«»4 «— PReliaùwr ( è J^\LLORY XCHRIS t Í a N C E N T E R ^ '^ /C H R IS T IA N CENTER 7600 N.E. GLISAN PORTLAND, OR. 97213 C hurch of C hrist L a rry & T iz H uch SENIOR PASTORS 3908 NE M ALLO RY AVENUE r. Clay & Tami Drayton PASTOR ' MUSIC Minister Gregory Fobbs S unday S chedule Bible Study - 9:30 pm Morning Worship - 10:45 Men's Training Leadership Women's Bible Class - 5:00 pm Evening Worship - 6:00 pm A ttended nursery for all services Pastor Huch and the entire staff of New Beginnings Christian Center invite you to come worship Jesus Christ with us this week. Find out whv New Beginnings has exploded to more than 2000 members in just two years! You will sense the mightv presence of the Lord through dynamic praise & worship and the anointed preaching of God's Word! Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible study - 7:30 288-1092 It's Live! It's Hot! It's Rap! It's Fresh! It's Multicultural! It's Spirit-Filled! It's New Beginnings! And Jesus Has a New Beginning for YOU!! Cameron & D'nece Hunter Join us Sundays for worship at 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM, and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. PASTOR / WORSHIP Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 10:00 KPDQ 800 am RESTORING NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY (5 0 3 ) 2 5 6 - 6 0 5 0 Leaders Within Christ’s Kingdom The fellowship .Missionary Baptist Church will be celebrating our Fifth October 1 1th. Evening service begins at 7:00P.M. 1 here will be a Banquet 11 IE Cl 11 RC11 on Saturday, October 1 Oth which will be held at The Columbia River Red (Christ is 1 lead: the basic reality A living organism: kev to sell understanding Toward maturity: the body grows Incarnation: the c h iu d i in mission Lion starting at 7:00P.M. Tickets are available for a donation of $22.50 Please contact the Banquet Chairperson, Sister Dorothy Robertson at 282-1137 in the evenings. Our close out will he held on Sunday, October 11 tli, beginning at 3:00 P.M. Our guest will be Dr. Robert L. Manaway and LEADERSHIP I lie task: a healthy body- The identity: servants Method: modeling Method: teaching Goal: edification the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church of Seattle, ashington. We would like to extend an invitation to all the Churches in the Portland, Metropolitan area. We pray that God's richest blessings will always fall upon you. O ur lesson this m onth will focus on “The Indentity of Leaders: Servants”. Our scripture text is 2 Timothy 2: 24-25. Paul’s statement to Timothy highlights a critical aspect of the identity and the ministry sty le of spiritual leaders: “The lord's servant must not quarrel; instead he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, patient, in meekness instructing (teaching) those that oppose themselves (oppose the leader), in the hope God will give them repentance, leading them to knowledge of the truth”. A leader must never forsake the role of a servant. Even when he finds opposition to an idea, a servant is not perm itted to dem and compliance. He must rem ain gentle while he instructs. He must rely upon the head of the body to change the hearts of the opponent. All of God s leaders are called to be servants. The New Testam ent sets the idea of “servant” or “slave” in a different light than the world. The world considers a servant weak and Continued on page 11 October, 1992 Church Anniversary- starting \\ ednesday, October 7th through Sunday. Greeting In The Name Of Our Lord And Jesus Christ: October 31, 1992, may be one o f the greatest days o f your life. An unfor­ gettable event has been planned fo r your Christian enjoyment. As we all know, 10-31-92, has been set aside fo r our children to serve the D evil, and we that say we love the Lord has let it get totally out o f hand. Everyday is G od’s day, and the “ D evil has absolutely no room in our lives. Time is w inding down, and every sec­ ond that wc have we should use praising the Lord, and not g iving the D evil any credit. “ H alloween” The first event that w ill take place , w ill be the “ C hildren’ s H our” . From 5:00 P.M., u ntil 6:30 P .M ., Sponsored by the “ Sunshine Band” o f M t. Sinai Temple C .O .G .l.C . we are asking that a ll children come as their favorite Bible Character, o f course, a prize w ill be given to the best costume. A ll we ask is that each child that comes, bring some sort o f treat to share w ith the others. There w ill be Punch and other goodies fo r them also. Now, fo r the main event, a “ M usi­ cal” , that w ill start at 7:30 P.M . until God so say so. Theme: “ Lord We Praise Y o u ” 1-Pslam 150. We would like fo r you to help us make this one o f the most sp irit filled evenings ever to happen in Portland. We would like for your church to fellow ship w ith us on this great night, also your C hoir to give us an A *B selection. We honestly feel God is going to bless us to no ends. We would like fo r you to be here to lif t him up w ith us. Please consider sharing this event w ith us. We need your support and choir. MetroMotion Magazine »9