Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 30, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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S e p te m b e r 3 0 , 1 9 9 2 ...T h e P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r ...P a g e 7
• Portland Observer
You Are In vited !! Classes, Classes,
Classes & Classes
; G k u rc k
ol F u lfillm e n t!
W e h a v e s o m e th in g fo r y o u !
P e r s o n s w h o w i s h t o g r o w in t h e i r k n o w l e d g e
a n d lo v e in J e s u s C h r is t.
P e r s o n s , i n te r e s t e d in h e r e o r e ls e w h e r e
P e r s o n s w h o a re c u r r e n t m e m b e r s w h o w is h to
c o n t i n u e t o g r o w in t h e i r k n o w l e d g e a n d l o v e
o f o u r L o rd .
P e rs o n s n e w m e m b e rs w h o s e c h ild re n w h o
h a v e b e e n b a p tiz e d a n d h a v e n o t m a d e a
d e c is io n fo r C h ris t
All probationary m em bers
Classes begins Sunday, O ctober 4, 1992 through
N ovem ber 29, 1992-9:30 a.m.
C onducted by. Rev. Curtis B. Kirkpatrick, Pastor
H ughes Memorial U nited M ethodist Church
111 N. E. Failing
Portland, Oregon 97212
“ L e t us meet the needs o f o u r n e ig h b o rh o o d fa m ilie s . ”
M a llo r y A v e n u e C h u rc h O f
C h ris t A n n o u n c e m e n t
Rev. Roy Tate & His Wife
Being Honored
C lo th e s a n d F o o d O n ly
The Christ Memorial Church Of
God In Christ members and friends, are
pleased to announce the celebration of
their Pastor, Reverend Roy L. Tate, and
his wife, Missionary Dianne G. Tate’s
11th anniversary.
Reverend and Missionary Tate
began their church 11 years ago, at a
store front location on Skidmore and
In the infancy of Christ memorial
Church, their members consisted of all
children. They began to pray for the
parents of those children to come and be
members of the church. When their
T u e s d a y : C lo th e s • F rid a y : F o o d
1 :0 0 to 3 :0 0 P M
W h e re ?
M allory A venue C hurch of C hrist
3 9 0 8 N E M allory Ave. • P ortland, OR 9 7211
Day Care Center
Hughes Memorial United Methodist Church
111 N.E. Failing
Portland, Oregon 97212
' (V
(if M lf 3
3 li
II 3 7i l o i f t i n r g r l ! !
© rlolirr 3, 1002
nl 7:30 pm
Please Join Us!!
Ut. ©liurl Captisi (iljtirrlj
A't § rlju ijlrr
{Jorllanii, ©rf.
Calling all Girls and Boys
Ages 9-15 years
i r r r Admission
All arr Irlro m r!!
(ioinr ani) (6iur ïljanks lo (ioò, for äis matuj blrssings !! "
N ow
H u g h e s M e m o ria l
T h e n u m b e r o f c h ild r e n y o u h a v e a t t h e
c e n te r , tim e a n d y o u r a b ility to p a y .
f&L o j i a n i fiHissiimaty
U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u r c h
111 N .E . F a ilin g
P o r tla n d , O r e g o n
M e a ls a n d s n a c k s p ro v id e d .
■/a y e a r s t h r o u g h 6 y e a r s o f a g e .
ÿ ia p t ia t
P le a s e c o n ta c t
M r. O s c a r H a llo w a y
M r. W ilb e rt Lolley
2 8 1 -2 6 3 8
Let us m eet the n eed s o f
our neighborhood fam ilies.
Sunday Service
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
Evening Service
Let u s m eet the needs
o f our neighborhood fam ilies.
mt O livet
baptist C hurch
Study Phorw. 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
Church Rho.iu: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
q i
Rev. Curtis B. Kirkpatrick, Pastor
M ollerv Avenue
D is c ip le s
C h ris t
(Æ lfu r d j
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Further Information:
Rev. Curtis B. Kirkpatrick, Pastor
Pastor Rev. James CE. Faulkner
Them e: W h atever you're g o in g to do
fo r the Lord, do it now
I Petor hr.11
Has moved Sunday services to
G o d ’s P re s e n c e p ro m is e s
P o w e r th ro u g h J e s u s Christ In
G o o d T im es a n d B od Tim es
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
M o t if te w f / : & 3
W orship Services 8:(X) a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
C hurch School 9:30 a.m . to 10:30 a.m.
B ible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N.E. S chuyler
10:30 a.m . and 7:00 p.m.
"Com e to m e all y o u w h o a re
w e a ry a n d h e a v y la d e n a n d I
will g iv e y o u r e s t”
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church
116 North Schuyler
Portland, Oregon 97232
For more information contact: Ada
Reed Tellis at 288-4413
Monday through Friday
6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
A $
For further information contact: Pat Gamble at 503-288-1092
Ages: £
prayers were answered, the parents that
came were drug addicts, prostitutes,
gamblers,alcoholics, pimps, drug deal­
ers, etc. It was at this time the Lord gave
Pastor Tate the vision of the J.A.D.A
Program, Jesus Against Drugs & Alco­
hol. Through this ministry many of
those same people have found salvation
and deliverance from drugs, alcohol,
immorality, and sin. These same mem­
bers have gone on to become elders,
missionaries, ministers, deacons, and
leaders of The Christ Memorial Church.
Reverend Tate, a prominent leader
in the community, works with others to
Directed By Portland’sOwn,Ray Tellis
And L.A. Mass Choir Director, Donald
Registration & Auditions
Friday, October 9,
6:00-8:00 pm
Saturday, October 10, 4:00-6:00 pm
Friday, October 16,
6:00-8:00 pm
Saturday, October 17, 4:00-6:00 pm
W hen?
combat gangs, drugs, and crime. Mis­
sionary Tate works for Multnomah
County as a correction officer, at the
Justice Center. Reverend Tate is the
Executive Secretary for the Churches
Of God In Christ, Oregon Jurisdiction
#1; where Missionary Tate is president
of the Minister’s Wives.
The congregation invites the com­
munity to come and share in this joyous
occasion, as they honor these two fine
people of God, that have labored dili­
gently and faithfully. On Thursday night,
Reverend Johnny Pack IV of Fellow­
ship Baptist Church will be the main
speaker. Friday night will be Bishop
Samuel Irving of Albina Church Of
God, and Sunday afternoon will be
Bishop A. A. Wells of Emmanuel
Temple Full Gospel Pentecostal Church.
In addition, many other pastors,
churches, and choirs will be in atten­
dance. the services will be October 1
thru 4, 1992; and will be held at the
Christ Memorial Church, 1552 N.
Killingsworth. Services will begin
nightly at 7:00PM, and at 3:30PM on
Sunday. That Saturday at 6PM, The
Members will hold a celebration dinner
located at J.J. North’s.
All are welcome to come out and
celebrate with The Christ Memorial
Church as they honor this fine pastor
and his wife.
Reverend Roy L. Tate, and his wife, Missionary Dianne G. Tate
The Portland Mass
Workshop choir
F re e ? W h a t?
Matthew 13:3
• z
Training Program
At The West’s
Women’s And
Children’s Shelter
T he S alvation A rm y ’s W est
Women’s and Children’s Shelter is
again offering its volunteer training
program beginning Saturday, October
3, 1992. The program includes four
Saturday morning sessions (from 9 a.m.
to noon) and three Thursday evening
sessions (from 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
These sessions cover such topics as
Domestic Violence; Drug and Alcohol
Abuse; Crisis and Suicide Intervention;
Rape, Sexual Abuse and Incest; Mental
Health; Post Traumatic Stress Disor­
der; and Oppression. The sessions will
be held at the West, 2010 N. W. Kearney,
More than 220 volunteers have par­
ticipated in the training program since
it begin in December of 1988. These
volunteers provide essential services to
the nearly 60 women and children who
call the West “home.” The diverse pro­
grams at the West can utilize a wide
array of volunteer interests or time
schedules. Volunteer opportunities are
available with children, adults or low-
client-contact projects.
The West is a program of The
Salvation Army Harbor Light Recov­
ery Road.
Scripture o f the ‘Week?
S u n d a y School
M orning W orship
T u e sd a y Bible
S tudy a n d P rayer
Jesus Loves You!
All en Temple CME Ck urch
Psalm ¿4:3
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
R adio M inistry each Sunday, 8:(X) a.m. on KBM S
(corner of 8th
Portland, Oregon 97211
A T eaching C hurch With A R eaching M inistry
Dr. Jam es E. M artin, Senior Pastor
Denise P Bell. Pastor
Inter-raciol C o n g reg atio n
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(503) 287-0261
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St.
(503) 284-1954
126 N.C. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
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Phi/lio S. Nelson Pastor
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