Mv Point of View A M E R IC A ’ S YOUTH Together We Can Make a Difference Continued from page 8 IT’ S NOT WORTH IT open houses and volunteer programs, must be continued and strengthened wherever and whenever possible. 5). parents should be m embers of school policy and oversight organizations. 6). Parenting classes m ust be provided for parents as well as required for high school students. 7). Schools should be willing to ultilize the skills of the adults in their communities regardless W' nv do people choose to drink and drive? of age. Leaving home with a drinker is not smart, BUSINESS & SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS: In order for our stu­ and the best alternative is to find another way home. In reading an dents to be competitive in the future schools must develop partnerships with ad\ ertisement touching on the subject of drinking and driving, there is a lot to be learned. An advertisement was in the October 1991 issue ol Seven­ businesses. SELF-ESTEEM: 1 lealthy and productive citizens requires positive, teen magazine shows a you ng lad v arriving homelate at night, a cab brought and realistic self esteem. Students self-esteem is enhanced by successful her home because her date drank too much. “If your date drinks, go home learning coupled widi appropriate rewards. 1). Self-esteem is built upon with another m an,’’ is what the ad\ertisem ent said. The other m an was a successfully achieving high standards. 2). U nder no circumstances should sol >er taxi c al>i Inver. Hus seemed to be the safest way to arrive home alter race or gender be used to pre-determine or limit a students ability. 3). an individual has been out with someone who is not capable ol driving Schools must develop recognition programs that reward student effort and home. achievement. 4). Teachers must help students build sell-esteem by sincerely People are greatlev af fected by alcohol, which depresses the activity in the central nervous system (Pschology in Perspective II edition pg. 127). caring for them, and guiding them daily toward genuine success. TEACHER TRAINING: The symposium suggested the follow ing While drinking the reticular activating system in die brain is affected. This elements are essential for providing teachers w ith the skills they need to system is responsible for alertness, attention, and the regulation of die become effective: 1) Teacher trainees must recieve more on site experience. 2). Teacher trainees should be taught by practicing m aster teachers and cerebral cortex. It is not good to drink because alcohol affects the conscious state of successfully intern /or one year with an experienced master teacher before a person. The indivisual’s ability to be alert is altered by die am ount of being certified. 3). Teacher trainees must recieve formal training in class­ alcohol consumed. Vision and reflexes are imparied as well. The drunk room management. 4 ). Outstanding retire master teachers should be able driver’s inability to react on time could cause a major accident. Alcohol to work with school districts to act as trainers and mentors with out im pair the individual’s attention span. If a person is depressed before he jeopardizing their retirement benefits. 5). Each school and school district or she starts drinking, the alcohol can cause a greater am ount of depression provide a stong staff training program, based on locally assessed needs. 6). during and after drinking. This can gready affect som eone’s ability to concentrate and be alert. This is not any shape for a person to be in, let Teaching leadership trainers should be recognized at each school. 7). A rotating cadre of master teachers should be assigned for training in-services alone while driving. The regulation of the cerebral cortex is responsibile for learning, remem­ statewide. 8). Praticing teachers should be released and given paid sabbati­ bering, analyzing, planning, and performing fine m otor functions. Alcohol should be conducted by m aster teachers. 10). Teachers should be trained alters the cerebral cortex, making it difficult to regulate its functions. If an to teach writing, thinking, decision-making, and application of learning individual has been drinking, he or she cannot rem em ber or plan things cals for renewal training at least once every five years. 9). Staff supervision out carefully. It appears obvious that whoever it is, that a drinker cannot theory throughout the curriculum. FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION: A second language drink rationally enough to know whether or not to drive. Alocohol has a tendency to make individuals feel more relaxed, and more become m andatory for all students about to enter an interdepent world. 1). sexaul, and act more aggressive. Drinkers may sometimes feel diey are al tie areas, beginning in the prim ary years and continuing through lugh school to do anything and everything. Anyone riding with someone who has been graduation. 2). Additional language should be offered at the middle and drinking needs to be resposible for making a bad situation as safe as high school levels. 3). By sixth grade students should be able to listen, w rite, possible. The potential for physical and, or emotional pain is incredible. A designated second kinguage should be incorporated in all cum cular speak, and read in a second language. Su Lin; President, China Interna­ An alternative plan such as taking acab, or bus or riding witli a friend needs tional InteUetual Resources Tapping Center for Children said, “By intro­ to lie enacted. The consequences of die drunk driver could be the killing ducing foreign language at the beginning of education we are trying to bring of innocent people. The benefit is making responsible choices in life. up a generation who have a global perspective. More ads like the one m entioned in the beginning of tlris article need to be understand culture in other countries. So as to communicate with people up on billboards in place of cigarette and alcohol ads with sexy men anil women. If this change were made, it would raise die consciousness ol everyone. Maybe it would make them more aware of the serousness of the problem. It would save lives... So as to be able to all over the world. I think that is the idea education, that bring up children who love peace, love friendship, and like to cooperate with people all over the world.” In answer to the beginning question what will the world be like for young people twenty years from now, that depends on what is done today to equipped them for a better tommorrow. “The world is waiting for our k ids I . . „ , Jt I e | M etro M otion I Advertise in Portland s m « g a x ‘ n to finish school the question is are our kids ready for the world, before our kids vean step into the work place and do their jobs our educational system must make sure its done its job.' (lames DePreist-Music Director Oregon Symphony). October, 1992 10 • rictroNotion Magazine