r K % V olum n XXII, Num ber 41 Rlober 7,1992 ‘The Eyes and Ears of the Community’ ®íje ^Jnrtlttnó (B M r« ;. F r a n c e s S c b c - e n - N e w s n a o e r U n iv e r s ity o f O re n o n L x b r E u n e n e , Or en o n Photos by Veronica Green a year ago - no contract, and no chance of making this year’s team, some say. I think The Packman will play this year in the NBA. I hope it will be in Portland. The Trail Blazers need people like Pack in their organization. Her is definitely a breath o f fresh air, and a blue collar worker, if you will. But most important, he’s a quality person, and one the Blaz­ ers need as much off the court as on. I hope the kind of person robert is stands for something. Giving som e­ thing back is very important to P ack. He demonstrated this in the summer when he put on a basketball camp at Benson High School. Many o f the kids from North and Northeast Portland partici­ pated in the cam p free o f charge. B e­ cause these kids could not afford to pay the fee to participate in the camp, R ob­ ert made room for them anyway. These are the things most people never hear about - the good things that pros like Pack do for youths. Pack’s grade for me is A+; and there is no higher mark you can gel. We are blessed to have him here in Portland. 1 hope the Blazers will realize the importance one man can be to their team, and somehow find a way to get The Packman back in a Blazer uniform this year and for many years to come. MYCAP Banquet Honors Youth, Focuses On Unity BY TONY WASHINGTON The business shingle that hangs over the entrance o f M YCAP contains Good E nough.” The phrase represents the motive and spirit o f staff, board members, m entors and the collective volunteer force o f the M Y CA P organization. The phrase com es from one o f the last speeches given by Col. M cNair, the first African am erican in space. The excerpt is from acom m encem ent speech to a class o f graduating seniors. Said Sam Pierce, M Y C A P’s Ex­ ecutive D irector and Co-founder, “I was trying to find a phrase that would consistently remind us o f why we were here and to keep us on track.” Col. McNair, along with six other astronauts were killed in 198 when their space­ ship, Challenger, exploded during take off. Pierce continues, “but since Col. M cN air’s death, the phrase has com e to have a double meaning, along with the phrase acting as an inspiration, it is also a m emorial to an African American astronautical hero who overcam e great odds to fulfill his dream .” Honoring those who have worked very hard to fulfill their dream is the primary focus o f M Y CA P’s First An- nual Banquet and Awards Dinner being held at the Oregon Convention Center, S aturday Oc tober 17 th at 6:00 p. m . The banquet and awards dinner will honor youth from several programs that work with gang impacted youth. The pro­ grams include MYCAP, Portland House of Umoja, Maclarcn School, Portland Youth Redirection, Yaun, and others. Thus the theme o f the banquet is: “A Celebration of Youth, Unity, Family and Community." “We want to take this opportunity to honor those young men whose ex­ ample says clearly that it is possible to get out o f gangs and lead a productive life. In addition, we want to honor other organizations and community leaders P> 25* Clarification From The Vernon Neighborhood Association On The National Guard’s Support In N.E. Portland Giving Something Back BY JOHN PHILLIPS On Sunday afternoon at the M id­ way Shopping Center located at S.E. 122nd and Division in Portland, a young man sat behind a table signing autographs for five dollars apiece. At the end o f two hours, the young man had m ade over nine hundred dollars. But the money did not go into his pocket; all the proceeds from this af­ ternoon o f autographing were donated to Portland Saints Basketball, Inc., a nonprofit organization made up o f women who play basketball in the Amateur Athletic Union o f the United States. This young man was Robert Pack, “The Packm an” for the Portland Trail Blazers, pack, a 6-foot-2, 180 pound guard from New O rleans, Louisiana, has not signed a new contract for the upcoming season, which puts his bas­ ketball future in limbo. All of this did not stop him from smiling and talking to basketball fans from 5 to 95 years o f age. W ith a degree from the U niver­ sity o f southern California in 1991, pack has som ething to fall back on, but his love is on the basketball court. He was discovered by the Blazers during the Southern California sum ­ mer basketball league for free agents. No one could see him making the team with so many odds against him, but not Pack. By working harder than any one in the training cam p, he caught the eye o f the coach and made the team. The rest is history for pack, who averaged 4.6 points per game, 1.9 assists and 12.4 m inutes per gam e in 72 games last year. Now he is right back were he was r t M F* I 1 nrtu» ♦■«, in « « who have been an advocate for youth,” says Pierce. However, MYCAP does not view the banquet solely as a MYCAP func­ tion, but an opportunity to demonstrate the unity and cooperation between the various groups that are working with this population of youth. Some other organizations participating in the event are: Christian Women Against Crime, Gang Enforcement Team, Gang R e­ source Intervention Team, Gang Strike Force, Give Us This Day, Juvenile Justice’s Street Law, House o f Umoja, Mallory Avenue Church’s Night Court, One Church One Child, Pordand Orga­ nizing Project, Portland Y outh Redirec­ tions, the Y M CA ’s Midnight Basket­ ball program and Youth Gang Task Force. These organizations will be joined by such standard bearers as the Albina Youth Opportun ity School, Lentz Learn­ ing Center, Mainstream Youth Program, Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, Portland Urban League, Private Industry council, Self-Enhancement and Yaun Child Care Center. Concludes Pierce, “W e have al­ ways espoused that we arc only a part of the solution. It does indeed takesa whole village to raise a child. The above orga­ nizations have a role in that village.” Residents o f Vemon Neighbor­ hood have once again experienced the violence in our streets that has resulted in an o th e r C asu alty and several wounded. Many o f these citizens feel as if they too are casualties. Like the “walking wounded, the men, women and children who live on and around N.E. 18th A ve. bear the emotional and psychological scars brought on by regu­ lar gunfire and the accompanying vio­ lence itgenerates. Imagine being awak­ ened in the middle of the night by gunfire and being too afraid to walk downstairs in your own home to call for help. How many gunshots would you have to hear before you so desen­ sitized to the sounds that when you hear loud shots in the middle o f the night that you roll over and go back to sleep? How many o f us have had to lay on the floorof our homes regularly and pray that whatever is happening out­ side o f your yard did not result in injury or death to you or one of your family members? These are some of the stories o f the citizens who live on N.E. 18th Ave. Unfortunately, the constant vio­ lence that has disrupted the lives o f people on N.E. 18th Ave. is not iso­ lated to the Vemon Neighborhood. Throughout the city similar stories of fear are being told. C itizens are com paring their neighborhoods to “ war zones.” The Exec uti ve Board of the Vemon Neigh­ borhood Association has unanimously decided to request that Gov. Roberts dispatch the National Guard to per­ form ancillary duties to support the work of the Pordand Police Depart­ ment. This request is consistent with a similar call made several years ago as a follow-up to the “Rescue Plan For A Community Under A ttack,” which outlined specific measures that needed to be taken in heavily drug and gang impacted neighborhoods. Specifically, step 2 in the plan stated: “ Utilize the National Guard in patrolling target area streets and identi­ fied hot spots throughout the com m u­ nity. Coordinate G uard efforts with police “Cold Taps” and planned sweeps. The following steps should be taken with the Guard: A. National Guard placed on active duty B The Guard used for surveillance, perimeter security, transporting prison­ ers, patrols, drug house sweeps, curfew sweeps.” We believe that the police will continue to work very hard to address the issues o f crime with the lim ited resources they have available to them. We urge Mayor d a rk to support our call for the Guard and to work in cor ju n c ­ tion with the City Council to allocate additional resources to the Police B u­ reau so that they can increase their visibility in these areas. W e encourage citizens to actively participate in helping the police to re ­ spond to the problems by continuing to report illegal and suspicious activities. Neighborwatches should be quickly o r­ ganized. Schools and law enforcem ent need to look at how they enforce tru ­ ancy laws. Finally, a word o f concern about the media coverage o f the violence and tragedies that result from it. Media does a disservice to all of us when they sensationalize and glorify those who perpetrate violence. By allowing indi­ viduals to openly and profanely make direct threats the media becomes irre­ sponsible and incendiary. We urge you to give more thought to the im p a c your reporting may have so that you do not become a part of the problem. We are looking for solutions and we need the support o f citizens, law enforcement, the government, and the media. In closing I would like to add that the theme o f tonight’s rally at V ancou­ ver Ave. Baptist Church is appropriate, “ Hope and Hard W ork.” We believe that if we continue to work hard we can improve the quality of life in Northeast and the entire city of Portland. Coats For Kids Drive On The Wey People cleaning their closets for Fall can now put their old coats to good use by participating in The Salvation A rm y’s sixth annual Coats For Kids Drive. Used coats can be taken to one o f fifty dry cleaners in the Portland metro­ politan area between October 1 and 31. The dry cleaners will collect, clean, press, bag and deliver the coats to The Salva­ tion Army. The Salvation Army will give the coats to low-income children through A A N N five family services offices, the M oore Street Community Center in North Port­ land and the Greenhouse Center for street children. The campaign is sponsored by the Oregon Dry Cleaners’ Association, KXL radio and Katu television. People wishing to donate a coat should look for the Coats For K ids sign in their neighborhood dry c le a n c ’s w in­ dow or call The Salvation Army at 234- 0825. U A L Portland Observer Special Issue Starting on page 11 ilumenauer Calls Far Neighborhood Public Safety Stations C ity c o m m issio n e r E arl B lu ­ m enauer is urging a group o f citizens exam ining Fire Bureau operations to consider transforming fire stations and police precinct buildings into neigh­ borhood public safety centers. " I t’s time to take a fresh look at the need for independent fire and police stations,” says Blumenauer. “I believe we could deliver more service at less cost if we put all o f our public safety services in one neighborhood center.” Blumenauer spoke this week to the Fire Study Committee, and indepen­ *« r i '’ . < I dent group of 16 citizens appointed by the City Council to exam ine the opera­ tions of the Fire Bureau. The group is working with a team o f consultants who are preparing a three-part report. The first part studied existing fire opera­ tions, the next part will consider future alternatives. “The first phase o f your report confirmed what I’ve seen for m yself during my six years on city C ouncil,” Blumenauer told the groupon W ednes­ day. “Our Fire Bureau has been on the cutting edge of fire prevention and sup­ pression efforts. I’m proud of that, and I support it.” Blumenauer said creating neigh­ borhood public safety centers would not require closing existing fire stations or police precinct buildings. “ As we remodel existing stations or build new ones, we could transform them into public safety centers. Besides fire and com m unity policing services, w ccould also add fire and crime prevention pro­ gram s, citizen foot patrols and block watch program s.” “There arc two other key areas I 5 think you should address in the second phase o f your report,” said Blumenauer. " F irst we need a full public discussion about personal responsibility in fire prevention and tougher laws for reck­ less behavior that causes fire. We should also examine safer construction stan­ dards and their cost to the private prop­ erty owner versus the benefit to the community at large if fire damage and incidents can be reduced.” “Second, we should discuss how our community provides emergency medical services,” said Blumenauer. “Right now, we may have the w orst o f both worlds: a fire crew is dispatched to the scene but a private am bulance is also called to transport patients. W e need to bite the bullet here and decide what is the best system for the people o f Portland.” “Our goal should be to deliver the maximum public safety service we can to the com m unity,” said Blum enauer. “ I believe the best way to do this is to coordinate our com m unity policing and community fire protection efforts as much as we can w henever w e can .”