Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 30, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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P a g e 6 . . . T h e P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r . . .S e p t e m b e r 30, 1992
Local Chapter Takes Advantage
Of Momentum From “ Best Ever”
National Convention
L-R, standing: Derrick Peterson, LaVerne Davis, Ralph Davis Pres., Todd
Cross, Daryl Winchester, Loretta Garner, Louise Gillette-Payne, Vera
Pool, Sitting: Vivian Parker, Sec,., Linder Mosse, V.P., Edwina Gonzales,
Treas., not pictured: A. Halim Rahsaan, Erma Hepburn, Dwight Ford,
Judge Roosevelt Robinson, Barbara Norman, Peggy Immel, Larry Wilson,
Joseph Kline, Stanley Peterson, Rudolph Guice, Luther Strong and
James Hill.
“They said it was the best conven­
tion in the past 11 years” , was the com ­
m ent offered by local NABCJ President
Ralph Davis. D avis, corrections office
with M ultnomah County S h e riffs D e­
partm ent and his local chapter members
along with a host o f volunteers did what
m ost NABCJ m em bers said could not be
done. Now the chapter and it’s members
are looking to capitalize nationally and
locally to grow the organization.
The next event that is scheduled for
the chapter is the upcom ing Region V
Conference. The Conference, which is
scheduled for Saturday, October 31,1992
combines NABCJ Chapters from Port­
land, Tacom a and Seattle with a hope
that a new chapter will soon form in
Salem, OR. In addition to a single day
training event, the conference will be
combined with an event that the com m u­
nity has looked forward to every year at
this time.
NABCJ will hold il’s6 an n u al Fash­
ion Show, Dance and the ever popular
MALE AUCTION. In addition to featur­
ing local personalities as fashion m od­
els, the com bination of a creative theme.
provocative modeling, all under the di­
rection o f LaVerne Davis, there is som e­
thing there for everyone. All events will
be held at the Grand Ave. Holiday Inn.
With the success of the National
Convention o f July, Davis hope for in­
creased mem bership by local criminal
justice professionals and the support o f
the entire community as the chapter pre­
pares to send an impressive delegation to
the 1993 National to be held in Dallas
Tickets are on sale for the confer­
ence, Fashion Show, Dance and MALE
AUCTION. There is a $7.00 charge for
the evening events and the conference
Registration is $50.00.
Davis and the Chapter Members in­
vite everyone to all events, however the
public is especially encouraged to sup­
port the Fashion show, Dance and MALE
AUCTION. This year promises to be
better than last years.
For more information on member­
ship, the conference for tickets for the
upcoming events, you may contact Ralph
Davis, Vera Poole or any chapter mem ­
Earvin “Magic »
Governor Bill
Clinton For
Saying “we can ’t lake four more
years o f the Bush adm inistration,”
E arvin “ M agic" Johnson endorsed
Democratic Presidential nominee Bill
Clinton at the annual Congressional
Black Caucus dinner in W ashington,
“We have to make sure that we
understand that we can ’ t take four more
years of the Bush administration, that
we have to now get on the Clinton
bandwagon and ride him all the way
into N ovem ber,” said Johnson.
Johnson, a 10-time NBA All-Star
who led the U.S. Olympic basketball to
a gold medal in Barcelona this summer,
resigned from the National C om m is­
sion on AIDS on Friday, com plaining
th at the Bush A dm inistration had
“dropped the ball” on the AIDS crisis.
“ I have a deep respect for magic
Johnson’s com m itm ent and dedication
to the young people o f this country and
his courageous battle against the HIV
virus,” said Clinton. “The hard work
Magic and the entire AIDS commission
put into developing a plan to wage w ar
on AIDS has fallen on deaf ears. A m eri­
can can’t afford another four years o f a
President who remains silent about the
AIDS crisis."
“I look forward to working with
Magic to give America a President who
is serious about fighting AIDS and
implementing a serious, com prehen­
sive strategy to fight and win the battle
against this disease,” said Clinton.
Johnson said his support forClinton
went beyond the issue o f AIDS. “ I’m
not just talking about HIV and AIDS,
[I’m talking about] the whole economy,
the whole thing, we all need change,”
said Johnson.
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
International Singer And Actress, Amanda
Ambrose To Visit Portland
International singer and actress,
Amanda Ambrose, will be visiting Port­
land this coming w eek to be the guest
perform er at a benefit dinner for the
Church o f Scientology Celebrity Centre
Portland at the River Place Alexis Hotel
Friday, O ctober 2.
Ambrose has perform ed in theater,
television, clubs and in live concerts.
will be delivering her world renowned
Voicercise workshop on Saturday .O c­
tober 3 at the Celebrity Centre at 709
S W Salmon. “V oicercise” isa singing
exercise technique that Amanda d e ­
veloped in 1974 after starting to
lose the “top” (higher ranges) o f her
voice and not being able to find any
other concise technology that would
O f her voicercise techniques
Ambrose stales, “I found it not enough
just to be able to perform, but to help
others perform. I want to perform for
the rest o f my life. By helping others,
it kind o f buys me the right.”
M s. A m brose has conducted
Voicercise workshops for top per­
formers around the world and will be
touring Europe, south Africa and the
U.S. throughout 1992 and 1993 to
celebrate her 50th anniversary as a
performing artist.
For more information about Ms.
A m brose’s upcom ing concert and
Voicercise W orkshop, contact Helen
Burke at the Church o f Scientology
Celebrity Centre Portland at 228-0116.
She co-starred with Harry Bclafonte in
a national tour, and has perform ed at
Carnegie Hall as well as appearing on
the Johnny Carson Show, the Today
Show and a CBS Special for Robert
Kennedy. She is adm ired by such greats
as Liza M inelli and Peter Allen.
Ms. Ambrose was also recently
featured as the headline perform er at
the Russian Embassy in W ashington,
D.C. for the presentation of the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Peace Award to So­
viet P resident M ikhail G obachev
which had been sponsored by the
Friends (Quaker) W orld College o f
Hungtington, New York. The award
was presented by Coretta Scott King.
Ms. Ambrose was invited to per­
form the New York presentation by
United Nations Hans Janacek and the
Q uakercollege’s Larry W eiss because
of her trem endous involvem ent in the
starting of the King Peace Award three
years ago. Since that time, Ambrose
has toured the United States and E u­
rope as part o f the Peace Award cer­
Following the concert, ambrose
‘World’s Greatest
Transit Stuff’
Tri-M et has received some 4,300
requests for the “W orld’s Greatest T ran­
sit S tu ff’ kit in the first two weeks o f its
fall advertising campaign.
The advertising campaign invites
people to call 238-RID E to get the kit.
The campaign and kit aim at educating
people about the benefits of riding tran­
sit, and making it easy for them to try
Tri-M et is mailing the kits to those
who call or send in coupons from the
newspaper. W hen the kit arrives, it
provides everything needed to under­
stand and ride Tri-M et. The kit includes
a new full-color route map, how-to-ride
information, a wallet card with how-to-
ride tips, schedules, fare and zone charts,
a bus and more.
“The kit gives potential customers
everything they need to walk out the
Free Breast
Cancer Seminar
W omen can learn the latest infor­
mation about how to detect and treat
breast cancer during national Breast
Cancer Month at a free seminar spon­
sored by Legacy Health System.
“ B re a st H e a lth : W h at E v e ry
W oman Should K now ” will be held
W ednesday, Oct. 14,7-9 p.m. at G ood
Samaritan Hospital & M edical Center,
Neurological Sciences Center A udito­
rium, 1040 N. W. 22nd.
Speakers w ill include: A ngela
Kalasiak, M .D.,oncologist; Robert Cra­
ven, M .D., radiologist; John Zelco,
M .D ., general surgeon; and B ruce
W ebber, M .D., plastic surgeon. They
will discuss new m ethods o f early de­
tection, the latest treatm ent options,
and the controversy about breast im ­
Pre-registration is required by call­
ing Legacy Health System at 335-3500.
door of their homes and hop on Tri-
M et,” Tri-M et General m anager Tom
W alsh said. “This is our most visible
advertising initiative in recent years
aimed at achieving an important goal -
- to attract enough new custom ers to
triple ridership by the year 2005. By
increasing Tri-M et ridership, w e’ll be
keeping the air clean, reducing traffic
congestion and maintaining the quality
o f life we all enjoy as the metropolitan
area grow s.”
The TV com m ercials join adver­
tising in newspapers and on buses and
bus bum per stickers in a com prehen­
sive informational campaign. All em ­
phasize the use of a new phone number,
238-RIDE, which also serves as Tri-
M et’s trip planning information num ­
ber. Tri-M et telephone lines are now
open 24 hours a day to take calls for kits.
Media Invited To
Tri-Met Mobility
Fair For Seniors
And Disabled
M embers o f the media are invited
to attend a Mobility Fair for seniors and
disabled residents at the M ulticultural
SeniorC enterat5325 NE Martin Luther
King, Jr. Blvd. (at NE Killingsworth)
on W ednesday, Septem ber 30 from
11 am to 1 pm. The fair will helpelderly
and disabled residents learn to use new
lifts on Tri-M et buses in a relaxed set­
Organizers of the Mobility Fair
include the Elderly Safety Coalition,
T ri-M et, and the Urban League o f
Portland’s M ulticultural SeniorCenter.
“ Many seniors do not know about
special equipm ent that exists to help
them use Tri-M et buses," said Urban
League Senior Services Director B ar­
bara Cotton. “W e hope the M obility
Fair will help seniors and disabled resi­
dents becom e more independent and
m obile.”
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