 11111111111 1111111111,11111111| | IIII|| 111 H1111111H111111111111' 111111 11 u 11111 ...just look at our prices! QUALITY CARPETS AT WHOLESALE B E L o PRICES K z ‘>' K 'É - v ' í Servanthood is tough at its best and it is certainly not an attractive wayoflile. The cost ishigli. Isaiah 42:1; 49:1 the servant was chosen by the Lord. 42:1 endued with the Spirit, 50:4 taught by the Lord, 49:2,5 found his sireniith in the Lord, 53:10 G od’s will that he suffers 52:14; 53:1-3, 7- 9 w eak. unimpressive, scorned by men 42:2 meek, 42:3 gentle, 0O.6, <>3.. $ 8 .9 9 /sq .y d . Plush Carpet • Quality Carpet Pad Quality Installation uncomplaining, 53:9 despite his innocence, 50:6; 53:3, 8-10 he was sub­ - B 4 jected toeonstant suffering. 49:4 reduced to near despair, 49:4; 50:7-9 but ; 4. his tmst w as in the 1 .ord, 50:4-5 he obeyed him, 50:7 and persevered, 4 2:4; (Z ciefaity 'DiAcouat ß a tfc c t (Renten 50:8-9 u n til h e was victorious. W ith ¡ill the stress that g< >es into being a sen ant, it is still the highest 248-8790 ¡m«l most special calling that ¡my m an can receive because it involves a covenant relationship with G o d . It involves a willing commitment by the 7 y. •* «. io- 6c i& xitûtÿ in- t&iA atrxr a < x m - servant ton master who fully commits him selfto the servant as well. Notice Exodus 21: 5-6. I h e | »arallel is Christianity: As we see ourselves empty, lonely, and w ithout the resources for both now and the future. We come to love and a d o r e I lim. \t this point in our lives we are faced with a choice: continue to serve or tfv leave. Can we trust our ownselves or do we need this Master w 11<, w e h a v e learned to love? If we are believing members of Christ’s body, there reallv is only one choice - make a committment to serve God for life! I’ll is is the t me nature ol our covenant relationship with God, win n w e are I lis leaders. I le calls us mid shapes us to be 1 Iis leaders in the body of His Son. I le committed Himself to be with us always. Then we commit ourselv es to serve I lim according to I Iis divine wisdom. We do as I le says m el In trod u ces Spam L uncheon »at R ecip es for nm norarv Tastes Geo. A. Hormel & Company has recently cooked up serveral new and we sen e w herever 1 le chooses to place us. \U leaders, like Christ, have been selected to live mid to give recipes for SPAM luncheon meat lovers with contemporary tastes. I lie themselves lor G o d s people. tion as well as easy preparation for those with busy lifestyles. 1 he recipes new recipes were developed in the Hormel kitchens to emphasize nutri­ use Low Salt/Sodium SPAM luncheon meat which 1 lonnel introduced in 1986 to offer an alternative for the many people who have reduced salt in their diets or prefer a less salty taste. “Today’s families are dem anding recipes that meet m odern stan­ dards for good health. Many want to m aintain low salt, low calone «hets but : ivj.. they d o n ’t want to give up taste. The new SPAM luncheon meat recipes combine Low Salt/Sodium SPAM luncheon meat with flavorful spices and fresh ingreidents - and they take less than 20 minutes to prepare, “said V. Allan Krejci, director of public relations. The easy Fiesta Salad recipe with SPAM luncheon meat is a perfect example of the product’s adaptability to modem tastes and lifestyles. The hot, spicy salad is m ade by sauteing m arinated Low Salt/Sodium SPAM luncheon m eat with onion and green pepper and serving the mixture over a bed of lettuce garnished with tomato halves. The dish is only 277 calories a serving. October, 1992 MetroMotion Magazine • 11 vflR’, I ■